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Measurement Conversions: Metric & Imperial Worksheet

Lesson 2.1- Converting Measurements
Day 01
The Metric System
Use your conversion sheet to convert the following.
Example #1: Convert the following
a) 35cm = _____________mm
b) 45km = _______________m
c) 300mm = ___________cm
d) 45m = ______________km
Things are a little different when you are converting square units
a) 4 m2 = ___________cm2
b) 45cm2 = ________________mm2
Imperial System
Example #2: Convert the following imperial measurements.
a) 210 oz = ____________lbs
b) 22222 ft = _____________miles
c) 15 yds = ____________ft
d) 18 gallons = _____________ Liters
d) 176 mi2 = ________________ft2
e) 4 gal = ____________ pt
Example #3: Calculate the area and the perimeter of the following shape. Write your answer in cm.
6 inches
12 inches