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Cultural Studies: Key Concepts & Definitions

1. What is cultural studies?
The study of how a society creates and shares meaning
2. Define three reasons which influenced on cultural studies formation
 Discovery by Europeans in the 18th-19th centuries new lands –
Colonization process (Expanding of economical influence and research
ethnos groups for …)
 Development of Evolutionism ideas - social Darwinist paradigms (refusing
of teocentrism, religious beliefs)
 Problems in theoretical philosophical science: Environmental determinism,
Noble savage theory
3. Define three most right definitions of culture
 A general process of intellectual, spiritual and aesthetic development;
 A particular way of life, whether of a people, a group or humanity in
 The works and practices of intellectual and especially artistic activity.
4. Culture solves human needs of communication thanks to…
Means of communication – Language
5. Culture solves human regulation of reproduction needs thanks to…
Regulation of reproduction – Family
6. Culture solves human needs of power determination thanks to…
Determination of power – Status
7. Culture solves human needs of rules system thanks to…
System of rules – Government
8. Culture solves human needs of humanity`s significant lessons saving
thanks to…
Significant lessons – History
9. What is the main feature of culture-specific approach?
 Help to understand a particular culture group.
 Don`t account for in-group differences
10. The founder of cultural studies as an independent science is…
German Enlightenment J. Herder
11.The founder of cultural anthropology is
Edward Burnett Tylor
12. Cultural studies as an independent science stood out from the
composition of humanitarian knowledge in…
1782 (не точно)
13. The concept of "culture" was introduced into scientific use by:
Johann Christoph Adelung or Samuel von Pufendorf (не точно)
14. Culture is transmitted by...
Social agents
15. What problems are global?
Cultural identity
16. What does “cultural study” mean in translation from Latin?
17. Cultural studies is a science about:
The study of how society creates and shares meaning
18. Cultural studies research…
Means of communication – Language
Regulation of reproduction – Family
Determination of power – Status
System of rules – Government
Significant lessons – History
Relationship to nature – Science, religion, myth
Conception of time – Temporality
Significant lessons – History
Cultural representations – Art, music, dance
19. Another name for "theory of creation" is…
20. A system of belief that affirms the advantage of its own culture and its
inherent value system and lifestyle over all others is called...
Religion or Humanism(не точно)
21. What is the main feature of culture-general approach?
 Help to understand how culture “works” in people`s live – universal
 Suggest questions to ask of any culture
22. Which spheres of human life does culture cover?
 Biological (food, sex, all physical needs);
 Material (tools, clothes, house);
 Spiritual (language, worldview, esthetic);
 Social (communication types, social relations).
23. Call the main sources of cultural identity
 Nationality
 Social class, status
 Gender
 Health
 Age
 Geographic region
 Religion
 Language
 Ability/Disability
24. Next social agents transmit cultural knowledge
 Family
 School
 Community (peer group, neighborhood)
 Media
 The Arts
 Workplace
 Technology
25. Call main results of socialization
 Ethnocentrism
 Perception
 Categorization
 Stereotypes
26. Give definition for ethnocentrism concept
Tendency to evaluate others according to the own ethnos standards
27. Give definition for perception concept
What we see, hear, feel, taste and smell is shaped in part by our culture
28. Give definition for categorization concept
Cognitive process by which all humans beings simplify their world by grouping
similar stimuli
29. Give definition for stereotypes concept
Socially constructed categories of people, play ethnocentric ideas of “the other”
30. Identify main features of monochronic time people
 Organize their lives around time by relying heavily on timekeeping instruments
like clocks, calendars, computers and cell-phone reminders
 Emphasize schedules, the segmentation of time, and promptness
 One thing at a time
 Very tangible; speak
 Of time as being saved, spent, wasted, lost,
 Made up, crawling, killed, and running out
 Time is arbitrary and imposed
 Time is woven into the fabric of existence, it determines and coordinates
everything people do. In fact, social and business life, even one’s sex life, is
commonly schedule-dominated
 Oriented to tasks, schedules, and procedures
31. Identify main features of polychronic time people
 do many things simultaneously, more concerned with people and the present
moment than with schedules
 believe that they are in command of
 time rather than being controlled by it
 several things at once
 Appointments are not taken as seriously
 and, as a consequence, are frequently broken
 Matters seem in a constant state of flux
 Nothing is solid or firm, particularly plans for the future, even important plans
may be changed right up to the minute of execution
 Oriented to people
32. Find one wrong feature of postmodern cultural space
 Main features:
 defined by cultural practices - languages spoken, identities enacted, rituals
performed - and they often change as new people move in and out of these
 created in the Internet - chat rooms where people meet in real time and interact
primarily for recreational purposes - assuming their own or another identity;
 both tenuous and dynamic;
 created within existing places, without following any particular guide;
 there is no marking off of territory, no sense of permanence or official
 exists only while it is used.
33. Who created cultural dimensions theory?
Geert Hofstede
34. Define “power distance” cultural dimension
The degree society is comfortable with influencing upwards. Accept of
inequality in distribution on power in society
35. Define “collectivism and individualism” cultural dimension
How group needs are prioritized vs the needs of person
36. Define “uncertainty avoidance” cultural dimension
Fear of innovation and changes, back into past for searching Absolute Truth
37. Define “short-term orientation and long term orientation” cultural
Denotes the time orientation of culture. LT planning for future, ST for past
and present
38. Define wrong socio-cultural type in modern Kazakh culture
 Archaic
 Mankurt
 Marginal
 Eurasian
39. Define wrong feature of archaic socio-cultural type
 Human accept value system (group, ethnic, state)
 Worldview on the past (myths, customs), reconstruction of past
 Ethnocultural consciousness is divided on opposition such as: “we and not
 As result – degeneration
 Characterized for epoch of changing
 Not ability for assimilation
40. Define wrong feature of mankurt socio-cultural type
 Human who lost his spiritual roots, forget about traditions, customs and
their meanings
 Mankurtism is the result of external influence (colonial politics)
 Absence of historical memory
41. Define wrong feature of marginal socio-cultural type
 Staying on the edge, “transit zone”
 Destabilization of spiritual condition
 People, who left society by their own decision or who was separated by
 Born as a result of value system
42. Define wrong feature of eurasian socio-cultural type
 Born as a result of expansion
 “Broken consciousness”, who is always between West and East, by Hegel
 No separation, trying to collaborate
 Development of cultural pluralism
 Collaboration of Kazakh traditional and West cultures
43. Define main idea of past orientation human life in culture
On the past (cultures where traditions and ancestors are highly valued)
44. Define main idea of present orientation human life in culture
On the present (cultures that have no traditions and do not believe in destiny)
45. Define main idea of future orientation human life in culture
On the future (unknown are always better than the past, changes are always
46. Call main cultural forms
Cultural forms - ways in which the conditions necessary for the satisfaction and
development of humanneeds materialized.
 Myth
 Art
47. Call main forms of spiritual culture
Spiritual culture – religion, art, philosophy (creative activity)
48. Call main forms of social culture
Social culture – morality, law and politics (social ideals, norms and values)
49. Call main forms of technological culture
Technological culture – science, technics (development and processing any
50. What is not considerable in libido?
Desire for creation (love, generosity, joyful work, art, progeny)
51. What is not considerable in mortido?
Desire for destruction(enmity, hate, blind anger and terrible pleasures)
52. Define wrong level in the pyramid of axiological principles
Final values (human life, freedom, justice, beauty, happiness, love,
friendship, honor and dignity of the person, legality, humanism)
Instrumental values (books, sport, art, job)
Derivative Values (effects or expressions of other values)
53. Characterize “theoretical” person according axiological typology
The most high value is True. Rational and critical worldview. Highly
developed intellect and devotes himself to scientific activity.
54. Characterize “religious” person according axiological typology
Comprehending the unity to the world and search for the meaning of
55. Characterize “political” person according axiological typology
The most high value is power. The desire to rule and control people.
56. Characterize “social” person according axiological typology
The most high value is love of society. Altruism and self-sacrifice.
57. Characterize “aesthetic” person according axiological typology
The most high value are beauty, harmony. Love to art.
58. Characterize “economic” person according axiological typology
The most high value is benefit. Don`t accept abstract knowledge.
59. Characterize “receptive type” according social types of human
character by E. Fromm
• Passive and dependent
• Not able to do anything without help
• Trusting and sentimental
• More strives to be loved than to love
60. Characterize “exploitative type” according social types of human
character by E. Fromm
• Self-confident
• Strives to gain authority and use people
• Not capable to creation
• Self-centered, aggressive, impulsive
61. Characterize “accumulative type” according social types of human
character by E. Fromm
• Seeks to possess as many material wealth, power, love as possible
• Not able to change his views
• Conservative, suspicious and very careful
62. Characterize “market type” according social types of human character
by E. Fromm
• Unstable behavior
• Consider everything and everybody as a stock market
• Motto: “I'm such as you want to see me”
• Detachment from deep feelings
63. Characterize “productive type” according social types of human
character by E. Fromm
• Able to create
• Honest, responsible for his actions, humanу, concern for the welfare of
• Independentand free
64. Is deviant behavior a fatal component of each culture?
 R. Merton – any society needs in deviant and delinquent behavior. It
comes as a “compensation” for not satisfied needs
 Deviant behavior is relative
Socio-cultural norms
65. Which problem is not relative to axiology of daily life?
• Sensory hunger (Emotional discharge and thirsty of thrill )
• Consumerism (“To have” does not mean “to be” )
• Life meaning problem (Culture gives to human ability to create meaning of
life – existential questions )
• Repression of person (Make money for spend money )
66. What is “passionarians” according to L. Gumilev`s ethnogeny theory?
Special psychic energy
67. Identify possible option for each ethnic group in development process
according to L. Gumilev
Special psychic
Spreads its
Ethnos origin
One place of
Collaborates and
68. Identify three main features of autostereotypes
• what people think about their own people
• Important part of national self-consciousness
• Promotes collaboration and self-affirmation of nation
69. Identify three main features of heterostereotypes
• what people think about other people
• More critical than AS
• Source of national prejudice
70. Do ethnical self-consciousness and national self-consciousness match?
Ethnical self-consciousness
depends on human origin
National self-consciousness
depends on human including in
semiotic field and feeling of
involvement in it
71. Identify main features of socio-cultural world
SCW is a society characterized by specific type of culture
Main features:
 General informational and semiotic environment;
 Unlike national cultures, they do not necessarily arise on the basis of ethnic
community and may cover different nations and countries;
 Isolation from the external environment.
72. Give explanation for historical types of culture
• Primitive culture
• Antique culture
• Middle Age culture
• Renaissance
• New Time culture
• Modern culture
73. Give explanation for regional cultures
Superethnic cultural communities, created in certain geographical area for a long
historical time (Latin American culture )
74. Give explanation for civilizations
Special forms of society differing in such characteristics as spiritual life,
techniques, economics and religion (Sumerian civilization)
75. Define wrong feature of primitive culture
 The longest period in human history
 Syncretism
 Non-writtenness
 Nonverbal form of communication
 Rituals
 Magical character of actions
 Absence of individual self-consciousness
 Taboo
 Mythological consciousness
76. Define wrong feature of Antique culture
 Unified religious and mythological system
 Trade and shipping
 Public political life
 Craftwork
 Military art
 Alphabetical writing
 Philosophy
77. Define wrong feature of Middle Age culture
(Christianity, Old traditions of Greco-Roman culture, Spirit of barbarism)
 Irrationalism
 Mysticism
 Ignorance
 Dominating of collective consciousness
 Cult of asceticism
 Church
 “Crimes against Faith”
 Heretics
 Religious education
78. Put Renaissance periods in historical way
 “Trecento” (Petrarch, Boccaccio, Giotto)
“Quattrocento” (Leonardo da Vinci)
High Renaissance “Gold Age” (Raphael and Michelangelo)
“Cincvecento” (Titian, Caravaggio)
Renaissance ideas go beyond Italy (German, Spain, Netherlands)
79. Define wrong feature of Renaissance epoch
 Humanism
 Person
 Aristocrat of spirit
 Choice own fate
 Elitist
 Destruction of ascetic moral
 Reformation
 Transit culture
80. Define wrong feature of modern culture
(SOCIAL mobility, Movement options, Information diversity, Sociobiological security, Increase in life expectancy )
Information society
New art movements
Mass culture
Technical progress
Repressive culture
Pluralism and unification
81. How did Henry Ford influence on historical process?
 Changed Engineering Philosophy
 The minimum price is $ 350 instead of $ 1,000
 Refusal of extravagances
 Division of labour principle
 Introduced $5 per shift instead of $2.34
 Refusal of qualified workers
 Employees had to lead a very healthy lifestyle
 Refusal of providers - all parts were produced by the company
 1.5 hours to assemble the chassis instead of 12 hours
 The first large-scale conveyor - 1913 year
82. Define main belief of Modern culture
83. Define main belief of Renaissance time
84. Define main belief of Middle Age culture
85. Define main belief of primitive culture
Syncretism - Myths
86. Give definition for “symbols” in semiotics
Symbols - not only point to some object, but also have an additional meaning,
which express general ideas and concepts related to interpretation of object
87. Give definition for “indexes” in semiotics
Indexes – some objects or situations having a compact, easily visible form for
distinguish these objects and situations from a number of others
88. Give explanation for constructive function of language
Verbal constructions and reality understanding
89. Give explanation for nominative function of language
Subjects of thinking
90. Give explanation for accumulative function of language
Fixing and saving of knowledge
91. Identify wrong concept for Sapir–Whorf language hypothesis
People worldview depends on language system (language is not just an
instrument of expressing and formalizing thoughts, language determines the
course of our thought processes and their results, words with no direct
equivalents in other languages, Lacunas, gaps)
92. What is verbal illusionism?
Verbal Illusionism – verbal mirage, which replaces reality
93. Put evolution of communication types by Marshall McLuhan in
historical way
 Tribal society
 Millennium of phonetic writing
 The Gutenberg Galaxy
 Modern "electric" civilization
94. Define wrong feature for Era of tribal man
 Oral speech is prevailed
 Not able to save information
 Sensory perception of world
95. Define wrong feature for Phonetic writing
 The invention of the phonetic alphabet
 First step from collective consciousness to individual person
 Visual forms of communication
96. Define wrong feature for The Gutenberg Galaxy
 Typography spreading
 Formation of governments and languages
 Individual comprehending of True
 Creation of new technologies
Developing of mass production – born of “Industrial Man”
97. Define wrong feature for Electric civilization
 1844 y. Electrical telegraph`s invention – destruction of The Gutenberg
 Accelerating the information spread
 Disappearing of individualism
 Continuous inclusion in world information net
 Hearing and tactility are leading ways of perception AGAIN
 “Global village”
 “New tribal man”
98. What is cultural doubling?
When all the achievements of mankind, fully reflected earlier in written
texts, start to receive an audiovisual expression
99. Define wrong feature of gender in hunter society
• Monogamy
• Two line generation system
• Absence of social stratification
• Human life is the center
• Children growing
100. Do concepts of “sex” and “gender” the same?
 Sex- Biological features
 Gender -Social norms of men and women behavior
- “Explaining construct”
- Constructed by culture
101. Define wrong feature of gender in cattle breeding society
• Economic control of men
• Dependent role of women
• Family reputation is the highest value
• Enmity between men
• Growing men as warriors
102. Define wrong feature of gender in agrarian society
• Genders interdependence
• Men in public sphere – women in domestic
• Woman as a “property”
• “Rules” for women behavior
• “Mother of boy” status
103. Define wrong feature of gender in industrial society
• Strong social stratification between men and women
• Consumerism phenomenon
• “Mirror ceiling” phenomenon
• Sexual freedom
• High level of divorces
104. Define wrong feature of gender in information society
• Physical work is not so necessary
• Reduction of danger type of job
• Coming to gender equality