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Corruption in India: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions

Corruption is a social evil.
In present, corruption is growing rapidly in india and is one of the most corrupted countries. It has
become a rapidly growing social problem for the Indian society. But what is corruption?
In simple terms, corruption is the misuse of political power for individual benefits. Due to this, it may
harm any other individual or an organisation. It is present in almost every developing or underdeveloped country now.
 Causes:
There are many causes of corruption such as1. Less salary paid to the government officials: The government employees are paid less
compared to the people in the private sector. This triggers them to earn more money by
taking bribes from rich people.
2. Opaque
 Impact:
Corruption had many impacts on society. Few of them are economic losses, loss of
credibility, disadvantage to honest business that miss out on government contracts.
 Solutions to a corruption-free India:
Maintaining transparency in every government action and transactions, and being
responsible citizens of our country and asking questions to the government about
the usage the income taxes and new schemes.
Therefore, the young generation of this nation should take the responsibility and step
forward to completely eradicate corruption, arrest and punish the officers who are
corrupt and make this country a better place to live.
The causes of corruption in India include excessive regulations, complicated tax, numerous
government departments with opaque bureaucracy and discretionary powers and the lack of
transparent laws and processes. There are significant variations in the level of corruption and in the
government's efforts to reduce corruption across India. Vast size of population coupled with
widespread literacy and the poor economic infrastructure lead to endemic corruption in
public life.