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lesson 1

• Understand the relationship between sociology and architecture
• Enable architects understand how they can use social knowledge to
improve building designs.
• Understand how architectural forms both influence and react to
sociocultural phenomena.
• Understand how society and social practices also influence
Goal of Sociology of Architecture
• The main task of architectural sociology is to enable architects
to present a sociological perspective on urban and building
• Sociological perspective is the view that our social backgrounds
influence our attitudes, behavior and life chances
• Sociology is a social science that studies human societies, their interactions, and the
processes(sociocultural, political,economic and infomedia) that preserve and change them. It
does this by examining the dynamics of constituent parts of societies such as
institutions, communities, populations, and gender, racial, or age groups.
• Sociology also studies social status(ascribed or achieved), social movements(campaigns in
support of a social goal), and social change (alteractions of mechanisms within the social
structure), as well as societal disorder in the form of crime, deviance, and revolution.
• Social life overwhelmingly regulates the behaviour of humans, largely because humans lack the
instincts that guide most animal behaviour. Humans therefore depend on social institutions and
organizations to inform their decisions and actions. Given the important role organizations play in
influencing human action, it is sociology’s task to discover how organizations affect the behaviour
of persons, how they are established, how organizations interact with one another, how they
decay, and, ultimately, how they disappear. Among the most basic organizational structures are
economic, religious, educational, and political institutions, as well as more specialized institutions
such as the family, the community, the military, peer groups, clubs, and volunteer associations.
• Sociology is a branch of social sciences that involves the systematic study of societies and social
interactions to understand individuals , groups and institutions, through data collection and
What is a society?
• Society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group
sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and
dominant cultural expectations.
• A large group of interacting people in a defined territory, sharing a common culture
Its subject matter ranges from micro scale all the way to macro scale.
• Microsociology is small scale sociological analysis that studies the behavior of people in face-toface social interactions and small groups to understand what they do,say and think.
• Macrosociology is the study of larger organizations, communities, and societies in which
individuals live
• Sociology is a broad discipline in terms of methodology and subject
matter. Its traditional focusses have included;
1. Social relations
2. Social stratification
3. Social interaction
4. Culture and deviance
Its approaches have included qualitative and quantitative research
Society is constantly changing over time. Some argue it
is growing and other say it is shrinking. What is your
opinion? Give reasons for your answer.