❖ Topics • Imbalance, eccentricity and bent shaft • Mechanical looseness • Analysis of gears • Analysis of belt driven machines • Rolling element bearing analysis • Analysis of pumps, compressor and fans • Analysis of induction motors • Misalignment, Cocked bearing and soft foot Mass unbalance “A shaft’s geometric centerline and mass centerline do not coincide.” Understanding imbalance ▪ The “ center of geometry “ is the line through the shaft and bearings. ▪ The “ center of mass ” is the point about which the mass is evenly distributed. Causes of imbalance ▪ Uneven dirt accumulation on fan rotors ▪ Lack of homogeneity in materials, especially in casting (e.g. bubbles, porous section, blow holes) ▪ Cracked rotors ▪ Uneven corrosion and erosion of rotors ▪ Uneven mass distribution in electrical windings Spectral data ▪ We expect to see a high 1X peak in the radial direction ▪ Sinusoidal time waveform ▪ Phase analysis is important Ex2 1.0 IF - Example 2 -F1H Fan Inboard Horizontal Waveform Display 02-Feb-00 15:13:51 0.8 PK = .5289 LOAD = 100.0 RPM = 2985. RPS = 49.76 0.6 Acceleration in G- s 0.4 PK(+) = .8332 PK(-) = .8893 CRESTF= 2.38 0.2 -0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Revolution Number 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Imbalance (Types) – Static Unbalance – Couple Unbalance – Dynamic Unbalance ❖ Static Unbalance ▪ Static unbalance is caused by an unbalance mass out of the gravity centerline. Imbalance (Types) ▪ The static unbalance results in 1X forces on both bearings of the rotor, and the forces on both bearings are always in the same direction. ▪ The vibration signals from them are "in phase" with each other. Imbalance (Types) ❖ Couple Unbalance ▪ Couple unbalance is caused by two identical unbalance masses located at 180° in the transverse area of the shaft. Imbalance (Types) ▪ Couple unbalance may be statically balanced. When rotating dynamic unbalance produces a vibration signal at 1X, radial predominant and in opposite phase signals in both shaft extremes. Imbalance (Types) ❖ Dynamic Unbalance ▪ Dynamic unbalance is combination of both static and couple unbalance at the same time. Imbalance (Types) ▪ In practice, dynamic unbalance is the most common form of unbalance found. When rotating the dynamic unbalance produces a vibration signal at 1X, radial predominant and the phase will depend on the mass distribution along the axis. Vertical oriented machines ▪ High vibration is at 1X in radial direction ▪ Vibration typically highest at vertically highest point ▪ In phase on both extreme of shaft Overhung rotor unbalance ▪ High vibration at 1xTs (1 Order) ▪ High in radial and axial direction ▪ Measurement should be taken from the bearing closest to the overhung impeller ▪ Phase reading will be ”0” degree in axial direction Imbalance case study Background|: ▪ The following data is taken from a Recirculation Fan designed to circulate the hot air through an Oven to aid with drying the process. The oven is vertically mounted and the product comes into the oven from the top and exits at the bottom. There is one Recirculation Fan and one Extract Fan. Loss of function from either fan results in the oven being taken offline. ▪ The spectral plots shows a dominant 1xTs peak (1 Order) with very little other vibration present. Route Wav eform 08-Nov-04 14:16:45 RMS = 4.66 LOAD = 100.0 RPM = 1246. RPS = 20.77 4 Velocity in mm/Sec ▪ Time waveform is sinusoidal as shown in velocity Bm/c - TOP RECIRC FAN TRF B m/c -F2H Fan Outboard Horizontal 8 PK(+) = 7.03 PK(-) = 7.40 CRESTF= 1.59 0 -4 -8 -12 0 1 2 3 Revolution Number 4 5 Imbalance case study ▪ The amplitudes should be checked in both radial directions to confirm this problem. Bm/c - TOP RECIRC FAN TRF B m/c - Multiple Points (08-Nov -04) Max Amp 4.27 Plot Scale TRF B m/c -F2V RMS Velocity in mm/Sec 5 TRF B m/c -F2H TRF B m/c -F1V 0 TRF B m/c -F1H 0 8000 16000 24000 Frequency in CPM ▪ The fan was recommended to be cleaned at the next available opportunity and for it to be re-tested afterwards. Eccentricity “Shaft centerline is not coincident with the rotational centerline.” Eccentricity ▪ Eccentricity generates very similar vibration pattern to imbalance. ▪ The object (pulley, gear, etc.) will “wobble” around the false center, producing a strong radial vibration. ▪ In case of eccentricity, a strong parodic vibration is produced along the length of belts. Spectral data ▪ We expect to see a high 1X peak in the radial direction ▪ Horizontal and vertical phase reading usually differ either by 0° or by 180°. Bent shaft “A shaft bending is produced either by an axial asymmetry of the shaft or by external forces on the shaft producing the deformation. ” Spectral data ▪ The bent shaft creates axial and radial vibration. ▪ High 1X in axial vibration • 2X if bend is closer to coupling ▪ Axial phase is 180° out-of-phase Mechanical looseness ▪ Looseness can be broken down into two main categories, Structural (non-rotating) looseness and Component (rotating) looseness Mechanical looseness ❑ Component (Rotating) looseness generally occurs when there is excessive clearance to the components within the machine, such as: • Excessive clearance between the shaft and bearings. • Excessive clearance between the shaft and an impeller etc. ❑ Rotating looseness occur due to: • Improper fit, bearing loose on shaft, and excessive clearance. • Can also occur due to significant bearing wear . Spectral data ▪ Multiple harmonics and can extend beyond up to 10X order ▪ The Noise floor can be raised Do you notice that the negative peaks are bigger than the positive? Mechanical looseness ❑ Structural (non-rotating) looseness occurs when there is free movement within the machines support structure causing excessive vibration. This can be a result of: • Loose support bolts to the components feet and supports • Cracked welds • Deterioration of the base itself. Spectral data ▪ Structural looseness may produce a 1X signal in the radial direction predominant in the horizontal reading. ▪ Measurements should be made on the bolts, feet and bases ▪ 180° phase difference will confirm this problem. Case study ▪ Introduction: ▪ Data had been collected on the following fan for several months as part of a routine periodic vibration data collection. During a routine visit to the machine it was observed that there was a lot of low frequency activity showing around the bearing on the inboard of the fan (F1H). Case study ▪ The multiple plots shown above indicate the change over time from the data taken on F1H. • It is quite apparent that the data shown here is indicating multiple harmonics of the 1xTs frequency (the rise energy as you move further away from the 1xTs). • This type of data is common to that of a looseness problem. Case study ▪ The waveform data taken for this particular point is not showing a random type of waveform pattern which you would expect from Structural looseness, but there is a more a repeatable (timed interval) pattern. M2237 3 40 - Precip Fan -F1H Fan Inboard Horizontal Analyze Waveform 18-Sep-02 09:24:16 2 RMS = .3747 LOAD = 100.0 RPM = 998. (16.63 Hz) Acceleration in G-s 1 PK(+) = 2.36 PK(-) = 2.83 CRESTF= 7.55 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0 100 200 300 400 Time in mSecs 500 600 700 800 Case study ▪ This type of waveform would more be indicating Component looseness and may indicate a problem with a loose bearing. Conclusion: ▪ It was recommended that the bearing should be inspected at the next available opportunity. • Upon inspection it was found that the bearing was a ‘Taper-Lock’ bearing and the taper lock was loose, thus resulting in excessive clearance between the bearing and the rotor. Gear box defects ▪ Gears are commonly used in industry to provide the speed and power transmission. ▪ Gears can provide speed changes and torque transmission without slip. ▪ Regardless of gear type they all produce the same basic vibration patterns and characteristics when a defect is present. ▪ We will explore the failure modes, measurement techniques, and methods available for the vibration analyst to detect and diagnose fault conditions. Forcing frequencies ▪ Input speed ▪ Output speed ▪ The gear mesh frequency (GMF) • Input speed x Tin ▪ Hunting tooth frequency: HTF ▪ HTF = GMF X Na/ (Tin x Tout). Gear Mesh= Number of teeth X Shaft speed Output speed= Input speed X Input teeth/Output teeth Forcing frequencies ▪ Two mating gears will generate a frequency known as the GMF and will show in the spectral data regardless of gear condition. Calculating GMF – Single Reduction ▪ Single Reduction Gear Train – The GMF is simply defined as the number of teeth on a gear multiplied by its turning speed GMF = (#teeth) x (Turning speed) ▪ Example: – Consider the following gear train, INPUT OUTPUT Input = 1490RPM Gear 1 = 44 Teeth Gear 2 = 71 Teeth GMF = #teeth x turning speed GMF = 44teeth x 1490 RPM GMF = 65560 CPM or 65560/60 = 1092.6 Hz Calculating GMF – Multi Reduction ▪ Calculating the GMF for gearboxes that have multiple trains use the following. GMF = (#teeth) x (Turning speed) Gear Ratio = (#teeth in) / (#teeth out) Speed out = (Speed in) x (Gear Ratio) ▪ Example: – Consider the following gear train: INPUT OUTPUT Input = 1490RPM Gear 1 Gear 2 = 15 teeth = 21 teeth Gear 3 Gear 4 = 19 teeth = 54 teeth Calculating GMF – Multi Reduction INPUT Input = 1490RPM Gear 1 Gear 2 = 15 teeth = 21 teeth Gear 3 Gear 4 = 19 teeth = 54 teeth OUTPUT Gear Ratio 1 Speed Out = 15 teeth / 21 teeth = 1490 RPM x 0.714 = 0.714 = 1064.28 RPM Gear Ratio 2 Speed Out = 19 teeth / 54 teeth = 1064.28 RPM x 0.351 = 0.351 = 374.47 RPM GMF 1 = 1490 RPM x 15 teeth = 22350 CPM GMF 2 = 1064.28 RPM x 19 teeth = 20221.32 CPM Gears – Sideband Frequencies ▪ Sidebands are the most common indication that a gear is defected. • Sidebands are equally spaced frequencies in the spectral data that materialise either side of the main GMF peak. • The sideband frequency spacing is equal to either the turning speed of the input gear or the turning speed of the output gear. ▪ Sidebands show in the data when either the gear is worn, loose or eccentric. • The speed of the shaft with the bad gear on it will produce the most dominant sidebands in the spectral data. Gears – Sideband Frequencies ▪ The spectral data shows GMF with sideband data. • The sidebands are equally spaced at intervals of 310 CPM. This is indicating the gear that rotates at 310 RPM is the one that is worn or damaged. Vibration analysis ▪ 1X of input, output speed and intermediate shafts ▪ Gear mesh (GM) frequency peak will be present • 2xGM and 3xGM may also be present • Spur gears: Higher in radial direction • Helical gears: Higher in axial direction Time waveform analysis ▪ Time waveform is a very powerful analysis tool when attempting to diagnose gear faults. ▪ Gears can produce different types of waveforms, the one shown below is indicating gear wear. • As the defective teeth come into mesh the noise generated increases showing an increase in amplitude in the vibration data X401A 1.5 FPP - SAND MILLS (OLD)A -G3A Shaft 02 Inboard Axial Route W aveform 07-Nov -02 09:11:53 1.2 PK = .4580 LOAD = 100.0 RPM = 311. (5.19 Hz) 0.9 Acceleration in G-s 0.6 PK(+) = 1.27 PK(-) = 1.13 CRESTF= 3.91 0.3 0 -0.3 -0.6 -0.9 -1.2 -1.5 0 1 2 3 Revolution Number 4 5 6 Gear Eccentric/ Backlash ▪ Eccentric gears produce greater modulation: Higher amplitude modulation. ▪ 1xGMF and 3xGMF will be prominent. ▪ Gear backlash will also generate shaft speed sidebands around the gear mesh frequency. ▪ Backlash may also excite the gear natural frequency Misaligned gear ▪ Misaligned gears will also generate a 1xGM frequency with sidebands, however 2xGM will be dominant ▪ It is therefore important to set your frequency range (Fmax) high enough to see these frequency Cracked or broken tooth ▪ A cracked or broken tooth will generate a high amplitude peak at the turning speed of the gear. ▪ Gear natural frequency may be excited ▪ There will be sidebands of the turning speed of that gear. Case study ▪ The following case study is from a motor gearbox unit that drives a roller. • Product (Fibre) is fed along the top of the roll while being washed through a series of baths. • There are several of these Wash Nip Rollers in a continuous stream, failure of any one of them results in lost production • Data is collected on a fortnightly basis as part of a routine data collection route Case study ▪ The spectral data shown below is taken from the motor in the axial direction • (As the motor is mounted directly into the gearbox the first helical gear is mounted on the end of the motor shaft). • The GMF is highlighted by the primary cursor at 49 Orders • The fault frequency data (dotted lines) indicate the sideband data showing gear wear on the first gear in the gear train Case study ▪ The waveform data is showing a distinct pattern commonly associated with gears. ▪ The amplitude increases In noise as the damaged teeth come into mesh • Producing over 2G-s of force in both the positive and negative direction Case study ▪ The gears were inspected due to the critical nature of the asset. It was found the gear to be severely damaged. ▪ A new gearbox was fitted and new data was taken showing the difference between the good and bad gear Belt defects ▪ Belts are the most common low cost way to transmit power from one shaft to another. • Belt drives rely on friction between the belt and pulley to transmit power between drive and driven shafts ▪ The ability of belt to transmit power depends upon 1. 2. 3. 4. Belt Tension (tension on the belt holds it tightly against the sheave) Friction between the belt and sheave The arc of contact between the belt and sheave (Wrap) The speed of the belt Belt defects ▪ Belt defects can be considered non-critical faults ▪ Relative ease of replacement and requiring minimum downtime • But belt defects are a major contributor to the overall vibration of the machine resulting in premature failure of other machine components. ▪ Belts can be easily damaged by heat, oil and grease. ▪ Due to slippage on the sheaves they can not be used where exact speed changes are required (except for timing belts). Belt defects ▪ Belt defects, such as cracks, broken or missing pieces, hard and soft spots can generate belt frequency (1xbelt) and harmonics • The 1xbelt frequency is sub-synchronous ▪ The predominant harmonic is typically the 2xBelt frequency and can be seen in the radial plain in-line with the belts. • Severity is judged by the number and amplitude of the harmonics seen in the spectral data Belt defects ▪ Just like two mating shafts, belt drive systems can also be misaligned in both angular and offset directions. Offset Misalignment Angular Misalignment ▪ Pulley misalignment results in high axial vibration at the shaft turning speed. • If the belt is also defected then 1xbelt frequency and harmonics may also show in the axial direction Belt defects- Frequency Calculation ▪ The fundamental belt frequency can be calculated using the following equation: Belt Freq. = (3.142 * Pulley Ts * Pulley PCD) Belt (Length) • Where: • Ts = Turning Speed • PCD = Pitch Circle Diameter • Note: The PCD and belt length must be in the same units ▪ A timing will belt will also have a specific frequency related to the number of teeth on the pulley Timing Belt Freq. = (Pulley Ts) * (# Pulley Teeth) Belt defects- Frequency Calculation ▪ Belt Frequency Calculation ▪ Belt Frequency = (3.142 * 1480 * 300) / (2000) ▪ Belt Frequency = (1395048) / (2000) ▪ Belt Frequency = 697.524 CPM – This is sub-synchronous to the 1xTs of the pulley Motor RPM Pulley Diameter Belt Length = 1480 RPM = 300 mm = 2000mm Belt defects- Spectral data ▪ The spectral data above is data taken of a motor from an Air Handling Unit. • The frequency highlighted by the primary cursor is showing the 1xTs of the motor (1st Order) • The first peak is the fundamental frequency of the belt rotation. • The second peak is the 2xbelt frequency suggesting there is damage to the belt 1 x Belt Frequency showing with harmonics Dominant 2 x Belt Frequency Case study ▪ The following data was taken on an Air Handling Unit. The Air Handling Unit is a supply fan from shared services. This is a stand alone unit with no stand by capability • The primary cursor is highlighting the 1xbelt with several harmonics. • The 2xbelt is very dominant suggesting there is damage to the belts. Case study ▪ As this is a critical machine it was recommended on the next available opportunity that the belts needed to be checked for damage and realigned. • The machine was stopped and the belts were inspected based upon the recommendation. • Significant damage was found to several of the belts during this inspection as well as worn pulleys. Bearings “A bearing is machine element that constraints relative motion between moving parts to only in the desired motion” Rolling contact bearings ▪ Load is transferred trough rolling element such as balls, straight and tapered cylinders and spherical rollers Tapered Bearing Ball Bearing Cylindrical Bearing ▪ Rolling element bearings have specific bearing failure modes that can be observed in the spectral and waveform data. Load and life ▪ L10 life factor • The life expected due to normal fatigue by 90% of bearings (10 % failure) • Ball Bearings: • Roller Bearings: Load and life ▪ As 10% load increases from misalignment reduces the calculated bearing life by one-third! ▪ If you increased the load on the bearing by 20% the life is halved! ▪ If you double the load, you reduce the life to one-seventh of its design life. Bearing defects ▪ Caused of rolling element bearings defects • • • • • • Inappropriate use of bearings Poor handling and installation Improper lubrication, lubrication method or sealing device Inappropriate speed and operating temperature Contamination by foreign matter during installation Abnormally heavy load Poor design, poor installation practices, and poor maintenance leads to reduced bearing life Defect frequencies ▪ Bearing frequencies differ from most other frequencies present within the spectral data. ▪ We can detect these frequencies in the time waveform and spectrum (velocity, acceleration and envelope). ▪ We can calculate the frequencies or find them in a database. ▪ Or we can estimated them • Bearings generate ‘non synchronous’ frequencies, harmonics and sidebands ▪ There are four main fundamental bearing defect frequencies these are: Defect frequencies Outer Race Inner Race Defect frequencies ▪ Bearing defect frequencies are calculated based upon the geometry of the bearing these calculations may include: • • • • Number of rolling elements Pitch Circle Diameter Rolling element diameter Contact angle ▪ Defined within Machinery Health Manager there are over 100000 predefined bearing stored in the CSI bearing warehouse BEARINGS in CSI Warehouse: c:\RBMsuite\SysData\CSI_CMP.WH **************************************************** BRG ID Bearing Type 12143 RHP 6218 24421 SKF 6313E 25372 SKF I-26313 #B/R 11 8 19 FTF 0.418 0.376 0.433 BSF BPFO 2.967 4.598 1.894 3.009 3.568 8.219 BPFI 6.402 4.991 10.781 How Bearing Faults Generate Vibration Defect frequenciescharacteristics ▪ Characteristics of Bearing Defects • • • • High frequency raised noise level (Hump of energy) Non-Synchronous harmonic peaks (Both low and high frequency) Time waveform will show a lot of noise/impacting Early stages of bearing wear may show better if viewed in acceleration in the frequency domain • Fundamental bearing defect frequency (First calculable frequency) may not be present in the spectral data Vibration analysis method Very high frequency ▪ Acoustic emission ▪ Shock pulse SPM, Spike energy, SEE and PeakVue High frequency ▪ Enveloping and amplitude demodulation ▪ Acceleration spectrum Mid-low frequency ▪ Velocity spectrum ▪ Time waveform analysis ▪ Overall vibration level Stage-one bearing fault ▪ Sub-surface damage only • Friction and minor impacts ▪ Very high frequency vibration • • • • • Friction: greater than 20kHz in earliest stage you can’t hear it (without assistance) Noise due to inadequate lubrication Very low levels Very short duration impacts ▪ ‘Stress waves’ or ‘shock pulses’ • 1kHz to 15kHz ▪ Traditional vibration analysis techniques are inadequate at this stage. Stage-one bearing fault Monitoring techniques ▪ Vibration Analysis (typical): 1) Standard FFT: no visible indication in velocity spectrum (may show in acceleration) 2) Spike Energy: slight increase in value (e.g. 0.25 gSE) 3) Envelope: noise floor may rise 4) PeakVue: bearing frequency peak(s) corresponding to fault type amplitude at 2-7 g’s depending on type and location ▪ Oil Analysis (typical): 1) Readings: Slight increase in elemental Fe, particle count, and WPC 2) Visual Ferrography: • Small platelet shaped particles (<30 μ) from contact fatigue • Small spherical shaped particles (<5 μ) from surface fatigue Action required Damage Life Action • Very difficult to see damage • Sub-surface damage only • 10-20 % of L10 life • Lubricate correctly • Continue monitoring Stage-two bearing fault ▪ Sub-surface damage only • Friction and minor impacts ▪ Very high frequency vibration continues to increase in amplitude ▪ Envelope (demodulation) spectrum should show signs • Defect frequencies present in spectrum ▪ Velocity spectrum still won’t indicate fault. Acceleration spectrum should indicate fault. Stage-two bearing fault Monitoring techniques ▪ Vibration Analysis (typical): 1) 2) 3) 4) Standard FFT: no visible indication in velocity spectrum Spike Energy: increase in value (e.g. 0.50 gSE) Envelope: defect frequency will be present and noise floor should rise PeakVue: bearing frequency peak(s) with increasing harmonics amplitude at 3-10 g’s depending on type and location ▪ Oil Analysis (typical): 1) Readings: elemental Fe stable but increase in particle count, WPC, and PLP 2) Visual Ferrography: • Platelet shaped particles (30-50 μ) from contact fatigue • Possible spherical shaped particles (<5 μ) from surface fatigue Action required Damage Life Action • Difficult to see damage • Sub-surface damage only • 5-10 % of L10 life • Lubricate correctly • Monitoring more frequently Stage-three bearing fault ▪ More significant damage: • Minor damage trough to more significant damage • Bearing can fail in many ways for many reasons ▪ Very high frequency vibration continues to increase in amplitude ▪ Envelope (demodulation) spectrum will be effective • Defect frequencies present in spectrum • Filters must be setup correctly ▪ Classic pattern appears in the spectrum: • Harmonics due to impacts • Modulation (sidebands) due to cyclic change in load Stage-three bearing fault ▪ Outer race fault (outer race rotating) Stage-three bearing fault ▪ Outer race fault (outer race rotating) Stage-three bearing fault ▪ Inner race fault (inner race rotating) Stage-three bearing fault ▪ Inner race fault (inner race rotating) Stage-three bearing fault ▪ Ball or roller faults Stage-three bearing fault ▪ Ball or roller fault Monitoring techniques ▪ Vibration Analysis (typical): 1) 2) 3) 4) Standard FFT: visible defect frequency in both velocity & acceleration spectrum Spike Energy: increase in value (e.g. 1.0 gSE) Envelope: defect frequency will be present and noise floor should rise PeakVue: bearing frequency peak(s) with increasing harmonics and sidebands amplitude climbs to 5-10 g’s or higher (depending on type and location) ▪ Oil Analysis (typical): 1) Readings: small change in elemental Fe, substantial increase in WPC and PLP 2) Visual Ferrography: • Sharp increase in large particles (>30μ), both platelets and cutting wear • Increased three-dimensional appearance to wear particles Action required Damage Life Action • Easy to see damage • A range of severity • <5 % of L10 life • Replace as soon as possible • Monitoring more frequently Stage-four bearing fault ▪ Significant damage: • Damage far more extensive • Damage in one component causes damage in another components • Failure is imminent ▪ Very high frequency vibration may trend downwards. • The bearing degrades so much that the spectrum becomes a mass of noise. ▪ At this point the bearing will fail at any point. ▪ Spectrum, time waveform and envelope (demodulation) spectrum analysis still effective - at first. Stage-four bearing fault ▪ As wear continue the geometry can change. • Defect frequency can change ▪ As wear continues clearance can increase. • looseness. • Increased noise ▪ As wear continues it is difficult to distinguish the frequencies. • Defect frequencies swallowed by the noise in velocity, acceleration and envelope spectrum ▪ The end is nigh! Stage-four bearing fault ▪ Outer race faults Monitoring techniques ▪ Vibration Analysis (typical): 1) 2) 3) 4) Standard FFT: discrete bearing frequencies replaced by broadband noise Spike Energy: falling levels until just before failure, then levels rise sharply Envelope: defect frequency will be present and noise floor should rise PeakVue: bearing frequency peak(s) with increasing harmonics and sidebands amplitude climbs to 10 g’s or higher (depending on type and location) ▪ Oil Analysis (typical): 1) Readings: small change in elemental Fe, substantial increase in WPC and PLP 2) Visual Ferrography: • Broad range of huge particles (75μ+) from fatigue and adhesion • Particle counts/ferrous density are excessive Action required Damage Life Action • Very easy to see damage • A range of severities • <1 % of L10 life • Replace now Bearing fault- BPFI example ▪ Typical data showing a defected inner race • Fundamental frequency showing • Harmonics low and high frequency + sidebands Bearing fault- BPFO example ▪ Data showing a defect related to the BPFO • The fundamental frequency is showing • Harmonics from low to high frequency Bearing fault- BSF examples ▪ Bearing defect showing the BSF – Rolling elements • Sidebands around the BSF = FTF Bearing fault- FTF examples ▪ The FTF is the only bearing frequency that is sub-synchronous • May not detect then with conventional vibration data • FTF defect at 0.4 orders shown in Peakvue Bearing fault- typical waveform ▪ As a bearing becomes defected then the amount of noise/force generated as the rolling elements impact the defective area increases. • This can show significant G-levels in the time waveform. This value is trended in the software as the Peak-Peak value • This data is taken from a pump with a damaged bearing – The force levels are reaching 40G-s Electric motor ▪ A motor can be simply broken down into two key components • Rotor ✓ Consists laminations with solid conductors called rotor bars ✓ A circular flow of current through these rotor bars causes the rotor to become an electromagnet which will rotate in a magnetic filed. • Stator ✓ Consists of wire wound in coils and placed in slots of an iron core. ✓ The stator produces a rotating magnetic field. Spectral data ▪ The most common electrical frequency that appears in the spectral data is the 2 x Line Frequency. ▪ The spectral plot is showing a peak at 100Hz (6000cpm) – 2xLf – This can be mistaken for misalignment Electrical defects- causes ▪ Common fault types that can produce the 2xLf peak are as follows: • • • • • • Dynamic Eccentricity – Usually Rotor Related Static Eccentricity – Usually Stator Related Loose Iron or Slot Defect – Rotor or Stator Open or Shorted Windings Insulation Breakdown or Imbalanced Phase Loose Connectors Static eccentricity ▪ Static eccentricity produces an uneven stationary air gap between the rotor and stator that produces a very directional source of vibration. • Soft foot and warped bases can produce an eccentric stator Dynamic eccentricity ▪ Eccentricity rotor produce a rotating variable air gap between the rotor and the stator. • You will see the 2xLF along with pole pass frequency side bends Case study • The following case study was taken from a glass manufacturer. The data was from the ‘Electric Front Wall Cooling Fan’. • This fan unit is a critical fan to the process and has no standby unit. • In this particular instance the motor failed shortly after the data was collected. Case study • The multi-plot above shows the same measurement point going back over the last 5 route readings. – This particular plot is useful for determining rate of change. – It is quite clear how this particular frequency suddenly appeared • Conclusion – As the motor failed shortly after data collection no action was taken to prevent failure. – The investigation in the motor showed one of the connectors had come loose causing the motor to burn out. Misalignment “Shafts are misaligned when their rotational centerlines are not collinear when the machines are operating under normal conditions.” Misalignment (Types) – Parallel Misalignment – Angular Misalignment – Most Common both of above ❖ Parallel Misalignment ▪ Parallel misalignment is produced when the centerlines are parallel but offset. Misalignment (Types) ❖ Angular Misalignment ▪ Angular misalignment is seen when the shaft centerlines coincide at one point along the projected axis of both shafts. Belt misalignment ▪ High 1X peak in the axial direction ▪ Axial phase reading will be 180° out-of-phase Cocked bearing ▪ Cocked bearing is a form of misalignment ▪ Cocked bearing can result from poor installation practices ▪ The machine itself distorts due to thermal growth or soft foot conditions Soft foot ▪ Feet of machine are not all flat on the base. Feet not at same height or bent. ▪ Can be checked by loosening/tightening of hold down blots. ▪ If a soft foot condition exists, there will be a high 1X peak in the radial direction, and often a 2X ▪ and 3X component as well ▪ Main indicator is high 2xLF (100/120 HZ) on motor. How to Check for Soft foot How to check for Soft Foot Move indicators to 12 o'clock position, depress indicators and then zero. Loose one base bolt. If indicator moves away form zero, place the amount of shims that will slide under that foot. Retighten bolt and make sure the dial indicator needle does not move. Repeat this procedure for the remaining feet. If it lifts more than 0.002" or 0.05 mm, then the soft foot condition must be corrected. Thermal Growth • Machines that operate at a considerably hotter or colder condition than the ambient room temperature should be thermally compensated. • They will “grow” or “shrink” as they heat up, or cool off The machine manufacturer’s specs are a good place to start But, the machine manufacturer probably does not know: • The exact temperature of the driver and driven machines • Ventilation quality or cooling effects • Piping strain influences • Piping thermal changes Coefficient of Thermal Expansion • The coefficient of thermal expansion describes how the size of an object changes with a change in temperature. • It measures the fractional change in size per degree change in temperature at a constant pressure. • 1-foot of steel get 100 degrees hotter, it grows about 8 mils ( 0.008″) α𝒆𝒙𝒑.𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒐𝒏 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒍 = 𝟎.𝟎𝟎𝟔𝟑×𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉×𝑻𝒆𝒎𝒑. 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 Length (Inches) Temp. Change Growth (mils) 15.0 100 9.5 15.0 125 11.8 15.0 150 14.2 15.0 175 16.5 15.0 200 21.3 However, this is not a magic formula! • Machines do not usually heat or cool at the exact same temperature top to bottom. • You need to find a mean, or average temperature of the machine from the centerline of the shaft, to the bottom of the foot. The Best Way to Know Thermal Growth Changes… Measure the machine in the cold condition, and pre-set it to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Re-measure in the hot condition, if possible. Some lasers can do this calculation for you, or you can simply plot it on paper. In addition, some laser alignment tool manufacturers sell equipment that allow you to measure the thermal changes. Shaft alignment by Using LASER Equipment The two basic components of the laser alignment system are the "emitter“ (sometimes called the "transmitter") and "detector" (sometimes called the "receiver"). Lay out of Laser Alignment Shaft alignment by Using LASER Equipment General lay out of LASER Alignment Technique General Lay out Laser beam on the measuring head Alignment Procedure Aligning Motor to Pump LASER Aligning Display Unit Reading Shows Angular & Parallel Deviation Alignment tolerance table Case study Background|: The Kiln drive gearbox motor had been replaced during a planned plant shutdown. During the start up of the plant after the shutdown it was noted that the motor and gearbox were excessively noisy. Vibration data was taken during the run up of the plant to determine the cause of the problem. • The spectral plot shown above is the data taken from the drive end of the motor. Here there is a dominant 2xTs peak. Case study ▪ In addition to the misalignment the excessive forces being applied to the machine were causing excessive loading on the gears. 0804 04 - Kiln Driv e -G2A Shaft 01 Outboard Axial 5 Max Amp 5.98 4 3 2 Amplitude - Mixed Units 1 0 29-Mar-01 09:40: 20 29-Mar-01 09:40: 09 After Shutdown 26-Mar-01 12:11: 12 23-Jan-01 15:02: 00 Before Shutdown 25-Oct-00 09:04: 17 08-Aug-00 14:06: 56 0 60 120 180 Frequency in kCPM 240 300 Case study ▪ During data collection it was also observed that the grouting around the front feet of the motor had begun to crack as a result of the excessive force being applied to the motor base and feet due to the misalignment. Conclusion: • It was confirmed the engineers that replaced the motor during the shutdown and assumed as long as they kept the shims in the correct place then alignment was not necessary. • Corrective action was required and production was stopped so the motor could be re-aligned and the mountings re-secured. Its not about having the skill to do some thing. Its about having the will, desire and commitment to be your best HAVE A GOOD PROFESSIONAL CAREER