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Seafarer Medical Exam Regulations - DGS Standards

4recommendations to approve, the Directorate General of Shipping shall approve the Medical
practitioner.The Medical Practitioner thereafter shall be issued with letter of approval in the prescribed
format asspecifiedinSchedule-II
. This approval shall be valid for empanelled Medical examiners for till the validity of his current
registration or maximum period of 5 years.6.15.the empanelled Medical examiners, the approval to
these may be extended for further till the validity of his current registration or maximum period of
5 years may renew their empanelment within 6 months of date of coming into force of these rules
. 6.16.such medical examiners who attains age of 65 years, may apply for the extension to the
Approving Authority in the prescribed format as specified in Schedule I. The Directorate General
of Shippingmay in such cases extend the letter of approval for a period of maximum 5 years up to a
maximum age of 75 years as prescribed in schedule II.No further extension shall be considered
for medical examiners above 75 years of age. 6.17.all approved Medical examiners shall be placed on
the panel of the DGS. Their names along with contact details shall be disseminated through
the DGS website as soon as possible.6.18.all approved Medical examiners, who are on the panel of the
DGS shall submit 6 monthly returns in the prescribed format as specified in Schedule VIIIin
electronic form and followed by hard copies. Changes in the status of the approved Medical examiner in
terms of his/her medical fitness, place of business, number of facilities and sub contracting of
related services if undertaken or any other reasons shall be communicated by the Medical
examiner to the Directorate General of Shipping within30 days of such schedule through normal postal
service. Types of Medical Examination-7.The approved Medical examiner as per the request of
the company, approved training institute, new entrant, seafarer or person as case may be shall conduct
the following types of medical examination
57.1.a pre sea medical examination-this examination provides an opportunity to prevent entry of
unsuitable new entrant to the seafaring profession for health reasons apparent at that time. This
examination shall therefore be more stringent in nature than the periodic medical examination. 7.2.a
periodic medical examination -this examination provides an opportunity to ensure that seafarer or
person remains fit for sea service by identifying medical conditions which may have develop since the
seafarer entered the profession. Itshall be more flexible than the pre sea examination, yet not so flexible
as to permit unfit seafarer to work at sea or resume ship board duty or undergo certificate of
competency and related examinations and obtain applicable endorsements. Frequency of medical
examination:8.Medical Examinations are normally performed every two years. Where there is a
health condition that requires more frequent surveillance, they may be performed at shorter
intervals. It is important to recognize that the requirementfor more frequent medical
examinations may limit the ability of a seafarer to obtain employment and lead to additional costs for
the seafarer or their employer. If medical examinations are at intervals of less than two years, they
may solely concern the condition under surveillance and, in this case, any reissued medical
certificate shall not be valid for more than two years from the previous full examination; 9.Any medical
examinationat the request of employer or training institute or the seafarer shall be conducted in
accordance with this notice. A medical certificateshall be issued by the approved medical examiner to
the seafarer who meets all requirements with regard to medical fitness as prescribed under the
provision of M.S. Act, 1958 as amended, MLC, 2006 as amended and STCW, 1978 as amended. This
medial certificate shall be issuedin prescribed format in schedule-VIIonly on the basis of compliance
with statutory standards irrespective of compliance with any additional employer or insurer
610.Seafarer medical examinations may also provide an opportunity to take measures to correct or
mitigate medical conditions which could adversely affect the health of seafarers and shall include
measures of a preventive character. Tests necessary to evaluate the occupational exposure at work on
board ship may, when appropriate, be performed at the same time as the periodic examinations.
Conduct of Medical Examination by the Approved Medical examiner:11. The approved Medical
examiner and theassociated laboratory shallconduct the physical, mental tests as per the relevant
provisions of these rules and shall use prudenceand professional medical judgments and
experience.Medical Fitness Standards-Verification:12.The medical examiner in assessing the medical
fitness of seafarers including new entrant shall take into account the physical capability
requirement, fitness criteria for medication use, medication that can impair routine and
emergency duties and medication that can have serious adverse consequences for the user while
at sea including medications that require limitations of period at sea because of surveillance
requirements. In doing so the medical examiner shall taken into account the guidelines specified
in ILO/IMO publication “Guidelines on the medical examination of seafarersILO/IMO/JMS/2011/12.The medical examiner shall pay special attention to the following as far as
the examination and issuance certification of seafarers;12.1.AppendixA-Vision standards -STCW Code
table A-I/9: Minimum in-service eyesight standards for seafarers12.2.Appendix B-Hearing standards –
testing as per the prescribed procedure and criteria 12.3.Appendix C-Physical capability requirements Table B-I/9. Assessment of minimum entrylevel and in-service physical abilities for seafarers.
12.4.AppendixD-Fitness criteria for medication use as prescribed.12.5.AppendixE-Fitnesscriteria for
common medical conditions as prescribed-7Validity of Medical Examination Certificate:
13.Unless a shorter period is required byreasons of the specific duties/functions to be
performed by the new entrant, seafarers and persons concerned, the validity of the medical
certificate shall be as follows:
13.1.the medical certificate shall be valid for a maximum period of 2 years and colourvision
certificate for maximum period of 6 years. However, frequent test that may include eye sight test &
other applicable tests as is deemed necessary by the Approved Medical examiner may be carried
13.2.unless the new entrant, seafarer or person is under age of 18, in which case the maximum
period of validity shall be 1 year. However, frequent test that may include eye sight test &
other applicable tests as is deemed necessary by the Approved Medical examiner; and
13.3.every seafarer signing off from the ship on medical grounds forwhatsoever reasons shall be
subjected to fresh periodic medical examination even if, the existing medical certificate held by
him/her is valid.;
13.4.every seafarer shall be subjected to physical examination which may inter-alia include examination
of organ or organ systems such as;
13.4.1.head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat, neck, chest, abdomen, skin and limbs etc
.13.4.2.vital signs -blood pressure, pulse rateand body temperature etc;
13.4.3.vital Systems-respiratory,
cardiovascular, nervous, gastrointestinal and genitourinary etc;
13.4.4.general appearance-posture, expression, restlessness, speech, behaviourand sweating
including weight and height etc; and
13.4.5.if deemed necessary clinical tests based on the declaration made by the seafarer before the
approved medical examiner or requested by the company as the case may be.
813.4.6. the medical certificate for new entrant, seafarers or persons shallas a minimum be provided
in English
. 13.5.The medical examiner shall assess the physical and mental condition of the applicant and
conduct the relevant clinical test as prescribed in schedule-V. The medical examiner may as per his
professional medical judgment in addition carry-out additional test taking into account the medical
declaration made by the seafarersas prescribed in schedule -VIand other factors as deem fit for the
specific case.
13.6.The seafarer shall not suppress medical informationand declare correct and proper medical
information to the medical examiner to the best of his knowledge and belief. In case of any wrongful
Act or misrepresentation/suppression of material fact(s) of information or infringement the
concerned seafarer shall be fully responsible/liable for the consequences/ damages / penalties as
per the provisions or the applicable laws.
Appeal Procedures
14.Any applicant whose case has been rejected by the Directorate General of Shipping for the approval
to perform the functions of Medical Examiner or extension of approval, suspension or withdrawalora
ship-owner not accepting the decision of approve medical examiner or seafarer having grievance
against approved medical examiners or ship-ownermay lodge an appeal within three months from
the date of issue ofsuch decision. Such appeal shall be made to the Director General of Shipping&
accompanied by a copy of the order appealed against in writing including contents of any rejection
;14.2.on receipt of the appeal the Director General of Shippingshall examine the case and may give
the applicant a reasonable opportunity of being heard before disposing the case
.14.3.an appeal shall be disposed within a period of sixty days from the date of filing of the appeal;
14.4.the Director General of Shippingmay confirm, modify or reverse the order, appealed
against.15.Compliance and Enforcements :
915.1.All concerned in order to give affect to the provision of MLC, 2006 and STCW, 2010 in respect
of medical examination of seafarers are advised to comply with this notice and insure that the medical
certificateprepared and issued which is based onmedical examination seafarers declaration. The
medical certificate forthe new entrant and existing seafarers before they embarked on board your ships
are issued which conforms to theprovisions of STCW, 2010, MLC, 2006 and IMO/ILO/JMS/2011
revised guidelines of conduct of medical examination.
15.2.As regards, the trainees or seafarers already in employment of ship-owners or ship manager
or RPS license holders and serving on board Indian Flag Ships, the medical certificate issued
under the existing Medical Examination Rules, 2000 shall remain valid wherever the Indian ship is.
In the event of expiry of such certificates at sea, it shall remain valid till arrival of next port of
call or where the facility of medical examination is available.
15.3.The ship-owners, ship managers and RPS license holder of the Directorate as the case may
be shall advisetheir empanelled medicalexaminers who are approve byD.G. Shipping to be guided by
this notice
. 15.4.All concerned in order to avert any intervention by the Port State Control Authorities or Flag
State Control Authorities or delegated authorities of the flag state to voluntarily comply with this
requirement from the date of issuance of this notice.
15.5.MLC, 2006, is entering into force internationally w.e.f. 20/08/2013and therefore it is
essential that all concerned shall comply with the provisions of this notice strictly. However, ship
owners or managers or RPS license holders may issue medical certificate or voluntary basis prior to
15.6.This noticeshall comes w.e.f. ............ and may be reviewed if deemed necessary at periodical
l. 15.7.These issueswith the approval of Director General of Shipping.(Capt. Deepak Kapoor)
10Deputy Nautical Advisor -cum-Sr. Deputy Director General DDG (Tech)List of Annexes–Schedule IApplication for Approval and Extension of ApprovalSchedule II-Affidavitformat Schedule III-Letter of
Approval/Extension of Approval to the Medical examinerSchedule IV-Check List for Approval /Extension
of Approval to the Medical ExaminerSchedule V -Minimum Test for the conduct of medical examination
Schedule VI–Medical Examination of Seafarer (Examinee’s Declaration).Schedule VII-Medical Certificate
to SeafarerSchedule VIII–Half Yearly Returns
11Schedule IApplication for Approval and extension of ApprovalPhotograph(size)e3.53.5
ToDirectorate General of ShippingDate _________________Jahaz Bhavan,Place
________________Walchand Hirachand Marg,Ballard Estate,Mumbai-400 001.[Kind Attn: Approving
Authority (Nautical Adviser to the Government of India) ].[Subject:-Approval / Extension of approval
to Medical examiner -regarding.]Sir,I, Dr. __________________________________ wish to apply
for the approval of Medical examiner / extension of approval to conduct medical examination. A
copy of my Bio-data along with other relevant documents
12pertaining to academic and professional qualification, experience, previous letter of approval,
proof of age, check list duly notarized or certified and filled in are enclosed. I declare to extend all cooperation to the authorized official of the Competent Authority in course of interview and
inspection of premises before the approval or thereafter. You are therefore, requested to issue a
letter of approval / extension of approval to enable me to perform the function of Medical examiner
for the purpose of medical examination.Yours
faithfully,(Dr._____________________)Name:__________________Medical Council of India
Registration No.__________Date of issue: __________________(delete as applicable)Enclosures: 1.Copy
of Medical Council of India Registration Certificate.2.Copy of bio-data with supporting documents
including an affidavit3.Copy of check list duly filled in with relevant information. 4.Copy of proof of
age.5.Copy of previous letter of approval, if applicable. [Note:-A copy of above mentioned documents
shall be duly notarized or certified by Gazette officer or self attested]6.A proof for medical fitness
by Government department in case of extension. 7.A proof for filing periodical returns in case of
extension.8.A proof stating no pending complaints or legal proceedings for new applicant and
existing cases. 9.Two passport size photograph (3.5 x 4.5 cm)
13Schedule IIAFFIDAVITI, Dr. ______________, Regn. No. ______, (State/Centre)Medical Council, aged
____ years, Indian Resident, having my clinic at ______________, do hereby on solemn affirmation as
under:1.I am fully conversant with the applicable Indian Maritime Laws, the entire process of
examination the seafarers and good understanding in the following areas:(i)have adequate knowledge
of living and working conditions on board sea going merchant ships of various types gained
through special instructions or attended occupational/Maritime medicine/health related courses or
other means as prescribed by the council or association or self efforts.(ii)Medical publication “The
International Medical guide for ships or an equivalent national medical guide for use on
ships.(iii)Standard of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping 1995 as amendedREG I/9-Medical
Examination.(iv)Maritime Labour Convention 2006-Medical Examination of Seafarers.(v)International
Labour Organization/World Health Organization/D.2/1997, as amended-Guidelines for conducting pre-
sea and periodic medical fitness examination of seafarers.(vi)Relevant provisions of Merchant Shipping
Act, 1958, section 98 etc.(vii)Merchant Shipping (Medical Examination) Rules 2000, as amended and
DGS/M.S. Notices of Medical Examination and Sight test issued from time to time as available on
DGS website.(viii)Procedure to deal with appeal cases etc.I state that the contents of this affidavit are
true and correct to my knowledge.Solemnly affirmed in _______ on dd/mm/yyyy(place)