Department of Education Region X Division of Cagayan de Oro City Southwest II District UPPER TIGNAPOLOAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Tignapoloan, Cagayan de Oro City School/District UPPER TIGNAPOLOAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-Southwest II Total No. of Teachers No. of Teachers Teaching English 11 4 School Principal School Coordinator No. Teachers Teaching Filipino 7 of No. of Teachers Teaching Mathematic s 5 No. of Teachers Teaching Science VAICAR G. MAYAKE KRISNA ISA M. PEÑALOSA Accomplishments Challenges Best Practices Learning & Developme nt Financial & Physical Accomplish ment Report Teachers who applied and used DISTAR approach are still introduce to other coteachers. The school haven’t used any financial and physical budget since that the teachers only used their own classrooms as reading centers for their learners. 4 A. Grade 1 reading A. Malnutrition A. Imposed teachers used which is one the afterthe DISTAR of the major class approach in factors that tutorials teaching reading affect the for the in which took reading struggling improvement in conditions of learners. the reading the learners. B. DISTAR conditions of B. Literacy approach the learners. conditions in has been B. Math teachers each applied by and class household of some of advisers the learners. the collaborated in reading the everyday teachers in practices of the their learners in the learners. numeracy condition. No. of School/SLAC District Teachers F Virtual F2 Virtual who 2f F attended training in 0 0 0 0 ELLN No. of Male Learners 189 Prepared by: KRISNA ISA M. PEÑALOSA School ELLN Coordinator F 2 F 0 Division Virtual Region F Virtual 2 F 0 0 0 Female 137 F 2 F 0 National Virtual 0 Total 326 Certified True: VAICAR G. MAYAKE School Head