NOVEMBER 1, 2022 NOTIFICATIONS OF COMPETENCE AND CAUSE: The following notice of permanent competence and empowerment for the Royal House(s) and its Head over all the Royal House(s) to have and use of secured, unrestricted, and free exercise of all their rights and privileges at all times, including but not limited to all divine, natural, human, civil, property, ownership, oversight, executive, leadership, security, law, war, arms, travel, trade, finance, judicial, economic, state, and governance. These rights include, but are not limited to covering self interests and needs, the represented, and other-related material, substance, and matter. The Regional Supreme Court(s) of North America has certified such rights, authority, and power. REGISTERED MATTER OF LAW, RULE, RIGHT, AND PROPERY RECOGNITION: Records and papers pertaining to rights pertaining to September 18, 2002, and September 19, 2022, as well as earlier records pertaining to those dates, are recognized. In a nutshell, it covers the following information about current royals, their heirs, and their families: A) Unless otherwise stated, Crown/Supreme Crown matters must receive assured first priority the entire time for processing throughout the state, nation and region. B) Unless otherwise stated, such matter must securely adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, rules, and procedures at all times in the state, nation and region. C) Unless otherwise stated, such matter must at all times securely adhere to the needs, wants, interests, and satisfaction of the Crown/Supreme Crown, especially that of its Head. D) Law enforcement, security, and military personnel must all work together to enforce this matter permanently and securely. E) Unless otherwise stated, such financial matter must fully make use of public trusts and funds as directed and managed through the Royal Admin. F) Unless specifically stated otherwise, it shall be lawful for all affiliating individuals, Page 1 of 3 people, heirs, groups, organizations, companies, entities, paramilitaries, and militaries shall at all times be securely and permanently permitted to think, plan, travel, move, drive, fly, float, control, direct, use energy, use matter, and get around and cause to get around in any manner using any such thing through publicly supported and secured means, and such shall be to get such matter around without any restriction. G) Unless specifically stated otherwise, it shall be lawful for all affiliating individuals, people, heirs, groups, organizations, companies, entities, paramilitaries, and militaries shall at all times be securely and permanently permitted to engage with full public support in any act like thinking, trade, exchange, transact, transactment, employment, business, cooperation, trust, organization, work, eating, sleeping, living, existing, drinking, entertainment, family, marriage, relationship, pleasure, contract, treaty, alliance, partnership, association, sponsor, and make use of money, assets, investment, property, communication, scientific matter, electronic matter, physical matter, virtual matter, thought, concept, idea, tool, weapon, instrument, software, application, system, person, animal, matter, substance, farm, pharmacy, means of persuasion, medical activity, combat, and protecting. H) Unless specifically stated otherwise, it shall be lawful for all affiliating individuals, people, heirs, groups, organizations, companies, entities, paramilitaries, and militaries shall at all times be securely and permanently permitted to engage with full public support in any act of ownership and possession which shall cover but is not limited to to the act of having, being in control of, thinking about the act of having, think about controlling anything such as a: a) physical thing, system, association, application, property and matter, and b) virtual thing, system, application, property and matter, and c) state thing, system, application, property and matter, and d) government thing, system, application, property and matter, and e) personal thing, system, application, property and matter, and f) individual thing, system, application, property and matter, and g) environmental thing, system, application, property and matter. This shall also cover and include but is not limited to the physical, virtual, relationships, associations, things in association to, spatial, organic, natural, and/or things in partnership to such substance and matter. Page 2 of 3 Royal Admin Oversight Summary: This requires the Royal Admin to manage and supervise all assets, rights, privileges, protection, security, legal, judicial, military, state, and governmental administrative actions for all HIS SUPREMECIES permitted matters as instructed by the State of Israel. Unless otherwise stated, such is to be without discussion, agreement, or exception. In the event of unfavorable outcomes, HIS SUPREMACY shall automatically execute its right to remedy in accordance with the disclaimer and agreement to ensure a prompt, appropriate, and just resolution. Supreme Importance for Proper Standards of Care Summary: To protect and safeguard all of the Head of the Royal House's rights, privileges, property, states, and governments—including, but not limited to, HIS SUPREMICIES security, respect, needs, wishes, and interests—it is necessary to adhere to and carry out these matter(s). On behalf of the Supreme Ruler(s) of the World(s), the Head(s), Executive(s), Prime Minister(s), and their Presidential Representative(s) and their respective states and governments. As well as on behalf of the Royal House(s) of David and the Supreme Crown. On behalf of the Supreme Ruler(s) of the World(s), the Head(s), Executive(s), Prime Minister(s), and Presidential Representative(s) of Canada, the United States, Mexico, and their respective states and governments. As well as on behalf of the Royal House(s) of David and the Supreme Crown. Standard Legal Stuff (S.L.S.) All [Royal] House disclaimers and agreements are implied for all time. All rights are reserved for all time. Supreme Crown Copyright © 2022 Page 3 of 3