Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan International Business University Faculty of "Higher Basic Education". Department of "Tourism and Hospitality". EXAMINATION WORK Course: «Event project planning » Topic: «» Prepared by:IskakovaGaukhar, Sairanbekova Sabina Assesed by: Tina Adis Almaty 2022 Introduction. What is Burning Man? Burning Man is an annual event in Nevada's Black Rock Desert, where people gather for around nine days to celebrate artistic self-expression and the building of a community intended to be temporarily self-sufficient. It's popularly thought of as a surreal counterculture party in the desert. The event is known for showcasing creativity and self-expression, including sculptures and other art installations, as well as unusual cars and buildings inspired by art. The main aspect of the Burning Man culture is the rejection of any currency exchange, and participants instead engage in trading, borrowing and bartering. In the popular concept, Burning Man is often associated with more hedonistic elements. Burning Man gets its name from a large sculpture in the shape of a man (called a man), which is burned at the culmination of the event. The sculpture changes every year. The city camp that is built during each event is known as Black Rock City. At its core, Burning Man is a temporary city (with a population limit of 70,000 paid participants), in which a permanent community of people has formed who have devoted themselves to creativity, self—expression, cultural differences, knowledge sharing, getting rid of social stigma and much more. All in order to create this massive, sustainable, eco-friendly, selfaware, amazing... experience, touching the center of the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, for one week, once a year. Implementation of the event concept. What is the concept Many organizers intuitively feel what can be done and what cannot be done, what will decorate the event and what will spoil it. Also, for example, when driving a car, you sometimes "just feel" how to act without thinking about the rules of driving. But the rules of driving still exist, as well as the rules of events. Event concept Now let's take the events. Creating a corporate event is a much simpler task than creating a state. However, you also need to choose a concept for the event, a certain guiding idea. And then a trap awaits us. What is the idea of the "Hawaiian party"? Is it being made for a Hawaiian company? Do you sell surfboards? If not, what is behind it besides the design of the hall or the dialing of numbers? Phrases like "We just want to give guests a fairy tale" are excuses. Real fairy tales are wise, they taught us a lot when we were children. The concept should carry the idea of the event and somehow change us. Too often, the purpose of the event is called the desire to "just entertain guests", "distract them from everyday life", allow them to plunge into another world". When creating our festival, the world-famous burning man event was taken as a basis. Festivals in our country are mainly devoted to the development of culture and it is difficult to find something that stands out against their background young people often try to find a way to express themselves and our event will just give them this opportunity. Choosing a location As a location for this event, we decided to choose the Charyn Canyon as the most famous attraction is the Charyn Canyon. This is a picturesque natural area that impresses with its unearthly landscapes. The depth of the canyon is 200 m . The height of the steep mountains of the canyon reaches 150-300 m . The canyon itself is a natural monument composed of sedimentary rocks, the age of which reaches 12 million years. The scenery here is truly amazing. At sunset, when the sun goes below the horizon, Charyn Canyon turns scarlet, pink and orange. There is silence around and only from below you can hear the stormy streams of the Charyn River beating against the steep cliffs. This spectacle will not leave anyone indifferent. 1) empty territory 2)it is possible to recreate a new city 3) access to natural conditions without the use of technology 4) beautiful environment 5) remoteness from the city 6) landmark location (one of the popular locations, successfully getting attention among tourists) Concept The basis of the concept of this festival will be the construction of a city without condemnation where everyone can express themselves and their inner desires. In fact, a city of tents and trailers will be erected in the desert. The guests of our festival are not limited in the choice of clothes and other things, there will be no binding framework. Art objects and installations will decorate the territory, but they will be created not only by us (the organizers), but also everyone who has stuck can bring something of their own. Venues for DJs and a dance floor will be erected. The festival will last 5 days, so toilets, showers and dining places will also be supplied according to the type of canteens. 1. Burning Man is probably the only place on earth that has managed to abstract itself from commerce and material goods. On Playa, money is nothing more than paper. There is no food, water, clothing and other goods to buy here. But you can change something of your own for the thing of interest. According to Larry Harvey, one of the founders of the fest, Bernrn is a family picnic where the "buy/sell" principle does not apply. Brands cannot advertise themselves within the festival. But we will have advertising integration and cooperation with other brands. At our event, people can purchase material things or exchange them for the products presented. 2. At the end of the festival, there is no trace of him. It's hard to believe, but a huge city with dozens of computers and installations disappears from the face of the earth after a five-day madness. You come to the desert, live your short life in it, and then leave, leaving everything in its original form. The Berners draw a parallel between the festival and the cycle of life. 3. The principle of collective art. It is proved that collective creativity reflects the individual creativity of each participant and acts as its multiplier on the scale of a collective project. Collective art promotes further unification of efforts and increases the level of enthusiasm. This is how Synergy is born - collective inspiration. Festival participants jointly build camps, erect installations, create performances. So, the event turns into the largest art space for collective creativity. 4. Self-expression in everything. Colorful costumes and bright images are an invariable attribute of the Berners. Here everyone can give free rein to creativity and realize their fantasies in their own image. This is a great opportunity to transform into your favorite character or invent a new one. No one limits you. Everything here is art: even you yourself. Slogan. Aktau - oriental fairy tale This is the slogan that was chosen and developed by our team for the city of Aktau. With its views, the city is not inferior to the famous foreign beauties. Multi-storey buildings, buildings made of shell rock make the city especially elegant. Despite the shortage of water, Aktau is well landscaped, there are many squares, parks and flower beds in the city. The city beach is a favorite vacation spot for citizens, guests and tourists of the city. A unique place in the area is a gallery of rock paintings of nomads from the 20th-2nd centuries BC, as well as a necropolis with depicted ornaments on them. Not far from Mount Ungazy, two oldest mosques were built thousands of years ago, one of which Shakpak-Ata is interesting in that although Islam forbade the image of people, a human hand is depicted on its walls along with lotus flowers. Interesting places to visit for tourists are the underground mosques of the 10th-12th centuries, the necropolis of the 9th-19th centuries, on the territory of which there are many stone monuments, the territory of the ancient city of Kyzyl-Kala (10th12th centuries). You can also observe seals near the Caspian Sea. These animals are listed in the Red Book. Incredible views and beauties of this city create a feeling of a fairy tale for the tourist, which is why we believe that our slogan describes Aktau in full glory. The slogan is short and easy to remember for tourists as well as attracting attention. Brand element analysis according to the 6 criteria. Memorability. In order to increase the value of the brand, it is important to pay due attention to raising brand awareness. Elegant Brands play an important role in completing this task. Therefore, they must be bright and memorable. As a result, recognition, memorization and recognition of the Brand will increase. The elements of the brand created by us perfectly attract the attention of people, as they are made in a modern style and are attractive. They easily remain in people's minds. Just like the colors we have chosen, they carry associations for people and also draw attention to themselves. The main blue color in which the background is made will remind you of the sea and relaxation, the inscription "Aktau" made in yellow will make you think about the sun and a good pastime, and the drawing of the city made in black will encourage you to study the culture and sights of the city. All this will help visitors remember the logo. The slogan is short and original, so it will not be difficult to remember. Meaningfulness. There are a number of simple, but at the same time unique logos that are known to all inhabitants of the planet. They are recognizable and attract the attention of consumers, because they have a certain idea. First of all, the logo should be easy to remember and recognize. A good logo should evoke in the consumer a certain association with the goods you produce or the services you provide. In other words, a good logo should have a clear meaning lying on the surface. It is for this reason that we have created a logo with soft but memorable colors, elements of the city. Likability. One of the main factors influencing the choice of a tourist is attractiveness. In order to make the brand more attractive, you need to pay attention to several factors.Whether customers find brand elements aesthetically appealing. Are brand elements verbally pleasing?In these pictures you can see two variants of logos, one of them is the current Aktau logo and also developed by us. The logo of our team looks more modern and will attract the attention of young people. The colors of the logos are the same, but since we have chosen brighter colors, the logo will more actively attract the attention of tourists. In addition to flowers, our team chose the main associations associated with Aktau. On the previous logo, you can also notice them, but since the logo is made in an outdated style, they are not so pleasing to the eye, while on the version presented by us, all the uniqueness of Aktau are present and delight. Transferability. To promote the Brand, the creation of any product using the elements of the Brand is often used. Often we can see that bloggers sell merch with their branded channel names, or book authors put various notebooks or bookmarks with their popular characters on sale. The same principle is used in the promotion of various countries and cities, the elements of the Brand's logo or slogan must be used. For the city of Aktau, we have developed several options for such products. Caps, t-shirts and also mugs with a depicted logo (designed by us). Below you can see examples of developed products. The new logo is mostly used. We chose neutral colors that will suit the taste of each person. Despite the fact that the background of the logo is made in blue, it easily adapts to white, which shows its adaptation qualities. These goods will be in demand among people interested in Aktau city or among tourists who have visited the city and want to keep memories. (Images 4,5,6,7,8,9.) (Images 4,5,6,7,8,9.) Adaptability. Adaptability means that your logo can be used to represent whatever product or service you might be selling, now or in the future.An adaptive logo is consistent. Regardless of the variation, it will still be recognizable as belonging to the company it represents.It can be noticed that the draft variation of the logo looked sparse, pale and unfinished. After reviewing the articles and finding out the history of the city of Aktau, you can describe it as very bright, hospitable and bright. In this regard, we came to the conclusion that the best solution would be to redo the logo and replace the colors with brighter and more memorable ones.The third version of the logo is made as a future representation of the project, which will be associated with its history and the location of the city. (Images 4, 5.) (Images 4, 5.) Protectability. Most brands have and use logos. People are highly visual and often remember images better than words. Logos can also really bring names to life and invoke emotions that words alone cannot. Logos can be so powerful that seeing just a small part of them is often enough to recognize them.When you design a logo (or rather, have one designed for you), you should also make sure that it is protectable as a trademark. You don’t want to spend money on a logo that cannot be protected. If your logo is worth spending money on, it should be worth protecting.How to make a protectable logo?Counterintuitively, the key consideration is the distinctiveness of any word elements in the logo. Destination branding (film, sports, events). Today, the concept of event has become quite extensive, and includes not only the organization of cultural leisure for a private or corporate holiday, but also the implementation of major projects for the organization of public events. Such events include city events and holidays. So why are such mass events held? First of all, in order to unite all residents of the city, as well as visiting guests at one time and in one place, to show the interest of the managing administration in the cultural enrichment of citizens and improve their standard of living, to raise the cultural level of the region. The use of events is very important in destination branding. An event can be a "driving force" that makes a potential tourist visit a certain place. When tourists travel to a destination for an event, they travel to and from the event. This allows you to sell other products that the destination has to offer. Events increase the level of local business, fill the hotels, and in the long term, they improve the infrastructure, the quality of life of the local population and add additional value to the uniqueness of the destination. In addition, there is a seasonal problem in many areas, that is, tourist flows are concentrated in a relatively short period of the year.Events can play an important role in solving these problems and attract tourists during the off-season (Zlatanov, 2015). In general, if we focus on the definition of an event, Allen, O'Toole, McDonnell & Harris (2002) in their work defined an event as follows: "An event is a one-time or infrequent event outside the usual programs or activities of the sponsoring or organizing organization. event. For a tourist or visitor, an event is an opportunity to have a leisure, social or cultural experience outside the usual range of choices or everyday experience. Further, Donald Getz (2008) said: "The appeal of events is that they are often never repeated, and you have to be there to fully enjoy the unique experience. If you miss it, it's a missed opportunity."Activities are mainly divided into 8 groups (Getz, 2008): Cultural holidays; Arts and entertainment; Business and trade; Sports competitions; Recreational; Education and science; Political and state; Private events. In branding the destination of Aktau, we are planning a cultural holidays, arts and entertainment events, we recommend using 2 activities, consisting of a mixture of recreation and sports activities: 1. Aktau Pearl Festival 2. Feel Like ANomad 3. Aktau Open Fest Aktau Pearl Festival. Our event was inspired by the famous Octoberfest held in Germany. It is an event that upholds German culture and we would want to create a similar event for Kazakhstan but specifically Aktau. The event will be called Aktau Pear Festival, the pearl represents the goods and the uniqueness of Aktau. Each region of our country is different in some aspects. Aktau has free access to the Caspian Sea, so there are a lot of seafood here. Everyone is used to the fact that beshbarmak is the hallmark of Kazakhstan, but few people know that in the western regions it is cooked with fish. Many who try such beshbarmak are delighted with the exquisite taste and tenderness of this dish. There will also be a large assortment of drinks such as koumiss, Shubat and various types of teas. Tea ceremonies will be held in order to increase the importance of the Kazakh culture of drinking tea. It will be shown how to brew tea correctly and in what proportions. Various Kazakh sweets will be served during the ceremonies, so we will draw attention to the origins of Kazakh traditions. We want the festival to shows the specifics and uniqueness of Aktau, it will be a festival of folk cuisine with the specifics of Western Kazakhstan. Such a festival will be popular both among the residents of Kazakhstan and among foreign tourists. The pros of this event include: - Cultural enrichment - Youth awareness - Sales for event participants - Business development - The uniqueness of the event The cons of this event include: - Pollution of the territory - Complete dependence on the weather. -Serious financial investments, long process of preparation. - risk of crime (theft) The main details about the festival are as follows: Festival name: Aktau Pearl Fest Duration of the festival: 2-3 days Time of the festival: Nayryz period, in between 20-25 of March Target market: domestic market of Kazakhstan as well as tourist from bordering countries Target segment: All ages Aktau Open Fest.The Aktau Open Fest festival is already an existing city event; it takes place annually on the city's waterfront. The opening ceremony of the youth festival starts each time with congratulatory words from the head of the region. Years show that the traditional festival Aktau Open Fest is a powerful incentive for adults and children to start playing sports, and for those who can no longer imagine their life without training, an incentive to conquer new heights of skill. Kazakh pop stars were specially invited to the opening of the annual festival. Such as - NurlanOnerbaev, Tamara Asar and SundetBaigozhin. They performed their favorite songs and hits, creating a festive atmosphere and excellent mood for the audience. If such a festival is held annually, then it will be like a special tradition of the city, attracting tourists. To increase the attendance and scale of the event, you can invite the most famous stars and athletes, whose fans will be happy to visit Aktau to meet them, and at the same time get to know the city. Examples: Ninety One, Skriptonit, DimashKidaibergen, Mdee, BahtiyorZainutdinov, Elena Rybakina, BekzatNurdauletov. The pros of this event include: - Increasing the cheerfulness of the population - Increasing the level of culture - Income for entrepreneurs -Development of the music and sport industry The cons of this event include: - Waste (garbage) - Possible damage to the territory and property - Crowds of people The main details about the festival are as follows: Festival name: Aktau Open Fest Duration of the festival: 3 days Time of the festival: Autum, September 7-10 Target market: domestic market of Kazakhstan Target segment: Young and adult people Feel Like A Nomad.Koshpendileralemi(June) - International Festival of Nomadic Culture.This event is for those who are close to the free spirit of nomads. At the event one could feel the atmosphere that was present in the expanses of Eurasia several centuries ago, but what is the atmosphere there, feel like a nomad, touch the history and traditions of an ancient civilization. The territory where the festival takes place is usually divided into 7 sectors (“villages”), the inhabitants of which were brave warriors, well-aimed archers, agile horses, the best artisans and ethnic musicians from around the world. For two days, interesting and exciting events took place in each "village". For example, archers performed in the Akmergen sector, musicians and ethno-folklore groups performed in the Shabyt sector. In "Tayburyl" there were competitions in the national game "asau", and nearby, in "Altynsaka", there were competitions in "Kazakh kuresi", "arkantartu", "asykatu", "bұқatartys", other types of national Kazakh and traditional games of nomads. "Keruen Sarai" was intended for connoisseurs of the cuisine of nomadic peoples. And in the field camp of the steppe warriors of the Batyr sector, scenarios of ancient battles were recreated. An artisan workshop with an exhibition of unique handicrafts was held in the Sheber sector. The festival, of course, aroused great interest, both among the Kazakhstanis themselves and among foreign guests. The organizers of the event stated that they did not intend to stop there, that the festival would become not just an annual event, but would eventually expand its geography and be held in different regions of the country. The territory of the city of Aktau allows holding various kinds of events. We believe that the “feel like a nomad” event not only attracts interest in the process itself, but also in the origins of Kazakh history and culture, promotion and development of our history. The pros of this event include: Improving the historical literacy of the population The development of the younger generation, both physical and mental (new neural connections) Income for private entrepreneurs, investors and city treasury Raising the level of culture of the population The cons include: Event organization costs Well, again, most likely damage to the territory, both by transport and a large amount of waste. The main details about the festival are as follows: Festival name: Feel Like A Nomad Duration of the festival: 4 days Time of the festival: Summer, June 15-19 Target market: domestic market of Kazakhstan as well as tourist from bordering countries Target segment: All ages Formation of the secondary brand associations of the destination. Celebrity Endorsement. Celebrity endorsement for marketing and product promotion is a century-old phenomenon (Erdogan, 1999), and advertisers have used celebrities to promote products, services and ideas (Knoll and Matthes, 2017; Park and Yim, 2020; Schimmelpfennig and Hunt, 2020). ). Recently, they have been joined by destination marketers, who promote celebrities to local and foreign touristsuses it to advance its directions. Celebrities endorsing a destination brand, known as tourism ambassadors, are chosen because of their universal appeal in key visitor markets and are often the focus of marketing campaigns (van der Veen, 2009; van der Veen and Song, 2010). Endorsing celebrities may play an important role in a potential customer's destination choice process and subsequent behavior (Glover, 2009; Teng & Chen, 2020). This trend, observed in Western and Eastern countries, has contributed to the promotion of marketing campaigns using celebrities to show the destination to its potential customers (Chan et al., 2018) and even supporting tourism companies such as airlines (Kotsi and Valek, 2018). Globally, it is most popular among actors and sports celebrity endorsers (Yen and Teng, 2015). However, the large fees paid to these ambassadors can backfire if viewers are unhappy with such endorsement deals (Peltier, 2017). However, associating a destination brand with a single person can be risky because the destination depends on the demographic popularity of the celebrity and the associated brand values. However, a celebrity's ability to reach a large audience can be affected by his or her personal life choices (both positive and negative)(Vhora, 2018). So a celebrity-endorsed marketing campaign can go both ways. Despite the obvious potential of celebrity endorsement campaigns in tourist destinations, researchers have not thoroughly investigated this phenomenon (van der Veen and Song, 2010). Moreover, existing research has conflicting data on the effectiveness of popular advertisers in target branding (Lee et al., 2008; van der Veen, 2008). Early researchers in this field (Holloway and Robinson, 1995; Pritchard and Morgan, 2001) hypothesized that creating a link between a celebrity and a destination would be of great benefit in promoting the destination through advertising and tourist attention. In addition, a celebrity can influence the development of a destination's image by using its associations (Gartner, 1994). Aronson et al. (1999) observed that a marketing destination program involving a star advertiser can induce high sensitivity among tourists, but the strength of the sensitivity depends on the link between the destination brand and the celebrity's image. Researchers studying the underlying mechanisms behind the success of celebrity endorsements in destination marketingreports that celebrity endorsement can increase trust in a destination, which in turn can create positive attitudes toward the destination (Chan, 2010). Due to these reasons, in order to promote the Aktau destination brand, we decided to cooperate with famous celebrities nowadays – the stars of Tiktok. Currently, the TikTok social network has become a very popular platform for advertising and promotion. Working with bloggers of this site brings undoubted success and draws attention to a product or service. One of the best examples of getting tiktokers involved in promoting a service would be the TikTok house XO team and their work with a hotel in Dubai. This team has a large audience on such platforms as Instagram and YouTube Tiktok. During their stay in the Arab Emirates in the city of Dubai, the team stayed in the same hotel and during their stay, the team attracted a lot of attention to the hotel by shooting short films in the hotel or in front of it. thanks to the large views on tiktok, the demand for this hotel has increased significantly. The average number of views for this team on TikTok is from one million to three. For Aktau, we propose to offer cooperation to the Kazakh team of tiktokers "Yolo House". This house of tiktokers consists of 12 participants and is also one of the largest in terms of the number of subscribers among the CIS countries. To attract the attention of young people to the city of Aktau, we will offer cooperation "Yolo house". We will cooperate with the tiktokers to create more content about activities in the city, through this type of content and the familiar faces the public will see the colors of Aktau. Videos about tiktokers going on trips around, visiting famous touristic sights and monuments, resting at hotels, and relaxing at the seashore of Aktau will be filmed and displayed on TikTok accounts of both Yolo house, the to-be-created TikTok and Instagram accounts for the city as well as ran as advertisements on other social media. Identification of destination branding challenges. One of the most important problems during the development of Aktau that we will face is the poorly developed infrastructure of the city. With a strong flow of tourists, there will not be enough places for the resettlement of arrivals. The hotels that currently exist do not meet modern standards and do not have a good level of comfort. Of course, there are several hotels where visitors can have a good time and enjoy their vacation, but these will not be enough if the flow of tourists increases in the city. This problem is not solved by us, it is a problem of the regional level. That is, the city government must be involved. The system of movement is also poorly developed. The city needs more public transport with which tourists can move freely. The city has a very small number of venues for events or cultural recreation. There is no area for simple walks in the evening. There is also a problem with the cleanliness of the city. In the city, there are a minimum number of bins and there are no places for garbage disposal, so it seems that the city is dirty. Of course, the cultural component plays a huge role in creating comfortable conditions for the arrival of tourists. In our case, not only in Aktau, but everywhere, tourists are in most cases treated aggressively and disrespectfully. This problem applies to both young people and the older generation. The population should be educated about tolerance towards other nations and races so as not to create dangerous situations. Crime in Aktau should be given special attention, as the city is on the 5th place of the most dangerous cities in Kazakhstan.Aktau - a large share of crime among teenagers. Juvenile delinquency flourishes in Aktau. Children from dysfunctional families study in local schools, who, upon reaching the age of 14-17, become on a slippery path. In 2016, 4,000 minors were convicted. Most of them received suspended sentences. Kazakhstan has a policy of humanization of convicts, which is especially lenient towards minors. Unfortunately, the measures taken are ineffective and many teenagers who have committed crimes once return to the criminal path. Among juveniles, theft and petty robberies remain the most common crimes. However, in a number of cases, the distribution of narcotic drugs is recorded. Internet presence and promotion of destination. According to Google, more than 65% of vacationers begin to search the Internet for information before deciding where and how they want to go. Online promotion is a powerful way to promote tourism products. With online advertising, marketers can present detailed information, interesting photos, and even videos about travel destinations from different perspectives. In this way, potential travelers can easily see, compare and select a destination that suits their preferences (Lai & Vinh, 2012). Online advertising can increase potential tourists' awareness of the destination (Petrevska, 2012). Netizens who are not interested in traveling to a certain place but see an interesting online advertisement can raise their awareness and then become interested in traveling. Detailed, accurate and attractive advertising on the Internet increases the satisfaction of tourists. Cho & Byun (2014) stated that tourist satisfaction increases if tourists receive reliable information. Satisfaction is a very important indicator of business success (Aaker, 1991). When tourists are satisfied with their trip, they return to their country and recommend the destination to their friends and colleagues (Chiu et al., 2016). According to Oliver (1999), customers who buy certain brands and spread positive word of mouth create customer loyalty. For our destination we will create a website called, the main page of the site will consist of an image of the main brand element - our logo and slogan. In this context, a destination's website can reach potential tourists quickly and directly, but their effectiveness is thought to depend on how long it takes to bring visitors to the attention of the destination. Therefore, destination management organizations should create websites that meet the information needs of potential tourists through an enjoyable virtual experience. Successful websites evoke the emotions, needs, and interests of visitors, capture the attention of visitors, and distinguish the proposed destination from other destinations (Park &Gretzel, 2007). Our website will operate in four languages: Kazakh, Russian, English and Chinese. On the first page we will have general and historical information about Aktau to introduce the visitors to the city. The rest of the website will consist of other sections that are dedicated to different aspects of the city. These aspects will include: - About Main attractions of the city Tourism guidelines Eco-tourism Transportation Accommodation Restaurants and cafes Entertainment City navigation News. Through our website our visitors will be able to fully book their trip to Aktau starting from hotel to making the plan of their stay in the city. As we know Instagram is one of the main platforms to promote and sell things, and it will work as efficiently on destinations as well. As an example we can use Sxodim.Almaty that informs citizens and tourists about every activity and event that are hold in the city. Aktau already has a similar account but they do not provide the same quality of information as it is most probably ran by a non-professional. We suggest hiring a professional to run Sxodim.Aktau to improve the quality of the content as well as the awareness about the activities in the city. Aside from Instagram it will be best to also open a Tiktok account as it is one of the most used apps today. Videos on Tiktok gain a huge amount of views, and as we mentioned before we plan to cooperate with famous Tiktok celebrities to increase the attention to Aktau. Reference list (Used literature) Aaker, D.A. 1991. Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizingonthe Value of a Brand Name, New York: The Free Press. Azattyq (2014). Для развития туризма «возможностей много, но опыта мало». Allen J., O’Toole W., McDonnell I. & Harris R. (2002). 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