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ENG 4U Hamlet Group Seminars

ENG4U Hamlet Seminar Assignment
DUE: December 1st, 2022.
Read CAREFULLY with your group members:
This seminar will showcase your creativity and your oral communication skills. The goal of this seminar is to not
only focus on your knowledge of the play, but to also make connections and explore the topics present in HAMLET.
You will work with your peers to develop and share a critical analysis of a topic related to Hamlet. Your goal is to
generate a thesis pertaining to your topic, relate it to the play and most importantly to educate your peers on your chosen
topic. Remember that without a concrete thesis, you will have no foundation on which to build. Remember to ask
yourselves…what am I proving and why should my peers care?
PLEASE NOTE, this is NOT a PRESENTATION, thus NO slides are necessary. Think of our class seminars on
Rhetoric, use these as a template for your own seminar. The goal of your seminar is to engage your peers through discussion
and activities that will allow them to better understand both the play and your topic of choice.
Using your class notes, files on D2L, the text and secondary resources, your group will complete a thorough analysis
of the chosen topic. Below are guidelines for what you should include, however as this is a grade 12 university course most
of the decisions are up to you and your group members. Ms. Chirichella will be available to conference and guide your group
throughout the process.
Seminars will be…
- Approximately 35 minutes (marks will be deducted for seminars less than 30 minutes and more than 55 minutes)
- Created and presented in groups of 4 (there will be ONE group of 3). You are responsible for making your own
groups, however, consider the success of your seminar when choosing who you will work with— working with your
friends is not always the best strategy).
- Should contain connections and research, a class activity, evidence from Hamlet, a minimum of 6 discussion
questions and anything you feel will assist your peers’ understanding of the play and your topic. Remember, the
purpose is to educate and enhance understanding.
What you’ll be submitting…
- A detailed agenda/plan of how your seminar will run. The more detailed your plan is, the more successful you are
likely to be
- All questions developed for the seminar
- Prepared answers to all the questions you may ask
- A detailed works cited page with all supplementary materials and research
- You will be assessed on the seminar itself as well as the materials you submit.
Your seminar will consist of THREE parts (they do not have to be in order)
1. An oral discussion (discussion questions and peer led discussion),
You are to ask discussion questions relating to the play, your selected media or topic. Engage your audience
by asking questions and facilitating the discussion.
A minimum of 6 questions (and answers) must be prepared.
These should be spread throughout the seminar
I recommend coming up with extra questions incase participation is difficult
2. A media connection based on your topic
Select a media component that highlights the chosen topic. There are several options for this component of
the seminar. A media component may be a video clip, a song, a news article on a local/national event, a
movie clip, a television clip, a poem, a commercial, an image, etc. You are to present the media component
and then discuss the comparison (i.e. how it relates to or displays your topic, why you chose it, the overriding
message, etc.)
Make this application interesting and appealing to your audience. This component does not need to relate
back to the plot of the play but rather linking back to your thesis and topic
Ex: when discussing Herrick’s chapter, the class watched and discussed Prince Ea’s YouTube video, “What
are Schools For?”
3. AND an activity you will facilitate.
This could be a game, a reflection or anything you think will help your peers understand your theme.
Remember - this does not have to be directly related to the play, but to your thesis.
Ex: During our seminar on rhetoric we played “Convince Me” to demonstrate strategies of persuasion.
During our first unit we played “Literary Device Jeopardy”
Please note, a Kahoot is not an acceptable activity.
All three parts of your seminar should relate back to your thesis.
● Everyone is responsible for preparing and leading a portion of the seminar. Be detailed, knowledgeable, and prepared
for any questions from your audience (or me).
● You MUST use textual references to support your argument (cited in proper MLA format with a Works Cited page).
● Questions and any necessary materials must be submitted and PRINTED for your peers PRIOR to your presentation
date. If you come to class unprepared on the day of your seminar it WILL impact your grade.
Success Criteria:
✔ No duplication of topics - “first come first serve” - teacher must be informed
✔ All group members must be involved in the process, creation, completion, and presentation of the final product.
✔ You may also choose to bring notes up with you, however reading the whole time will impact your mark, your
seminar should be well practiced and your group must be prepared to carry the conversation in the event of a lul in
✔ All files are to be initially shared with the teacher to track progress; you are responsible for collaborating and equally
organizing the tasks between group members (Ms. Chirichella will ensure this occurs).
*You will be assessed both individually and as a group.
It is each group’s responsibility to develop their own topic for the presentation. Here are a few examples to assist you.
These may be used, however topics may only be chosen once.
1. Duality in Hamlet and Literature
2. Religion and Spirituality in Shakespeare’s Texts
3. The Depiction of Gender in Elizabethan Literature
4. The Depiction of Mental Illness
5. The Great Chain of Being
Once you have developed a topic you must check in with Ms. Chirichella before proceeding! Remember, topics are
on a first come, first served basis!
Level 1
-no use of planning
skills and creative
thinking process
-no time or though
given to process
Level 2
-some evidence of
planning skills and
creative thinking
Level 3
-effective use of
planning skills and
creative thinking
Level 4
-highly effective use
of planning skills
and creative thinking
-no use of processing
-lacking formation of
ideas; no logical
-Struggles to make
connections w/ new,
original contexts
-Ideas are apparent, but
require extensive
explanation to be
stronger and more
- textual evidence is
-limited time and
thought given
- limited use of writing
-some evidence of
processing skills:
-inadequate formation
of ideas; lacking
-Makes some
connections w/ new,
original contexts
-Some development of
ideas but does not
fully explore the
central themes and
topics – further
enhanced textual
evidence required
-good time and
thought given
- good use of the
writing process
-effective use of
processing skills:
-good formation of
-Makes good
connections with
new and original
contexts and ideas
-Develops ideas
with evidence and
supports contexts
and ideas with
textual evidence
-extensive time and
-highly effective use
of processing skills:
-excellent formation
of ideas
-Makes excellent
connections w/ new,
original contexts
-Unique ideas are
presented and
developed and are
well supported with
textual evidence
seemed unprepared
-Reliance of notes
-gripped script and/or
fidgeted and/or leaned
on blackboard
-Speaks with little to no
clarity and/ or
-Monotonous Voice
-limited expression
and enthusiasm
-limited projection of
Limited eye contact
and enthusiasm -no
connection made with
-Spoke well
-Somewhat dependent
on notes
-Acceptable posture
and body language,
but no apparent
enthusiasm/ interest in
topic shown
-Speaks with some
clarity and/or
-voice slightly varied
-little expression
projection of voice
-Some eye contact and
enthusiasm create
somewhat effective
considerably well
-Also maintained a
good pace to aid
-Notes available but
use is limited
-employed good
gestures posture
that showed
-Speaks with
considerable clarity
and/or precision
-well varied voice
in tone and
-good projection
of voice
-Considerable eye
contact and
enthusiasm create
effective interaction
-Seminar has
ineffective opening and
closing – lacking in
-Seminar has
appropriate opening
and closing –
somewhat organized
-Seminar had clear
opening and closing
– well organized
-Fluently presented
ideas w/ appropriate
pauses for audience
-Notes present but
not needed
-posture and
gestures highly
effective in
ideas and showing
-Speaks with an
elevated level of
clarity and/or
-dynamic use of
-highly expressive
and enthusiastic
-excellent projection
of voice
-Eye contact and
enthusiasm create
highly effective and
engaging interaction
-Seminar had clear
and effective
opening and closing
– highly organized
-Visual aids limited in
- Limited reflection of
literary elements topic/focus unclear
-Media element had no
connection w/
ideas/themes – does not
challenge further
thought or insight
- lacks originality and
-Visual aids used
somewhat to
contribute to
-Some reflection of
literary elements but
ltd/no insight
-Media element had
good connections with
ideas/themes – offered
some further insight
into analysis
- originality and
could be enhanced
-Visual aids used
thoughtfully to
contribute to
reflection of literary
elements, but does
not encourage
further insight
-Media element had
good connections
with ideas/themes –
offered some
further insight into
-is creative and
The presentation included…
□ Discussion Questions
□ Peer led discussion
□ An activity
□ A media connection
□ Direct evidence from the play
□ Works Cited Slide
□ MLA Citations
□ Was at least 30 minutes in length
Final Mark:
-Visual aids used
skillfully and
contribute to
information and
literary elements;
further insight
gained with reading
-Media element
connections to the
ideas/themes being
analyzed – offers
further insight
-is original, creative
and imaginative