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ADM2372 Final Exam
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Information technolo- Any computer based tool that people used to work
with information into support information and information processing needs of an organization
Information system
Collects processes stores analyzes and disseminates information for a specific purpose. Its prupose
is to get the right information to the right people at
the right time in the right amount and in the right
format to support business processes and decision
Raw/Elementary description of things events activities and transactions that are recorded classified
and stored but are not organized to convey any
specific meaning
Data that has been organized so that they have a
meaning and value to the recipient
Consists of data and or information that have been
organized and processed to convey understanding,
experience, accumulated learning, and expertise
as they will apply to current business problems
Business intelligence Information collected from multiple sources such
as suppliers, customers, competitors, partners, and
industries that analyzes patterns, trends, and relationships for strategic decision making
Collection of related files or tables containing data
A connecting system that permits different computers to share resources
Functional area infor- Information system that supports a particular funcmation system (FAIS) tional area within the organization
10. Enterprise resource
Designed to correct the lack of communication
planning system (ERP) among the functional area information systems
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11. Transaction processing system (TPS)
Supports the monitoring collection storage and processing of data from the organization's basic business transactions
12. Chief Information Offi- Person that oversees all uses of IT and ensures the
cer (CIO)
strategic alignment of IT with business goals and
13. Chief Knowledge Offi- Person responsible for collecting, maintaining, and
cer (CKO)
distributing the organization's knowledge
14. Chief Privacy Officer
Person that assures the ethical and legal use of
15. Chief Security Officer Person that insures the safety of IT resources data
hardware and software as well as people
16. Chief Technology Offi- Person that assures speed and accuracy availabilcer (CTO)
ity and reliability of information technology
17. Office automation sys- typically support clerical staff, lower and middle
tem (OASs)
managers, and knowledge workers to develop documents, schedule resources, and communicate
18. Knowledge worker
Professional employee such as financial and marketing analysts, engineers, lawyers, and accountants, who are experts in a particular subject area
and create information and knowledge, which they
integrate into the business.
19. Business intelligence provide computer-based support for complex, non
routine decisions, primarily for middle managers
and knowledge workers
20. Expert System
Information system that Attempts to duplicate the
work of human express by applying reasoning abilities knowledge and expertise within a specific domain
21. Dashboard
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Special form of information system that supports all
managers of the organization
22. Supply chain manage- Infirmation system that Manages flows of products,
ment system
services, and information among organizations
23. Electronic Commerce Information system the enables transactions
amongst organizations and between organization
and customers
24. Organizational strate- A planned approach that the organization takes to
achieve it's goal and mission statement
25. Competitive advantage
And advantage over competitors in some measures
such as cost quality or speed that leads to control
of a market into larger than average profits
26. Business process
An ongoing collection of related activities that create a product or service of value to the organization.
The process involves three fundamental elements:
inputs, resources and outputs
27. Cross-functional busi- A business process in which no single functional
ness process
area is responsible for its execution. Multiple functional areas collaborate to perform the process
28. Business Process
Reengineering (BPR)
A radical redesign of a business process that improves its efficiency and effectiveness, often by
beginning with a "clean sheet" (from scratch).
29. Business process im- Incremental approach step-by-step with lower risk
and cost than BPR
30. Business process
Management technique that includes methods or
tools to support the design analysis implementation management and optimization of business
31. Executing the process, Three roles that information systems play in busiCapturing and storness process (in order)
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ing the process, monitoring process performance
32. Cost reduction, Cus- Measures of competitive performance (alphabetitomer satisfaction, Cy- cal order) (6)
cle and fulfilment time
reduction, differenciation, productivity, quality
33. Define, Measure,
Five phases of successful BPI (DMAIC)
Analyse, Improve, Control
34. Business environment the combination of social, legal, economic, physical, and political factors in which businesses conduct their operations
35. Globalization
Integration and interdependence of economic social and cultural and ecological facets of life
throughout the world
36. Market, societal, tech- Three aspects of business pressures (alphabetical
37. Digital divide
A wide gap between the individuals who have access to information and communications technology and those who do not
38. Competitive strategy
Documents a businesses approach to compete and
how it will accomplish those goals.
39. Porter's Competitive
Forces Model
1. Threat of Entry of New Competitors
2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
3. Bargaining Power of Customers/Buyers
4. Threat of Substitute Products or Services
5. Rivalry Among Existing Firms within the Industry
40. Cost leader
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Strategy for competitive advantage where someone sells a lower price
41. Differentiation
Strategy for competitive advantage where someone is better because there a different
42. Innovation
Strategy for competitive advantage where someone is doing something new
43. Operational effective- Strategy for competitive advantage where someness
one can do the same thing more efficiently
44. Customer orientation Strategy for competitive advantage where someone treats their customers better than you do
45. Business information Tight integration of IT function with the organization
technology alignment strategy mission and goals
46. IT governance
Structure of relationships and processes to direct
and control the enterprise in order to achieve the
Enterprises goal by adding value while balancing
risks versus return over iT and its processes
47. Entry barrier
product or service feature that customers expect
from organizations in a certain industry; an organization trying to enter this market must provide
this product or service at a minimum to be able to
48. Ethics
The principles and standards that guide our behaviour towards other people
49. Privacy
The right to be left alone when you want to be, to
have control over your own personal possessions,
and not to be observed without your consent
50. Confidentiality
the assurance that messages and information are
available only to those who are authorized to view
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51. Traditional approach
Recognizing ethical issue, getting the facts, evaluating alternative actions, making a decision and
testing it
52. Giving Voice to Values Identifying and ethical issue, purpose and choice,
stakeholder analysis, powerful response, scripting
and coaching
53. Code of ethics
A collection of principles that are intended to guide
decision making by members of the organization
54. Accessibility, accuracy, privacy, property
4 general categories of ethical issues in IT (alphabetical)
55. Intellectual property
intangible creative work that is embodied in physical form and includes copyrights, trademarks, and
56. Copyright
The legal protection afforded an expression of an
idea such as the song video game and some types
of proprietary documents
57. Fair dealing
The principle by which in certain situations it is legal
to use copyrighted material
58. Pirated software
Copy righted software that is used duplicated or
sold without authorization by the copyright holder
59. Counterfeit software
Software that is manufactured to look like the real
thing and sold as such
60. Information ethics
The ethical and moral issues arising from the development and use of information technologies, as
well as the creation, duplication, processing and
distribution of information itself
61. Electronic surveillance tracking people's activities with the aid of computers
62. Cyberstalking
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Tracking individuals through social media for malicious or criminal reasons
63. Spyware
Unauthorized tracking of browsing activity
64. Information privacy
The right to determine when and to what extent
information about you can be gathered and or communicated to others
65. Personal information
Information that can personally identify someone,
such as their name, email address or billing information, or other data which can be reasonably
linked to such information.
66. Accountability, accura- 10 guiding principals of PIPEDA
cy, challenging compliance, consent, identifying purpose, individual access, limiting collection, limiting use, disclosure,
an retention, openness, safeguards
67. E-policies
Guidelines and procedures that encourage ethical
use of computers and the Internet in business
68. Personal Information PIPEDA
Protection and Electronic Documents Act
69. ethical computer use
E-policies - Guides users behaviour on computers
70. Information privacy
Epolicies - contains general principles regarding
information privacy
71. Acceptable use policy E-policies - Requires a user to agree to follow it to
be provided access to corporate email, information
systems, and the Internet
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72. Email privacy policy
E-policies - details the extent to which email messages may be read by others
73. Teergrubing
anti-spamming approach by which the receiving
computer launches a return attack against the
spammer, sending email messages back to the
computer that originated the suspected spam
74. Social media policy
E-policies - Outlines the corporate guidelines or
principles governing employee online communications
75. Workplace Monitoring E-policies - tracks people's activities by such meaPolicy
sures as number of keystrokes, error rate, and number of transactions processed
76. Key logger
Software or hardware which records all key strokes
on a computer system.
77. Cookie
A small file deposit it into using his hard drive to
record browsing information
78. Adware
Software attached to a download that generates
ads on a user's machine
79. Web log
Browser data stored on a Web server
80. Clickstream
Records user browsing sessions including what
websites, how long, what was views/purchased
81. Information security
Broad term encompassing protection of information
I asked for an accidental or intentional miss use
82. Fault tolerance
The ability of a system to continue operation even
if a component fails.
83. Failover
Provides a secondary system to take over the duties of one that becomes unavailable
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84. Disaster recover plan Detailed process regaining data and making the
system operationally available again
85. Firewall
Hardware software that analyzes the information
entering and leaving it
86. Data governance
an approach to managing information across an
entire organization
87. Master data management
A subset of data governance
88. Data redundancy
The same data is stored in many places
89. Data isolation
applications cannot access data associated with
other applications
90. Data inconsistency
Various copies of the data do not agree
91. Data security
Data needs to be safe and secured in one place
92. Data integrity
The correctness of data after processing, storage
or transmission. It follows constraints (such as # for
social insurrance number)
93. Data independence
Applications and data are independent of one another
94. Bit, byte, files, record, Data hierarchy order (smallest to largest)
file, database
95. Bit
Represents the smallest unit of data a computer
can process one or zero
96. Byte
Represents a single character. A group of eight bits.
97. Field
A logical grouping of related characters (10110101)
98. Record
A logical grouping of related fields
99. File
A logical grouping of related records
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100. Database
A logical grouping of related files
101. Database management systems
Creates and manages database
102. Relational database
Two dimensional tables
103. Entity
Person place thing or event about which an organization maintains information
104. Instance
One specific unique representation of the entity
105. Attribute
Characteristic or quality of a particular entity
106. Secondary key
Other identifying fields that typically do not identify
the file with complete accuracy
107. Foreign key
Are used to be uniquely identify a row of another
table that is linked to the current table
108. Big data
Data that is so large and complex it cannot be
managed by traditional systems
109. variety, velocity, volume
Three characteristics of big data
110. Data marts
-Subset of data warehouse
-Summarized or highly focused portion of firm's
data for use by specific population of users
-Typically focuses on single subject or line of business
111. Metadata
data about data
112. Explicit knowledge
the more objective, rational, and technical types of
113. Tacit Knowledge
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knowledge that cannot be codified; concerns knowing how to do a certain task and can be acquired
only through active participation in that task
114. Create, capture, refine, Seven steps of the knowledge management cycle.
store, manage, disseminate, knowledge
115. Computer network
a system that connects computers and other devices via communications media so that data and
information can be transmitted among them
116. Broadband
Refers to network transmission capacities ranging
from approximately 1 million bits per second to as
much as 20 Mb per second with fibre to the home
117. Local Area Network
Connects two or more devices in a limited geographical area
118. Wide Area Network
connects computers across a large geographical
area. The internet is the largest wan
119. Modem
Devices that convert analogue signals to digital and
vice versa
120. Twisted-paie wire,
Communication cables in order (slowest to fastest)
coaxial cable, fibre optic cable
121. TCP (Transmission
Control Protocol)
Establishes a connection between computers to
manage the movement of the packets
122. IP (Internet Protocol)
Disassemble the data into packets
Delivers the packets to the correct IP address
Reassembled the packets into the data
123. Distributed computing Divides pricing work among two or more computers
124. client/server computing
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Links two or more computers in an arrangement
in which some machines called servers provide
computer services for other PCs such as clients
125. peer-to-peer (P2P)
Each computer access both the client and the server each computer can access files on out other
126. Extranet
Connects parts of the Intranet of different organizations
127. top-level domain
Domains (including .net, .org, .com, .mil. and the
set .xx country codes) at the end of a domain name
are the highest level of the domain name hierarchy.
128. World wide web
I system of universally excepted standards for storing retrieving formatting and displaying information
via client server architecture
129. Communication
The active process of using Word sounds signs or
communications to Expressway or exchange information up with someone else
130. Communications
The ways of sending information to people using
131. Electronic-mail
Largest volume application running on the Internet.
Use for communications and business transactions
132. Unified communications
Provision of all types of communications via single
133. Workflow
the movement of information as it flows through the
sequence of steps that make up an organization's
work procedures
134. Crowdsourcing
Outsources a task to a large and a fine group in the
form of an open call
135. e-learning
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Learning supported by the Web; can be done inside
traditional classrooms or in virtual classrooms.
136. Distance-learning
Any learning situation in which teachers and students do not meet face-to-face
137. Mobile computing
Real time wireless connection between mobile device and other computing environments
138. Internet of things
Virtually every object has processing power with
wireless or wired connections to a global network
139. ultra-wideband (UWB) A high-bandwidth wireless technology with transmission speeds in excess of 100 Mbps that can be
used for applications such as streaming multimedia
from, say, a personal computer to a television.
140. Near field communica- Smallest range of any short range wireless nettions
works. It is designed to be embedded in mobile
devices such as cell phones and credit cards
141. Wi-Fi direct
enables peer-to-peer communications, so devices
can connect directly allowing users to transfer content among devices without having to rely on a
wireless antenna. It can connect pairs or groups of
devices at Wi-Fi speeds of up to 250 Mbps and at
distances of up to 800 feet.
142. MiFi
A small, portable wireless device that provides
users with a permanent Wi-Fi hotspot wherever
they go
143. Super Wi-Fi
Wireless network that creates long distance wireless Internet connection using white spaces between broadcast TV channels
144. E-commerce
Process of buying selling transferring or exchanging products services or information via computer
networks including the Internet
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145. E-business
In addition to e-commerce, this also refers to servicing customers collaborating with business partners
in performing electronics transactions within an organization
146. Partial e-commerce
Combinations that include a mix of digital and physical dimensions of commerce
147. bricks-and-mortar or- organizations in which the product, the process,
and the delivery agent are all physical
148. Click-and-mortar orga- organizations that do business in both the physical
and digital dimensions
149. Auction
Competitive buying and selling process in which
prices are determined dynamically by competitive
150. Forward action
Seller place items at sites for auctions and buyers
bit continuously for them the highest bidder wins
the item
151. Reverse auction
Buyers announce items they are interested in for
quotation. Sellers bed continuously forward him the
lowest bidder wins the sell
152. electronic payment
enable buyers to pay for goods and services electronically, rather than writing a check or using cash.
153. Online direct marketing
Selling online directly to customers
154. Electronic tendering
B2B reverse auction that involves requesting
quotes from suppliers
155. Bartering online
Exchange your sales of products without the exchange of cash using an intermediary. Such as
156. Electronic catalogue
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Displays both products and services available for
sale at a fixed price
157. Cybersquatting
registering, selling, or using a domain name to profit
from someone else's trademark
158. Domain Tasting
is a practice of registrants using the five-day "grace
period" at the beginning of a domain registration to
profit from pay-per-click advertising.
159. Sell-side marketplace B2B model in which organizations sell to other organizations from their own private e-marketplace
and/or from a third-party site
160. Buy-side marketplace B2B model in which organizations buy needed
products or services from other organizations electronically, often through a reverse auction
161. Public exchanges
Electronic marketplaces in which there are many
sellers and many buyers, and entry is open to all;
frequently owned and operated by a third party.
162. Vertical exchanges
Connects buyers and sellers in a given industry
163. Horizontal exchanges Connects buyers and sellers across many industries
164. Functional exchanges needed services such as temporary help or extra
office space are traded on an "as-needed" basis
165. Electronic Malls
Many individuals shops also grouped under a single URL
166. Channel conflict
Occurs when is clicks and mortar's company may
face a conflict with their regular distributors when
they sell directly to customers online
167. Showrooming
Shoppers visits eight bricks and mortar store to
look at the product in person then research the
product online often buying elsewhere
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168. Order fulfilment
Involves finding the product to be shipped packaging the product arrange for a speedy delivery to the
customers and handle the return of unwanted and
defective products
169. Multichannelling
A process in which a company integrates its online
and off-line channels
170. CRM
Customer-focused and customer-driven organizational strategy.
171. CRM
Returns to personal marketing rather than market
to a massive people or companies. Business markets to each customer individually
172. CRM
Is not a process or a technology per se, rather, it is
a customer centric way I thinking and acting
173. CRM
Manages customer relationships: Helps companies acquire new customers, retain profitable customers, and grow relationships with existing customers
174. True
(T/F) Nowadays the access to CRM can be accessed by frontline employees, managers, operations, engineering, Manufacturing, and partners
175. False (it is Dynamic,
(T/F) Nowadays the process to CRM is static, linAdaptive, and Coordi- ear, and inefficient
176. True
(T/F) Nowadays the duration of CRM is a lifetime
177. True
(T/F) nowadays CRM interactions are limited to
phone, email, web, multi channel, SMS, community,
social chat, cross-channel, and mobile
178. True
(T/F) Back in the days CRM interactions were limited to phone, email, web, and multi channel
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179. False (It is centered on (T/F) Nowadays CRM is centred on employee,
Customer, Ecosystem, company, and transactions
and Value-in-use)
180. True
(T/F) In the past CRM used to be mostly
face-to-face. As organizations grew it now and
gauges every function (Corporate approach)
181. True
(T/F) CRM should be viewed as a business strategy
because it involves and improves the effectiveness
of functions across the enterprise
182. False
(T/F) CRM should not be viewed as a business
strategy because it involves and improve the effectiveness of functions across the enterprise
183. Operational CRM
supports traditional transactional processing for
day-to-day front-office operations or systems that
deal directly with the customers
184. Analytical CRM
supports back-office operations and strategic
analysis and includes all systems that do not deal
directly with the customers
185. Collaborative CRM
systems for providing effective and efficient communication with the customer from the entire organization
186. Customer-Facing Ap- allow an organization's sales, field service, and cusplications
tomer interaction center representatives interact directly with customers
187. Customer-Touching
customers interact directly with online technologies
and applications
rather than interact with a company representative.
188. Customer service and systems that automate service requests, comsupport
plaints, product returns, and requests for information.
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189. Sales force automation the component of an operational CRM system that
automatically records all the aspects in a sales
transaction process
190. Marketing
___ enables marketers to identify and target their
best customers, to manage marketing campaigns,
and to generate quality leads for the sales teams.
191. Campaign management application
CRM applications that help organizations plan marketing campaigns that send the right messages to
the right people through the right channels
192. Cross-selling
the practice of marketing additional related products to customers based on a previous purchase.
(You may also like...)
193. Up-selling
a sales strategy where the organizational representative provides to customers the opportunity to
purchase higher-value related products or services
in place of, or along with the consumer's initial
product or service selection (Give them more than
what they want...)
194. Bundling
grouping two or more products together and pricing
them as a unit (Buy one get one free...)
195. Sales automation
The purpose of ___ is to set standards within the
organization to acquire new customers and deal
with new customers.
196. Marketing automation The purpose of ___ is to find out the best way to
offer products and approach potential customers.
(Includes campaign management)
197. Service automation
The purpose of ___ is to enable business to retain
customers by providing best quality of service and
building relationships
198. Analytical CRM
Provides business intelligence to analyze customer
data for a variety of purposes
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199. Collaborative CRM
Enable organizations to share customer information among various business units like sales teams,
marketing team, technical and support team
200. Sales metric
Metric - Number of new customers
201. Sales metric
Metric - Number of proposals given
202. Sales metric
Metric - Number of retained customers
203. Service metric
Metric - Customer satisfaction level
204. Service metric
Metric - Chase closed per day
205. Service metric
Metric - Number of cases handled per agent
206. Marketing metric
New customer retention rate
207. Marketing metric
Number of new leads per product
208. Social CRM
CRM that provides two-way communication between organization and customers. Organizations
mind or social media sites and respond accordingly.
209. True
(T/F) Winning back a customer was switched to a
competitor is vastly more expensive than keeping
that customer satisfied in the first place
210. Customer churn
A process by which an organization inevitably loses
a certain percentage of customers
211. Purchasing profile
A snapshot of a consumer's buying habits that may
lead to additional sales through cross-selling, upselling, and bundling
212. False (its the opposite) (T/F) The purpose of loyalty program is not to influence future behaviour but rather to reward past
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on-demand CRM sys- a CRM system that is hosted by an external vendor
in the vendor's data center
214. Mobile CRM system
an interactive CRM system where communications
related to sales, marketing, and customer service
activities are conducted through a mobile medium
for the purpose of building and maintaining customer relationships between an organization and
its customers
215. True
(T/F) Traditionally organization used on-premise
CRM systems over on-demand CRM systems
meaning that they purchased the systems for a
vendor and then installed them on site
216. False (on-demand is)
(T/F) On-premise CRM systems are a solution for
smaller organizations to justify the cost of the system
217. open-source CRM sys- CRM system who's code is available to developers
and users.
218. Upstream
The portion of supply chain going from the production facility back to the original supplier of raw
219. downstream
the portion of the supply chain from the production
facility to the end-customer
220. Plan
Basic SCM Component - Strategic portion of SCM
set out the expectations for managing all the resources to meet customer demand and a set of
metrics to minor progress
221. Source
Basic SCM Component - Careful choice of reliable
suppliers (negotiation of price, delivery, payment).
Creation of metric to monitor and improve relationship
222. Make
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Basic SCM Component - Transform inputs into outputs (scheduling, testing, packaging, preparing).
Most metric intensive component to assure quality
and productivity
223. Return
Basic SCM Component - most problematic stage.
Process for receiving defective/excess products
while maintaining customer relationships
224. Supply chain visibility The ability of all organizations in a supply chain to
access or view relevant data on purchased materials as these materials move through their suppliers'
production processes.
225. Bullwhip effect
erratic shifts in orders up and down the supply
chain. As you move down the chain, manufacturers
and supplier tend to stack extra inventory.
226. Supply chain planning uses advanced mathematical algorithms to improve the flow and efficiency of the supply chain
while reducing inventory
227. Supply chain execution
automates the different steps and stages of the
supply chain for greater efficiency
228. Demand planning sys- Generates demand forecasts using statistical tools
and forecasting techniques, so companies can respond faster and more effectively to consumer demands through supply chain enhancements
229. True
(T/F) Supply chain execution goes downstream
230. False (upstream)
(T/F) Supply chain planning goes downstream
231. Back order
an unfilled customer order for a product that is out
of stock
232. Customer order
promised cycle time
a gap between the purchase order creation date the
requested delivery date
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233. Customer order actual the average time it takes to actually fill a customer's
cycle time
purchase order
234. Inventory replenishment cycle time
Measures the manufacturing cycle time and the
time to distribution centre.
235. Inventory turnover
Number of time the inventory sells out per year
236. Supply chain
Flow of material information money and services
from raw material suppliers, through factories and
warehouses, to the end customers
237. Reverse Flows (or re- returned products that are damaged, unwanted, or
verse logistics)
in need of recycling
238. 3
Tier ___ Suppliers produce basic products such a
glass, plastic and rubber
239. 2
Tier ___ suppliers use inputs to make components
such as windshields, tires, moulds (1 material)
240. 1
Tier ___ suppliers produce integrated components
such as dashboard and seat assemblies (multiple
241. False (there is no phys- In the service industries there is a flow of material
ical materials)
and information
242. Supply chain manage- Process of planning, organizing, and optimizing the
various activities performed along to supply chain.
It aims to improve the process is a company uses to
acquire raw materials it needs to produce a product
or service and then deliver the product to its customer
243. Supply chain event
Enables an organization to react quickly to resolve
supply chain issues. Provides real-time information
shared among chain partners
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Selling chain manage- applies technology to the activities in the order life
cycle from inquiry to sale
245. Collaborative engineering
allows an organization to reduce the costs required
during the design process of a product
246. Collaborative demand helps organizations reduce their investment in
inventory, while improving customer satisfaction
through product availability
247. Interorganizational in- System where the information flows among two or
formation system
more organizations.
248. True
(T/F) The push model is also known as
249. False
(T/F) The push model is also known as made-to-order
250. Push model
A business model in which the production process
begins with a forecast, which predicts the products
that customers will want as well as the quantity
of each product. The company then produces the
amount of products in the forecast, typically by using mass production, and sells, or "pushes," those
products to consumers.
251. Pull model
a business model in which the production process
begins with a customer order and companies
make only what customers want, a process closely
aligned with mass customization
252. True
(T/F) Supply chain problems arise primarily from
two sources: Uncertainties and the need to coordinate multiple activities
253. False (there are 2 primary sources)
(T/F) Supply chain problems arise from multiple
254. Vertical integration
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Business strategy in which a company purchases
it's upstream suppliers to ensure that its essential
supplies are available as soon as the company
needs them
255. just-in-time inventory a system designed to ensure that materials or supsystem
plies arrive at a facility just when they are needed
so that storage and holding costs are minimized
256. vendor-managed inventory (VMI)
System when the supplier rather than with the retailer manages the entire inventory process for a
particular product or group of products
257. True
(T/F) The most common vendor managed inventory failures revolve around communication breakdowns
258. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Communication standard that enables business
partners to exchange routine documents, such as
purchasing order, electronically
259. Extranet
Links business partners over the Internet by providing them access to certain areas of each other's
corporate intranets. Uses VPN technology to make
communication over the Internet more secure
260. False (Extranets not In- (T/F) There are three major types of internets. The
type that a company chooses the fans on the business partners involved in the purpose of the supply
261. Portal
In the context of B2B supply chain management,
these portals enable companies and their suppliers
to collaborate very closely
262. procurement portals
corporate portals that automate the business
processes involved in purchasing or procuring
products between a single buyer and multiple suppliers (upstream)
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263. Distribution portals
corporate portals that automate the business
processes involved in selling or distributing products from a single supplier to multiple buyers (downstream)
264. Collaborative CRM
Organizational CRM strategy where data consolidation and a 360° view of the customer enable
the organizations functional areas to readily share
information about customers
265. Business Intelligence a broad category of applications, technologies, and
processes for gathering, storing, accessing, and
analyzing data to help business users make better
266. Big data
Vast quantities of data collected from multiple
sources, analyzed for patterns, trends, and relationships for strategic decision making
267. Business Analytics
Use of predictive applied and statistical analysis to
the explore and organization's data
268. False (its the opposite) (T/F) Business intelligence is a subset of business
269. Online Analytical Pro- OLAP meaning
cessing (OLAP)
270. Management
Process by which an organization achieve this goal
through the use of resources (people, money, materials, information)
271. Productivity
Ratio between the inputs and the outputs for which
a manager is responsible
272. True
(T/F) Managers perform many things in organizations
273. Interpersonal roles
Figurehead, Leader, liaison
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274. Informational roles
Monitor, disseminator, spokesperson, analyser
275. Decisional roles
entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator
276. Decision
a choice among two or more alternatives that individuals and groups make
277. True
(F/T) Decision making is a systematic process
278. Intelligence phase
In decision making, managers examine a situation
and then identify and define the problem or opportunity
279. Design phase
decision makers construct a model for addressing
the situation. They perform this task by making assumptions that simplify reality and by expressing
the relationships among all of the relevant variables. Managers then validate the model by using
test data. Finally, decision makers set criteria for
evaluating all of the potential solutions that are
280. Choice phase
involves selecting a solution or course of action that
seems best suited to resolve the problem
281. False (Increasingly
complex and less
(T/F) Analysis becomes increasingly repetitive and
less complex
282. Latency
Delay before a transfer of data begins
283. Data latency
The time needed to make transactional data ready
for analysis
284. Analysis latency
The time from which data are made available to the
time when analysis is complete
285. Decision latency
The time it takes a human to comprehend the analytic result and determine an appropriate action
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286. Direct quantifiable
Benefits - Measerable and observable (p.ex. Lower
287. Indirect quantifiable
Benefits - Measurable but observed through other
events (p.ex. Increase in customer orders after staff
commissions were increased)
288. Unpredictable benefits Benefits - Unexpected (p.ex. Whoever is in section
3, for the next minute, everything is free)
289. Intangible benefits
Benefits - Not directly observable (p.ex. Reputation
or moral)
290. Operational control
involves executing specific tasks efficiently and effectively.
291. Management control
involves decisions concerning acquiring and using
resources efficiently in accomplishing organizational goals.
292. Strategic planning
involves adapting the resources of the firm to the
opportunities and threats of an ever-changing retail
293. Problem structure
where decision-making processes fall along a continuum ranging from highly structured to highly unstructured.
294. True
(t/F) BI encompasses not only application but also
technologies and processes. It includes getting
data in and getting that out
295. False (it is available to (T/F) BI is only used support management
employees, suppliers,
customers, ect.)
296. corporate performance management
Monitoring and managing an organization's performance according to key performance indicators
(KPIs) (revenue, roi, costs, etc.)
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297. True
(t/F) the development of infrastructure to support
enterprise-wide business intelligence can be done
with enterprise data warehouses
298. False (data mart)
(t/F) The development of one or a few BI applications can be done using an enterprise data warehouse
299. Real-Time Business
Enables users to employee of the variety of BI application for analyzing data including multi dimensional analysis, data mining,and decision support
300. Online Analytical Pro- Also referred as multi-dimensional analysis
cessing (OLAP)
301. Online Analytical Pro- involves "slicing and dicing" data stored in a dimencessing (OLAP)
sional format, drilling down in the data to greater
detail, and aggregating the data
302. Data mining
Process of searching for a valuable business information in a large database, data warehouse, or
data mart.
303. Crowdsourcing
The crowd is smarter than the individual
304. Decision Support Sys- Combine models and data to analyse semi-structem (DSS)
tured problems and some unstructured problems
that involve extensive user involvment
305. Models
simplified representations, or abstractions, of reality
306. Social network analy- Process of mapping in groups contacts to identify
who knows who and who works with them
307. Sensitivity analysis
Model of the impact that changes in one or more
parts of a decision-making model have on other
parts. It is used to determine the impact of environmental variables on the result.
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308. What-if analysis
Model that attempts to predict the impact of a
change in the assumptions (input data) on the proposed solution
309. Goal-seeking analysis Model that represents a "backward" approach. It
attempts to find the value of the inputs necessary
to achieve a desired level of output
310. Dashboard
a BI application that provides rapid access to timely
information and direct access to management reports
311. True
(t/F) Dashboards evolved from executive information systems
312. Geographic Information System (GIS)
A computer-based system for capturing, integrating, manipulating, and displaying data using digitized maps.
313. Drill down
The ability to go to details at several levels; it can
be done by series of menus
314. Critical Success Factors (CSFs)
Factors most critical for the success of business.
These can be organizational industry departmental
or for individual workers
315. Key performance indi- The quantifiable metrics a company uses to evalucators (KPIs)
ate progress toward critical success factors
316. Status access
the latest data available on KPI or some other metric, often in real time
317. Trend analysis
Short-, medium-, and long-term trend of KPIs
or metrics, which are projected using forecasting
318. Exception reporting
Reports that highlight deviations larger than certain
thresholds. Reports may include only deviations.
319. Transaction
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Any business event that generates data worth being captured or stored in a database
320. Transaction Processing System (TPS)
supports the monitoring, collection, storage, and
processing of data from the organization's basic
business transactions, each of which generates
data. Collects data in real-time. Provides input data
for corporate databases to be used by other information systems
321. Routine report
Report produced at scheduled intervals
322. Ad hoc report
Report produced out of routine
323. Batch processing
The system collects data from transactions as they
occur. It then prepares and processes the batches
324. Drill down report
Report that displays information in greater detail.
P.ex. Focusing on sales, by stores, by salesperson
325. Key indicator report
Report that summarizes the performance of critical
activities. P.ex. Monitoring cash flow
326. Comparative report
Report that compares metrics from different business units or single unit during different times.
327. Exception report
Report that includes only information that falls outside certain threshold standards
328. Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP)
System that adopts a business process view of the
overall organization to integrate the planning, management, and use of all an organizations resources
329. ERP II systems
interorganizational ERP systems that provide
Web-enabled links between a company's key business systems (such as inventory and production)
and its customers, suppliers, distributors, and other
relevant parties.
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330. Core ERP Modules
financial management, operations management,
human resource management
331. Extended ERP modules
business intelligence, eBusiness, supply chain
management, customer relations management
332. On-premise
ERP system that you have bought
333. Software-as-a-Service Software that is owned, delivered, and managed
remotely and delivered over the Internet to contracted customers on a pay-for-use basis or as a
subscription based on use metrics.
334. Vanilla approach
a company implements a standard ERP package,
using the package's built-in configuration options.
335. Custom approach
ERP system where a company implements a more
customized System by developing new ERP functions designed specifically for that firm.
336. Best-of-breed approach
ERP system that combines modules from various
vendors to create an information system that better
meets an organization's needs than a standard
ERP system.
337. Enterprise Application System that integrates existing systems by providIntegration (EAI)
ing software called middleware that connects multiple applications. (Alternative to ERP)
338. True
(T/F) Today we have a broader perspective of
IT resources acquisitions where companies often
choose which IT resources should be managed by
outside organizations
339. cost-benefit analysis
Deciding, quantitively, whether to go ahead
340. IT strategic plan
a set of long-range goals that describe the IT infrastructure and major IT initiatives needed to achieve
the goals of the organization
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341. IT steering committee comprised of a group of managers and staff who
represent the various organizational units, is created to establish IT priorities and to ensure that the
MIS function is meeting the organization's needs.
342. IS operational plan
This plan consists of a clear set of projects that the
IS department and the functional area managers
will execute in support of the IT strategic plan.
343. Application portfolio
prioritized inventory of present applications and a
detailed plan of projects to be developed or continued during the current year.
344. Image repositioning
Repositioning strategy - same product, same market
345. Intangible reposition- Repositioning strategy - same product, different
346. Product repositioning Repositioning strategy - different product, same
347. Tangible repositoning Repositioning strategy - different product, different
348. False (its the opposite) (T/f) Tangible benefits far exceed intangible benefits
349. Net Present Value
Method to convert future values of benefits to their
present value equivalent by discounting them at the
organizations cost of funds
350. Return on Investment Measures managements effectiveness in generat(ROI)
ing profits by dividing the net income by the average
assets invested in the project
351. break-even analysis
Determines the point at which the cumulative dollar value of the benefits for my project equals the
investment made in the project
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Business case approach
system developers write a business case to justify
funding one or more specific applications or projects
353. Ease of use
how easy it is for the customer to use the product/service
354. Application Service
Provider (ASP)
an agent or vendor who assembles the software needed by enterprises and packages them
with outsourced development, operations, maintenance, and other services
355. Outsourcing
Acquiring IT applications from outside contractors
or external organizations
356. Continuous application development
Process of steadily adding new computer code to
his software project when the new computer code
is ready. It is constantly changing in response to
business conditions
357. System Development
Life Cycle (SDLC)
358. System development
life cycle
Traditional systems development method that organizations use for large scale IT projects
359. True
(T/f) SDLC is typically used for large scale information system development projects
360. Joint Application Design (JAD)
Application designed by your team and a vendor
working together to create it for a prototype
361. System analyst
IS professional who specializes in analyzing and
designing information systems
362. Programmer
I asked professional who either modify or writes
computer programs to satisfy user requirements
363. Technical Specialist
Expert on a certain type of technology such as
databases or telecommunications
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364. Feasibility study
Study that helps the organization choose from
three options: do nothing and continue to use the
existing system, modify the existing system, devlop
a new system
365. Technical feasibility
determines whether the company can develop
and/or acquire the hardware, software, and communications components needed to solve the business problem
366. Economic Feasibility
determines whether the project is an acceptable
financial risk and, if so, whether the organization
has the necessary time and money to successfully
complete the project.
367. Behavioural feasibility addresses the human issues of the systems development project
368. System investigation
SDLC - Address is the business problem or business opportunity by means of the feasibility study
369. System analysis
SDLC - Process whereby systems analyst examine
the business problem that the organization plans to
solve with an information system
370. System design
SDLC - How the system will solve the business
371. System investigation
The deliverable for this phase of the SDLC process
is a go/no-go decision
372. System analysis
The deliverable for this phase of the SDLC process
is user requirements
373. System design
The deliverables for this phase of the SDLC
process are system specifications
374. Scope creep
The time frame and expenses associated with the
project expand beyond you agreed limits
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375. Programming and test- SDLC - Translating the design specifications into
computer code
376. Direct conversion
Conversation strategy: Cut off of the old system,
immediate implementation of the new one
377. Pilot conversion
Conversation strategy: Introducing the system in
one part of the organization
378. Phased conversion
Conversation strategy: Gradually introducing the
system throughout the organization
379. parallel conversion
Conversation strategy: Old and new systems operate simultaneously for a certain time
380. Operation and mainte- SDLC - Audits are performed to access the systems
capabilities and determine if it is being used correctly
381. Implementation
SDLC - Process of converting from an old computer
system to the new one
382. Rapid Application De- System development method that can combine
velopment (RAD)
JAD, Prototyping, an integrated computer aided
software engineering (iCase) tools to rapidly produce a high-quality system
383. True
(T/f) RAD produces the functional components of a
final system rather than prototypes.
384. Agile development
Software development methodology that delivers
functionality in rapid iterations.
385. Scrum approach
Subset of agile development. Users can change
their mind about what they want and need. It is used
when a problem cannot be fully understood and
defined from the start.
386. End-user development
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approach in which the organization's end users develop their own applications with little or no formal
assistance from the IT department
387. Prototyping
Defines an initial list of user of requirements, builds
a model of the system, and then refines the system
in several iterations based on user feedback
388. Computer aided software engineering
Group of tools that are made many of the tasks in
the SDLC
389. upper CASE tools
Tools used to automate the early stages of the
SDLC (systems investigation, analysis, and design).
390. lower CASE tools
tools used to automate later stages in the SDLC
(programming, testing, operation, and maintenance)
391. component-based de- uses standard components to build applications
392. Object-oriented devel- a systems development methodology that begins
with aspects of the real world that must be modeled
to perform a task
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