Uploaded by Amna Qayyum

Fatigue management report template

Grow Management Consultants
Fatigue management report
Include a short introduction about the purpose of the report.
Problems associated with fatigue
Provide a brief outline of why fatigue is a problem.
Signs of fatigue
Discuss signs of fatigue.
Risks associated with fatigue and procedures for managing the risk of fatigue.
Discuss risks associated with fatigue, key factors contributing to and increasing the risk of fatigue
relevant to Grow Management Consultant Staff, as well as an outline of the procedures to manage the
risk of fatigue.
Proposed strategies for managing fatigue and relationship to hierarchy of
Include recommendation for strategies to manage fatigue at Grow Management Consultants.
Sources of information used for the report, as well as sources of expert advice
that could be used if further advice is needed in the area.
Provide a brief description of each source of information you used plus at least 2 sources of expert
advice (name of company and services they offer) that you could use if required.
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