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G10 Imperialism Revision: Africa & China Maps

G10 Summative Exam Revision Sheet
1. Revise the following concepts for your timed essay 7/8th April
2. You will answer a timed evaluation question in 40 minutes on the processes involved
in empire building (Imperialism)
The thoughts of Halford Mackinder and his view on the post Colombian epoch applied to
two case studies:
1. ‘Relative Efficiency’ in the Scramble for Africa
and colonialization:
Can you draw and annotate this map from memory
referring to:
-Africa before European domination; Nations
Compete for Overseas Empires; The Congo Sparks
-Forces Driving Imperialism: Belief in European
Superiority; Social Darwinism; Factors Promoting
Imperialism in Africa
-The Division of Africa- Berlin Conference Divides
Africa, Demand for Raw Materials Shapes Colonies.
Three Groups clash over South Africa
-Three Groups clash over South Africa- Zulus fight
the British, Boers and the British settle in the Cape,
The Boer War
2. Russia, Germany, Britain, Japan, US,
France, Belgium all competing for
‘Relative Efficiency’ in China: Can you
draw and annotate this map from
memory referring to:
-The link between commodities,
technology, geography and power
-The interrelationships between the
following concepts that allow imperial
powers to exercise Power:
Space (across China),
Scale (trans-boundary), Geopolitics
(different alliances between different groups), Geostrategy (successful allocation of
strategic resources and the misallocation of the competitors’, Geoeconomics (using the
market to attract capital to fund strategic objectives), Geotechnology (development and
deployment of the railways)