University of Southern Mindanao College of Health Sciences Department of Nursing DRUG STUDY Name of Patient: ____ Admitting Diagnosis: ____ NAME OF DRUG GENERIC NAME: ALBUTEROL SULFATE BRAND NAME: AccuNeb Ventolin HFA __________________________________ Age: __ ___ Sex: _ __ Room: ___N/A__ Date: ______N/A__________________ Attending Physician: _______N/A________________Diet: _______N/A________ CLASSIFICATION BRONCHODILATOR INDICATION MECHANISM OF ACTION CONTRAINDICATION SIDE EFFECTS ADVERSE EFFECTS Relaxes bronchial and vascular smooth muscle by stimulating beta2receptors. Contraindicated to patients that hypertensive to this drug. To prevent or treat bronchospa sms in patients with reversible obstructive airway disease Use extended-release tablets cautiously in patients with GI narrowing. Tremor Nervousness Headache Weakness Tachycardia Palpitations Chest pain Nausea Vomiting Heartburn Anorexia Dry and irritated nose and throat Edema Muscle cramps Cold symptoms NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES Warn patient about bronchospas ms and to stop drug immediately if it occurs. If prescribers orders more than 1 inhalation, tell the patient to wait at least 2minutes before repeating the procedure. Advise the patient not to use more Reference/s: Nursing drug handbook 2009. (2009). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. than prescribed and not to increase dose or frequency without consulting physician. If patient is also using corticosteroid s inhaler, tell the patient to use the bronchodilator s first and then to wait about 5 minutes before using the corticosteroid s. University of Southern Mindanao College of Health Sciences Department of Nursing DRUG STUDY Name of Patient: ____ Admitting Diagnosis: ____ NAME OF DRUG GENERIC NAME: IPRATROPIU M BROMIDE BRAND NAME: Atrovent HFA __________________________________ Age: __ ___ Sex: _ __ Room: ___N/A__ Date: ______N/A__________________ Attending Physician: _______N/A________________Diet: _______N/A________ CLASSIFICATION BRONCHODILATO R INDICATION MECHANIS M OF ACTION Bronchospasms in Inhibits chronic bronchitis vagally mediated and emphysema reflexes antagonizing acetylcholine at muscarinic receptors on bronchial smooth muscle. CONTRAINDICATIO N Contraindicated to patients that hypertensive to this drug, atropine, or its derivatives. Drug isn’t indicated for initial treatment of acute episodes of bronchospasms. Use cautiously breastfeeding women. SIDE EFFECTS Headache Dizziness Palpitations Chest pain Nausea Vomiting Dry mouth Blurred vision ADVERSE EFFECTS Rash Chest pain Flulike symptom s NURSING RESPONSIBILITIE S in Warn patient that drug isn’t effective for treating acute episodes of brochospas ms Teach patient about metereddose inhaler or oral nebulizer correctly. Warn the patient to avoid accidentally spraying drugs into eyes If patient is also using corticosteroi ds inhaler, tell the patient to use the ipratropium first and then to wait about 5 minutes before using the corticosteroi ds. Instruct patient to sniff deeply after each spray and to breathe out through mouth. Tell patient to tilt head backward to allow the drug to spread to the back of the nose. Reference/s: Nursing drug handbook 2009. (2009). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. University of Southern Mindanao College of Health Sciences Department of Nursing DRUG STUDY Name of Patient: ____ Admitting Diagnosis: ____ NAME OF DRUG GENERIC NAME: __________________________________ Age: __ ___ Sex: _ __ Room: ___N/A__ Date: ______N/A__________________ Attending Physician: _______N/A________________Diet: _______N/A________ CLASSIFICATION CORTICOSTEROID S INDICATION PREDNISION E BRAND NAME: Millipred, Orapred ODT Pediapred Uncontrolled asthma in those taking inhaled corticosteroids and longacting bronchodilator s Sever inflammation, immunosuppre ssion MECHANIS M OF ACTION CONTRAINDICATIO N Not clearly defined. Decreases inflammation , mainly by stabilizing leukocyte lysosomal membranes; suppresses immune response. Use cautiously in patients with recent MI, GI ulcer, renal disease, hypertension, DM, cirrhosis, active hepatitis, etc. Prolonged increases of infection, latent prolong infections infections. use can incidence secondary activate infections, viral and other SIDE EFFECTS Insomnia Euphoria Vertigo Headache Edema GI Irritation Nausea Vomiting Menstrual irregularities Muscl weakness Anorexia ADVERSE EFFECTS Seizures Arrhythmias Pancreatitis Hypokalemia Hypocalcemia Hypoglycemia Possible death NURSING RESPONSIBILITIE S Tell patient not to stop drug abruptly or without prescriber’s consent. Instruct patient to take oral form with food and milk. Warn patient on long-term therapy and the need to notify prescriber about suden Reference/s: Nursing drug handbook 2009. (2009). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. weight gain or swelling. Instruct patient to avoid exposure to infections and to notify prescriber if exposure occurs. University of Southern Mindanao College of Health Sciences Department of Nursing DRUG STUDY Name of Patient: ____ Admitting Diagnosis: ____ NAME OF DRUG GENERIC NAME: __________________________________ Age: __ ___ Sex: _ __ Room: ___N/A__ Date: ______N/A__________________ Attending Physician: _______N/A________________Diet: _______N/A________ CLASSIFICATION CORTICOSTEROID S INDICATION HYDROCORTI -SONE BRAND NAME: Colocort Cortef Severe inflammation Respiratory disease MECHANIS M OF ACTION CONTRAINDICATIO N Not clearly defined. Decreases inflammation , mainly by stabilizing leukocyte lysosomal membranes; suppresses immune response. Use cautiously to patients with recent MI. SIDE EFFECTS Use cautiously to patient with GI ulcers, hypertension, seizures, DM, osteoporosis, TB, myasthenia gravis and etc. Tremor Insomnia Vertigo Mood swings Headache GI Irritation Nausea Vomiting Easy bruising Muscle weakness Delayed wound healing Fatigue Skin eruptions ADVERSE EFFECTS Seizures Arrhythmias Pancreatitis Sudden withdrawal may be fatal NURSING RESPONSIBILITIE S Tell the patient not to stop abruptly Instruct patient to take oral form of drug with milk or food. Teach patient about signs and symptoms of adrenal insufficiency such as fatigue, weakness, joint pain, anorexia, Reference/s: Nursing drug handbook 2009. (2009). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. nausea, shortness of breath, and dizziness. Warn patient about easy bruising. University of Southern Mindanao College of Health Sciences Department of Nursing DRUG STUDY Name of Patient: ____ Admitting Diagnosis: ____ NAME OF DRUG CLASSIFICATIO N GENERIC NAME: BRONCHODILATORS __________________________________ Age: __ ___ Sex: _ __ Room: ___N/A__ Date: ______N/A__________________ Attending Physician: _______N/A________________Diet: _______N/A________ INDICATION SALMETE -ROL XINOFOATE BRAND NAME: Serevent Diskus To prevent bronchospa sms in patients with nocturnal asthma or reversible obstructive airway disease COPD, emphysem a or chronic bronchitis MECHANISM OF ACTION CONTRAINDICATIO N SIDE EFFECTS Selectively activates beta2 receptors , which result in bronchodilation s. Don’t use drug to medications containing long-acting beta2 agonists. Use cautiously to patients usually unresponsive to sympathomimetic and those with coronary insufficiency, arrhythmias, hypertension, diabetes or seizures. Anxiety Headache Dizziness Tremor Nervousness Palpitations Fever Tachycardia Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Joint and back pain Cough Sleep disturbances ADVERSE EFFECTS Hoarseness Candidiasis of throat or mouth Sinusitis Rash Hypersensitivity reactions NURSING RESPONSIBILITIE S Remind patient to take drug at about 12hour interval for optimal effect and to take drug even when feeling better. If patient is taking drug to prevent exerciseinduced bronchospas ms, tell patient to take it 30 Reference/s: Nursing drug handbook 2009. (2009). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. minutes before exercise If patients take an inhaled corticosteroi d, patient should continue to use it regularly. Advise patient if female to contact her physician if sche becomes pregnant during the therapy.