See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Mapping mineralogical alteration using principal-component analysis and matched filter processing in the Takab area, north-west Iran, from ASTER data Article in International Journal of Remote Sensing · May 2008 DOI: 10.1080/01431160701418989 CITATIONS READS 97 862 4 authors: Farid Moore Fatemeh Rastmanesh Shiraz University Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz 320 PUBLICATIONS 8,277 CITATIONS 34 PUBLICATIONS 605 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Hooshang Asadi Soroush Modabberi Isfahan University of Technology University of Tehran 52 PUBLICATIONS 1,231 CITATIONS 167 PUBLICATIONS 699 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Genesis of vent-proximal shale-hosted massive sulfide (SHMS) deposits View project Sr Mineralization at the Base of Asmari Formation View project All content following this page was uploaded by Farid Moore on 04 July 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE This article was downloaded by: [Universita Studi la Sapienza] On: 03 July 2014, At: 23:54 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK International Journal of Remote Sensing Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Mapping mineralogical alteration using principal‐component analysis and matched filter processing in the Takab area, north‐west Iran, from ASTER data a a b F. Moore , F. Rastmanesh , H. Asadi & S. Modabberi c a Department of the Earth Sciences , College of Sciences , Shiraz University , Shiraz 71454, Iran b Mining Department , Esfahan University of Technology , Esfahan, 83111, Iran c Department of Environment of Islamic Republic of Iran , Pardisan park , Tehran, 15875 , Iran Published online: 29 Apr 2008. To cite this article: F. Moore , F. Rastmanesh , H. Asadi & S. Modabberi (2008) Mapping mineralogical alteration using principal‐component analysis and matched filter processing in the Takab area, north‐west Iran, from ASTER data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29:10, 2851-2867, DOI: 10.1080/01431160701418989 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at International Journal of Remote Sensing Vol. 29, No. 10, 20 May 2008, 2851–2867 Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 Mapping mineralogical alteration using principal-component analysis and matched filter processing in the Takab area, north-west Iran, from ASTER data F. MOORE*{, F. RASTMANESH{, H. ASADI{ and S. MODABBERI§ {Department of the Earth Sciences, College of Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz 71454, Iran {Mining Department, Esfahan University of Technology, Esfahan, 83111, Iran §Department of Environment of Islamic Republic of Iran, Pardisan park, Tehran, 15875, Iran (Received 27 November 2006; in final form 12 April 2007 ) The Takab area, located in north-west Iran, is an important gold mineralized region with a long history of gold mining. The gold is associated with toxic metals/metalloids. In this study, Advanced Space Borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer data are evaluated for mapping gold and base-metal mineralization through alteration mapping. Two different methods are used for argillic and silicic alteration mapping: selective principal-component analysis and matched filter processing (MF). Running a selective principal-component analysis using the main spectral characteristics of key alteration minerals enhanced the altered areas in PC2. MF using spectral library and laboratory spectra of the study area samples gave similar results. However, MF, using the image reference spectra from principal component (PC) images, produced the best results and indicated the advantage of using image spectra rather than library spectra in spectral mapping techniques. It seems that argillic alteration is more effective than silicic alteration for exploration purposes. It is suggested that alteration mapping can also be used to delineate areas contaminated by potentially toxic metals. 1. Introduction The Advanced Space Borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), which is aboard the Earth observing system (EOS) TERRA platform, records solar radiation in 14 spectral bands (Rowan and Mars 2003, Rowan et al. 2005). It measures reflected radiation in three bands between 0.52 and 0.86 mm (VNIR); in six bands from 1.6 to 2.43 mm (SWIR), and emitted radiation in five bands in the 8.125–11.65 mm wavelength region (TIR). The resolution of VNIR, SWIR, and TIR is 15 m, 30 m, and 90 m respectively (Fujisada 1995). With the spectral resolution provided by ASTER, identification of specific alteration assemblages becomes feasible (Abrams 2000). The VNIR, SWIR, and TIR wavelength regions provide complementary data for lithologic mapping and exploration through alteration mapping. Already, ASTER data have been *Corresponding author. Email: International Journal of Remote Sensing ISSN 0143-1161 print/ISSN 1366-5901 online # 2008 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/01431160701418989 Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 2852 F. Moore et al. extensively used for these purposes (e.g. Crosta et al. 2003, Rowan and Mars 2003, Rowan et al. 2003, 2005, 2006, Ninomiya et al. 2005). The geothermal basin of Takab area, in the north-western part of Iran, is characterized by having a wide variety of mineral deposits. The most important mineral commodity is gold. Zarshuran in this area is one of the largest gold deposits in Iran. Most deposits in the Takab area and their alteration halos contain potentially toxic metals/metalloids such as arsenic, antimony, and selenium, and pose serious environmental problems (Modabberi 2004, Modabberi and Moore 2004). Hence, alteration mapping, in addition to its use as an exploration tool, can also serve to delineate areas prone to contamination of toxic metals. The main purpose of this study is application of ASTER data in determining the distribution pattern of these metals/metalloids sources, through alteration mapping. A 7706912 pixel subscene of ASTER 168/99/7 covers the study area. The data were acquired on July 2000. 2. Study area Takab area is a sparsely vegetated semi arid, mountainous region, located north of the Takab town, NW Iran (figure 1). It is an important gold-producing region and hosts several famous gold deposits, including Zarshuran and Aghdarreh. Gold mineralization is widespread, and occurrences of gold-bearing, arsenic, antimony, and basemetal deposits in Takab area are also common (Asadi 2000, Asadi et al. 2000). The Takab depositional sequence is characterized by stratigraphic hiatus and unconformities. According to Samimi (1992), the mining area is in a region of Precambrian metamorphic basement with late Precambrian carbonates and shales overlain by Cambro-Ordovician formations. Tertiary rocks transgress over these older rocks. Figure 1 presents the geological map of Takab area. The oldest rock units are a series of greenish-grey metamorphic mica schist and quartzite of lower Precambrian age. These rocks underlie metamorphosed ultramafic rocks, including complexes of serpentinite and serpentine schist, metagabbro, and metamorphosed basaltic rocks of middle Precambrian. A thick bedded greyish crystalline dolomitic limestone and dolomite comprise the upper Precambrian sequence. Cambrian deposits consist of dolomite, shale, and sandstone. Olio-Miocene stratigraphic units are composed of thick-bedded to massive limestone, gypsiferous marl, and sandstone, with associated basaltic and andesitic volcanic rocks. The youngest rock units are loose clay-cemented polygenetic conglomerate and travertine. A number of felsic intrusive rocks, mainly granite and quartz porphyry, microgranite, and aplite, are exposed north and west of the study area. Zarshuran, the most important gold deposit of Takab area, is located 42 km north of the Takab town (figure 1). It has an ancient history of arsenic and gold mining (Samimi 1992). The Zarshuran area is characterized mainly by rocks of Precambrian age. Epithermal gold mineralization occurs in the Zarshuran black shale and limestone of Precambrian age. More than 30 sulfide minerals and sullphosalts have now been identified at Zarshuran (Karimi 1993, Mehrabi et al. 1999, Asadi et al. 2000). Pyrite, the most abundant sulfide, is associated with both ore and gangue minerals. The main stage of gold and arsenic mineralization is accompanied by massive silicic and argillic alteration (Asadi 2000). The intensity of silicification varies from weak to total replacement of the host by jasperoid. Massive 2853 Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 Mapping mineralogical alteration using principal-component analysis Figure 1. Geological map of the Takab area. cryptocrystalline quartz and hydrothermal quartz with idiomorphic hexagonal crystals are the main components of siliceous alteration. Argillic alteration is intimately associated with the gold mineralization. The moderately to intensely argillized rocks consist of varying proportions of finegrained clays (sericite, illite, and kaolinite), quartz, gypsum, sulfides (pyrite, orpiment, and realgar), and As–Sb sulfosalts. Aghdarreh, the second largest gold deposit in the Takab area occurs in an OligoMiocene limestone. Like Zarshuran, the most important alteration types are silicification and argillization, and silicification ranges from weak to complete 2854 F. Moore et al. replacement of the wall-rock by jasperoid. Important alteration minerals include quartz, illite, and kaolinite. Generally speaking, silicification and argillic alteration are widespread throughout the Takab region. 3. Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 3.1 Methods Preprocessing of ASTER data A cloud-free L1A-ASTER scene of the Takab area, acquired on 14 July 2000 was orthorectified and reprojected to UTM 39N, WGS-84 by Geosense in the Netherlands, using a SRTM Digital Elevation Model and orthorectified Landsat ETM + imagery of the area as reference materials. ASTER L1A data are converted to radiance at sensor data using standard ENVI software. In order to perform spectral analysis and compare multispectral image spectra with reference reflectance spectra, the radiance data had to be converted to reflectance data (Lau 2004). The radiance data are affected by atmospheric effects, such as water vapour and distribution of aerosols, and therefore require atmospheric correction to minimize these influences and hence generate meaningful pixel spectra that can be correlated with field spectra. In this study, the SWIR bands of the study area were atmospherically corrected using a modified (proprietary by GEOSENSE) Internal Average Relative Reflectance (IARR) (Kruse et al. 1985). In this technique, the average scene spectrum is calculated and is used as the reference spectrum, which is then divided into the spectrum at each pixel of the image. The ASTER Thermal emmitance data, analysed in the study area, were produced from the level 1B data using IARR algorithm (Moghtaderi et al. 2007). The level 1B data had been produced previously from level 1A data using a bilinear resampling procedure. 3.2 Image processing Different image-processing techniques can be applied on ASTER data. These techniques range from multispectral methods such as PCA and band ratioing (e.g. Crosta et al. 2003, Rowan et al. 2005) to mineral-mapping methods such as matched filtering (e.g. Rowan et al. 2006). In this study, two different methods, namely principal-component analysis (PCA) and matched filter (MF) processing, are compared and combined for alteration mapping. In both methods, the spectral characteristics of alteration key minerals of the study area were used. In order to determine the main spectral features of the alteration minerals in the study area, some samples were collected from alteration zones in the vicinity of Zarshuran and Aghdarreh operations. Reflectance spectra of the samples were measured in the laboratory using the TerraSpecH spectroradiometer at the Geosense Company, Netherlands (table 1). 3.2.1 Principal-component analysis. TM data have already been extensively used for alteration mapping (e.g. Kaufmann 1988, Loughlin 1991, Ruiz-Armenta and Prol-Ledesma 1998, Tangestani and Moore 2001, 2002, Carranza and Hale 2002). However, the TM visible and near-infrared (VNIR) and short-wave infrared (SWIR) bands can only discriminate areas rich in iron oxides/hydroxides and clay minerals, respectively. With the spectral resolution provided by ASTER, Mapping mineralogical alteration using principal-component analysis 2855 Table 1. Characteristics of used spectroradiometer (TerraSpecH). Spectral range Spectral resolution Scanning time Detectors Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 Input 350–2500 nm 3 nm @ 700 nm 6 nm @ 1400 nm 7 nm @ 2150 nm 100 ms One 512 element Si photodiode array 350–1000 nm Two separate, TE cooled, graded index InGaAs photodiodes 1000–2500 nm Detachable SMA 905 style 1.5-m fibre-optic cable identification of specific alteration assemblages becomes feasible, since it has six spectral bands in the SWIR (bands 4–9), a region where many clay minerals show diagnostic spectral features, compared with only two TM bands (TM 5 and TM 7) (Abrams 2000). PCA is a widely used technique for alteration mapping in metallogenic provinces. PCA can be applied to multivariate datasets, such as multispectral remote sensing images with the purpose of extracting specific spectral responses as in the case of hydrothermal alteration minerals (Crosta et al. 2003). If the number of input channels is reduced to avoid a particular spectral contrast, the chances of defining a unique principal component (PC) for a specific mineral class will be increased (Loughlin 1991). Chavez and Kwarteng (1989) introduced a specific kind of PCA in which only two bands are used as input to PCA. They labelled this kind of PCA selective PCA. Selective PCA can be used to enhance and map the spectral differences or contrast between different spectral regions. When only two bands are used as input to PCA, the spectral contrast is mapped into the second component. The result of selective PCA processing is easier for visual interpretation. In this study, those bands that contain the most representative common spectral features of the alteration minerals in Takab area were chosen as input bands to PCA. As the main alteration zones in the study area are argillic and silicic, the SWIR and TIR regions of the ASTER data were respectively used for argillic and silicic mapping. In argillic alteration mapping, the subset (selective) bands were selected according to the position of characteristic spectral features of key argillic minerals in the SWIR portion of the spectrum. The main argillic alteration minerals in Takab area are kaolinite, sericite, and Illite. Figure 2 shows reflectance spectra of these minerals resampled to ASTER bandpasses 1–9 and produced from available USGS spectral library. All minerals show a distinct absorption feature around 2.2 mm (band 6). They also display distinct reflectance around bands 4 and 7, with the reflectance in band 4 being stronger. Figure 3 shows the laboratory spectra of samples of argillic zone in the study area. The spectra illustrate similar spectral signatures to that of USGS spectral library. Bands 4 and 6 were chosen as input to selective PCA. Table 2 shows the eigenvector statistics for these bands. According to eigenvector loadings and their signs, in PC2 clay minerals of argillic alteration (kaolinite, illite, and sericite) are enhanced with bright pixels. Figure 4 shows the distribution of argillic alteration in the Takab area. Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 2856 F. Moore et al. Figure 2. Laboratory reflectance spectra of important clay minerals (kaolinite, muscovite (sericite), illite) in the Takab area. The spectra were resampled to the ASTER bandpasses 1–9. All minerals show a distinct absorption feature around 2.2 mm (band 6 of ASTER). USGS spectral library. In silicic alteration mapping, silicate minerals exhibit fundamental molecular vibrational absorption features in the 8–14-mm atmospheric window, which is the basis of lithologic mapping using multispectral thermal-infrared images (Salisbury et al. 1988). The main silicic alteration key mineral of the study area is quartz. Spectra of quartz display minima in ASTER bands 11 and 12 (Rowan and Mars 2003). According to Rowan (1998), quartz-rich rocks have distinctly asymmetrical Figure 3. Laboratory spectra of the argillic zone minerals in the study area. The spectra were resampled to the ASTER bandpasses 1–9. All minerals show a distinct absorption feature around 2200 nm (band 6 of ASTER). Mapping mineralogical alteration using principal-component analysis 2857 Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 Table 2. Eigenvector statistics for ASTER bands 4 and 6 of the Takab area. Input bands PC1 PC2 Band 4 Band 6 0.78 0.62 0.62 20.78 channels 10–14 image spectra with low slopes in the channels 10–12 region and steep slopes in the channels 12–14. The reason for this asymmetry is the dominance of quartz (figure 5). So, it is expected that quartz-rich rocks will be enhanced in dark red in the colour composite 14–12–10 (RGB). Figure 6 confirms this expectation. Figure 7 shows the emittance spectra of the dark red region in figure 6. The reason for producing emittance spectra is the lack of emittance data of silicic alteration minerals of Takab area in TIR region. Also, the TIR spectral libraries available for rocks and soils are much more limited than VNIR-SWIR mineral spectral libraries, and nearly all the emissivity spectra represent fresh, unweathered samples (Rowan et al. 2005). As expected, silicic alteration minerals (mainly quartz), exhibit a distinct minimum at band 12 and a maximum at band 14. These bands were used as inputs of selective PCA. The eigenvector statistics for these bands are presented in table 3. According to eigenvector loadings and their signs, silicified rocks are enhanced in PC2 with dark pixels (figure 8). 3.2.2 Al-OH clays ratio image. The reflectance of key argillic alteration minerals, kaolinite, illite, and sericite (Al-OH clays) in band 4 and their distinct absorption Figure 4. PC2 image of selective PCA on bands 4 and 6 of ASTER. Clay minerals of argillic alteration are enhanced as bright pixels. Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 2858 F. Moore et al. Figure 5. Spectra representing quartz-rich rocks. All rocks show a distinct absorption feature around band 12 of ASTER (modified from Rowan 1998). feature in band 6 are used as the criteria for argillic alteration mapping. Although this is good for the Al-OH clays, it is still large and positive for many other minerals such as carbonates. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the resultant argillic alteration map, a relative band-depth (RBD) image (Crowley et al. 1989, Rowan and Mars 2003, Rowan et al. 2005) was produced to display the extent of Al-OH clays in the study area. This ratio was calculated as follows (Band 4 + Band 7)/(Band 6) (Rowan et al. 2005). In the resultant image, argillically altered rocks are enhanced with bright pixels (figure 9). The RBD image and PC2 of PCA analysis are in good agreement. 3.2.3 Matched filter processing. The matched filtering technique (Harsanyi and Chang 1994) maximizes the response of the known endmember and suppresses the response of the composite unknown background, thus matching the known signature. It provides a rapid means of detecting specific materials based on a match to library or image endmember spectra and does not require knowledge of all endmembers within an image scene. In this study, the reference spectra were selected from the USGS spectral library and, in the case of the TIR region, from JHU and also the hand spectroradiometer results of the samples measured in laboratory. Also, the spectra representing the enhanced altered areas in those PCs that were selected as representing the distribution of altered rocks were used as reference spectra in mineral mapping. Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 Mapping mineralogical alteration using principal-component analysis 2859 Figure 6. Colour composite made with bands 14–12–10 from ASTER data. Silicified rocks are enhanced as dark red. In this regard, the reference spectra were selected from true anomalous areas. For those altered rocks that are enhanced as dark pixels in PC images, the image must be negated, and the reference spectra must be selected from high DN values of known altered areas. In argillic alteration mapping, matched filter processing, using the USGS spectral library of kaolinite, illite, and sericite (key minerals of the argillic alteration) in the Takab area, enhanced the alteration halos mostly around the Zarshuran mine (figure 10). Running the MF technique, using reference spectra derived from PC image, produces results similar to those of the Al-OH clays ratio image, with the altered areas being more clear and widespread in the former (figure 11). In silicic alteration mapping, as mentioned, massive cryptocrystalline quartz and hydrothermal quartz with idiomorphic hexagonal crystals are the main components Figure 7. Spectra of siliceous rocks occurring in the Takab area. 2860 F. Moore et al. Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 Table 3. Eigenvector statistics for ASTER bands 12 and 14 of the Takab area. Input bands PC1 PC2 Band 12 Band 14 0.80 0.60 0.60 20.80 of siliceous alteration. The spectral library spectrum of this mineral was used as a reference in MF technique. For this purpose, TIR bands were used. Also, the reference spectra derived from PC image were used in image processing. The use of spectral library spectra gave unusual results, and the silicified rocks were not enhanced. The use of image spectra for MF produced better results (figures 12 and 13). 4. Results and conclusions Selective PCA, using ASTER data and laboratory measured spectral characteristics of the samples in Takab area, provided a simple way for alteration mapping. Comparison of the obtained results with available geological maps and ground data checking showed that selective PCA is a reasonable and reliable way for preparing alteration maps. Running PCA with SWIR bands also gives the same result at PC2 and differentiates between Zarshuran carbonate host and the adjacent ultramafic rocks (figure 14). Running PCA with TIR bands as inputs gives similar results to PC2 for selective PCA. The reason for this is probably the emittance of silicified rocks in this part of electromagnetic spectrum. Matched filter processing also provides a rapid method for argillic alteration mapping based on main spectral reflectance and spectral emittance characteristics. USGS spectral library, hand specctroradiometer results of the study area samples, Figure 8. PC2 image of running selective PCA on bands 14 and 12 of ASTER. Silified rocks are enhanced with bright pixels. Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 Mapping mineralogical alteration using principal-component analysis 2861 Figure 9. ASTER relative-band depth (RBD) image for Al-OH clays, in which clays are enhanced as bright pixels. and image spectra were used as a reference for argillic alteration mapping. Comparison of figures 10 and 11 shows that matched filter processing using image spectra yields a considerably more clear alteration map. Running this technique using the USGS spectral library and laboratory measured spectra of the study area samples gives similar results but different from matched filter processing using image spectra. This is because the laboratory measurements of samples typically Figure 10. Matched filter processing result for argillic alteration mapping using kaolinite, illite, and sericit as endmembers (USGS spectral library). Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 2862 F. Moore et al. Figure 11. Matched filter processing result for argillic alteration mapping using PCA image spectra. have a high alteration mineral content, whereas the image spectra represent 30-m pixels within which the alteration mineral content may be less concentrated (Rowan et al. 2006). The same is true for silicic alteration where using image spectra yielded better results. Matched filter processing using the JHU spectral library yielded unusual results in that the least matching occurs around the deposits and quartz-rich rocks. Figure 12. Matched filter processing result for silicic alteration mapping using quartz as an endmember (JHU spectral library). Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 Mapping mineralogical alteration using principal-component analysis 2863 Figure 13. Matched filter processing result for silicic alteration mapping using PCA image spectra. In examining these spectra, it was found that the quartz absorption feature in the vicinity of band 12 of ASTER data is missing in this spectral library (figure 15). The representative spectra of the silicified rocks of the Takab area clearly show this absorption feature (figure 7). The result clearly indicates the advantage of using image spectra instead of library spectra as a reference in matched filtering and probably other spectral mapping techniques such as the spectral angle mapper. Figure 14. PC2 image of running PCA using SWIR bands of ASTER data. Argillicalley altered rocks are enhanced with bright pixels. Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 2864 F. Moore et al. Figure 15. JHU spectral library of quartz. The spectra were resampled to the ASTER bandpasses 10–14. Comparison of figures 8 and 13, and 4 and 11 shows that MF processing using PC image spectra displays more widespread altered areas than SPCA or MF using laboratory spectra. This is also confirmed by ground-data checking and considering the proposed anomalous areas by the geological survey of Iran (figure 16). Silicic and argillic alterations display different distribution patterns. The silica anomaly is usually only of interest when it coincides with other spectral anomalies. Figure 16. Colour composite made with argillic, argillic + silicic, and silicic alteration as RGB, respectively. The alteration zones are quite bright. Downloaded by [Universita Studi la Sapienza] at 23:54 03 July 2014 Mapping mineralogical alteration using principal-component analysis 2865 Silica anomalies related to alteration are often quite subtle compared with many false anomalies. In the study area, high silica values are not confined to hydrothermal alteration. Silica mapping also maps silica in siliceous rocks and other surface materials such as quartz-rich sands (figure 1). Argillic alteration is more widespread than silicic alteration. In order to find hydrothermally altered regions that show both silicic and argillic alterations, a colour composite image was created by combining the argillic alteration image, silicic + argillic alteration images, and silicic alteration image as red, green, and blue, respectively. The images used are the results of matched filter processing with image spectra (figure 16). In the resultant image, alteration zones are quite bright, and white pixels are potentially the most prospective in that they are both argillized and silicified. The image also shows that apart from known deposits, several new anomalies also exist in the study area. With one exception, all these anomalies are located west and north-west of Zarshuran. According to Karimi (1993), a few kilometres to the west of Zarshuran there are several old workings showing ancient mining activity. The majority of the deposits are hosted by carbonates (Asadi 2000). Exploration by the Geological Survey of Iran (1997) in the Takab area also reveals several promising exploration targets in this region. Approximate locations of these anomalies are shown in figure 16. The created colour composite image, thus, successfully mapped these new anomalies as well as the known deposits. It seems that in the study area, argillic alteration is apparently more important than silicic alteration for exploration purposes. Analysis of ASTER data in this study showed that although selective PCA is a robust technique and that matched filter processing provides a rapid mean for alteration mapping, neither of these two techniques can by itself produce a satisfactory alteration mapping. However, combining the two methods produces a better result. Furthermore, as potentially toxic metals are mostly hosted by alteration minerals, the proposed method may also be used to delineate contaminated areas. The coincidence of alteration haloes in this study with contaminated areas in Takab area supports this conclusion. This new implication of alteration mapping deserves further investigation. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Science Research and Technology of Iran, for grant number 113545, which provided the financial resources for this research. The authors would also like to thank Dr Marc Goossense, for his help in the spectral analysis. References ABRAMS, M., 2000, The advanced spaceborne thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data products for the high spatial resolution imager on NASA’S Terra platform. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 21, pp. 847–859. ASADI, H.H., 2000, The Zarshuran gold deposit model applied in a mineral exploration GIS in Iran. PhD thesis, University of Delft and ITC. 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