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Arcadia University
Glenside, PA
Instructor’s Name: Laura Ducray (she/her) Semester / Year: Spring 2022
E-mail: DucrayL@arcadia.edu
Course Number /Title:
Office Location/Hours: Virtual by appointment
MA 141 / Elementary Statistics
Students must have successfully completed MA095 or the Placement Exam.
Elementary Statistics 13th edition
ISBN-13: 978-0134462455
By: Mario Triola
Published by: Addison Wesley, Pearson Education, Inc.
Course Overview
This is a basic course in the principles and techniques of statistics. The course will treat
descriptive and inferential statistics. Classification of data, probability theory, measures of
central tendency, measures of dispersion, normal distribution, population parameters, testing
hypotheses, analysis of variance, and correlation and regression are among the topics to be
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
Use critical thinking skills to evaluate the design and results of surveys and experiments.
Construct frequency tables, from raw data.
Calculate the mean, median, and mode of a data set.
Calculate the variance and standard deviation of a data set.
Calculate probabilities.
Compare and contrast distributions including probability distributions and normal
probability distributions.
Estimate a population proportion and mean.
Formulate and test a hypothesis.
Determine confidence intervals for population parameters.
Calculate regression and correlation coefficients.
Perform Chi-Square Tests for Independence and Goodness of Fit.
Calculate one-way analysis of variance.
Free tutoring is available in the LRN. Also join the Virtual LRN. You can self-enroll using this
URL: https://arcadia.instructure.com/enroll/476LYR. Instructions for requesting a tutor,
updates, schedules, and other academic support resources are posted there.
Beginning on the second day of class, we will make use of Texas Instruments TI-84 graphing
calculators. If you do not own a TI-84 calculator, you may:
1. Use a graphing calculator app called Graphing Calculator X84 is available for download
for iPhone and Android devices. To access the stat functions, you may need to pay $10.
2. Use an online TI-84 is available to download from the website Wabbitemu.org, but you
will need a ROM image of the TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator, which can be found
here. This open is not available for Apple products.
3. Rent a TI-84 for the entire semester for $30 using the following link:
Exams and Assignments
There will be three exams and a final exam. There will be no make-up exams. If you
miss an exam and you notify the instructor at least 24 hours before the exam, your final exam
will be counted twice. If you miss an exam and you do not notify the instructor at least 24 hours
before the exam, you will receive a zero for the missed exam. If you miss a second exam, the
missed exam will be counted as a zero in your average.
There will be 5 graded Assignments. Each assignment is worth 4% of your final grade. No late
Assignments will be accepted. If you do not submit an assignment, you will receive a grade of
zero for the assignment.
Other factors such as attendance, homework and class participation may influence the grade.
Exams (3)
Final Exam
Canvas is the Learning Management System (LMS) that will be used for this course. All
documents for the course will be posted to Canvas. All email communication for this course
must be done using Canvas. All grades will be posted to Canvas.
If for any reason a class must be cancelled, an announcement will be placed on Canvas along
with any relevant information regarding pending exams, assignments, etc.
Homework will regularly be assigned. It is expected that you complete the homework although it
will not be collected.
It is your responsibility to attend classes regularly. Should you have to miss a non-exam class
meeting, it is your responsibility to find out from another classmate what has been taught that day
and make up the work.
During the first 2 weeks of class (1/18/22 – 1/28/22), class will be synchronous online via Zoom.
You may access the Zoom meeting using the Zoom Tab in Canvas. During each class you must
have your video turned on and your face visible to the class.
For each class that you do not have your video turned on, one percentage point will be
deducted from your first exam grade.
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to work on their own during tests and quizzes. The first violation of this rule
will result in a zero on the test. The second violation will result in a grade of “F” for the course.
Respectful Classroom Policies
There will be zero tolerance of explicit language, microaggressions, racist remarks, actions, or
behavior in this course. Any concerns, questions, or reports of this behavior can be made directly
to me or you can report this to Nora Nelle, Office of Equity and Civil Rights by emailing
nellen@arcadia.edu or calling 215-517-2659. It is imperative that every student in this classroom
feels safe, heard, and respected. I encourage you to let me know if there are any areas of
improvement for this syllabus, my policies, or this course to make this classroom more equitable.
Pandemic-related Information
In-person and remote class attendance
Most students will attend classes in person with exceptions for online courses and for students
who are approved for fully remote learning. For classes scheduled to meet in person, students not
approved for remote learning are expected to attend each class in person, except under the
circumstances described below.
Some students may require access to short periods of remote learning for a number of reasons
such as illness, quarantine, or isolation. In these types of situations, the instructor will be notified
that a student cannot attend class in person, although the reason will not be disclosed. The
student should contact their instructor to arrange for remote access, access to class recordings, or
another accommodation chosen by the instructor that allows the student to stay on track with the
As in any semester, students may have other reasons to request short-term accommodations.
These reasons may include an emergency situation or other unanticipated challenge that affects
their ability to attend class. Students should contact their instructor to make this type of request
and it is up to the discretion of the faculty member to determine the best course of action. If,
however, students are showing symptoms of COVID, but do not yet have the results of a COVID
test, instructors should make it clear that they should not come to class under any circumstances
and provide an option for learning outside of the classroom.
When not to come to class in person
To support the health and safety of Arcadia community members, please do not attend class for
any of the following reasons. Students should contact Student Health Services for assistance:
• A positive test for COVID
• Assigned by Student Health or a health care provider to quarantine or isolation
• Notification or personal awareness that you may have been exposed to a person
COVID if unvaccinated.
feel unwell and have at least one of the following symptoms (note that vaccinated
individuals may have mild symptoms that seem like allergies or a cold):
o congestion
o sore throat
o cough
o fever over 100.4
o loss of taste and smell
• You
Wearing masks during class
Masking requirements can fluctuate during the semester based on changes in the pandemic. All
Arcadia community members must follow current University mask requirements and when
required to wear a mask, use it to cover their nose and mouth.
When masks are required in the classroom and a student is not wearing one, or is wearing one
without covering their nose and mouth, the instructor or a fellow student can remind them
politely to wear one or to wear one properly. If a student does not have a mask, the instructor can
provide guidance for where to find one and the student can return to class after acquiring it. If a
student repeatedly will not wear a mask or wear one properly, even when provided with access to
a mask, the instructor should follow the procedures for student conduct issues by contacting
If an instructor is not wearing a mask or is not covering both their nose and mouth, students have
several options. They can remind the instructor politely to wear a mask or wear it properly. It is
understandable that a student might feel uncomfortable reminding an instructor about mask
wearing and the student can instead communicate with the department chair, another faculty
member in their department, or their adviser about the issue so that it can be addressed.
Facilitating contact tracing
If an individual in the class tests positive for COVID, the University will contact people who
were in close proximity to that person for an extended period of time. The identity of individuals
who test positive for COVID will remain private for all others who are not contacts. To facilitate
contact tracing, we will utilize the following measures:
Seating charts
Maintaining consistent seating can facilitate contact tracing. Please sit in the same seat for
the entire semester and note who is seated around you.
Possible University-wide shifts to remote learning
While most classes are planned for in-person participation with some remote learning
opportunities, changes in the pandemic could result in shifts by the University to remote learning
for everyone. Because of the availability of the vaccine and our capacity for COVID testing,
such changes would likely be for short periods of time. Decisions will be made based on changes
in our environment, and local, state, and national guidance.
Title IX Statement
“Arcadia University is committed to assuring a safe and productive educational environment for all
students. In order to meet this commitment and to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments
of 1972 and guidance from the Office for Civil Rights, the University requires faculty members to report
incidents of sexual violence shared by students to the University's Title IX Coordinator. The only
exceptions a faculty member's reporting obligation are when incidents of sexual violence are
communicated by a student during a classroom discussion, in a writing assignment for a class, or as part
of a University-approved research project.”
“Information regarding the reporting of sexual violence and the resources that are available to victims
of sexual violence is set forth athttps://www.arcadia.edu/university/policies-guidelines/title-ix.”
Outline of Course Content and Proposed Schedule
A brief description of the focus for each weeks’
Overview of the Course, Introduction to Statistics
Frequency Distributions & Graphs
Data Description
Assignment: Module 3 Due Monday
4.1, 4.2 &
A brief description of the focus for each weeks’
Exam 1 Review
Exam 1: Modules 1 -4
Discrete Probability Distributions
Binomial Probability Distributions
Standard Normal Distribution Part I
6.1, 6.2,
Standard Normal Distribution Part II
Central Limit Theorem
Assignment: Modules 5 & 6 Due Monday
Estimating Population Proportion
Estimating Population Mean
Exam 2 Review (Chapters 5 – 7)
Exam 2
Spring Break: No classes all week
Basics of Hypothesis Tests
Hypothesis Testing for Proportions
Hypothesis Testing for Two Means
Two Proportions
Module 8 Assignment due Monday
Two Means Independent
Two Dependent Samples (Matched Pairs)
Exam 3 Review
Exam #3: Chapters 8 & 9
Correlation & Regression Analysis
Assignment: Module 10 due Friday
10.1 &
Goodness of Fit
Contingency Tables
11.1 &
A brief description of the focus for each weeks’
Assignment: Module 12 due Friday
Final Exam Review
No Class Tuesday, 5/3: Reading Day
Final Exams: May 4 - 10