2022 AS1 Concept Map MINUSHA ILANKOON STUDENT ID: BSC (HONS) PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OF NORTHAMPTON | 1 Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 3 Reflection on the mind map............................................................................................................................ 5 Who are the Stakeholders? ........................................................................................................................ 5 Why do stakeholders show interest in projects? ....................................................................................... 5 Stakeholder Communication Strategies ..................................................................................................... 5 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................... 7 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY While creating correspondence community system plan for stakeholders doing a beginning phase is required. For this we can utilize stakeholder mind maps. Since the partners are the gatherings showing revenue on tasks or associations there are different classifications, we can distinguish for community college, for example, Government, financial backers, project workers, suppliers and so on. There are expected impact from partners while participating in these exercises. 3 4 Reflection on the mind map Who are the Stakeholders? A person, group, or organisation that has a personal, financial, or other interest in the result of a project or commercial endeavour is referred to as a stakeholder. (Landau, 2022) Stakeholders are people or organisations that have a vested interest in the outcome of a project, and they may or may not be affiliated with the entity that is funding the endeavour. The decisions that stakeholders make can either have a favourable or negative impact on the project, making them an essential component of the endeavour. There are also essential or essential stakeholders, whose support is required for the project in order for it to continue existing. (Landau, 2022) People and institutions whose objectives may be favourably or adversely impacted by the successful execution or completion of the project. (Ajaz, 2016) Why do stakeholders show interest in projects? When it comes to the construction of a community college in a large city in the country, the many stakeholders involved have quite different priorities in mind (Lienert, 2020). For example, stakeholders coming from a variety of levels will bring a variety of different motivations and expectations to a specific project (Lienert, 2020). It may be difficult to describe the exact interests of any and all sorts of stakeholders, particularly if those interests are "hidden" or if they are in direct opposition to the goals that are openly declared by the organisations or groups that are engaged. You may elicit people's interests by questioning them: Which are the aspirations that the stakeholders have for the project? Which advantages may the various stakeholders have as a result of this? Which of their resources would they like to contribute to the initiative, and which would they prefer not to provide? Which of the stakeholder's other interests may potentially be in conflict with the work being done on the project? What kind of relationship does the stakeholder maintain with the other stakeholders? Stakeholder Communication Strategies In order to better engage its stakeholders and analyse their opinion on major projects on the agenda of the company, a stakeholder communication plan is a strategy developed by an organisation or a project team (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). It gives a general description of the people with whom it should interact, the ideas it should transmit, the delivery method it will use, and the frequency with which it will be used. To achieve these goals, a communication plan for stakeholders should include the following: To keep up with or enhance ties with the individuals who can have an impact on the outcome, often 5 known as key stakeholders or the target audience For the purpose of increasing the efficiency of the operations When it comes to a community college building project, it is needed to communicate with each and every stakeholder to let know the information on the project and to get to know the new details. I have mentioned the details as the table below. Stakeholder Manager Buildings Engagement Action Manage Closely Architectural Firm Monitor closely investors Keep fully satisfied City Council Keep informed Contractor Manage Closely Director of Community college Suppliers the Keep Informed channel Frequency Personal check-in meetings, emails, telephone calls and texts Set aside a time each day for emergent hot issues Meetings, emails, and memos within the firm Top-of-the-line emails about the overall budget and the timeline progress Emails, letters and filled forms if necessary. Personal check-in meetings, emails, telephone calls and texts. Set a time to discuss the daily progress. Meetings, emails if necessary Daily Monitor closely Meetings, emails, telephone calls and texts when needed Keep Informed of Emails, letters and Government the required filled forms if information necessary. fully check-in meetings, Director of Keep emails, telephone Finance & informed calls and texts. Administration daily Weekly / twice a month Monthly / when needed Daily monthly When weekly needed/ When needed When needed Through effective interaction with stakeholders, you are able to get feedback from those involved in the community building project on any decisions that may have an impact on those stakeholders. It does not matter what function you play in the executive team for the project; if you are able to design a stakeholder communication strategy, you will be better able to apply helpful stakeholder communication techniques. 6 Bibliography Ajaz, M., 2016. linkedin.com. [Online] Available at: https://www.c/pulse/why-identification-stakeholders-important-project-mohammed-ajaz-pmp [Accessed 06 August 2022]. Anon., 2019. lumenlearning.com. [Online] Available at: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-hccc-introbusiness/chapter/business-stakeholders-2/ [Accessed 07 August 2022]. Indeed Editorial Team, 2021. indeed.com. [Online] Available at: indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/how-to-create-stakeholder-communicationplan#:~:text=What%20is%20a%20stakeholder%20communication,projects%20on%20the%20company's%20 agenda. [Accessed 06 August 2022]. Landau, P., 2022. projectmanager.com. [Online] Available at: https://www.projectmanager.com/blog/what-is-a-stakeholder [Accessed 06 August 2022]. Lienert, J., 2020. sswm.info. [Online] Available at: https://sswm.info/humanitarian-crises/prolonged-encampments/planning-processtools/exploring-tools/stakeholder-interests [Accessed 06 August 2022]. Michele, 2021. mindtools.com. [Online] Available at: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newPPM_07.htm [Accessed 07 August 2022]. Smith, L. W., 2000. pmi.org. [Online] Available at: https://www.pmi.org/learning/library/stakeholder-analysis-pivotal-practice-projects-8905 [Accessed 07 August 2022]. Team, L. C., 2022. lucidchart.com. [Online] Available at: https://www.lucidchart.com/blog/how-to-do-a-stakeholder-analysis [Accessed 07 August 2022]. 7