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Data Science Lecture Notes: Mining, ML, and Web Concepts

Data comes from datum (latin)
Information : data with sens
Knowledge leads to wisdom
Data mining : going deeply into data with analyse to
Also about prediction
Mining : dig to find a pattern to better understand the data (example of digging gold)
Data set : collection of data set
Row data : majors, ages, weight
Association ( attieke, fish)
Classification needs rule
World wide web # internet
Multimedia : 2 medias
E commerce ( c to c, b to c, )
E government
Web site : collection of web pages
Client server concept
Server comes from service
Back end and front end give full stack developer
INER CONNECt computers
Internet is the contraction of interconnected networks : a network, an ensemble of networks.
Basically it is a giant
Internet created by am defense: real orginal name was arpanet ( look for the story)
Www collection of information related to
Collection of hyperlinked document
TIN B Lee ca!me with idea of collecti hyperlink
Web page : any content with hyperlinks (look again, on avait sommeil on suivait pas
R programming for data science (aller prendre le cours de principle of data science)
Data science: interdisciplinary fields that makes use of math, programming, stats… to find trends,
insights, pattern, knowledge in data
R: programming language => interpreted pl
Ex: predict customer solvability, fraud detection, stock market, customer churn, image recognition…
We will do a little bit of machine learning : Linear regression, log R, supervised and unsupervised
learning, regression and classification problem
Regression problem is predicted real number value (time and we want to find the price)
Classification problem (value belong to discrete -number of classes-)
Machine learning: ability for a machine to do something it has not been esplicitly programmed
Linear regression with one variable
Hypothesis function h(x) =
Example: a real estate agency
Size x1, bedroomx2 and price y
M: number of examples
Gradient descent
Goal : minimize J of theta
Theta zero = Theta zeo – alpha * derivative of J over theta zero
Alpha is the learning rate
We need an initial value of theta
Gradient gives you the opposite side of the minimum
Robotics and computer vision are no longer part of AI
Machine learning between data mining and AI
Text to speech (the microphone in google for searching) (transform the voice into text)
Search: solving problem by search
Idea of replicating human reaction into a machine
Deep mind, the first things created for playing chess
Natural language processing
Machine learning: train how to solve problem by experience as human
Training data set
Small sample and step by step
Machine learning can be used in a place where huge data are being manipulated
Machine learning, deep learning
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