“A Dream Deferred” Activities 1. Highlight all of the examples of alliteration in the poem. 2. What sounds are repeated? 3. Why do you think the author chose these sounds? How do they make you feel when you hear them? 4. Underline all of the examples of simile in the poem. 5. Explain each simile. What two things are being compared? Why do you think the author chose these comparisons? What is he trying to tell you about dreams? 6. Write a ten-word summary of what the poem means. “Dreams” Activities 1. Highlight all of the examples of alliteration in the poem. 2. What sounds are repeated? 3. Why do you think the author chose these sounds? How do they make you feel when you hear them? 4. Underline all of the examples of metaphor in the poem. 5. Explain each metaphor. What two things are being compared? Why do you think the author chose these comparisons? What is he trying to tell you about dreams? 6. Write a ten-word summary of what the poem means.