lOMoARcPSD|19132033 Posology Pharmacy (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Arunjyothi p (inboxforarunjyothi@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|19132033 alassmate Dato Pag PosoLOGY cocoosos mtaunS. His derived: trom Greek losdloay 13.dene nomuch aaad logy aaeamg Scence' oitk how Po raloa ( science AA abranch drug much oammunl Ho be odnmanisteed ortuthe quantity A the enzyme childten n Mendt ena dg is in the lbddyi Atechhg the dbse tacto Age ich deaks in. the livert developeoli exceretian temaioless So nd al he odult. dose should be less than at In caae aelderly patient,he reual dunctim decline_anl dug nmetabäliamn the Iiverr als6 decrceaaesy abseptiombecomeslouoerto aiveaAministee yety AAoarpiO. e have to less close DAisHilhon M Metalb ism Excrethm .female Sexln cane" s treatnaent oth sex hoxmsme buks ttquires',mallete dosage an: male due moce bddy ta. othe Poesence pecio carte daould be toke åhle administeriug any ag to a ooman h duug menstutcaio n, pepnaneyamd lactatim,stmna purgative vhould nðl beqenduitina tthose time Anhesnalnut a pat jalkalaiels. should nát be taken dudng poeginants do avrid deloxaiooi doefus. ol edative alaoiuld noi be. 'faken AntikiStaane dauuglackatisa becayse these_are ewownefo autor Downloaded by Arunjyothi p (inboxforarunjyothi@gmail.com) Scceted in the lOMoARcPSD|19132033 Dote Page Bady soeakl he usual dosageo mentionès dugs tor to Kg adultk ne dag conentrahionai sie actionk boaed a the ra hoa. betoen the amout Sdg adminstered and the sae 4 the bbdy The do0se caleulation or abntrmall y tin ortobesty airtsan.ate_reaureo nhe to caltulate baaisd by eigd bodi suace area Many pyúdlogytctor Such aa plosmaGdlume Oxugen Conauphiom. Owmd rteauurcemed bádyiaelectrites Calpresnod gloterater gloneda Hrahon ane propohisnal to the une ExAnH cartruert daas ie mefiotrexate Odm nisterned acmidiug to thebidy stase 9eyerity6 diseaaeH ig commg Hhat duul. eadache mau be reheued by a ug le able pirunuöher as severe headache nos seauive adinistraim 2-3 talylets Roudeadsinighralhon n general,1he rapidkobsotuptim.d dng decd eaae aum.tate nsavenbus Intramaculba) subeiisncoue dral- 2.Sag Jtrawmoalos-lng ntsayentunsDSug Downloaded by Arunjyothi p (inboxforarunjyothi@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|19132033 Aime aolunistaten.e dngs ar most qwcly alosokedom eehystomach 2 deloy atomoch hepreaenceoo in he OsDptim betoe Hence a pölent: dag gien 'mea daug AntttrHent du igdiluteddit 2iven a{ter mol nd ad 20 pvduce leK ciniom xnuency adag8 dKq adnunstzationr islogical kalt lie hat i the timereequiteedort blod level ad to dsop doon to SO the in'hal_ peok level in he ain actort ot govercninge reuency dr2 odiistxatiad, 2xt lslogicad ballide a sulphoclia2ineis 4 hout 1gm-ddmg haa to be taken tadose evettyA hout after 2aro notcyatentd 0 Physiholgaical8tate a nd Pyehologicallae tecd #he rexporaeo1 dn com n Nerves_armd anxlous pahend stequures ambte enerta anoesfhetics Placebo io an inef 8.dhatance, tat _does ns Contain dmg Commomly used placeoose are lactose taklefs and digilkd' watet. XSllerome SOme cidaen Onge doses a seraace eva Con tölertade relathd ssenit,belladma, etc an be aqwred aa a resudt cepeaBed odnainastsalion coned 2n mornpane,héroin, tocone Downloaded by Arunjyothi p (inboxforarunjyothi@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|19132033 elass Date Page multounedus adrumeration-2ot moedng Aoddutiom The combineacHioo Sum . uo0 da is uad o someindivudual ettet. exol 1+1 2 bupaiin tpoaacetamd1eAnalgchei ynertgimThey ettect pMduced s greatt U, founthe atuthmetickum De t0o dmugs An 4=>2 codelngt Aspireinmode taom Aualgeha Antagonsm A ontet substasté thai gBops tve aatian. sie EXonplt ekiecl aand suk kthanee Aptibictamines dacka AisthminesAy)t Accomulatisn Amy dug ill _accumulate in 2-bod e ale Aaksapion IS mefto he tatt eliminaion 0n eliminattd druo ae. aAen oltumulatd iM he õdy er ampáuse toMiciky &x Polouaedt chvoguneeasile lanas EAto eetoine, etE tehua kbeyncho onmd Hypert3engitivihs Sd iosn chrosy tISim tatep.Honal toodrtug ine tdidiual pohtn. teanse EMamle n sme pat oapin_haaucae sOAséagtiaomapemllin:icilis aauie rti tat Rnhes mHe h. Downloaded by Arunjyothi p (inboxforarunjyothi@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|19132033 clasSMAte Date Page Hpertseneativity 4, ia an advertse eeet Renctid= CctuRg due tochemical reaction tesultig aompme vidus exposurtR, to the substante, 0CCuAig n wy in a nall rac kim all pesple etee Reaeiu he pooti.cula drgTCclag Yediatic dose calculatign NomoamMefhod t is ußed to delertmine he cotreecpaedia peeliatncmedicatin.dosage bovaed 0 body Sutace aria hld dose = Cwld béd BSA in meBet X Adult des 118 larks Rule Child dse ol qclild los) y Adulidese YOs RuleCuk dese-Age.a chid.Chs)xA Age. l2 trend rule A so YoU -AduHda6 cld dase -Aae.ocld (Mantia AY- Alult doK ISQ XAduutHtgt Aose t1L2 ATY o 620 eloraloo 0- Downloaded by Arunjyothi p (inboxforarunjyothi@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|19132033 alass 12/2 AsSTGNMENT-04. HARMICEUTICAL CALCULATION Deinatian Metcic Sysiem-Most a he courties,use he meic. Systemdhich usesméaauringwnit 3uchaameterto, ams, Kiloyaam,mílliaxan8,cemimelerta Inpetial ayslem-In Hhe inided 3tales pecple oise iperial 3ystem,here things ate meaauted the aldert in ee,- inchesounces poulpds,yaadga lable metruc length 1 kilometerKm) l600 melernt 1hectometert(hm) l6D metert 1 decámeterr(dam)E10melerei meterre 1melere i ylii2 1deimelertdrn) Ol60etert lcendimetestAcm)s 0.0l0metet 1 millimeiereéom)EO00Lmeter 1micrtocmelert(Am)EO.OITN meler 1nanometet mm)OAKCO,GOO,cO1. quidelineg ore 0tivng aot use aS1 ustem. *LInt ames and umbal genernaldyate n Loritfeo 1ocapidal letee:excep henldree used a ihe beginnig a gerndence ort ieoti heaiding * Poriod is n Rnd used jalloxoing 1synabats ceceplat he a senence. apleAmd md Agm A mpourd u hai is ralio a quaiat ta wr is indicaled by a älidus C) Sndh_ed Snd h Downloaded by Arunjyothi p (inboxforarunjyothi@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|19132033 elAs Date Page Smb should not he combine spela Ou fermS in ihe 3ame exprecsan. aBmnm Furals a uii names uhen spelled out have an addeds)Sumb61 kort un hoee duRe fhe same in giuguuanand plural exopleSmlliteeg nat ShLL Dedma mctoo are used nt Common tm bion exanaple S.25g.m nd# SagmPercentagePreepaaation The percenlageconceotzahiaoachive and inactive constiRted in vasious ty pes phogmaceulitalpaeposationane defmed tlons by the uP ferecendoge_oeighdinwalunnelW/y)Aexprees the numbere oms consdituei in1nl liquid prepacation. sötution.ar Yerce.ntage dlumen võlume V express fhe number millime tera a conetitue n l0D uhon or lquid pteparcaHon. L Pecceotagevoeight in ieigbdCiws) O expees the number a cowatituend in lDgm dpreacah. so Downloaded by Arunjyothi p (inboxforarunjyothi@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|19132033 elassmate Date Page Ohat is allegahion and give dne example allegation method 2 Ais an arhmelical methad 4saving posblems1ha nvslves the mirig the salutionore mixtute o Salids poasessingelete pertcenioge strength Allegation méthad pablem hat n pooportion shoud alcshs 9SZ and S0Z Stnength be mixed to make 0/._alc hal 20/ 204 95Z and-257 q SD 4'S ratio eite the toxmula tor spired caladahonsreezig pai methodand i NaCl euivalent methodi socalclate e rumbereapr allon akttlated cordained in a gienauaztiky olushsl a specikeel 501 Exausple : Houd many pusigallon arte in 3 ine galam 4 P allon SXIS u5 SD Downloaded by Arunjyothi p (inboxforarunjyothi@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|19132033 Fage FreeRing pain method Ihe . yreeezing paind bdy{uid bd is-.s2heprepaaah addihxes. ainngdaugand eual deeiung Teeczig blood ad dhere point paint raethol Teezing peint li mu3t kave 2ii kddfhid reezig poi a dug sål.al Distialart Stoengtä tonioity adjul (veeag poi Calculate Ao make sádium La7,dred the ámawd SK dextanse sdlutton isdtow 0.S2 0,4SS Sodiumchloide euialend method Equivaleat method aNaclL Maluooi Nad iact a the 3ubsor acioraNaiMslidt slsubshamë. baioo tdpoxte elCaleudade the Xsodiiy chloide equivalentjo alycercine,o ropelectre+luieolth molecular i 1217acor. 5R 92 8.2.5X 0-01 O82S.2 2EX oli Downloaded by Arunjyothi p (inboxforarunjyothi@gmail.com)