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Certified Plant Mechanic Exam Requirements & Review

NSO / PSA Birth Certificate
NSO / PSA Marriage Contract (for married female applicants)
Transcript of Records with scanned picture and Remarks "For Board Examination Purposes"
Valid NBI Clearance (First Timers & Repeaters)
*After three (3) failures, REST one (1) year
*Two (2) year course graduate from a Vocation or Trade School
>At least one (1) year certificate of experience signed by a Registered Mechanical Engineer or
Professional Mechanical Engineer with updated ID
>Certificate of Employment or service record
>Detailed description of equipment >Affidavit of Competency signed by a registered Mechanical Engineer
or Professional Mechanical Engineer
>First Timers - FTB
Board Type
Certified Plant Mechanic
CPM Scope of Review:
1. Elements of Power Plant Machinery
2. Shop Machinery Practice
3. Elements of Industrial Plant Machinery
Aspects why you need Review?
1. Train yourself to answers the difficult questions.
2. Understand the structure of exam.
3. Overcome the nervous, means need to be self-confident answering the CPM Board Examination.
PM Online Review with Examination... Starts @ October 17, 2022 - January 22, 2023
Oct. 2022 - Monthly Examination (150 Items)
Nov. 2022 - Monthly Examination (150 Items)
Dec. 2022 - Mid Mock Examination (300 Items)
Jan. 2023 - Final Mock Examination (300 Items)
Requirements for PRC Certified Plant Mechanic (If graduate of 2 years from Vocational Course:
1. Certificate of Experience for at least 1 year
(Signed by Registered Mechanical Engineer)
2. Detailed description of Equipment
(Signed by Registered Mechanical Engineer)
3. Affidavit of Competency
(Signed by Registered Mechanical Engineer)
We will send through anywhere in the Phippines with Free Shipping - J&T Express or LBC Express
Price of 1800 pesos (for Signatory of Registered Mechanical Engineer)
Note: Not included the Notary Public
RA 8495 Philippine Mechanical Engineering Act
Section 34. Personnel Required in Mechanical Plant.
(a)100 kw or over but not more than 300 kw: one (1) certified plant mechanic, or one (1) mechanical
engineer, or one (1) professional mechanical engineer: Provided, That every mechanical work,
project, or plant in this category operating in more than one shift every twenty four hours, shall have
in addition to the minimum personnel herein required, one (1) certified plant mechanic, or one (1)
mechanical engineer, or one (1) professional mechanical engineer in-charge of each and every
additional shift.