formats - chr urb churban hurban ac;hurban - hispanic and urban- relatively new radio programming format that targets young us latinos; usually hip-hop of reggeaton;churban - contemporary hits (pop) and urban;fastest growing format - latin/hispanic;most popular format (by # of stations) in U.S. - country;songs by age - current-NEW recurrent-6 months-1 year (but could be as young as 1 month eg beyonce's single not doing good) gold: years (10-20);achieving the effect - how do we create a sense of interest in the listener;[rpduction e;e,emts - sfx music voice;when should you not use sfx - just to fill space dont do it without purpose;what can sfx do - save time and words communicate things and obejcts effectively;what are the three ways that production elements can be used - evoke emotion create excitement immediate identification;sounds of words - make things sound nice ex dine for eat out;8 structuures of drama - action narration dialogue exposition plot suspense conflict (note to self: look up 8th thing. character?);voice quality - making sure vocal traits are believable to the situation;technical considerations of audio production - illusion of place illusion of movement make the background a fabric of believablity;10 techniques to write for the ear - appeal to many senses keep things clear conversational short sentences specificity active voice show don't tell avoid adverbs use specific (proper) nouns > pronouns strong action verbs;why do radios do remotes? - to spread message, awareness, support events, money;3 responsibilites of a commercial - fit station sound please the client stimulate sales;what makes a commercial effective - no hard and fast rule (otherwise we'd do that all the time);9 appeals of commercial - reinforce ego prestige valule and quality emotional triggers (nostalgia, family, guilt, loyalty) personal fulfillment authority bandwagon effectt fear of rejection sexual success (ties into rejection fear)^;mistakes in commercials - lack of focus poor technical quality lack of completeness assembly line-soundds the same fear of experimentation these can hinder the message;types of voices in commercials - authoritative>hard sell sincere>everyday dramatized>script scenario whimsical>outside of reality;t or f: radio is more timely than broadcast television or publications - true;ack - actuality sound bites quotes or words from interviews;nat sound - natural sound wild sound ambiance and normal sounds from the world to set the scene;voice used in reporting for radio - active;wire services - commercial organizations, such as the Associated Press, that share news stories and information by relaying them around the country and the world, originally via telegraph and now via satellite transmission AP BLOOMBERG REUTERS;interviewing tip: should you ask y/n questions? - no! need more open ended so guest can expand on their ideas;pots - Plain Old Telephone Service cheap;isdn - Integrated Services Digital Network expensive;ip/wifi - becoming more common in use for remotes;gsm - Global System for Mobile Communications;what to put on remote contract? - talent fee time power;do they pay us for remotes - depends;equipment to take with us on remotes - mics (condensor) swag speakers tape and wires;sports commentators - pbp color analyst;ip codec - comrex (?);PBP - play by pllay tells the action of the game as it happens;color analyst - Announcer who is usually a former coach or player, describes why the athletes and coaches did what they did.;Sideline reporter - offers "inside" information from the center of the action (the sideline, the field itself).;stat heavy sports - baseball basketball hockey football;father of multi track recording - les paul (also invented electric guitar);adobe voco - unreleased software like photoshop for audio ethical concerns and implications;Miking techniques - coincident spaced pair middle side;coincident miking - crosses two cardiod mics imitates how the human ears hear X (looks like x);spaced pair - mics are parallel very broad sound (sports, david bowie heros);middle side miking - cardiod facing middle with bidirectional gettinf two sides: spacious;should you put your address on your resume? - you don't have to;how long should a radio demo reel be - 2-3 minutes (sports can run longer);how long do you have to make a first impression with your demo reel - 15-20 seconds;what percentage of radio jobs are made through networking - 80% jobs found through networking;lin - artist liner;auto vs manual - wide orbit when you leave put it in automatic;#1 in last station trends - kzps, country, lone star;non compete clause - prohibits a person from working in a competing business for a specific period of time;tab - texas association of broadcasters;who was fired from his first radio job? - jimmy kimmel;overdub - the ability to record one sound on top of another.;rendering - time it takes to complete a task;kill the babies - get rid of audio even if you like it for the sakeof efficiency and timeliness;mos - man on street;four goals when writing commercial - awareness interest desire action AIDA;marconi awards - like the "oscars" of radio";artist separation - how long interval between playing songs by the same artist;what does uta use for getting signal out? - comrex access nx;t or f: uta is the only north tx division 1 school to have the students to do the remotes themselves? - true;spot news - breaking news that occurred today;t or f does radio need good writing - yes, true;jeff younger - anti trans controversial aspeaker;tips for interviewingg - dont ask y/n questions ask follow ups be simple and direct dill listeners in;radio vs podcast - podacast more nuche and can have worldwide listeners;number one podcast right now - joe rogan (2-crime junkie 3- nyt daily);