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Management of Crisis
Communication in
Ayush Aggarwal
Hardik Lal
What is Crisis Communication
• Crisis communication can be defined broadly
as the collection, processing, and dissemination
of information required to address a crisis
• It is the dialog between the organization and its
public prior to, during, and after the negative
occurrence. The dialog details strategies and
tactics designed to minimize damage to the
image of the organization.
What are the examples of such
• Crises can be classified into three major types:
1) Crises of the physical world, including natural
disasters and failures of technology, such as nuclear
2) Crises of the human climate, including confrontation
with adversary groups and malevolent acts of
governments, groups and individuals
3) Crises of management failure, arising from
mismanagement, skewed values, deception and
Rationale: examples of events that could
not be handled without proper crisis
communication tactics
In 2018, female employees
spoke out about the maledominated culture that
fostered harassment and
discrimination in the
In April 2018, two men
went to a Philadelphia
Starbucks to meet a
friend. They sat at a table
waiting to order and
asked to use the
restroom. The result? The
manager on duty called
the police and the two
African American men
arrested for trespassing.
Some examples of internal
communication problems
that went wrong here
>It took a renegade survey
by a group of employees to
reveal this toxic culture
>Lack of trust in HR
>A leader who says he was
unaware of the problems
>Inefficient methods of
bottom-up communication
The video of the arrest
went viral and by the next
day, #boycottStarbucks
was trending on social
What might have started as a store
manager attempting to follow a
company policy turned into a
racially-biased encounter that even
the Starbucks CEO called a
“reprehensible outcome.”
Objectives of the research
• This is a topic many people don’t know about, so the
objective of this research is to educate about the
importance of crisis communication and management in an
• To learn about different steps involved in crisis
communication and find if the common steps are the most
effective or not.
• To understand how organisations who don’t have a proper
crisis communication and management system in place
collapse in times of crisis.
List of Research Papers
Author’s Name
Year of
Title of Paper
APA Citation
W. Timothy Coombs
Crisis communication
The Best Evidence From Research
Coombs, T. W. (2018). Crisis
communication. Encyclopedia of
public relations, 2.
LM McDonald, B
Sparks and AI
Stakeholder reactions to
company crisis communication,
and causes
McDonald, L. M., Sparks, B., &
Glendon, A. I. (2010). Stakeholder
reactions to company crisis
communication and causes. Public
Relations Review, 36(3), 263-271.
SR Veil, RA Husted
Best Practices as an Assessment
for Crisis Communication
Veil, S. R., & Husted, R. A. (2012).
Best practices as an assessment for
crisis communication. Journal of
Communication Management.
M Taylor, DC Perry
Diffusion of traditional and
new media tactics in crisis
Taylor, M., & Perry, D. C. (2005).
Diffusion of traditional and new
media tactics in crisis
communication. Public Relations
Review, 31(2), 209-217.
F Frandsen, W
The study of internal crisis
communication: towards an
integrative framework
Frandsen, F., & Johansen, W.
(2011). The study of internal crisis
communication: towards an
integrative framework. Corporate
Communications: An International
Brief summaries of the research
Crisis communication
The Best Evidence From Research
• A crisis can harm or kill stakeholders and always
inflict at least some reputation damage on an
organisation. Crises are driven by violation of
stakeholder’s expectations.
• Different crisis response strategies have different
outcomes on the crisis and crisis managers should be
able to decide when to use what strategy.
• Timing is very important in crisis communication.
Stakeholder reactions to company
crisis communication, and causes
• Despite the burgeoning number of studies
examining stakeholder effects of crisis
communication and crisis causes, the varied
categorizations used, together with inconsistent
findings, has meant that knowledge gaps remain.
• This study adds to existing crisis research by
using an experimental survey design to
investigate the impact of accounts and crisis
causes on multiple stakeholder reactions.
LM McDonald,
B Sparks and
AI Glendon
Best practices as an assessment
for crisis communication
• The overall goal of best practice research and
development is to learn from the experiences of the past,
detect errors, correct them, then determine ways to apply
learning and practical knowledge to foster continued
improvements. By using best practices as an assessment
tool post-crisis, organizations can look at each specific
practice through the lens of the crisis to enact
organizational learning and thereby prepare the
organization to better apply the practices next time.
• This study demonstrates the effectiveness of the best
practices as an assessment tool through an analysis of
American Red Cross’s response to Hurricane Katrina.
SR Veil
RA Husted
Diffusion of traditional and new
media tactics in crisis communication
• The Internet is emerging as an important tool for
organizations to communicate with journalists and
publics. This article reports the results of a five
point-in-time study of organizational use of the
Internet in crisis communication.
• The data suggest that about half of the organizations
experiencing a national crisis are integrating the
Internet into their response. To illustrate this
diffusion, the article provides exemplars of
innovative Internet response during crisis.
M Taylor
DC Perry
The study of internal crisis communication:
towards an integrative framework
• Previous crisis communication research has
primarily examined the external dimension of
crisis communication, i.e. the crisis response
strategies applied by organizations to protect
and/or restore their image or reputation among
external stakeholders in a crisis situation. The
purpose of this paper is to set up an integrative
framework for the study of internal crisis
communication in private and public
F. Frandsen
• This is a very vast and important topic. Existing
research papers will be the prime sources for
this research. We will go through multiple
research papers and case studies, and provide a
collective view of all the papers and the overall
topic. We will also be on the lookout for any gaps
in research and literature of this topic and try to
fill them, if at all possible, in this project.
Internet and Google Scholar is used to obtain all the
information and carry out this research.
All the authors, whose works and papers are used to derive
information for this project are mentioned.