A REFLECTION PAPER FOR PED 702: TRENDS AND ISSUES IN ANDRAGOGY AND PEDAGOGY: “Valuing Learning in the Digital Age” Prepared by: Florenz L. Lopez MA ELE PED 702 – Trends and Issues in Andragogy and Pedagogy REFLECTION PAPER: Valuing Learning in the Digital Age One of the ideas discussed during the plenary session is the CFT or Cognitive Flexibility Theory. On my part as a teacher, I view this idea as a tool to achieve deep learning on the part of the students through flexible thinking that results to higher order thinking, activities that promotes cognitive development, and development of the learner’s affective attitude. This theory could be best applied in the learning of the students by enabling them to restructure their knowledge to respond to varied activities using controlled situations within the classroom. I realized that the use of such activities should be promoted to improve the learning of the students. Activities must go beyond the traditional pen and paper tests; thus, I will create performance tasks in my classes that would require students to make use of what they learn in the classroom and discussions on controlled situations. While this idea may not be newly introduced to the teachers, thus it’s not that surprising to come across, it could be challenging since there is a need for different applications and technologies to integrate this theory in the classroom setting. This part could be disappointing for most teachers since there is a problem when it comes to availability and procurement of devices that could be better use to create situations where the students must apply what they learned using ICT tools. If I could make changes on the lessons that I teach, it would be the implementation of more activities that would encourage the creation of performance tasks where students could apply what they learned in grammar or literary texts using varied ICT tools in creating digital outputs which are aligned with the current technological skills they would benefit most to learn. A dilemma that I may encounter though is the unavailability of computer desktops, tablets, or laptops to accommodate a 1:1 ratio or even at least a 2:1 student to laptop ratio. This is problematic since it is difficult to teach students how to manipulate ICT tools if they cannot use the tools themselves. This could be addressed through either requesting the procurement of needed ICT tools in the Division Office, though it could take a long time to be procured, or through adjustment of performance tasks that would allow the application of learned knowledge, usage of ICT tools and creation of digital outputs or ICT assisted performance. PED 702 – Trends and Issues in Andragogy and Pedagogy SELF-EVALUATION The reflection posted will be graded using the rubric that follows: Criteria Highly Proficient (4) Proficient (3) Nearly Proficient (2) Unacceptable (1) Depth of Reflection Demonstrate a conscious and thorough understanding of the writing prompt and the subject matter. This reflection can be used as an example for other students. Uses specific and convincing examples from the texts studied Demonstrate a thoughtful understanding of the writing prompt and the subject matter. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the writing prompt and the subject matter. Demonstrate a limited understanding of the writing prompt and subject matter. This reflection needs revision. Uses relevant examples from the texts studied or your life to support claims in your own writing; makes relevant connections between texts and/or own life experiences. Uses general or vague examples from the text studied or your Uses unconvincing, poorly specified examples or does life to support some claims in your writing with some connections made between texts, and/or own life experiences. Uses basic but appropriate language, with a basic sense of voice, some awareness of audience and purpose and some attempt to vary sentence structure. not include examples at all; not able to support claims with connections between texts and/or own life experiences. Uses language that is either unsuitable and/or imprecise for the audience or purpose, with little or no sense of voice, and a limited awareness of how to vary sentence structure. Demonstrate little or no control of academic writing conventions, exhibiting frequent errors that make comprehension difficult. Use of Textual Evidence and Historical Context Language Use Writing Conventions or your life to support claims in own writing; makes insightful and relevant connections between texts and/or own life experiences. Uses stylistically sophisticated language that is precise and engaging, with notable sense of voice, awareness of audience and purpose, and varied sentence structure. Demonstrates control of academic writing conventions with essentially no errors, even with sophisticated language. Uses language that is fluent, with evident a sense of voice, awareness of audience and purpose, and the ability to vary sentence structure. Demonstrates control of academic writing conventions, exhibiting occasional errors only when using sophisticated language. Demonstrates partial control of academic writing conventions, exhibiting occasional errors that do not hinder comprehension. TOTAL 3 3 4 4 3 17