Tenses Indefinite Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous Present Urdu Recognition: وﻏﯾره، ﺗﮯ ﮨﯾں، ﺗﯽ ﮨﮯ،،ﺗﺎ ﮨﮯ Formula: S + Hv (s,es) + V1 + O Hv (do & does) used in negative, interrogative and interrogative & negative sentences Example: He plays cricket. Urdu Recognition: وﻏﯾره، رﮨﮯ ﮨﯾں، رﮨﯽ ﮨﮯ،رﮨﺎ ﮨﮯ Formula: S + Hv (is/am/are) + V1+ing+O Example: He is playing cricket. Urdu Recognition: وﻏﯾره، ﭼﮑﮯ ﮨﯾں، ﭼﮑﯽ ﮨﮯ،ﭼﮑﺎ ﮨﮯ Formula: S + Hv (has/have)+V3 + O Example: He has played the match. Urdu Recognition: ، ﺗﮯ رﮨﮯ ﮨﯾں، ﺗﯽ رﮨﯽ ﮨﮯ،ﺗﺎ رﮨﺎ ﮨﮯ وﻏﯾره Formula: S +Hv (has/have)+been + V1+ing +O Example: He has been playing cricket for two days. Past Urdu Recognition: وﻏﯾره، ﺗﮭﮯ، ﺗﮭﯽ،ﺗﮭﺎ Formula: S +V2 + O Hv (did) used in negative, interrogative and interrogative & negative sentences Example: Hassan took tea. Urdu Recognition: وﻏﯾره، رﮨﯽ ﺗﮭﯽ، رﮨﺎ ﺗﮭﺎ،رﮨﮯ ﺗﮭﮯ Formula: S+ Hv (was/were)+ V1+ing + O Example: Hassan was taking tea. Urdu Recognition: وﻏﯾره، ﭼﮑﮯ ﺗﮭﮯ، ﭼﮑﯽ ﺗﮭﯽ،ﭼﮑﺎ ﺗﮭﺎ Formula: Subject + Hv (had) +V3 + O Example: Hassan had taken tea. Urdu Recognition: ، ﺗﮯ رﮨﮯ ﺗﮭﮯ، ﺗﯽ رﮨﯽ ﺗﮭﯽ،ﺗﺎ رﮨﺎ ﺗﮭﺎ وﻏﯾره Formula: S+ Hv (had) +been +V1+ing+ O Example: Hassan had been taking tea since his birth. Urdu Recognition: وﻏﯾره، ﮔﯽ، ﮔﮯ،ﮔﺎ Formula: S + Hv(will/shall) +V1+ O Example: They will go to Islamabad. Urdu Recognition: وﻏﯾره، رﮨﮯ ﮨوں ﮔﮯ، رﮨﯽ ﮨوﮔﯽ،رﮨﺎ ﮨوﮔﺎ Formula: S + Hv(will/shall)+ be+ V1+ing + O Example: They will be going to Islamabad. Urdu Recognition: ، ﭼﮑﮯ ﮨوﻧﮕﮯ، ﭼﮑﯽ ﮨوﮔﯽ،ﭼﮑﺎ ﮨوﮔﺎ وﻏﯾره Formula: S + Hv (will/shall)have + V3 + O Example: They will have gone to Islamabad. Urdu Recognition: ﺗﮯ رﮨﮯ ﮨوں، ﺗﯽ رﮨﯽ ﮨوﮔﯽ،ﺗﺎ رﮨﺎ ﮨوﮔﺎ وﻏﯾره،ﮔﮯ Formula: S +Hv (will/shall)+been + V1+ing +O Example: They will have been going to Islamabad for a year. Future S = subject, Hv = helping verb, O = object, V1 = 1sr form of verb, V2 = 2nd form of verb, V3 = 3rd form of verb ELC-695 TARIQ ALI tariqyassen110@gmail.com