Rev. DGS 1300 070 0 Page 1/14 ABU DHABI GAS INDUSTRIES LTD. (GASCO) PIPE SUPPORTS DESIGN GENERAL SPECIFICATION PIPE SUPPORTS 5 4 3 2 1 0 27/05/01 ALI A. FATTAH JOHN DWYER ABDUL AZIZ AL AMERI ISSUED FOR IMPLEMENTATION A 20/12/00 ALI A. FATTAH JOHN DWYER ABDUL AZIZ AL AMERI ISSUED FOR COMMENTS Rev Date DD/MM/YY WRITTEN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY STATUS DOCUMENT REVISIONS Sections changed in last revision are identified by a vertical line in the left margin DGS-1300-070/FH Rev. DGS 1300 070 0 Page 2/14 ABU DHABI GAS INDUSTRIES LTD. (GASCO) PIPE SUPPORTS CONTENTS 1. GENERAL............................................................................................................................3 2 CODES AND STANDARDS ................................................................................................4 3. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ..............................................................................................4 4. DOCUMENT PRECEDENCE..............................................................................................5 5. SPECIFICATION DEVIATION/CONCESSION CONTROL ................................................6 6. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL .................................................................6 7. SITE CONDITIONS.............................................................................................................7 8. GENERAL DESIGN .............................................................................................................7 9. PAINTING ..........................................................................................................................13 10. HANDLING ........................................................................................................................13 11. SUBCONTRACTORS/VENDORS .....................................................................................14 12. DOCUMENTATION ...........................................................................................................14 13. TESTING............................................................................................................................15 DGS-1300-070/FH Rev. DGS 1300 070 0 Page 3/14 ABU DHABI GAS INDUSTRIES LTD. (GASCO) PIPE SUPPORTS 1. GENERAL 1.1 Introduction This specification describes the minimum requirements for design, manufacture, testing, supply the fabricated elements for support and control of piping systems and components. The requirements outlined herein are supplementary to the Specification Drawing Sheets. Together they comprise the specification for design, material selection, fabrication, inspection and packaging for the following elements and their accessories: Constant effort spring hangers and supports, variable spring hangers and supports, rod hangers, pipe shoes, guides, anchors, clamps, axial restraints, three-way restraints, base elbow supports, miscellaneous supports, struts, rollers, low friction slide supports or special elements as identified by the specification drawing sheets. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of this specification is to provide the VENDOR(S) the requirements for furnishing the following pipe support elements: constant effort spring hangers and supports, variable spring hangers, rod hangers, pipe shoes, guides, miscellaneous pipe supports, struts, rollers, low friction slide supports or special elements as identified by the Specification Drawing Sheets or Fabrication Detail Drawings. This specification supplements the Piping Standard Drawings STD-1300-001 and STD-1381-010 or the Fabrication Detail Drawings. 1.3 Definitions For the purposes of this specification, the following definitions shall apply: 1.3.1 COMPANY - ABU DHABI GAS INDUSTRIES LTD. (GASCO) 1.3.2 CONCESSION REQUEST - A deviation requested by the CONTRACTOR or VENDOR, usually after receiving the contract package or purchase order. Often, it refers to an authorization to use, repair, recondition, reclaim, or release materials, components or equipment already in progress or completely manufactured but which does not meet or comply with COMPANY requirements. A CONCESSION REQUEST is subject to COMPANY/PMT approval. 1.3.3 CONTRACTOR – The party which carries out all or part of the Design, Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning or Management of the Project. 1.3.4 SUBCONTRACTOR/SUBVENDOR - The party which carries out all or part of the design, procurement, installation and testing of the system(s) as specified by the CONTRACTOR / VENDOR. 1.3.5 MANUFACTURER/VENDOR – The party which manufacturers and/or supplies equipment, technical documents/drawings and services to perform the duties specified by COMPANY/CONTRACTOR. 1.3.6 PROJECT – (To be defined ) 1.3.7 PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM (PMT) - The COMPANY-authorised party responsible DGS-1300-070/FH Rev. DGS 1300 070 0 Page 4/14 ABU DHABI GAS INDUSTRIES LTD. (GASCO) PIPE SUPPORTS for the overall day-to-day execution of the Project. PMT is to serve as a liaison between COMPANY and the CONTRACTOR(S) on the Project. 1.3.8 SHALL - Indicates a mandatory requirement. 1.3.9 SHOULD - Indicates a strong recommendation. 2. CODES AND STANDARDS The following codes and standards, to the extent specified herein, form a part of this specification. When an edition date is not indicated for a code or standard, the latest edition in force at the time of Contract award shall apply. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) ASME B31.1 Power piping ASME B31.3 Process Piping ASME B31.4 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry (MSS) MSS SP-58 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacture MSS SP-69 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application MSS SP-89 Pipe Hangers and Supports-Fabrication and Installation Practices Pipe Fabrication Institute (PFI) PFI ES-26 Welded Load Bearing Attachments to Pressure Retaining Piping Materials. International Organization for Standards (ISO) ISO 9000 3. Quality Load Bearing Attachments to Pressure Retaining Piping Materials. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS The following reference documents, to the extent specified herein, form a part of this specification. When an edition date is not indicated for a document, the latest edition in force at the time of VENDOR’S proposal submittal shall apply. Project Specifications : DGS-1300-010 DGS-1300-070/FH Technical Specification for Piping Systems Rev. DGS 1300 070 0 Page 5/14 ABU DHABI GAS INDUSTRIES LTD. (GASCO) PIPE SUPPORTS 4. DGS-1300-185 Fabrication, Handling and Installation Process and Utility Piping DGS-1300-040 General Piping - Process and Utility Design Layout and Drawings DGS-1300-060 Piping Flexibility Analysis DGS-1300-190 Traceability of Ship and Field Fabricated Piping Materials STD-1300-001 Piping Standard Drawings DGS-6600-010 Painting DGS-1300-175 Galvanising DGS-6300-001 Welding, NDE and Prevention of Brittle Fracture of Piping DGS-6710-001 Preservation and Export Packing DOCUMENT PRECEDENCE It shall be the Vendor’s responsibility to be, or to become, knowledgeable of the requirements of the referenced codes and Standards. The VENDOR shall notify the CONTRACTOR of any apparent conflict between this specification, the related specification/drawing sheets, the Codes and Standards and any other specifications noted herein. Resolution and/or interpretation of precedence shall be obtained from the CONTRACTOR in writing before proceeding with the design/manufacture. In case of conflict, the order of precedence shall be: ♦ Equipment Data Sheets(s) ♦ Equipment Narrative Specification ♦ Project Specifications and Standards ♦ Industry Codes and Standards 5. SPECIFICATION DEVIATION/CONCESSION CONTROL Any technical deviations to the Purchase Order and its attachments including, but not limited to, the Specification/Drawing Sheets and Narrative Specifications shall be sought by the VENDOR only through CONCESSION REQUEST format. CONCESSION REQUESTS require CONRACTOR’S and COMPANY’S review/approval, prior to the proposed technical changes being implemented. Technical changes implemented prior to COMPANY approval are subject to rejection. 6. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL CONTRACTOR Quality Management System shall comply with the applicable requirements of ISO 9001 : 1994. The quality system shall provide for the planned and systematic control of all quality-related activities performed during design. Implementation of the system shall be DGS-1300-070/FH Rev. DGS 1300 070 0 Page 6/14 ABU DHABI GAS INDUSTRIES LTD. (GASCO) PIPE SUPPORTS in accordance with the Project Agreement, CONTRACTOR’s Quality Manual and Project Specific Quality plan, which shall both together with all related/referenced procedures, be submitted to COMPANY for review, comments and approval. Quality Management System shall comply with the applicable requirements of ISO 9001 : 1994. If the VENDOR shall have in effect at all times, a QA/QC program which clearly establishes the authority and responsibility of those responsible for the quality system. Persons performing quality functions shall have sufficient and well defined authority to enforce quality requirements that initiate, identify, recommend and provide solutioins to quality problems and verify the effectiveness of the corrective action. A copy of the VENDOR’S QA/QC program shall be submitted to the CONTRACTOR with its quotation for CONTRACTOR’S review and concurrence prior to award. If VENDOR’S QA/QC program and facility, where the work is to be performed, is ISO 9000 certified , then only a copy of the Vendor’s ISO 9000 certificate is required. In addition, if VENDOR’S facility is ISO certified, CONTRACTOR’S QA audit requirements will be waived in favor of ISO 9000 registrar audits, unless the CONTRACTOR’S trend analysis program indicates areas of concern. The VENDOR shall identify in purchase documents to its SUBVENDORS all applicable QA/QC requirements imposed by the CONTRACTOR, and shall ensure compliance thereto. On request, VENDOR shall provide objective evidence of its QA/QC surveillance of its SUBVENDOR’S activities. The VENDOR shall submit certified reports of production tests as soon as the tests are completed satisfactorily. The COMPANY/CONTRACTOR reserves the right to inspect materials and workmanship at all stages of manufacture and to witness any or all tests. The VENDOR, 30 days after award but prior to the pre-inspection meeting, shall provide the CONTRACTOR with a copy of its Manufacturing and Inspection Plan for review and inclusion of any mandatory COMPANY/CONTRACTOR witness points. Vendor shall be required to furnish a production schedule indicating material allocated for this project and fabrication/shipping progress for each assembly on a bi-weekly basis. 7. SITE CONDITIONS The following climatic conditions shall govern the design of the supports: Temperature: Relative Humidity: Maximum in shade Maximum in the sun Minimum ambient : : : 58oC 85oC 4oC Maximum (at 43oC) Average (at 28oC) Design : : : 95 percent 60 percent 100 percent Rainfall is infrequent but may occur in winds up to 40 m/sec. Sandstorms are frequent and DGS-1300-070/FH Rev. DGS 1300 070 0 Page 7/14 ABU DHABI GAS INDUSTRIES LTD. (GASCO) PIPE SUPPORTS dust adheres to all exposed surfaces. 8. GENERAL DESIGN 8.1 General Requirements Pipe supports shall be designed, manufactured, fabricated, inspected and installed in accordance with Codes and Standards listed in Section 2.0. Supports shall be standardized as far as possible and bear an identification number. For special supports, identification numbers shall include the unit and/or area number. Special pipe support identification numbers shall be shown clearly on the Project Piping Plan Drawings. For standard pipe supports only the symbol shall be shown. Where Company specifications/Standards do not cover specific support details, Contractor may submit is own Design for Company Review/Approval. Piping shall be supported, anchored or guided to prevent line deflection, vibration expansion and/or contraction which could result in stresses in excess of those permitted by applicable ANSI/ASME codes. Each support assembly, including the spring supports, shall be designed to support the hydrostatic test load. The support should be designed to withstand the stresses at various operating scenarios and at the surge conditions of the pipeline under all the feasible options. All sliding supports shall be designed to permit free sliding movement in spite of accumulated dust. Additionally preventive measure (shields) to be incorporated to alleviate the dust ingress. 8.2 Allowable Stresses Stress on all components shall be within the limits set by the applicable codes listed in Section 2.0 of this specification. Sufficient surface shall be supplied on beam connections so that the welds prescribed on the specification drawings are adequate in accordance with the applicable codes listed in Section 2.0. In the event that there is a conflict between codes and/or specifications, the more stringent shall be used for design. Back-up calculations demonstrating compliance to stress limitations on engineered components shall be made available to COMPANY for review. Appropriate stress intensities and the basis for using particular intensities shall be part of the calculation. 8.3 Materials Selection of material for the support and its component shall be governed by the design DGS-1300-070/FH Rev. DGS 1300 070 0 Page 8/14 ABU DHABI GAS INDUSTRIES LTD. (GASCO) PIPE SUPPORTS temperature of the line and the applicable codes listed in Section 2.0 of this specification unless specific materials are indicated on the specification drawing and/or the fabrication and installation drawing. All support material welded directly to the pipe shall be of the same material as the pipe itself. The welded support or pads shall be stress relieved as per service and code requirements. Alloy steel pipe clamps shall be used for lines operating above 400°C, for lines operating below -29°C killed steel shall be used, for lines operating below -45°C stainless steel shall be used. All contact areas shall be designed or arranged so that there is no electrolysis or galvanic action. All clamp halves shall be formed from continuous plate. Calculations shall be required for deviations and submitted for review. Pipe stanchions, pipe dummies and trunnions shall be made from the same type of material as the connecting pipe. All other support material welded directly to the pipe shall be of the same type of material as the pipe itself. Welding of supports on pipeline shall require specific approval of COMPANY. 8.4 Welding Welding procedures shall be submitted to the COMPANY for approval. Load carrying welds shall be sized in accordance with PFI ES-26, Welded Load Bearing Attachments to Pressure Retaining Piping Materials, and other applicable Codes and Standards listed in Section 2.0 of this specification. Weld-on support attachments, such as cradles or pipe stanchions, pipe dummies, trunnions and lugs shall not be attached to tees, reducers and elbows. Where stress analysis permits, pipe stanchions, pipe dummies and lugs may be attached to elbows. Field welding for pipe support purposes shall not be performed on the following pipe materials: ♦ Materials requiring post weld heat treatment ♦ Lined carbon steel ♦ Non-ferrous materials For pipes requiring post-weld heat treatment, attachments required for supporting purposes shall be indicated on piping drawings, and welding shall be executed at the pipe shop before post-weld heat treatment. 8.5 Element Identification and Dimensions Each assembly shall be packaged as a unit and identified with its own tag assembly number as shown on its specification drawing and/or fabrication and installation drawing. Tags shall be stainless steel having a minimum thickness of 0.38 mm (28 gauge) and shall be securely attached to each item, with the exception of spring hangers, with a corrosion resistant wire. DGS-1300-070/FH Rev. DGS 1300 070 0 Page 9/14 ABU DHABI GAS INDUSTRIES LTD. (GASCO) PIPE SUPPORTS Items which cannot be tagged by the above method, e.g., pipe shoes and guides, must be marked on the surface on the item in such a way that field painting will not cause the markings to be obscured or obliterated. Spring hangers and spring supports shall have a stainless steel metallic nameplate tag having a minimum thickness of 0.38 mm (28 gauge) permanently attached to the spring housing by means of four stainless steel fasteners. This tag shall contain but not be limited to the following data, all of which shall be clearly visible from a distance of 3 meters, a. Spring scale including: load versus deflection N/mm, at 1 cm intervals b. Tag assembly number c. Hot load setting (N, operating) clearly marked by a raised element such as a rivet, punched “H” letter painted red d. Cold load setting (N, installed) clearly marked by a raised element such as a rivet, punched “C letter” painted white. e. Spring type, size and serial or figure number. f. MANUFACTURER’S name and address g. Manufacturing date h. Movement (mm) and direction (up or down) i. Spring Rate (N/mm) Fabrication and installation dimensions shall be per the Specification Drawing Sheet and in SI units as primary units. Lugs or brackets used to support the hanger must be oriented to allow proper positioning of the spring scale as noted on the Specification Drawing. Base type spring supports shall be furnished with load flanges, extended load columns, and slotted holes in the base support plate. Turnbuckles on rod hanger assemblies shall be equipped with lock nuts on top and bottom to prevent turning after field adjustment. Exposed threads of rods at turnbuckles shall be coated with a suitable antisiege compound (MoS2) for easy adjustment in the future. The maximum variability for variable springs between installed and operating conditions shall be limited to 25 percent as specified by MSS-SP58. The design of Teflon Slide Plates shall have the following requirements: a. The upper slide plate shall be 3 mm thick, 304L stainless steel (square or rectangular) attached to a structural member which completely covers the teflon surface at all times to eliminate the possibility of cold flow, ridging, or damage to the teflon surface. b. The finish on the upper stainless steel plate shall be per ASTM A 240 “Number 2B” finish. DGS-1300-070/FH Rev. DGS 1300 070 0 Page 10/14 ABU DHABI GAS INDUSTRIES LTD. (GASCO) PIPE SUPPORTS 8.6 c. The lower slide plate shall be a 5 mm thick Teflon slide surface (square or rectangular) not bonded but encased to a carbon steel lower plate (square or rectangular) which will be stitch welded to the structural steel support. The lower carbon steel plate shall be at least 20 mm larger on all sides than the Teflon slide surface. Height of Teflon and carbon steel plate shall be 8 mm. d. Teflon shall withstand at least a design temperature of 204°C, a minimum design loading of 3.45 N/mm2 and a static coefficient of friction less than 0.10. e. Provisions shall be made to insure that the upper stainless steel plate and the Teflon surface are not painted. Operation Maximum deviation from spring rate for variable spring hangers as published in VENDOR’S Catalogue must not exceed ten percent (10%) on either the heavy or the light side. Variable and constant spring hangers shall be calibrated, tested and present so that the marked operating load is within two percent (2%) of the load shown on the hanger drawing after the prescribed movement. Constant spring hangers must have a field load adjustment of at least 10% on either side of the operating hot load setting. Hanger assemblies shall be capable of deflecting 4° minimum from vertical position between pivot points with no appreciable effect of the operational function of the assembly. Travel stops shall be supplied with each spring hanger assembly. The travel stops, presetting the spring at the installation load, shall restrict both upward and downward movement; however, the hydrotest stops shall not restrict the adjustment of the spring assembly while the stops are in place. These stops are to have a red warning tag. This tag shall have a warning note, as taken from the Specification Drawing, indicating when the stops are to be removed. Travel stops must be securely linked to the spring housing when they are not in use. Attachments must be designed so that the stops are not easily discarded. A light chain welded to the hanger housing and travel stop is recommended. Securing stops with a wire is not permissible. Spring support assembly shall be designed to withstand the static load of the hydrostatic test. A limit stop device shall be provided for hydrotest purpose when specified in the spring schedule (if not initially on the support). Beams supplied by the VENDOR in spring hanger assemblies shall be designed so there is a maximum of one and a half millimetres (1.5 mm) deflection for the maximum load indicated on the Specification Drawing Sheet. Spring hanger assemblies and engineered rod hangers do not include weights or riser clamps, spring housing, rods, pipe clamps or connecting beams in the design loads shown on the Specification Drawing Sheets. VENDOR shall adjust calculated loads to accommodate this additional weight. This new calculated load shall be indicated on the VENDOR’S bill of materials. DGS-1300-070/FH Rev. DGS 1300 070 0 Page 11/14 ABU DHABI GAS INDUSTRIES LTD. (GASCO) PIPE SUPPORTS All components must be compatible for assembly and erection without field modifications. Modifications required in the field due to non compliance for correct fit up shall be grounds for back charges. Where bands are used to retain travel stops, the band shall be made of steel and located in a position that does not obscure the load markers. 8.7 Pipe Guides Expansion Loop Guides on two-phase flow process lines and flare lines shall be of the goal post type. Welded guides and other welded support elements in hot dip galvanized steel structures such as pipe racks shall be attached to steel members before they are hot dip galvanized. CONTRACTOR shall ensure guides in pipe systems with clamped cradles or pipe shoes guide the pipe instead of the cradle or pipe shoe. If guiding of clamped cradles or pipe shoes is unavoidable, precautions shall be taken to prevent rotation of the cradles or pipe shoes. Pipe Stanchions, pipe dummies and trunnions shall have welded end plates. Before the end plates are welded, the inside of the pipe stanchions, pipe dummies and trunnions shall be spray painted. Pipe Stanchions shall not be used as a sliding support. 8.8 Pipe Clamps Alloy steel pipe clamps shall be used for lines operating above 400°C for lines operating below -29°C killed steel shall be used, for lines operating below -45°C stainless steel shall be used. All contact areas shall be designed or arranged so that there is no electrolysis or galvanic action. All clamp halves shall be formed from continuous plate. Calculations shall be required for deviations and submitted for review. All welds must be 100 percent radiographed. 8.9 Large Pipe Diameters Saddle-type supports with pads shall be provided for 26 inch NPS and larger. 8.10 Teflon Slide Plates The upper slide plate shall be 3 mm thick, 304L stainless steel (square or rectangular) attached to a structural member which completely covers the Teflon at all times to eliminate the possibility of cold flow, ridging, or damaging to the Teflon surface. The finish on the upper stainless steel plate shall be per ASTM A 240 “Number 2B” finish. The lower slide plate shall be a 5 mm thick Teflon slide surface (square or rectangular) not bonded but encased to a carbon steel lower plate (square or rectangular) which will be stitch welded to the structural steel support. The lower carbon steel plate shall be at least 20 mm larger on all sides than the Teflon slide surface. Height of Teflon and carbon steel plate shall be 8 mm.. DGS-1300-070/FH Rev. DGS 1300 070 0 Page 12/14 ABU DHABI GAS INDUSTRIES LTD. (GASCO) PIPE SUPPORTS Teflon shall withstand a design temperature of at least 204°C, a minimum design loading of 3.45 N/mm2 and a static coefficient of friction less than 0.10. Provisions shall be made to insure that the upper stainless steel plate and the Teflon surface are not painted. In case the bearing temperature exceeds the allowable temperature as recommended by the supplier then a thermal insulator should be fitted between the structure and bearing back plate. The Teflon slide plates shall be bought along with the Bearing Back plate from approved suppliers and no “Site Bonding” shall be allowed. Stitch welding of the bearing back plate should be sequenced in such a way that the HAZ do not affect the “Teflon” plate embedded into it. 8.11 Corrosion Control All spring hanger components and spring supports, with the exception of the spring coil, alloy or stainless steel shall be galvanized. Galvanizing shall be in accordance with Project Specificaiton DGS-1300-175 Spring coils shall be neoprene coated with a minimum thickness of 0,15 mm. Galvanized spring hanger housings shall not be welded after the coil has been installed. Retainers for the coil shall be of a bolted or split ring type construction to avoid burning the housing. 9. PAINTING The CONTRACTOR shall perform surface preparation and priming only, in accordance with applicable Project Painting Specification DGS-6600-010. All cut square edges shall be radiused by grinding to ensure good painting. 10. 10.1 HANDLING Packaging and Shipping Preparation for shipment shall be in accordance with the Project Specification DGS-6710001, VENDOR standards and as noted herein. VENDOR shall be solely responsible for the adequacy of the preparation for shipment provisions with respect to materials and application, and to provide equipment at the destination in ex-works condition when handled by commercial carriers. Adequate protection shall be provided to prevent mechanical damage and atmospheric corrosion in transit and at the job site. Preparation for shipment and packing shall be subject to inspection and rejection by COMPANY’S / CONTRACTOR’S inspectors. All costs occasioned by such rejection shall be to the account of the VENDOR. DGS-1300-070/FH Rev. DGS 1300 070 0 Page 13/14 ABU DHABI GAS INDUSTRIES LTD. (GASCO) PIPE SUPPORTS 10.1.1 Assembly of Materials Each assembly of spring hangers, rod hangers, miscellaneous supports (made up of two or more components) shall be completely preassembled and packaged as an individual unit except for 12 inch NPS and larger pipe clamps. These may be reversed and securely wired or banded each to its corresponding rod to accommodate bundling or boxing. All items shall be preassembled, each with its respective bolts, nuts, lugs, turnbuckles, clevises, etc. There are to be no loose pieces. Single items such as pipe shoes may be properly boxed and/or crated and shipped as bulk items. 10.1.2 Tagging and Boxing Each assembly shall be identified with its own tag assembly number, as indicated on the specification drawing sheet. A copy of the CONTRACTOR’S specification drawing or fabrication and installation drawing and the manufacturer’s installation instructions, which is to include a copy of the bill of materials, in addition to the standard packing list, shall be inserted in a sealed plastic envelope and securely attached to its respective assembly. All components required for completion of any assembly must be shipped together in the same package/crate by the VENDOR. Each package/crate shall have a packing list attached to the outside. Partial component shipment of an assembly will not be acceptable; however, partial shipment of completed assemblies, on a large order is acceptable and encouraged. Where practical, material shall be palletized with a gross weight not to exceed 1000 kgf. 10.2 Preservation and Storage Preservation shall be in accordance with Project Specification DGS-6710-001. Pipe support elements, shall be protected to withstand ocean transit and extended period of storage at the jobsite for a minimum period of 18 months. Support elements shall be protected against all adverse environments, such as : humidity, moisture, rain dust, dirt, sand, mud, salt air, salt spray, and sea water. 11. SUBCONTRACTORS/SUBVENDORS The VENDOR shall assume unit responsibility and overall guarantee for the equipment package and associated equipment. The VENDOR shall transmit all relevant purchase order documents including specifications to his SUBVENDORS and SUBCONTRACTORS. It is the VENDOR’S responsibility to enforce all Purchase Order documents including specifications to his SUBVENDORS and SCUBCONTRACTORS. The VENDOR shall submit all relevant SUBVENDOR and SUBCONTRACTOR drawings and Engineering data to the CONTRACTOR. The Vendor shall obtain and transmit all SUBVENDOR and SUBCONTRACTOR warranties to the CONTRACTOR/COMPANY, in addition to the system warranty. DGS-1300-070/FH Rev. DGS 1300 070 0 Page 14/14 ABU DHABI GAS INDUSTRIES LTD. (GASCO) PIPE SUPPORTS 12. DOCUMENTATION VENDOR shall submit the type and quantity of drawings and documentation for CONTRACTOR’S authorisation or information as listed in the individual Material Requisitions and Purchase Orders. Mutual agreement on scheduled submittal of drawings and engineering data shall be an integral part of any formal Purchase Order. Comments made by CONTRACTOR on drawing submittal shall not relieve VENDOR or SUBVENDORS of any responsibility in meeting the requirements of the specifications. Such comments shall not be construed as permission to deviate from requirements of the Purchase Order unless specific and mutual agreement is reached and confirmed in writing. ♦ For slide bearing assemblies all “type test” certification shall be furnished to Company ♦ In case of prefabricated Teflon plates Peel-off test certificates shall be furnished in accordance with ISO 9000. Each drawing shall be provided with a title block in the bottom right-hand corner incorporating the following information: ♦ Official trade name of the VENDOR. ♦ VENDOR’S drawing number. ♦ Drawing title giving the description of contents whereby the drawing can be identified. ♦ A symbol or letter indicating the latest issue or revision. ♦ Purchase order number and item tag numbers. Revisions to drawing shall be identified with symbols adjacent to the alterations, a brief description in tabular form of each revision shall be given, and if applicable, the authority and date of the revision shall be listed. The term "Latest Revision" shall not be used. 13. TESTING 13.1 Special engineered pipesupports which require welding for assembly shall have a random 5% of all welds radiographed. Special engineered pipesupports are defined as nonstandard, or not catalogued items from the VENDOR(S). Spring can assemblies (variable and constant) they are standard catalogued items are not considered special engineered pipe supports. 13.2 All components shall be visually inspected to the requirements of MSS SP-58 and SP-69. 13.3 Each constant support hanger assembly shall be individually calibrated prior to shipment to support the specified loads stated on the sping hanger data sheets. The calibration records shall be forwarded to the CONTRACTOR. 13.4 All alloy springs shall shot peened and examined by magnetic particle. 13.5 The spring rate tolerence shall bne tested within plus or minus 5 % . Each spring coil shall betested for free height, spring rate and loaded height. These testing records and C.M.T.R for the raw spring coil material shall be forwarded to the CONTRACTOR. DGS-1300-070/FH