Digital Cheating in the 21st Century: Academic Dishonesty

Academic Dishonesty:
Digital Cheating
in the
21st Century
Where Can I Find All This?
San Antonio ISD Instructional Technology
Parents Website:
Image Source: http://www.commonsensemedia.org
Session Facilitator
Diana Benner
Instructional Technology Facilitator
San Antonio ISD
Image Source:
CBS Early Show: Hi-Tech
Cheating Poll
Video Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z98zgsatwAw
Image Source: http://www.commonsensemedia.org
Personal technologies have been real game-changers
for schoolwork.
Information has never been easier to access and
computers provide powerful tools for presentation,
collaboration, and creativity.
Many believe that the mobile phones have potential to
be learning tools but an unintended consequence of
them is that they've made cheating easier.
Although cheating has been going on for years, cell
phones and the Internet offer new opportunities for
unethical behavior.
What is Digital Cheating?
Some text friends about answers during quizzes or
tests, while others take pictures of test questions -which can be forwarded to students who haven’t yet
taken the test.
Some students use mobile phones
to store notes.
Image Source: http://www.commonsensemedia.org
Students with smart phones can
even search the Internet for answers.
Some students don’t even realize they’re taking
shortcuts when they copy and paste material they find
online and present it as their own work.
Ramifications of Cheating
What would happen if
our doctors, lawyers,
engineers, and other
professionals cheated
their way though
Image Source: http://www.commonsensemedia.org
Why It Matters…
Image Source: http://www.commonsensemedia.org
The decisions students make today will shape the
digital culture of tomorrow.
We want our students to grow up knowing right
from wrong -- no matter where they are.
We need to be sure that they know personal
responsibility is as real in cyberspace as it is in the
Digital life -- particularly the Internet and mobile
phones -- operates in new ways. Anything they post
or create can be seen by a vast invisible audience.
Why It Matters…Con’t.
Their work can be copied, pasted, altered, and sent to
untold numbers of people. And they can copy and paste
others’ work in a split second.
Because kids have unfiltered access to information, the
temptation to use other people’s work and call it their
own can be profound. And since so much of this world
happens distantly, plagiarizing or cheating can seem like
a victimless crime.
Kids think they can get away with it
because they believe their teachers,
parents, and the people whose work
they’ve cribbed won’t discover what
they’ve done.
Image Source: http://www.commonsensemedia.org
Common Sense Tips for the
Digital Generation
Video Source: http://www.commonsensemedia.org
Source: Hi-Tech Cheating, http://www.commonsensemedia.org/hi-tech-cheating
More Statistics
•More than 8 in 10 kids (83%) have cell phones; 53% have
had them since they were 12 or younger
•More than 35% admitted to using their cell phones to cheat
•52% admitted to some form of cheating involving the
•38% said they copied text from Web sites and turned it in as
their own work
•65% of students with cell phones say they use them during
school, but only 23% of parents think their kids are using
them during school
•69% of schools have cell policies that don’t permit cell use,
but more than half of all kids ignore them
Source: Common Sense Media June 2009 study
Testing Students Desire to Cheat
Video Source: CBS News
Why do Students Cheat?
•Grades/College Admission/Competition
•Time Management, Laziness, Stress
•Pressure from peers and parents
•Lack of Oversight by Teachers-No
•Weak Skills, Ignorance
•Negative Role Models
Image Source:
Video Source: http://www.schooltube.com/video/7c71e38e9a3a4b3ba9b2/Cheating-PSA
The Top 5 Ways Students Use
Technology to Cheat
Source: http://www.higheredmorning.com/the-top-5-ways-students-use-technology-to-cheat
Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone
else’s work, including the work of other
students, as one’s own.
Any ideas or materials taken from another
source for either written or oral use must be
fully acknowledged, unless the information is
common knowledge.
Image Source: www.wsulibs.wsu.edu/.../module3/plagiarism.htm
Plagiarism on the Rise
18,000 students in 23 schools, 38% of the students indicated they had
“engaged in one or more instances of cut & paste plagiarism using the
Internet in the past year
Almost half of the students (44%) indicated they considered such behavior
trivial or not cheating at all, perhaps explaining its widespread occurrence
80% college bound students admit to cheating on schoolwork, yet 95% never
get caught.
90% students believe cheaters are never caught or disciplined
257 chief student affairs officers across the country
believe the cheating problem has not been addressed
Image Source:
Online Plagiarism Out of Control
Video Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DTZzvV9KTY
Plagiarism Guidelines
A student must not adopt or reproduce ideas, opinions, theories,
formulas, graphics, or pictures of another person without
A student must give credit to the originality of others and
acknowledge an indebtedness whenever:
•Directly quoting another person’s actual words, whether oral or
•Using another person’s ideas, opinions, or theories
•Paraphrasing the words, ideas, opinions, or theories of others,
whether oral or written
•Borrowing facts, statistics, or illustrative material
•Offering materials assembled or collected by others in the form of
projects or collections without acknowledgment.
Image Source: http://www.commonsensemedia.org
What Can We Do?
Be aware that when you hand your kids a
phone, you're giving them communications
Image Source: http://www.commonsensemedia.org
Do your homework. It’s up to you to know what your kids are
doing with the technology they have.
Don’t assume that your children automatically know what’s
right and wrong. The digital world operates with different
rules (that is, wherever rules even exist). Establish rules
about use right from the start.
If you suspect your child is cheating, check the phone.
Review school policies. Most schools have clearly established
consequences for anyone caught plagiarizing or cheating
Even if they would never cheat, have the talk.
Common Sense Media
Second Thoughts About Kids and Cell Phones
Academic Cheating, Aided by Cellphones or Web, Shown to Be Common
Has Technology Changed Kids' Sense of Right and Wrong?
Fight High-Tech Cheating (Before It Starts)
Academic Cheating, Aided by Cellphones or Web, Shown to Be Common
Online Quizzes
High School Cheating
Hi Tech Cheating
Thank You!
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