Verbalization of the linguo-cultural concept «Work» in the various types of discourse) CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 1. THE CONCEPTION OF LINGUO-CULTURAL CONCEPT 7 1.1. Linguo-cultural concepts as a part of national culture 13 1.2. Methods of linguo-cultural verbalization of concepts in different types of discourse 18 2. DISCOURSE VARIETY OF THE CONCEPT WORK 25 2.1.The actualization of the linguo-cultural concept WORK and Labor 31 2.2. The concept of WORK and Reward 34 2.3. The reasons of discourse variety of linguo-cultural concept WORK 37 CONCLUSIONS 42 REFERENCES 45 2 Introduction The development of humanitarian knowledge put forward a dilemma to work out a new term which would adequately indicate the content of the linguistic sign, which would remove the functional limitations of traditional sense and meaning, and which would organically integrate logical, psychological and linguistic categories Carl Jung claims that concepts may be attributed to space other than within the inside boundaries of any body or mass or material formation of living creatures. Kant declared that human minds possess pure or a priori concepts. Instead of being abstracted from individual perceptions, like empirical concepts, they originate in the mind itself. He called these concepts categories, in the sense of the word that means predicate, attribute, characteristic, or quality. But these pure categories are predicates of things in general, not of a particular thing. According to Kant, there are 12 categories that constitute the understanding of phenomenal objects. Each category is that one predicate which is common to multiple empirical concepts. In order to explain how an a priori concept can relate to individual phenomena, in a manner analogous to an a posteriori concept, Kant employed the technical concept of the schema. The meaning of “concept” is explored in cognitive science, metaphysics, and philosophy of mind. The term “concept” is traced back to Aristotle’s “The classical theory of concepts” definition of terms. The notion of “concept” has been borrowed by linguists from mathematical logic. Thus “concept” in linguistics is both an old and a new term. The word conceptus is a Latin medieval formation, derived from the verb “concipere – concapere” which means “conceive”. In classical Latin the word conceptus had the meaning “pond”, “inflammation”, “impregnation” and “germ”. The word “concept” together with its derivatives entered all the Romanic and Germanic languages (French concept - concevoir, Italian concetto - concepire, Spanish concepto - concebir, Portuguese conceito - conceber, English concept conceive). However, during the recent years it becomes apparent that the term “concept” according to its frequency of use is much ahead of all other coinages. The increasing 3 demand of the concept gave the emergence to a number of contradictory nominative units. However, this unit has neither one generalized definition, nor a single term, at least in some countries. In Russian science, for instance, the term “concept” is not monosemantic, such as “concept” (D. Likhachev, Y. Stepanov, O. Lyapin, V. Neroznak, etc.) “linguoculturema” (O. Vorobiev), “mythologema” (M. Lyahteenmyaki, M. Bazylev), “logoepisteme” (V. Vereshchagin, N. Kostomarov, N. Burvikova) continued since the early 90’s. The next scholar worth mentioning is a language philosopher G. Frege. In 1892 he defined the distinction between the concept and the object in the language philosophy. According to G. Frege, any sentence that expresses a singular thought consists of an expression that signifies an Object (it can be a proper name or a general term with the definite article) together with a predicate that signifies a Concept (Slater 2000, 42-55). This term is employed actively by the cognitive linguistics in its categorical apparatus as a missing cognitive “link” in the content of which the associativefigurative evaluations and understandings are included in addition to that notion. Like most new scientific notions, “concept” was introduced with a certain degree of pathos and sometimes through a cognitive metaphor: it was called “a multidimensional cluster of sense”, “a semantic slice of life” (Clark 1981, p. 228), “a gene of culture” (Talmy, 2000), “a certain potency of meaning” (O. Lyapin 1997, p.11), “a unit of memory”, “a quantum of knowledge”, “a germ of mental operations” and even “a misty something” (S. Askoldov 1997, p. 267-279). Today, the term “concept” is widely used in various fields of linguistics. It has entered into the notional system of cognitive, semantic, and cultural linguistics (Croft, Cruse 2004). The study of the concept in modern linguistics is of the paramount importance. However, any attempt to comprehend the nature of the concept is associated with a number of the most diverse points of view. The intensive research of it in the field of cognitive linguistics has demonstrated a great disparity in the understanding of the term “concept”. Discrepancies cause ambiguity and terminological confusion. 4 Thus the term “concept” is an umbrella term for several scientific directions: first of all for cognitive psychology and cognitive linguistics, dealing with thinking and cognition, storing and transforming information, as well as for cultural linguistics, which is still defining and refining the boundaries of the theory formed by the postulates and basic categories. We can assume that as in mathematics, the concept in cognitive science is the basic axiomatic category which is undetectable, intuitively understanding; the hyperonym of the notion, ideas, frame, script, gestalt etc. (D. Likhachev, 1997, p. 123-133). The goal of this diploma paper is to present the description of nominative ways of verbalization the concept and to analyze different aspects of expressing the concept ‘Work’ in Ukrainian and English languages (classification, examples, usage, etc). The task of this paper is to provide effective verbalization of the concept in different types of discourse. Present-day English abounds in formations of varying degrees of stability specializing in expressing various sorts of concept meanings: comparison, reflection, abstraction, etc. Exiting in the verbal memory of native speakers, they are automatically employed by them in appropriate situations. Peculiarities of the concept usage are to a great extent connected with the cultural conventions in each community. A concept can be divided into such types: ● not a concept, ● a concrete or perceptual concepts vs abstract concepts, ● defined (or relational) and associated concepts, and ● a complex concepts. The methods used for investigating are the modeling, the structuring and the analyzing the concept ‘work’. The theoretical value of the diploma paper is to rationale the use of a comprehensive approach (from both positions – in cognitive linguistics, and in linguistics) to the study of the concept "work". The results obtained after analysis of the linguo-cultural concept, has a direct connection to the theory of linguistics. Practical value of the work lays in the possibility of using the results and research materials in lecture courses on linguistics. The materials of the research can be useful 5 in drawing up the lexicographical dictionaries, and in theory and practice of translation. This diploma essay consists of the introduction, two chapters, conclusions and the list of literature. The introduction pulls out the main idea of the work, grounds the aim, determines its object, explains its practical importance and describes the structure of the diploma essay. In the first chapter of the investigation I concentrate on the conception of linguo-cultural concept (the concepts as a part of national culture; methods of verbalization of concepts in different types of discourse). The second part is about discourse variety of the concept WORK (The actualization of the linguo-cultural concept WORK and Labor; the reasons of discourse variety of linguo-cultural concept WORK). In conclusions the results of the investigation are summed up. The list of literature consists of the scientific literature and dictionaries used in the research essay. 6 1. The conception of linguo-cultural concept The linguo-cultural concept as a subject of the study of linguo-culture appears (Linguistics) to the researchers as a cultural, mental and linguistic studying. According to the Y. Stepanov’s definition, the linguo-cultural concept is a mental unit, aimed at a comprehensive study of language, consciousness and culture. The linguo-cultural concept differs from other units in its mental nature. The mentality is perceived as a guided collection of images and perceptions. H. Bloom defines mentality as the perception of the world in the categories and forms of the native language that connects the intellectual and spiritual qualities of national character in its typical manifestations (H. Bloom 2000, p. 10). Many scholars agree that the mentality is easier to describe than to define. The mentality of deeper thinking, standards of behavior represents the internal willingness of a person to act in a certain way. The linguo-cultural concept differs from other mental units by the presence of the value component. The value is always in the centre of the concept. The linguo-concept consists of distinguish evaluative, figurative and conceptual components. Notional component of the concept is stored in the verbal form. A figurative component is non-verbal and can be described or interpreted. The concept includes such semiotics categories as the image, the notion and the meaning in the reduced form, as a kind of “hyperonym” (generic term) and is characterized as heterogeneous and multi-featured. The concept acquired the discursive meaning representation from the notion, from the image (metaphor) and emotiveness, and from the meaning (concept). The concepts constantly are refined and modified. Being a part of the system, they are influenced by the other concepts and are modified. The very possibility of interpretation suggests that many of the concepts are subject to change, as the world around us is constantly changing giving us the opportunity to learn something new. The concept has a certain structure which is rigid; it is a necessary condition for the existence of the concept and its introduction in the conceptual domain. The concept includes all mental characteristics and provides an understanding of reality. 7 The certain collection of the concepts in the mind of a person forms his/her conceptual realm. Language is one of the means to access to the people’s mind, their conceptual realm, the content and structure of concepts as units of thinking. According to the Russian scientist Y. Stepanov, “concepts are just phrases, fragments of conversation <...>, but they are subtle phrases that force our minds create such content, as if it has been familiar for us for a long time”. Concept can be understood as a part of culture in the consciousness of people; it is something in the form of which the culture enters the mental world. And, moreover, people through the concept enter the culture and affect it. Concepts are not only contemplated, they are experienced (Y. Stepanov 2007, p. 248). They are the subject of emotions, likes and dislikes, and sometimes collisions. The concept is also a discrete unit of the collective consciousness, which is stored in the national memory of native speakers in verbally determinate form. As a cognitive unit of meaning, a concept is an abstract idea or a mental symbol sometimes defined as a “unit of knowledge” (Y. Stepanov 2007, p. 248), built from other units which act as a concept’s characteristic. A concept is typically associated with a corresponding representation in a language such as a single meaning of a term (Dillon 2000, p. 51-71). In linguistics, the ‘concept’, in contradistinction to a ‘word’, has a more complicated structure. The content of the concept is divided into linguistic meaning and cultural sense. That is why it is often called a unit of knowledge, an abstract idea or a mental symbol. The concepts as elements of consciousness are quite independent in the language. According to V. Evans (2009, p. 10), the concepts are intermediaries between the words and extra-linguistic reality. Only those phenomena of the reality can become a concept, that are relevant to and valuable for a particular culture, which has a large number of linguistic units to commit themselves in that culture, which are the subject for proverbs and sayings, poetry and prose. They are a kind of symbols or emblems, specifically pointing to the text, situation or knowledge that created them. 8 At the present stage of linguistics, several approaches to the concept understanding can be identified. Researchers of different countries interpret the concept as a linguistic-cognitive/ psycholinguistic / linguistic-cultural / cultural / or linguistic phenomenon. Each approach, on the grounds of certain features, highlights the specific margin of the concept. There are two approaches that are based on the role of language in forming the concept and to show the link between language and culture. ● The first approach considers the concept as a cultural phenomenon. “Concepts are self-organizing, integrative, functional systematic, multidimensional, idealized formations based on the notional (pseudo- or pre-notional) basis and which are fixed to the meaning of a sign: the scientific term or word (phrase) of everyday language, or more complex lexico -grammatical and semantic structures, or nonverbal-subjective image, or action”. It states that the “concept” is an object from the “ideal” world which has the name and reflects the people’s cultural understanding of real world. The concept describes typical situations of culture and is the subject of cultural science studies. According to Y. Stepanov the “concept” is “a basic cultural cell in the mental world of a man” (Y. Stepanov 2007, p. 248). The concept is a mental structure that represents the knowledge of an individual about a particular segment of the world. Being a part of the ‘picture of the world’, the concept reflects the value focus of both the individual person and the whole language community. It implies that the concept may include such important features as well as the individual characteristics of native speakers. Analyzing the concept from the cultural point of view, it should be borne in mind that the content of the concept will remain within the frame of particular culture and epoch. ● Representatives of the second approach propose to consider the concept as linguo-cognitive phenomenon. The concept is the information about what an individual knows, suggests, thinks, imagines about the objects of our world. The notion of “concept” corresponds to those notion, which a man operates in the process of thinking and the senses which reflect the content of experience and 9 knowledge, the content of results of all human activities and the learning processes of the world in the form of some “quanta” of knowledge. A concept is a kind of algebraic expression of meaning, which a man operates in his written speech. V. Nezorniak states that the “concept” is a remarkable image abstracted in a word and reflecting a fragment of the national picture of the world (V. Nezorniak 1998, p. 80). According to the linguo-cognitive understanding the relation of the concept is related with verbal means of expression. Language does not form concepts, but serves as a means of the exchange of them and for the discussion in the process of communication. The concepts exist in the mentality of an individual, thus, to communicate they have to be verbalized, that is, to be expressed by language means. In the language the concept can be verbalized both by individual words and phrases and by sentences and the whole texts, which determines the concept. The choice of the verbal form depends on the personal meaning, mental representation and the internal lexicon of the speaker, which are interconnected. The understanding of the concept as an operative unit is a way and the result of quantitative assessment and classification of knowledge. This is because the object of the concept is the mental entity, which formation is determined by the form of abstraction, and the model of which is specified by the concept, which not only describes the object but also creates it. Thus, it is obvious that the study of concepts in all its aspects is one of the important research directions in linguistics in recent years. The particular interest is the analysis of the structure of the concept. According to Y. Stepanov concept has a “layered” structure, and its ‘layer’ is the result of the cultural life of different eras. The particular structure of the concept includes the main feature, an additional (passive, historical) features and the inner form. The inner form, as the etymological criterion is a foundation on which all the other layers of meaning are built (Y. Stepanov 2007, p. 248). There are other points of view on the structure of the concept. G. Slyshkin and V. Karasik proposed to consider the cultural concept as a multidimensional meaningful 10 construct, where the notional, figurative and value sides are distinguished. The notional aspect of a concept is the linguistic fixation of a concept, its name, description, feature structure, definition, and comparative characteristics of this concept in relation to other groups of concepts. The imagery side of a concept is its visual, auditory, tactile, taste characteristics of objects, events, events which in one form or another are reflected in our consciousness. The value side of a concept specifies the importance of educational process, both for an individual and for a team (G. Slyshkin, V. Karasik 2001, p. 75 – 80). The scholars consider the ‘concept’ as a multidimensional mental unit where the evaluative element predominates. The concept groups around some “strong” point of consciousness, from which associative vectors diverge. Most relevant associations to native speakers constitute the core of the concept, the less significant – the periphery. According to linguists, the ‘concept’ has not any clear boundaries, while receding from the nucleus the associations are gradual fading. The core language or linguistics is called ‘the concept’. The concept appears in the consciousness by using the language units. The admittances to the concept may belong to different levels of language: the same concept lexemes, idioms, collocations, and sentences, and texts. The scholars identify four zones in the structure of the concept: ● the main (intra-zone, extra-zone) and ● the additional zones, that is, quasi-zone, quasi-extra-zone. The Intra-zone, it is the features of a concept reflecting their own denotatum; the extra-zone includes features derived from the direct and indirect meanings. The quasi-intra-zone and the quasi-extra-zone are connected by the formal associations, resulting from the harmony of the concept name with other words, using euphemisms etc. V. Evans suggested that the concepts internally are organized by the field feature and include a sensual image, informational content and interpretative field (V. Evans 2009, p. 10). 11 The sensual image in the structure of the concept is formed by perceptual cognitive features. These features arise in the native speakers’ minds reflecting the environment through the organs of senses. Figurative features form a metaphorical interpretation of objects and phenomena. The structure of the concept is formed by the cognitive classifiers and is merged with cognitive features which vary in the degree of brightness in the minds. The informational content of the concept consists of a minimum amount of cognitive features that determine the most important and distinguishing features of an object or phenomenon. The interpretative field includes cognitive features, which interpret the informational content of the concept. A distinctive feature of the interpretive field is the presence of cognitive symptoms conflicting with one another. The structure of a concept can be described only when its content is defined and described, that is, the cognitive features of the concept are revealed. In a broader sense, the structure of the concept can be represented as a circle. The basic notion – the core of the concept – is in the centre of the structure, and at the periphery stays everything that is added by culture, traditions and people’s personal experiences. 12 1.1. Linguo-cultural concepts as a part of national culture The linguistics of 21st Century is a dynamic science with many branches, new approaches to the study of linguistic material. One of these new ways is a cognitive research. Their nomination in linguistics as the humanities has contributed that the analysis of language cannot be limited to the study of language system that exists independently. Therefore, the cognitive research is conducted with the involvement of these several sciences. The main cognitive-oriented disciplines include linguistics and cognitive linguistics. Traditionally distinguish two main approaches to the consideration and study of complex concepts as mental entities - the cognitive and linguo-cultural. It depends on what science considers under the concept of cognitive science. For example, if the study is closely related to the cultural studies, such an approach can be linguistics, and if this study is close to the neuroscientist, it has a cognitive feature. In cognitive feature the ‘concept’ approaches as a "quantum" of learning the world, a unit of the mental lexicon, encompassing the whole communicatively meaningful information. The proponents of linguistic and cultural approaches focus on the ‘concept’ as a mental formation, as a part of the whole concept sphere (the set of concepts), a fragment of the ‘picture of the world’. This establishes the importance of a particular subject sphere (conceptual domain) for a social practice, detailing items in this way, a plurality of clarifying, comparison, contrast, evaluate, stylistic differentiation, fixation in the lexical and phraseological semantics and Paremiology. The analysis of the definitions of the concept in cognitive and linguo-cultural perspectives, as well as a comparison and synthesis of information about the concept suggests that, with all the ambiguity of interpretation of the term "concept" the authors agree on one thing – the recognition of this phenomenon is structurally and graphically organized the knowledge or a society (as a separate linguistic identity) of any appearance of a spiritual or material culture, realized in the different levels and different order of linguistic signs related to each other. Therefore, this offers a 13 definition more fully disclose all aspects of the phenomenon: the concept – is a complex structural formation with perfect feature, which is formed in the peoples’ minds, and reflects the results of the knowledge of reality, particular ‘picture of the world’ and culture of ethnic and was embodiment in the language. The structure of the concept in linguo-cultural context consists of conceptual, figurative and value components (S. Vorkachev, V. Karasik, N. Petelina, etc.). The Conceptual aspect of the concept is the definitive description of its components and specifying these components characteristics (N. Petelina 2001, p.11). The Figurative components are non-verbal (V. Karasik, G. Slyshkin 2001, p.11). At the mention of the word seems to work is a subject or a certain machine, performing certain actions in order to achieve any result in a material or intellectual product this is the way of work. In addition, in every language, there are stereotypes of working actors, for example, in Germany - the image of the hardworking and meticulous German. The Value features of the concept reflected in the semantics of lexical items and phraseology. For example, a unit of phraseology – By doing nothing we learn to do ill. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today – to show the value of the British, where labor is encouraged and discouraged idleness. Also, the estimated characteristic analysis revealed predicatives, consumed with the noun work: work is hard / harassing / difficult / stern / dangerous / dull / dreary / melancholy / tiresome / monotonous / important; and circumstances of manner, combined with the verb to work: work without ceasing / day and night / wholeheartedly / frantically / extremely hard / industriously / tirelessly. The examples above clearly show the attitude of people to work: for all its severity, they work tirelessly. From all classifications the most adequate analysis of the objectives of the concepts is Cognitive Classification (representing the concept in the form of diagrams, pictures, concepts, frame, script, etc.), as it helps fully reveal the core of the concept. As the concept is a cogitative complex, which is in the process of mental activity, has actualizing its conceptual or frame-based level, or a schematic or representation, or various combinations of these conceptual entities (Z. Popova, I. Sternin 2003, p. 14 191), the phenomenon of the ‘concept’, from the chosen classification, is, and the frame, and the script, i.e ‘frame-based scenario’. The concept can be considered as a frame, because it appears as a cognitive structure in which are packaged the knowledge, filling the content of the concept. The validity of the concept classification to the frame-based scenario consists in its feature character, i.e., a clear sequence of episodes, based on the fact that the phenomenon ‘concept’ does not exist in isolation, but involves more the presence of the subject, the result of activity etc. Thus, the concepts are considered as a ‘framing scenario’, as there is actualized the process and the situation that is represented by the following scheme: SubjectResult Process Fig. 1 From the diagram, this ‘frame-script’ presents three components: the "subject", the "process" and the "result". Each concept has a base layer (and if it is complex, it also has the periphery), the concepts also contain a core and peri-nuclear parts (I. Sternin 2001, p. 58). Simplified all the above can be represented in the second scheme (Fig. 2). Periphery CORE Valuable component Figurative component Co nce ptu al co mp une nt 15 As a result of research from both these classifications it was obtained the dividing components to the possibility of "subject", "process" and "result" at the core and periphery in the cognitive approach, where the conceptual and figurative elements (representing linguo-cultural point of view) are consistent with the core concept and value characteristics represent its periphery. All this allows considering the ‘concepts’ as a complex. A word-representant of concepts in the English language is a lexical unit of these concepts, as they represent the most common concept. This overview confirms the lexicographical sources, which give a picture of the representation considered synonymous concepts (APCC, NARCT, MWCT, and WNDS). In addition, the ‘concept’ is a dominant synonymous numbers of words, explicated the concept under consideration in the English and Ukrainian languages. The forms of linguistic explication of the concept can be: 1) lexeme, 2) various phraseological approaches (idioms, paremias, aphorisms, etc.), and 3) the whole text. According to M. Sholokhov, "... in any form of language creativity of the nation with such force and so many facets has not seen its mind, is not deposited its national history, social structure, life, philosophy, as in proverbs." (M. Sholokhov, quote from Seminary). This thought emphasizes also M. Dubrovin, "The wisdom and spirit of the nation clearly manifested in its quotations and proverbs, and knowledge of proverbs and sayings of a nation is not only contributes to better knowledge of the language, but also better understanding of the mentality and nature of the people. " (M. Dubrovin, 1; 103). At the present the foreign language plays a significant role in providing the adequate conditions for the formation of current level of knowledge of the ‘picture of the world’ and the integration of the individual into the world and national cultures. The concepts are the part of the culture of a nation / nations – the native speakers, and means for transmitting it to others. 16 The concepts offer direct access to the vast spiritual wealth of the nation; they are the "extra window" into the world, an important means of understanding and interaction between people. Proverbs and sayings are the linguistic material which increases students' interest in foreign language, develop their linguistic intuition, and lay the habit of thinking linguistic concepts. The high motivating potential of these verbal units is explained by two factors: 1. The simplicity and humorous form stable expression correspond capacious, deep content. In order to penetrate have to "find the right key". Eat with pleasure, drink with measure - Їж вволю, а пий в міру (Brt. Proverb) 2. Idioms My home is my castle – Мій дім - моя фортеця (Brt. Proverb) The concepts promote understanding of mentality and national character of native speakers. The study of concepts that reflect the national characteristics of the country of target language, contribute to: ● increase the motivation to learning a foreign language; ● profound mastering the knowledge system; ● the removal of cultural barriers; ● enrichment of communicative repertory for verbal of intercultural communication with native speakers and facilitate occurrence into the space of this culture, comprehension of its values and ideals. By studying the concepts we explore the culture of the native country and countries studied language, we notice ourselves as a part of one big and rich cultural entire. The study of concepts helps to get in touch with that part of being, which meant defined reasons are understood only by native speakers. 17 1.2. Methods of linguo-cultural verbalization of concepts in different types of discourse The relations between language and culture have been the focus of linguists and researchers. However, in the end of last century the interest in the study of "linguistics" particularly has increased. In certain interest in the study of culture and language was the emergence of science as ethnolinguistics, cultural studies, and a linguistics. The first person who maintained that the most important role of language among the manifestations of culture, was W. von Humboldt. He systematized the idea of language as a ‘picture of the world’, initiating numerous theories about the relationship of culture and language. The most interesting of them is a theory (hypothesis) of linguistic relativity. [17, p. 39-43] Linguistic relativity is a central concept ethnolinguistics, the branch of linguistics that studies language in its relationship with culture. A key thesis of the theory of linguistic relativity is a provision that exist in the mind of concepts and, consequently, the features of its thinking are defined in the language of native speaker. This theory states that mental picture may change under the influence of linguistic and cultural systems and to lead to differences of these images in various media linguoculturems [16]. The founder of the theory of linguistic determinism (relativity) is traditionally considered anthropologist F. Baosa. His writings have been nominated the following provisions: ● Unable to understand culture without access to its language and its study of linguistic systems. ● Each investigated culture should be understood in its own terms, not in the coordinate system of the researcher. More the theory of cultural relativity has developed E. Sapir and B. Whorf. Both researchers of different language mean leading to a different picture of the world and, thus, different realities between which do not fit under component-wise. According to E. Sapir: "The worlds in which different societies live are distinct 18 worlds, not merely the same world with different labels attached ..." (Світи, в яких живуть різні спільноти, є різними світами, а зовсім не одним і тим же світом, до якому прикладаються різні ярлики) (E. Sapir. 1927, quote from Seminary) Further development of the cultural orientation of linguistic knowledge has led to cultural linguistics 1 (term H. Palmer), whose aim was the definition of cultural value components, and research demonstrations of culture in language units and structures. Culture in varying degrees necessarily manifested in grammar, vocabulary and discourse. Thus, in one of the languages of North American Indians in the verb necessarily expressed grammatical category evident or certification: verb suffix is provided, which shows whether the heralds of a witness, described to the verb, or learned about it from foreign words. Thus, the "picture of the world" of native speakers emphasis on sources of information. For a more complete understanding of the mechanisms of reflected in the language culture and of linguo-cultural research is necessary to define basic concepts, which operates Culturological linguistics (linguo-culturems, language world, conceptual, concept, linguo-cultural concept), and the consideration of connections between them. From the perspective of linguistics can be described a set linguo-culturems linguistic units, facilities and structures that reflect the particular culture of a particular linguistic community (as it produce Russian, Czech, English, etc. linguo-culturems). For all units of linguistics the typical reproducibility in discursive practices, including language signs are fixed and stable image - semantic structure. Another basic concept is the cultural studies of language picture of the world. On the basis of definitions of Y. Apresyan, V. Telia and L. Vorotnikova can be described the language picture of the world, as a form of a product of consciousness, or fixation the national cultural heritage, which is realized by the interaction of thinking, reality and language. As the main structural units of the language picture of the world are concepts, the alternative type to the term the "language picture of the world" can be considered the conceptual concepts of the language (S. Likhachev 1997, p. 281). Conceptual – 19 a set of concepts that make up the outlook of native speaker. Based on the conceptual combination of the individual, S. Likhachev came to national conceptual concept of the language, and claimed that "richer whole culture of the nation – is by its literature, folklore, science and art" (S. Likhachev 1997, p. 285). Nowadays there are a lot of different definitions of the ‘concept’ and the research on the analysis of existing definitions. Systemized different definitions of the concept, S. Yultimirova identify three main approaches to understanding the concept: ● linguistic, ● cognitive, ● cultural In the linguistic approach the representatives understand the concept as the full potential of the word with its connotative element (S. Askoldova, D. Likhachova, V. Kolesov, V. Telia). In the cognitive approach the representatives understand the nature of the concept, refer it to the phenomena of mental character (Z. D. Popova, I. A. Sternin). The representatives of the cultural approach in the consideration of the concept much attention is paid to Cultural Aspects. In their view, the whole culture is understood as a set of concepts and relations between them. The concept is interpreted by them as a major center of culture in the mental world of man (Y. Stepanov, H. Slyshkin). In the widest meaning among the concepts included lexemes which values as a part of a national language consciousness and form the "picture of the world" of native speakers. All these concepts form the conceptual language in which is concentrated the culture of the nation. Among these concepts gets any lexical unit, within the meaning of a visible way (form) semantic representation. In a more narrow meaning the concepts include semantic learning in linguo-cultural specific of native speakers and characterize a particular ethnic culture. All these concepts do not form a concept sphere as no one integrated and structured semantic space, but it is a part of the conceptual area. 20 Concept is culturally marked oriented semantic unit, is the product of collective thinking, which is stored in the minds of linguistics, identity and objectify a number of linguistic resources. In the process of learning about the surrounding reality is generalized to the level of concept. As a ‘concept’ is stored in the mind of the individual and its objectification occurs by using reduction of a complex mental education to the simplified concrete meaning in every act of intercourse and categories. Directly, linguo-cultural concept differs from other mental units (including the concept in cognitive terms) accentuation value component. The reason for the selection linguo-cuultural concepts can be considered systematically in the study of O. Ipanova criteria: high-concept behalf, linguocultural markedness, ideological orientation, nominative density, etymologically memory, etc. In this way, the ‘concept’ becomes as a linguo-cultural or national element, if the component values expressed in its structure. Along with the concepts and special cultural concepts as units of cultural studies of language are offered by such terms as lohoepistema, linguaculturem, dominant values, case names, etc. The main approaches to the methods and classification of linguo-cultural concepts. At the core of concepts classification is to specify linguo-cultural concept and to facilitate the process of description of the specific concepts using the reference to any type or classification of the group. The classification of concepts can be divided into several groups: 1. The semantic classification. These classifications consider the concepts from the perspective of the scope of their use, focusing on semantic meaning. The philosophical categories (time, space, cause, change, movement), and social-cultural categories (freedom, law, justice, labor, wealth, property). 2. The classification of concepts based on their expression and function in language. 21 Analyzing the dynamics of linguistic objectification of linguo-cultural concepts, they can be divided into: ● stable - having secured them means of verbalization, and ● unstable, deeply personal, seldom in language objected. The classification of linguo-cultural concepts, which is based on semantic and structural basis. In this case, the concepts are divided into lexical and phraseological. Among the lexical concepts identified the following types: ● Mental images (chamomile, cock, death, devil) ● Concept scheme - the words of "space" value (river, road, tree) ● Concept hyperonims reflect hypo-hyperonims communication vocabulary (shoes: slippers, boots, sandals) ● Concept frames relate to certain situations or manner of the situation (market, hospital, museum); ● Concepts of scripts implemented in the idea of (a fight, lecture) ● Concept insight contain information about the structure, function object (umbrella, drum, scissors); ● Caleidoscopical concepts "represent abstract concepts names, social orientation (debt, honesty, conscience)." There are also examples of functional-sociological (individual Micro-group, Macrogroup, ethnic, civilized, universal concepts), structural (one-level, multi-segmental concepts) and other classification of linguo-cultural concepts, which presence confirms the inhomogeneity of linguo-cultural concepts and complexity of their research. The methods of verbalization of the concepts are considered in the operation, substantial structural terms of concepts and dynamic of their existence, highlighting the following characteristics of linguo-cultural concepts: ● complexity of existence (the linguo-cultural concept is the projection of elements of culture that is stored in the mind, presented in the language); ● mental nature, multidimensionality; 22 ● valuable (the center of concept is always a value, because the concept is the research of culture); ● convention and vagueness, variability; ● limited by the mind of bearer; ● three component (a valuable factual and figurative elements);poly- classification, etc. There are different terms to describe the concept in linguistic expression: language appeal, the entrance to the concept, as objectification or representation of the concept in the language. Verbal representation of the concept is at different levels of language and based through the whole paradigm. It can be: ● lexemes and phraseologisms, ● available expression, ● structural and positional schemes, which are typical syntactic concepts, and ● texts and a set of texts (explication or discussion of complex, abstract or individual author concepts). For example, to activate in the minds of Russian language speaker the concept 'alcohol' can be used not only with lexeme "alcohol" but also: "binge", "fire water", "strong drinks", "an aperitif", etc. The same concept can appeal paralinguistic means: the gesture by clicking with fingers on the throat. The example for objectifying the concepts is used morphemes (diminutive suffixendearment - the concept of "tenderness") or word forms (verb form of "put" - the concept is "illiteracy"). As a substantive component of the linguo-cultural concept the linguistic expression provides the access to the study of the concepts, their specificity and function. The analysis of verbal, conceptual, the objectifying and subject-shaped component of the concept, it allows fully describe a particular concept, its place in linguo-culturems and in the consciousness of native speakers. 23 The methods of verbalization of the linguo-cultural concepts can be done at all levels of language (including extra-linguistic appeals). Most entrances to the concept are carried out by means of vocabulary and phraseology. 24 2. Discourse variety of the concept WORK The description of the particular linguo-cultural concept is a result of applied theory research devoted to linguo-cultural concepts. The amount of semantic options, under which can be study the concept, includes: ● conceptual, ● figurative, ● value, ● behavioral, ● cultural and ● etymological Each "measurement" can be preferred in the research. The main features of the concept in cultural and linguistic research, by using a comprehensive study of the concept are presented in the following models: 1. the model of interacting methods of cognition; 2. the model of associative language units and values; 3. the model of multilevel language implementation The model of interacting methods of cognition is based on three-component structure of the concept (conceptual, figurative and valued components). The research of the concept can be brought to a consistent description of each component of its structure. In the valuable component parts there are: ● the estimation (a valuational aspect the denoted in behalf of the concept) and ● the relevance (discovered during analysis of frequency and productivity of inputs in concept). Conceptual component includes: 1. everyday life knowledge (definitions of words); 2. elements of scientific knowledge and erudition; 3. stereotyped and prototypal structure. Figurative component is represented: internal forms of linguistic units and images made by the author or case-law folklore texts. 25 The consideration of the concept under the model of associative language units and values is the analysis of the interaction concept as a system to other concepts, where a set of login concept is intra-zone, and a set of outputs – extra-zone (portable and phraseological meanings, and corresponding to them associative relations). The model involves the review of complex associative links to which is involved a specific concept. In the model of multilevel language implementation is presented the analysis of the concept core, which includes a selection of words, which represent the semantic analysis of the concept behalf, synonyms, similarity, antonyms of the core lexeme; the search of selected sememe in other language representations, and to identify ways of categorizing conceptual phenomena, etc. In the research of linguo-cultural concept «Work» is used the complex of methods and models to discover the difference between components and conceptual features of the selected concept. The investigation and the description of such a multidimensional and multilayered structure as linguo-cultural concept involve various aspects. The concept ‘Work’ bases its endeavors on a three-dimensional: ● an opportunity and purpose for the development; ● a service to the community and for the common good; ● a responsible interaction with the creation. The complex structure of the concept can be found through the analysis of linguistic means of representation methods semantic-cognitive and cultural, linguistic analysis. The main purpose of this analysis - describe the structure of the concept, its linguo-cultural specificity and to make conclusions about its relevance for the specific language world linguo-cultural community. The cores postulate of cognitive linguistics that concept as a mental unit can be described through analysis of its linguistic objectification. The concept WORK is a kaleidoscopic multi-concept of sustainable means of objectifying language. For its consideration of the concept of linguistic representation used lexemes: work (concept name), job and occupation. 26 Analyzing the linguo-cultural concept in the framework of associative links, the intra-zone of concept WORK is extremely widely distributed. The concept involved in these associative links as: ● part of speech: Noun She checked several points needing further work A lot of people are out of work Work equals force times distance Verb I will work hard to improve my grades She worked hard for better living conditions for the poor This unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out ● domain Noun ⮚ Action; ⮚ Achievement The works of bloody Mars ⮚ Works (in the plural) Walls, trenches and the like, made for fortifications ⮚ In theology, moral duties or external performances To set to work, to set on work, to employ; to engage in any business Verb ⮚ In a general sense, to move, or to move one way and the other; to perform; as in popular language it is said, A mill or machine works well ⮚ To labor; to be occupied in performing manual labor, whether severe or moderate One man works better than another; one man works hare; another works lazily ⮚ To operate; to carry on business; to be customarily engaged or employed in 27 Some work in the mines, others in the loom, others at the anvil. They that work in fine flax. (Isaiah 19) ⮚ To influence by acting upon; to manage; to lead An work your royal father to his ruin ⮚ To expend in any work, as materials They have worked up all the stock To work into, to make way, or to insinuate; To work ones self into favor or confidence ● expressions ⮚ At work/ On the job Had been at work for over an hour before her boss arrived ⮚ Labor Accident occurring on the way to and from work and which may result in death or personal injury ⮚ Assessment work The annual or biennial work performed on a mining claim, after claim location and before patent, to benefit or develop the claim and to protect it from relocation by third parties The concept ‘work’ includes a number of components. On the basis of phraseological units are the following semantic groups: 1. 'the intensity of work and a large amount. "A sign of intensity and large amount of work is actualized in the phraseological units with componentanimalism 'ox', 'horse', 'donkey' – to work (to labor, to work hard) like a horse. The object names used in the comparison plow cattle. These idioms have complete equivalents in Ukrainian: роботи (трудитися, гарувати), як бик, кінь, як дикий осел. In the sense of 'a lot of work' is also used idiom to work for two, which, like idioms with the comparative structure, saves the transparent inner form. English sample has its analogue in the Ukrainian language – працювати за двох. A sign of diligence and energy in working is inherent in the implementation of phraseological 28 unit – to work (to labor) with rolled up sleeves and Ukrainian analogue – працювати (трудитися) закотивши рукави (Handbook of phraseology). The value 'to work with great diligence' also implements the idiom to work hard. In the Ukrainian language it corresponds to – працювати в поті чола. 2. 'the implementation of a heavy, dull work'. For a given semantic group includes the idiom to pull a strap. In phraseological fund of the Ukrainian language can be chosen expression тягнути лямку. 3. 'the negligent implementation of work '. A sign of bad quality of work assigned in phraseology to work a slipshod manner and to do something anyhow. Phraseological idiom to work in a slipshod manner is the opposite to work with rolled up sleeves. In the Ukrainian language, a sign of negligent implementation of work is reflected in phraseologisms працювати абияк та робити що-небудь тяпляп (тяп та ляп). To 'do something anyhow, to work in a hurry' is also used idiom робити щось лівою ногою (п'ятою). 4. 'the appropriation of the results of others' labor'. Phraseological units, such as to wringer all in Ukrainian вичавлювати соки з кого-небудь, висмоктувати кров з кого-небудь, express the value of 'brutally exploit somebody'. These examples provide a figurative representation of the unfair use of the labor of others to someones advantage. 5. 'the senseless process of working’. An illustrative feature of the concept ‘work’ is a sign of the usefulness of the done work. The senseless process of working is figuratively reflected in phraseologisms in English such as to catch the wind in a net and in Ukrainian переливати з пустого в порожнє, возити воду в колодязь, возити дрова в ліс, решетом носити воду, товкти воду (в ступі). They are based on everyday household activities such as carrying water in buckets and pounding grain in a mortar. 6. 'a lack of willingness to work hard, stay in inactivity’. The value of 'doing nothing, being in a position in which it is impossible to work' is reflected in the English phraseologisms, such as sit on one's hands, let the grass grow under one's 29 feet, lie (rest) on one's (the) oars, do nothing, fiddle away one's time, sit (stand) without doing a stroke /without lifting a finger in Ukrainian analogues are сидіти (чекати) склавши руки, лежати на боці, лежати на печі (та їсти калачі). The semantic group 'a lack of willingness to work hard, stay in inactivity' can be perceived not only as a component of the concept ‘work’, but also as a separate concept, which is in opposed to the concept ‘work’. Comparing the English and Ukrainian phraseological verbalized concept ‘work’, there are many similar expressions, which is an indication significant community perception of the world bearers of the two linguistic patterns of the world. As in Ukrainian and in English are actualized the same characteristics ('intensity', 'duration', 'quality', 'appropriateness'), the same values that can be considered universal. The variation of the concept WORK is based on the recognition of the principle of multi-variant and pluricausal effects of reality and the relativity of concepts, suggesting that the same mental education can actualize and form from the existing concept of cognitive attributes, consistent with the objectives and terms of a specific type of discourse. The means of verbalization the concept WORK involve classic (s) and nonclassical (free, phraseological word combination with associated meaning and idioms) nomination that convey culturally specific understanding of the working process in the language of consciousness linguo-cultural society. The classic lexical means of verbalization of the concept WORK divided into descriptive and pragmatically oriented. 30 2.1.The actualization of the linguo-cultural concept WORK and Labor The concepts are ideologies which define the operative dynamics of a century, human advancement, societal evolution and revolution. The concept of WORK and Labor helps to differentiate between both. The concept WORK states, "Work is the process of mental conception, analysis and completion of a project with its implementation dynamics". Thus, work is not a physical exercise but a mental exercise. Men who work don't sweat, the reason is because it is completed what it has to be done in the mind before engaging the hands. This implies that productivity is equal to 95% mental exercise plus 5% hand work. This is the most efficient mathematics for hyper productivity. For an individual to engage in work, such must invest to develop someone’s mind. One's quality of mind determines one's quality of work. The man who is seen is the mind you don't see, for where the mind goes the man follows. The Africans are cursed with labor because they have refused to think. When one stops thinking he starts stinking. When one develops his mind through the process of acquiring positive and quality knowledge, the four faculties of the mind get into full activity with creativity and productivity as the after effect. There is no society can develop without workers. Workers are not laborers but "hyper resourceful technocrats". The men whose minds are active and can provide information and ideas for productive results. The effect of work: ● Creativity: Work results in creativity. Creativity is the ability of the mind to ascend into that which has never existed, through the effective functioning of the four faculties of the mind, creative, thinking, imaginative and reasoning faculties. Through creativity an individual can express his unique mind quality as intelligence and ideas for productivity. 31 ● Productivity: Productivity is the expression of creativity as inventions, innovations and creations. The industrial revolution in history was an expression of creativity as productivity. ● Human and environmental impact: Work is measured by its human and environmental impact and not on activity. When men truly work things change for the best. Work is not punishment but an opportunity for one to express his potential for productive results. God worked for six days and redefined the physical environment and humanity. It's time that is stopped measuring the work effort based on activities but on its impact on humanity and the environment. Any work effort which does not enhance human quality and the environment is mere activity and labor. With work humanity can make life worth living. The Concept Labor: is the first curse the fall of man brought. God said to man, he will eat from his sweat. Labor is physical activities without mental input. This demand for much physical energy with low productivity. The 80% of the world's population are labor. Only 20% work. That is, only 20% of people engage their minds for creative knowledge and ideas which reduce physical stress but enhances productivity. One of the greatest breakthroughs most developing societies need is the transformation of the system of operation from labor to work. For this to be achieved much effort has to be made to develop the minds of citizens for creative knowledge and ideas. Labor Day celebrations should be changed to Workers Day celebrations, where the importance of work over labor has to be emphasized. The effects of Labor: ● Poverty: This is not a lack of money or material things. Poverty is a mental problem. Poverty is the evidence of mental dormancy and unproductivity. All that man needs exists in the mind as intelligence, creative ideas etc. It takes mental exercise to transform intelligence and creative ideas to wealth. Labor increases poverty, work reduces poverty. 32 ● High mortality rate: Labor is physical activities minus mental input. Labor places great stress on the human body which results in high mortality. Societies where people labor are societies with high mortality rates. ● Low productivity: Labor has a negative impact on productivity. Societies with more underdeveloped individuals will always experience low productivity in all areas. For interpretation the meaning of language units, which represent the concept WORK in a modern English discourse are relevant to these domains, interconnected complex hierarchical relationships: MAN; HUMAN ACTIVITY; THE CONTENT OF ACTIVITIES (mental or physical effort to achieve / Product / results); THE SCOPE OF ACTIVITY (legally regulated / Is not legally regulated); THE MEMBERS OF ACTIVITY(subjects, objects); THE REASONS / THE AID OF SUBJECTS OF WORK (the actual need to satisfy needs for self-expression, obtaining financial compensation, some experience and others); THE RESULT / THE PRODUCT OF SUBJECTS OF WORK (tangible and intangible benefits); THE MEANS OF SUBJECTS OF WORK (choice and use reasonable means, for example: tools, technologies, methods, etc.). The work is the basis for human existence and the main core of the history of society and nature as it is the source of all wealth and values of human culture. In addition, work is the basis for the existence of any society in the sense that all social relations, and the first economic relations consist in work or about work and its results. The 21st century civilization will be relative to work and not labors. Nothing works like work; it takes work to have worth. "Work is the process of mental conception, analysis and completion of a project with its implementation dynamics". 33 2.2. The concept of WORK and Reward R E W A R D WORK In the most general meaning, the degree of "work" an individual puts forth is equivalent to the "reward" they receive; “as I work harder, the reward I receive increases”, “The more I study, the higher my grade”. There are two factors that motivate people to do work: ● Possibility for future satisfaction ● The avoidance of future dissatisfaction The happiest workers are the ones who work for the satisfaction of the reward. Nevertheless, working to avoid dissatisfaction can be equally motivating. After all, spend time and money having cars inspected in order to avoid having an inspection violation in the future. A Distorted Perception of Work and Reward It is interesting to consider when the correlation between work and reward is not maintained. An ordinary example, of course, would be being rejected by someone is trying to be impressed, or even finding a $5 bill on the ground. In both examples, the level of work that is applied did not correlate with the reward. When these instances are trivial and infrequent, they are normally insignificant. R E W A R D WORK 34 Now, if an envelope with $500 dollars spontaneously appeared on someone's doorstep every morning, the perception of work and reward may become distorted over time. They will eventually quit their job and learn to rely on the $500 dollars a day as their main source of income. Until, suddenly, the envelope ceases to appear, and they are forced to find a job, again. The subsequent hours spent working at their new job is for the avoidance of the dissatisfaction of having no money. Their first earned paycheck will result in no real satisfaction, as their past experience had taught them that there should be no work associated with receiving money. R E W A R D WORK The prior example demonstrates a large reward being given in exchange for no work. It may also occur that large amounts of work result in little to no reward. For example: I might try as hard as I can to impress somebody, but because I am the ugliest person in the world, I may never be successful. In effect, I would become very discouraged over time, and eventually give up altogether. In this case, the work of impressing potential mates was reward-less work. When a person’s experience tells them that little work results in large rewards, the person is relatively content as long as that disproportion maintains. If forced into a normal environment where the relationship between work and reward is proportional, the person will become discontent. Although a high reward, low work scenario may seem ideal, it is the most volatile and undesirable. A balanced perception of work and reward, where the degree of work put forth equals that of the reward, and where the majority of work put forth is 35 for satisfaction rather than the avoidance of dissatisfaction, results in the most balanced and predictable scenario. Unfortunately, uncontrollable factors cause the work/reward balance to become disproportionate, to varying degrees. When this occurs, it is important that it does not consume. As people understand under “labor” – the first and foremost is work, it should be noted about the bad work (it is about hired labor). As a result, it can be concluded that in humans age-related characteristics do not impose a significant imprint on the prototype of the very bad work. Relevant are the social characteristics. For people with low social status of the prototype of the worst can be admitted the physical, dirty, monotonous work of an employee with a strong command early in the career. For people with a relatively high position, who do not work in physical labor, the worst job has the prototypical features, such as: the monotony, there is a problem in the team. 36 2.3. The reasons of discourse variety of linguo-cultural concept WORK The "picture of the world" is conceived as a global form of the world, thesaurus scripts, schemas, frames and other structures of the knowledge of common situations. The "world model" is presented as the result of subjective interpretation of the national consciousness of the world. The subjectivity of the "world model" of the nation is conditional; it includes knowledge of a particular type, conventionally called "subjective": the values and their hierarchies, and other constructs that generalize the experience of the individual and society. An important component of the "world model" of every nation is the knowledge that is associated with difficulty with work activities. Work – is not only political and economic but also the moral, philosophical category. By importance of the concept “work”, in its estimation in society, can largely be judged on the ideals of society, its sense of life. Work as a component of the value of the world picture is also the value of any nation. The Value part of the “picture of the world” stands as a part of the "world model", which reflects the nation's identity, historically mutating in the process of group reflection on the relevant value of natural conditions, social and spiritual life of man. The idealized "world model" includes not all components and options of the natural world, it is estimated only what is needed (physically and spiritually) person and Humanity. The attitude to work as a basic value of the nation is determined by two groups of factors: ● the functional categorization, that is formed in the process of direct experience of the individual, due to need-motivational sphere of human, and ● the communicative (discourse) activity in which the "world model" is interpreted infinitely. The discursive activity (discourse) refers to certain temporal and chronological scope of the general process of using language, and due to specific types of social activity of people that pursues specific goals and objectives, and proceeding in fixed conditions, both in terms of overall socio-cultural and specific individual components of its implementation and instantiation. 37 The language as an instrument of culture and the fact of the nation is a stabilization of the "world model" and fill its values. It reflects the values and ideals of the nation, recorded its vocabulary and grammar in language. Under the conditions of a certain type of discourse, pursuing specific goals and objectives, that are forced to revise the content of the cognitive structures of discourse, thus providing a "redraw" in the "model of the world". The value is on the basis of assessing phenomena in reality. The process of forming estimated meanings associated with the processes of: categorization and conceptualization. Conditionally produce two types of categorization: the natural and estimated (functional, interpretive, Modus). Estimated categorization is the mental correlate of the object with a certain axiological scale. The difference between the two types of categorization is that they are based on different ways of perceiving and understanding the world: the natural and value “picture of the world”, is the physical world and the idealized model, as well as differentiation of a collective, universal and personal, individual experience and knowledge of human. The result of the evaluation categorization is evaluative categories and concepts of a particular type – Modus.The linguo-cultural concept WORK differs by accentuation value of the component. It is a unit of collective knowledge, and is the highest spiritual value, and linguistic expression has a marked ethnic and cultural characteristics. This linguo-cultural concept in a concentrated form contains an evaluation code of linguo-cultures. In this regard, the linguo-cultural concept reveals the same specificity as the Modus categories and concepts - dependence, relative to other cognitive domains that are sources of their formation, which makes them similar in content to the type of Modus concepts. The linguo-cultural concept ‘work” is a part of the "world model" of the nation and is a unit of the collective knowledge of ethno-cultural knowledge, qualifying, "the activity" toward the individual and constitutes a field of conscious action. The concept WORK is structured according to the scheme of action, elements of which are the subjects of work, the purpose, the act and result. This script is presented as a thesaurus of cognitive features which are specified and reinterpreted increments new 38 meanings in different types of discourse. The specificity of this concept is that in the language system it is nominated by the name ‘work’, for which there is a semantic complex. The structure of the linguo-cultural concept WORK has its cognitive features of the concept WORK, the concept LABOR, and the concept JOB. The conceptual components of the concept ‘work’ include the following features of the cognitive concept LABOR: «work – hard physical labor," "goal of the work – survival," "manual worker", and “enterprise as a form of employee individualism.” One of the main features associated with hard work, is the image of the "horse" as a patient and industrious animal. There is the presence of physical imagery. There is also other imageries, for example, the image of a dog, a servant (from Greek mythology). The value attitude for hard work is shaped by functional categorization. Through labor activity, people meet in the first place, vital needs: for food, warm clothing. In axiological component includes information about the display of patience and respect for the work. The work is conceived as a gift from God, so the work cannot be neglected. Freedom secures to the individual employee responsible for the results of both labor and for the failure, and encourages business and risk. The conceptual components of the concept ‘work’ include also the following features of the cognitive concept JOB: "Job – regular physical or intellectual labor", "the goal of work – getting money", "work – a favorite business", "an employee of physical or intellectual labor", "the employee as a member of the team", "the evaluation of results: success/failure", "the tools for working: manual/mechanical". The basis of the value attitude to work is the ability to satisfy the need for respect (ego needs), associated with the social status of the employee. All three concepts WORK, LABOR and JOB are separate concepts of various scopes and degrees of abstraction, coupled with each other in a national "picture of the world". Such a structure of the concept WORK is the result of the flexibility of knowledge structures, dynamic values. This concept is subjected to transformations under the influence of goals and objectives of a particular type of discourse. 39 The interpretation of the concept “work” involves: job, work, post, position, occupation, profession, and career. The job is the work that is done regularly in order to earn money, especially when work for a company or public organization My last job was with a computer firm. He finally got a job in a supermarket. Work is used in a more general way to talk about activities that are done to earn money, either working for a company or for someone self Will you go back to work when you've had the baby I started work when I was 18. Post and position are more formal words for a job in a company or organization. They are used especially in job advertisements and when are talking about someone moving to a different job This post would suit a recent graduate. He left last summer for a teaching position in Singapore. Occupation is used to talk about the kind of work that someone usually does, for example if they are a teacher, lawyer, driving instructor etc. Occupation is used mainly on official forms State your name, age, and occupation in the box below. A profession is a kind of work for which is needed special training and a good education, for example teaching, law, or medicine the legal profession The career is the type of work that is done or hopes to be done for most of someone’s life I'm interested in a career in television. His career is more important to him than his family. The variability of the concept WORK is based on the recognition of the principle of multi-variant and pluri-causal phenomena of reality, which suggests that the same mental education can actualize and form from the existing concept of cognitive attributes, consistent with the objectives and conditions of a particular type of 40 discourse. The variation of the basic concepts of culture becomes possible due to their specific structural organization. It is established that structurally the concept WORK is organized as a strategic scenario, which is a package of information that is stored in memory or created it as needed from the memory contained in the components that provide an adequate strategy for a particular situation find the best options for verbalization. The concept WORK is a set of elements that are in relationships and connections between them and form an integrity [FS, p. 427], which includes the object-system; a system of homogeneous set of objects and object systems. The integral part of which is a plurality, communication, integrity and structuring. Moreover, the concept WORK is characterized by the following principles as: consistency and variability, of which derived their properties: hierarchical / linear, iso-/ polymorphism, stability / instability. The discursive configuration of the concept is this variety of system in which the concept is situational organized on the basis of logical rationale, including the system of higher organize – the conceptual scope. 41 Conclusions So having read and worked over the information of theoretical and practical material, which concerns to the theme of my diploma paper I have done such conclusions. The researchers treat the concept as a cognitive, psycholinguistic, linguistic culture, cultural, linguistic phenomenon. I admit that “Concept” is an umbrella term as it “covers” the subject areas of several scientific directions: first of all cognitive psychology and cognitive linguistics. Language is necessary not for the formation of concepts but for the exchange of concepts and the discussion in the communication process. Concepts exist in the real mentality of people, therefore, it is necessary to verbalize them for communication i.e. express them using language means. It is clear that the linguo-cultural concept is multidimensional mental unit, which includes conceptual, valuable and figurative components. Because of its cultural markedness the linguo-cultural concept is the basic unit of representation of culture in language. The linguo-cultural concepts help better to understand the culture of the language community. The peculiarities of using concept are to a great extent connected with the cultural conventions in an English-speaking as probably in any other speech community. A concept can be viewed in such types – not a concept, concrete or perceptual concepts vs abstract concepts, defined (or relational) and associated concepts, complex concepts. It is clear that concepts exist in the real mentality of an individual, thus, to communicate they have to be verbalized, that is, to be expressed by language means. In the language the concept can be verbalized both by individual words and phrases and by sentences and the entire texts, which determines the concept itself. The structure of the concept in linguo-cultural context is as a structure consisting of conceptual, figurative and value components I find out that in language concept can be verbalized by separate words, phrases, sentences or the whole texts; this depends on the concept itself. 42 I think that the choice of verbal shape depends on the personal meaning, mental representation and the internal lexicon of the speaker, which are all interconnected among themselves. The notional component of the concept is stored in the mind in verbal form and can be just described or interpreted. It is clear that the concept ‘work’ is one of the basic concepts in any culture. It takes an important role over the nominative means of verbalization for the concept WORK as well as their parts of speech classification on the basis of lexical and graphic sources data. That all means of verbalization for the concept WORK are divided into classical (words) and non-classical nominations (free word combinations, phraseological word combinations with linked meaning and idioms). It is declared that in conformity with its meaning and typical functions all means of verbalization for the concept WORK are divided into the following categories: substantive, adjective, verbal and adverbial. The interpretation of the concept “work” involves: job, work, post, position, occupation, profession, and career. The most striking stylistic means used in the novel: labor, toil, drudgery, travail. In all this forms, the concept “work” is of special importance in any communication since they have illocutionary force and thus are considered as speech acts. I also concentrated that the linguo-cultural concept ‘work” is a part of the "world model" of the nation and is a unit of the collective knowledge of ethno-cultural knowledge, qualifying, "the activity" toward the individual and constitutes a field of conscious action. Having analyzed more than 30 books (fiction) and more than 100 examples of the concept ‘work’ I’ve come to conclusion that there are many ways of expressing ‘work’ in English and Ukrainian. In more than 70 examples of ‘work’: the word “job” is used (it plays an important role). The concept ‘work’ is very often used in public and sewage works, computers, etc. It plays an important role in the language of business. I also concentrated on importance of the concept ‘work’ for native learners and foreign learners. 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