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Carol Maier Interview Analysis: Feminist Translation

Interviewing Carol Maier
Interventionist Feminist Translation
Hasan Turunç
Near East University
Interviewing Carol Maier
Hello to all of you, soon in this article, I will make an assessment of the some
questions asked to her in an interview with Carol Maire, who was once a very famous
feminist writer, and you will be reading this interview that I re-evaluated with my own
As a professional translator, what kind of factors do you have in mind when
selecting a text to be translated?
First of all, according to Carol, this question changes depending on the situation she is
in. One of the most important factors in changing this situation for him was "I think I want to
translate the text." (1998, P. G. Noguê).
So for you, it’s not essential now, translating?
Carol's approach to this question was completely without a sexist approach. As far as I
understand, the fact that there were so many factors affecting him in the work he translated
played an important role in choosing the book and the author. "I translated it, I didn't choose
the book just because Chanel was a woman. I realized that something much more inclusive
than that attracted me to Chanel's work." (1998, P. G. Noguê).
Does that mean you translate men or women depending on what you are
interested in at the time?
Carol gave a very clear answer to this question. Again, as in the previous question, it
didn't matter to him who wrote the book or not, it was about what the contents of the book
contributed to him and how he was interested. "Well, I don't know if I'm going to say this, but
right now I feel pretty tempted to translate something by Octavio Armand." (1998, P. G.
What do you think about using strategies such as footnotes, prefaces and
linguistic manipulation so as to make the woman translator more visible?
Carol thinks that the message should be clear and also states that this is important for
other writers. "I think it is important for all translators to make the truth, or rather the
translation activity, somehow visible." (1998, P. G. Noguê).
Interviewing Carol Maier
Finally, in this article, we re-read and analyzed some of the questions asked in an
interview, and finally evaluated and answered them with our own thoughts. We can
understand that Carol Maire likes to do her work, which is what attracts her more than gender.