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Midterm Examination
Name: Catherine P. Taganile
Year & Section: BSED 1A
Date: April 7, 2021
Professor: Janvielle Rosal
Directions: Read carefully the following questions. Answer each item truthfully
and concisely. Answers can either be encoded or handwritten.
1-10. Based on your readings, is globalization a process, a condition, or an
ideology? Explain your choice.
In my understanding globalization and reading about it, for me
globalization is an ideology which is composed of beliefs, claims, rules, norms
and concept about it wherein they discussed about how can a certain idea
help each nations connected with one another to have a successful global
interconnectedness. Globalization ideology is held by many powerful
individuals, who claim it transmits democracy and benefits everyone.
However, it also can caused inequality and sometimes for political and self
11-15. Of the eight theories of globalization, which do you think is most
credible? Why?
In my opinion the most credible theory of globalization is the liberalism,
it is because this theory focuses on the infrastructure to which it can improve
or support globalization. In addition it also talks about Human motivations to
optimize material well-being and practice fundamental freedoms drive trans
planetary communication. These forces inevitably bind humanity all over the
16-25. Why do you think the Philippines import rice from other countries
though rice can be produced in our country?
As we all know rice plays a vital role in our lives it serves as the most
essential food that we should eat in order to stay healthy and alive and our
country Philippine is capable of producing this product but the big question is
why we need to import rice from other country?
The main reason why Philippines was importing rice from other
countries it is because even though we are capable of producing rice but it
wasn’t enough to feed the whole population and the lack of facilities that can
ensure the rice safety during calamities plus Philippines has a low budget.
All in all though Philippines can produce their own rice but the lack of
facilities and fund is the main causes that lead this country to import from
other countries.
26-35. What type of market integration is advantageous for small and medium
enterprises? Why?
Horizontal integration is a competitive strategy that can create
economies of scale, increase market power over distributors and suppliers,
increase product differentiation and help businesses expand their market or
enter new markets. By merging two businesses, they may be able to produce
more revenue than they would have been able to do independently.
36-40. Is globalism the same with internationalism? Support your answer.
Although the two terms may appear to be similar, yet there exists
conceptual difference between the two. Globalism is much wider term in
terms of its meaning, scope and outcome. While Internationalism lays stress
only on the solidarity and cooperation among the Nations, while
acknowledging their Sovereign Character, Globalism on the other hand not
only emphasizes the dilution of the Sovereign Expression of the Nations but
demonstrates the conflicts arising out of this dilution as well. This however
does not mean that Globalism is a negative concept, because surrender of
national sovereignty (to some extent) is aimed to moderate the barriers to
international exchanges.
41-50. In the absence of a global government, who is most likely to settle
disputes between and among states? Explain.
In the absence of the global government which is very needed to
settle disputes between states the closest people of organization that most
like to take the role will be the people with higher position between countries
and talk about the conflicts in a well mannered way in which it can help
prevent or stop chaos among nations in that way the issue will not get bigger.
In my opinion higher rank people or diplomatic people are good in negotiating
among countries in a way that they are well educated and already know a lot
of things about different nations and can understand there way of living.