International Business Strategies: Textbook Chapter

Chapter 6
Assessing Capabilities and Potential
international market quickly while taking
only limited financial and legal risks might
consider licensing agreements with foreign
Identifying trade opportunities
- The fact that nations exchange billion of
- An international licensing agreement
dollars in goods and services each year
allows a foreign company (the licensor) or to
demonstrates that international trade makes
use its intellectual property (such as
good economic sense. For a company
patents, trademarks, copyrights) in
wishing to expand beyond national borders,
exchange for royalty fees.
there are a variety of ways it can get
- Another popular way to expand overseas
involved in international business.
is to sell franchises. Under an international
A. Importing and exporting
- Importing (buying products overseas and
reselling these in one’s own country) and
exporting (selling domestic products to
foreign customers) are the OLDEST and
most prevalent forms of international trade.
- For many companies, importing is the
primary link to the global market. American
food and beverage wholesalers, for
instance, import the bottled water Evian
from its south in the French alps for resale
in US supermarkets. Other companies get
into the global arena by identifying its
international marker for their products and
become exporters. The Chinese, for
instance, are increasingly fond of fast foods
franchise agreement, a company (the
franchiser) grants a foreign company (the
franchisee) the right to use its brand name
and to sell its products or services. The
franchisee is responsible for all operations
but agrees to operate according to a
business model established by the
franchiser. In turn, the franchiser usually
provides advertising, training, and newproduct assistance. Franchising is a natural
form of global expansion for companies that
operate domestically according to a
franchise model, including restaurant
chains, such as McDo, and KFC, and hotel
chains such as Holiday Inn and Best
cooked in soybean oil. Because these also
C. Contract manufacturing and outsourcing
have an increasing appetite for meat, they
- Because of high domestic labor costs,
need high-protein soybeans to raise
many US companies manufacture their
products in countries where labor costs are
B. Licensing and franchising
- A company that wants to get into an
lower. This arrangement is called
international contract manufacturing or
outsourcing. A US company might contract
with a local company in a foreign country to
media company) has a strategic alliance
manufacture one of its products. It win,
with Beijing TV to produce a Chinese-
however, retain control of product design
language music and entertainment
and development and put its own label on
the finished product.
- Thanks to 21st century information
technology non-manufacturing functions can
also be outsourced in nations with lower
labor costs. US companies increasingly
draw on a vast supply of relative
inexpensive skilled labor to perform various
business services, such as software
- An alliance can serve a number of
a. Enhancing marketing efforts
b. Building sales and market share
c. Improving products
d. Reducing production and distribution
e. Sharing technology
development, accounting and claims
processing. For years, American insurance
- Alliances range in scope from informal
companies have processed much of their
cooperative agreements to joint ventures –
claims-related population with English
alliances in which the partners fund a
language skills, India has become a center
separate entity (perhaps a partnership or a
for software development and customer-call
corporation) to manage their joint operation.
centers for American companies.
Magazine publisher Hearst, for ex- has joint
ventures with companies in several
D. Strategic alliances and joint ventures
- What if a company wants to do business in
a foreign country but lacks the expertise or
resources? Or what if the target nation’s
government does not allow foreign
companies to operate within its borders
unless it has a local partner? In these
cases, a firm might enter into a strategic
alliance with a local company or even with
countries. So, young women in Israel can
read Cosmo Israel in Hebrew, and Russian
women can pick-up a Russian-language
version of Cosmo that meets their needs.
The US edition serves as a starting point to
which nationally appropriate material is
added in each different nation. This
approach allows Hearst to sell the magazine
in more than 50 countries.
the government itself.
- A strategic alliance is an agreement
E. Foreign direct investments and
between two companies (or a company and
a nation) to pool resources in order to
- As markets expand, a firm might decide to
achieve business goals that benefit both
enhance its competitive advantage by
partners. Ex- Viacom (a leading global
making a direct investment in operations
conducted in another country.
F. Multinational corporations
- Foreign direct investment (FDI) refers to
- A company that operates in many
the formal establishment of business
countries is called a multi-national
operations on foreign soil – the building of
corporation (MNC). Fortune magazine’s
factories, sales offices, and distribution
roster of the top five hundred MNCs in the
networks to serve local markets in a nation
world speaks for the growth of non-US
other than the company’s home country. On
businesses. Only two of the top ten
the other hand, offshoring occurs when the
multinational companies are headquartered
facilities set-up in the foreign country
in the US: Wal-Mart (number 1) and Exxon
replace US manufacturing facilities and are
(number 3). Four others are in the second
used to produce goods that will be sent
tier (10th through 20th): Chevron, GE, BA
back to the US for sale. Shifting production
and Conoco- Philips. The remaining 14 are
to low wage countries is often criticized as it
non-US firms. Interestingly of the 20 top
results in the loss of jobs for US workers.
companies, 9 are energy suppliers, and 7
- A common form of FDI is the foreign
subsidiary: an independent company owned
by a foreign firm (called the PARENT). This
approach to going international not only
gives the parent company full access to
local markets but also exempts it from any
laws or regulations that may hamper the
activities of foreign firms. The parent
company has tight control over the
operations of a subsidiary, but while senior
managers from the parent company often
oversee operations, many managers and
employees are citizens of the host country.
are insurance or financial service firms.
- MNCs often adopt the approach
encapsulated in the motto “Think globally,
act locally”. They often adjust their
operations, products, marketing, and
distribution to mesh with the environments
of the countries in which they operate.
Because they understand that a “one-sizefits-all” mentality doesn’t make good
business sense when they’re trying to sell
products in different markets, they’re willing
to accommodate cultural and economic
Not surprisingly, most very large firms have
foreign subsidiaries. IBM and Coca-cola, for
ex- have both had success in the Japanese
market through their foreign subsidiaries
- Most people think of the production
(IBM-Japan, and Coca-Cola-Japan).
process as one in which physical goods are
produced. However, the process can also
be used in generating services, and the two
not guarantee that the supplier will get the
are quite often interlinked. Sometimes
MNE’s business on every bid. However, if
goods and/or services are provided directly
the supplier is unable to match the cost or
by the MNE, other times the MNE has an
quality performance of competitive supplies,
arrangement with outside firms to suppliers
the MNE will eventually terminate the
(some of them being direct competitors) to
relationship. So there is a great deal of
assist in the process. For ex- other firms
pressure on the supplier to develop and
make some of the Hewlett-Packard printers,
maintain state-of-the-art production
but HP has its name put on the units and
assumes responsibility for marketing them.
- When MNEs turn to global sourcing, there
- There is often a mix of product/service
is typically a hierarchical order of
strategies at work when generating goods
consideration. The company gives first
and services. The production of goods is
preference to internal sources, such as
emphasized most heavily because some of
having sub-assemblies produced by the
the areas under discussion do not lend
manufacturing department or the subsidiary
themselves to services – although one that
that specializes in this work.
does is global sourcing, a primary area of
consideration in production strategy.
B. Production systems
- A production system is a group of related
A. Global sourcing for raw materials
activities designed to create value. In the
- Sometimes MNEs produce all the goods
generation of goods and services this
and services they need. However, they
system includes location, layout and
often use global sourcing by calling upon
material handling.
those suppliers who can provide the needed
- Location is important because of is impact
output more efficiently regardless of where
in production and distribution costs. Many
they are geographically located. Global
MNEs have found that governments
sourcing as become important for a number
(national and local) are willing to provide tax
of reasons. The most obvious one is COST.
breaks or other financial incentives to
In deciding who will provide these parts and
encourage them to set up operations.
supplies, the company uses global sourcing
- Plant layout is important because of its
as do other MNEs.
impact on efficiency. For ex- most auto
- Not all global sourcing is provided by
producers use an assembly line layout in
outside suppliers. Some MNEs own their
which the workers remain in their station
own source of supply or hold an equity
and, as the cars move past them, perform
position in a supplier. This relationship does
the necessary functions such as installing
radios, air conditioners, interior trim, and so
unloaded at their destination, without any
repackaging the contents of the container.
- Inventory control has received a great deal
of attention in recent years because a welldesigned inventory strategy can have
b. Cargo vessels - UNCONDITIONAL cargo
vessels are used for shipping oversize and
unusual cargoes.
dramatic effects on the bottom line. One of
the most popular concepts has been just-in-
c. Roll-on-roll-off (RORO) vessels – are
time inventory (JIT for short) which is based
ocean-going ferries that can carry trucks
on delivering parts and supplies just as they
that drive onto built-in ramps and roll of at
are needed. No storage of materials
the point of debarkation. A carrier similar to
because suppliers would be delivering them
the RORO is the lighter aboard ship (LASH)
just in time for shipment to the factory floor.
vessel, which consists of barges that are
stored on the ship and lowered at the point
C. International logistics
- International logistics is the designing and
of destination. These individual barges can
then operate on inland waterways.
managing of a system to control the flow of
materials and products throughout the firm.
✓ Air shipping – most countries have
This includes the inflow of materials,
airports that can accommodate air freight.
movement through the production process,
The problem with this mode of
and outflow to the wholesale/retail firm or
transportation is its high cost. Thus,
final consumer.
although international air freight has grown
- In examining international logistics, we
dramatically over the last 30 years, it still
focus on the primary modes of
accounts for less than 1% of the total
transportation: ocean and air. The others –
volume of international shipments. It is used
rails, pipeline and motor carrier – are of
in trade more commonly among
importance in some regions (such as the
industrialized nations than any others, and it
European Union).
is usually restricted to high value items that
✓ Ocean shipping – international firms can
must reach their destinations quickly.
choose from a fairly wide variety of ocean
D. Packaging
carriers. The 3 most common carriers are:
- Packaging is important in ensuring that a
a. Conventional container ships – are used
to carry standardized containers that can be
simply loaded onto the carrier and then
product is shipped in a safe container and
arrives undamaged. When goods are
transported a long distance or to areas with
climates different from the one where they
are manufactured, the container can
prevent spoilage or leakage. Packaging is
- Their effective use can help an MNE
also important because of its direct effect on
cost. If units must be shipped in odd-shaped
containers, fewer of them can be loaded
into the hold of the transport than if they are
shipped in square or rectangular containers
and can be loaded atop and alongside each
- The weight of the packing material is also
important, especially when goods are being
shipped by air and costs are based on both
distance and weight.
a. Temporarily store its goods while
breaking a large shipment into smaller ones
to be shipped to other locales.
b. Combine small shipments into larger
ones and then reship them
c. Process the goods and perform a host of
value-added activities before repackaging
them for the market
d. Give those goods that will remain in the
local market a “made in” status so that they
can be sold as locally produced products.
- Packaging is also important in reducing
loading and unloading costs and minimizing
theft and pilferage. In recent years many
Chapter 7
shippers have begun using intermodal
containers, which are large metal boxes that
fit on trucks, railroad trains, and airplanes
Small, medium and large business all have
and help cut handling costs and theft losses
the amazing opportunity to expand
by placing the merchandise in an easy-to-
internationally, however, there are several
move unit that is tightly sealed.
steps that must be taken to ensure that a
E. Storage
company is ready to export.
- In some cases, goods that are shipped
As the volume of trade grows and barriers
internationally have to be stored before
to trade fall, competition in a company’s
being moved to their final destinations.
domestic market intensifies, particularly
Some countries have foreign trade zones,
from foreign competitors. Competition in our
which are areas where foreign goods may
own backyard and enter new market for
be held and processed and then re-
products and services overseas:
exported without incurring custom duties
1. Foreign competition is increasing
(same as a free trade zone).
domestically. To be truly competitive,
- These zones are usually found at major
companies must consider opening markets
ports of entry (including international air
2. Exporting is profitable.
and makes companies stronger in whatever
3. Exporting helps businesses learn how to
market they compete.
compete more successfully.
As global trade grows, companies that
engage in it report a shift in income derived
- Integrated circuits and micro-assemblies,
from their export sales compared with sales
electrical machinery, computer including
in their domestic markets. A study of US
optical readers, solar power diodes and
exporters found that 60% of small
semiconductors, electrical converters or
companies in the survey derived 20% of
power units, printing machinery, insulated
annual earnings from exports, while 44% of
wire or cable, bananas including plantains,
medium-sized companies did. When asked
computer parts or accessories then cruise
whether export sales would grown at least
or cargo ships and barges, were the most
55 per year for the next 3 years, 77% of the
valuable exported products in the Phils in
small companies and 83% of the medium-
sized companies said they would.
- Located in the western Pacific Ocean, the
Companies that do not manufacture
Southeast Asian nation called the Republic
products can profit from exporting by
of the Phils shipped US$67.5 Billion worth
providing wholesale and distribution
of goods around the globe in 2018. That
dollar amount reflects a -1.8% dip since
Why bother to export?
2014 but a 9.2% increase from 2017 to
- Exporting adds to the knowledge and skills
- In addition, the Phils furnished an
of everyone in a company who does it.
estimated $37.5 Billion worth of international
Doing business in a market that is beyond
services during 2018 encompassing about
one’s border can have a transformational
$7.5 Billion from travel-related services.
effect on its practitioners.
- The experience of forming new
relationship, getting up close and personal
with another culture, figuring out how to
meet the needs of others, and learning how
to be inventive in addressing new business
challenges not only is personally rewarding;
it also leads to improvements in products
- The focus of this article is on exported
- The following export product groups
categorized the highest dollar value in
Filipino global shipments during 2018. Also
shown is the percentage in each export
category in terms of overall exports from the
1. Electric machinery, equipment – US$32.9
Billion (48.7% of total exports)
2. Machinery including computers – 9.6
- The following types of Filipino product
Billion (14.3%)
shipments represent positive net exports or
3. Optical, technical, medical apparatus- 2.2
a trade balance surplus.
Billion (3.3%)
- Investopedia defines NET EXPORTS as
4. Fruits – 2.1 Billion (3.1%)
the value of a country’s total exports minus
5. Gems, precious metals – 1.5 Billion
the value of its total imports. (balance of
6. Copper – 1.4 Billion (2.1%)
7. Ores, ash – 1.2 Billion (1.8%)
8. Ships – 1.2 Billion (1.8%)
9. Animal, vegetable fats, oils, waxes – 1.2
Billion (1.7%)
10.Mineral, fuels including oil – 1.1 Billion
11.Phils top 10 exports accounted for about
four-fifths (80.7% of the overall value of its
global shipments)
- In a nutshell, net exports represent the
amount by which foreign spending on a
home country’s goods or services exceeds
or lags the home country’s spending on
foreign goods or services.
1. Electrical machinery, equipment –
US$4.5 Billion (down by 52.4% since 2017)
2. Fruits, nuts – $1.7 Billion (up by 16.7%)
3. Gems, precious metals – 1.2 Billion
(down by -0.1%)
Fruits and nuts were the fastest-growing
4. Ships, boats - $984.6 Million (down by -
among the Phils’ top 10 export categories,
up 16% from 2017 to 2018. In second place
5. Copper – 578.2 Million (down by -56.6%)
for improving export sales were Filipino
6. Leather/animal gut articles – 423..3
shipments of mineral fuels-related goods
Million (up by 14%)
which appreciated 10.4% propelled by
7. Meat/seafood preparations – 401.4
better international cashflow from refined
Million (down by -16.3%)
petroleum oils. Gems and precious metals
8. Knit or crochet clothing, accessories -
posted the third-fastest gain up 7%, due
$325.9 Million (down by – 23.4%)
mainly to support siler sales. Copper was
9. Nickel - $322.1 Million (down by -24.5%)
the leading decliner among export
10.Optical, technical, medical apparatus -
categories for the Phils due to its -31.7%
$230.3 Million (down by -56%)
year-over-year drop.
- The Phils has highly positive net exports in
the international trade of electronic
equipment including consumer electronics.
- The Phils has highly negative net exports
In turn, these cash-flows indicate the Phils
and therefore deep international trade
strong competitive advantages under the
deficits for mineral fuels-related products
electronic equipment category.
especially refined petroleum oils followed by
- However, some aspects of the Phil
crude oil, coal then petroleum gas.
exportation industry have a negative net
export. Overall the Phil incurred a -$47.6
Billion trade deficit in 2018, up 43.6% from $33.2 Billion in red ink one year earlier.
- Below are exports from the Phils that
result in negative net exports or product
trade balance deficits.
- These cashflow deficiencies clearly
indicate the Phil competitive disadvantages
in the international fossil fuel market, but
also represent key opportunities for the
Phils to improve its position in the global
economy through focused innovations
particularly in alternative energy sources.
- These negative net exports reveal product
categories where foreign spending on home
country the Phils’ goods trail Filipino
Chapter 8
importer spending on foreign products.
Every multinational has a marketing
1. Mineral fuels including oil - -US$12.7
Billion (up by 22.5% since 2017)
2. Vehicles - -$7.5 Billion (down by -0.9%)
3. Iron, steel - -$5.1 Billion (up by 33%)
4. Machinery including computers - -$3.1
Billion (down by -28.2%)
5. Plastic, plastic articles - -$2.9 Billion (up
by 13.8%)
6. Cereals - -$2.7 Billion (up by 50.4%)
7. Aircraft, spacecraft - -$2.3 Billion (up by
strategy designed to help identify
opportunities and take advantage of them.
This plan of action typically involves
consideration of four primary areas:
a. The product or service to be sold
b. The way in which the output will be
c. The pricing of the goods or service
d. The distribution strategy to be used in
getting the output to the customer
8. Pharmaceuticals - -$1.6 Billion (down by -
International marketing is the process of
identifying the goods and services that
9. Food industry waste, animal fodder - -
customers outside the home country want
$1.6 Billion (up by 16.1%)
and then providing them at the right price
10.Articles of iron or steel - -$1.5 Billion (up
and location.
by 23.6%)
In the international marketplace, this
process is similar to that carried out at
home, but with some important
country that will create new, emerging
modifications that can adapt marketing
markets. These cursory efforts help an MNE
efforts to the needs of the specific country
to target potential markets.
or geographic locale. For example, some
MNEs are able to use the same strategy
abroad as they have at home.
2. Second assessment: Financial and
economic conditions
- Secondary screening is used to reduce the
This is particularly true in promotions where
list of market prospects by eliminating those
messages can carry a universal theme.
that fail to meet financial and economic
Some writing implement firms advertise
considerations. Financial considerations
their pen and pencils as “the finest writing
include inflation rates, interest rates,
instruments in the world,” a message that
expected returns on investment, the buying
transcends national boundaries and can be
habits of customers, and the availability of
used anywhere. Many fastfood franchises
credit. These factors are important in
apply the same ideas because they have
determining whether markets that passed
found that people everywhere have the
the initial, general screening are also
same basic reasons for coming there to eat.
financially feasible.
In most cases, however, a company must
- Economic considerations relate to a
tailor-make its strategy so that it appeals
variety of market demand influences,
directly to the local customer.
including market indicators. Market
indicators are used for measuring the
relative market strengths of various
1.Initial assessment: Potential
geographic areas, and focus in 3-important
- This is the process of determining the
basic need and potential of the MNEs goods
a. Market size – the relative size of each
and services in foreign markets. This
market as a percentage of the total world
screening answers the question: Who might
be interested in buying our output?
- One way to carry out initial screening is by
examining the current import policies of
other countries and identifying the goods
and services being purchased from abroad.
A second way is by determining local
b. Market intensity – the “richness” of the
market or the degree of purchasing power in
one country compared to others.
c. Market growth – the annual increase in
production. A third is to examine the
- Quite often these data are analyzed
demographic changes taking place in the
through the use of quantitative techniques.
Sometimes these approaches are fairly
consider. Government stability is an
simple. Trend analysis, for ex- is the
important factor in starting a successful
estimation of future demand either by
operation; however, it is often difficult to
extrapolating the growth over the last 3 to 5
years and assuming that this trend will
4. Fourth assessment: Sociocultural forces
continue or by using some form of average
growth rate over the recent past. A similar
- The fourth level of screening typically
approach is estimation by analogy, through
involves the consideration of socio-cultural
which forecasters predict market demand or
forces such as language, work habits,
growth based on information generated in
customs, religion and values. As noted
other countries. More sophisticated
earlier, culture greatly affects the way
approach is the use of regression analysis,
people live, and MNEs need to examine
a mathematical approach to forecasting that
how well their operations will fit into each
attempt to test the explanatory power of a
particular culture. MNEs will examine these
set of independent variables. Another
sociocultural differences in determining
sophisticated approach is cluster analysis, a
where to locate operations.
marketing approach that involves grouping
5. Fifth assessment: Competitive
data on the basis of market area, customer,
and so on, based on similar variables, so
that a marketing strategy can be formulated
for each group.
- The fifth level of screening is typically
focused on competitive forces. If 3 or 4
locations are equally attractive, an MNE will
3. Third assessment: Political and legal
often make a final choice based on the
degree of competition that exists in each
- The third level of screening involves taking
locale. In some cases, companies do not
a look at political and legal forces. A primary
want to enter markets where there is strong
consideration is entry barriers in the form of
competition. However, they will often decide
import restrictions or limits on local
to enter a competitive market because they
ownership of business operations. Analysis
believe the potential benefits far outweigh
of these barriers often results in identifying
the drawbacks. By going head-to-head with
loopholes around the various restrictions or
the competition, the company can force
data that indicate barriers are far less
itself to become more efficient and effective
extensive than initially believed. Production
and thus improve its own competitiveness.
restrictions or limitations on profit remittance
The MNE can take market share away form
that restrict operating flexibility must also be
competitors and put them on the defensive
a. Economics – important when the cost of
forcing them to commit more resources to
a product is either too high or too low to
defending the market under attack and
make it attractive in another country.
thereby reducing their ability to retaliate
b. Culture – a product must sometimes be
adapted to different ways of doing things.
Culture also influences purchasing
decisions on the basis of style or aesthetics.
- It vary depending on the specific good and
Other culturally based reasons for product
the customers.
modifications include color and language.
- Some products can be manufactured and
c. Local laws – can require product
sold successfully both in the US and abroad
modification in order to meet environmental
by using the same strategies.
and safety requirements: Food and
- Other products must be modified or
pharmaceutical regulations require
adapted and sold according to a specially
packaging and labeling that are often quite
designed strategy.
different from those in the home country.
1. Little to no modification
Brand-name protection can also require
- Industrial goods and technical services are
product modification.
good examples of product that need little or
d. Product life cycle – another reason for
no modification. A bulldozer, a laptop and a
modifying a product is to cope with its
photocopying machine serve the same
limited product life cycle (PLC). For ex-
purposes and are used the same way in the
Coca-Cola of Japan, which introduces an
US as they are in France or in China.
average of one new soft drink per month
- Alterations would be minor and would
and has the competition scurrying to keep
include such things as adapting the
up. Yet, Kola Real has been particularly
machine to the appropriate electric voltage
effective in offsetting the technology and
or changing the language used for its
marketing of Coca-Cola to bring its own
instructions and labels. The same is true for
products to market in Mexico. One of the
many types of services.
most effective strategies has been to
shorten the PLC by offering new goods and
2. Moderate to high modification
- A number of factors can compel an MNE
to use moderate to high product
modification. These include economic,
culture, local laws, and product life cycle.
services before the demand for the old ones
has dropped significantly. Many companies
are discovering that by shortening the PLC
and offering new product adaptations they
are able to capture and retain a large
market share. This is typically done by
2. Advertising
offering a new product, then modifying it
- A non-personal form of promotion in which
and bringing out a new version before the
a firm attempts to persuade consumers to a
competition can effectively combat the first
particular point of view. In many cases
MNEs use same advertising message
worldwide; again, because many products
fill similar worldwide needs, a company can
- It is the process of stimulating demand for
use a universal message and reduce
a company’s goods and services. MNEs
advertising cots at the same time. However,
promote their goods and services through
there are times when the advertising must
advertising and personal selling. The
be adapted to the local market.
specific approach used, however, will be
- Two of the most common reasons are that:
determined by the nature of the product.
a. The way in which the product is used
1. Nature of the product
differs from that in the home country and,
- Identical product and identical message.
This approach is used when the MNE
intends to sell the same product worldwide
b. The advertising message does not make
sense if translated directly.
and believes that an identical promotional
3. Personal selling
appeal can be used in all markets.
- It is a direct form of promotion used to
- Identical product but different message.
persuade customers to a particular point of
This strategy is used when the product
view. Some goods, such as industrial
satisfies a different need in various markets.
products or those that require explanation or
- Modified product but same message. This
description, rely heavily on personal selling.
strategy is used when the market requires a
- MNEs have also focused attention on
different version of the product but the
recruiting salespeople on an international
needs of the consumer are the same. So
basis. In some countries this work is not
although the product is changed, the
highly regarded, so MNEs have given these
promotion message remains the same
people managerial titles that command
because the buyer’s needs are the same.
importance, such as territory manager or
- Modified product and modified message.
zone manager. Recruiting local talent is
When the product use and buying habits of
extremely important because these people
customers are different from those in the
are often better able to sell to local
MNEs home market, both the product and
customers. If the product requires special
promotion message will be modified.
training to sell, MNEs often bring new
salespeople to the home office for training,
introduce them to those who are
manufacturing the products, and create a
feeling of teamwork among the field staff
and personnel so that the salespeople are
energized to go back into the field and sell.