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Criminology: Historical Development & Schools of Thought

Unit 1 - Historical Development
True or False. Direction: On the space provided before each item, write POLICE if the statement is factual and
CRIMINAL if it is erroneous.
POLICE 1. Criminology is the study of all subject matters necessary in understanding and preventing crime,
the punishment and treatment of criminals.
CRIMINAL 2. Raffaele Garafalo is the father of criminology.
POLICE 3. The Code of Hamurabi was based on physical retaliations or an aye for an eye (lex talionis).
POLICE 4. Punishment before include flogging, branding, beheading and burning.
POLICE 5. Biology and Psychology were used in studying criminal behavior .
Activity 1. Reaction Paper
I choose Sociological Criminology, I believe that this topic is reflective of the situation in the Philippines,
not only on our country but also all over the world it is rampant and alarming. Criminals are sit on high position in
the government, which are corrupt officials. Due to injustice. Parental neglect, low self-esteem, alcohol and drug
abuse can be caused why people break law. Poverty causes of crime are complex, some are greater risk of
becoming offenders because of the circumstances into what family history and background they got and has a
greater impact to their children in order to avoid the child inconflect with the law. The effect of this crimes to our
society can be severe, most people suffer in Long-term harm, it can lead to develop depression and society illness.
Social factors also take involvement in crime:Family,Education,Economics,and Community. Parental behaviors play
a strong role in slapping a child risk of later involvement in criminality. Crime prevention can reduce the long term
cost associated with the criminal justice system and the cost of crime, both economic and social, which can be
achieve a significant return on justice,welfare,protection of social and human being. The great impact of this topic
which led to realize and become aware that we should avoid this criminality that can cause damage to our society
and to prosper of being human in the community and become a law abiding citizens to our country.
A. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the following sentences and encircle the letter of the correct answer. You may visit this link to
answer this test.
1. He was the sixth king in the Babylonian dynasty, which ruled in central Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq). He
made a code emphasizing the lex talionis.
a. King Hammurabi b. King Moses
c. King Mosaic d. King Draco
2. This was a set of laws created in ancient Rome in 451 and 450 BCE. The start of another way to deal with
laws where they would be passed by the government and composed down so all residents may be dealt with
similarly before them.
a. Code of Hammurabi b. Mosaic Code c. Twelve Tables d. Code of Draco
3. The Law of Moses also which primarily refers to the Torah or the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.
is believed that it was written by Moses.
a. Code of Hammurabi b. Mosaic Code c. Twelve Tables d. Code of Draco4. During the dark ages, what
punishment will be served if the offender was possessed?
a. Hanging
b. Burning
c. Pillory
d. Torture
5. How many crimes was added by the England during 1722-1758 which dealt by death penalty?
a. 350 crimes b. less than 350 crimes c. more than 350 crimes d. 350 more or less
6. What school of thought developed during the eighteenth century?
a. Classical Theory-criminal behavior was the product of the offender’s rational choice
b. Positivist Theory– reformation of criminals
c. Neo-Classical Theory
d. Marxism Theory
7. What school of thought developed during the nineteenth century?
a. Classical Theory-criminal behavior was the product of the offender’s rational choice
b. Positivist Theory– reformation of criminals
c. Neo-Classical Theory
d. Marxist Theory
8. What kind of field in criminology was used by Franz Joseph Gall in his study?
a. Biology
b. Phrenology
c. Chemistry d. Psychology
9. What kind of field in criminology was used by Franz William Healy in his study?
a Biology
b. Phrenology
c. Chemistry
d. Psychology
10. He and his colleagues believed that the only way to find the roots or causes of delinquent behavior was to
delve deeply into the individual’s background, especially
a. William Healy
b. August Comte
c. Max Weber
d. Herbert Spencer
B. Matching Type
Directions: Match column A and column B. Write the correct answer in the space provide for.
Column A
_J_1. This is primarily based on the investigation of
the relationship between demographic and group
variables to crime.
__I_2. Criminal behavior is the center of the study-how
it is modified, evoked, maintained, and acquired.
_H_3. It also explains that criminals are acting out of
uncontrollable, animalistic, unconscious, or biological
_G_4. The study deals more with the processes seen
in the criminal justice system and in the enforcement
of laws directed towards influencing social policies.
_F_5. The application of criminological theories to
environmental issues.
_E_6. The scientific analysis of the causes of crime
and the study of criminal behavior.
_D_7. It is more related to matters involving police
management an administration or policing in
_C_8. Chemistry, medicine, physics, mathematics,
etc. may be utilized in crime detection.
_B_9. The progress of criminology is concordant with
the advancement of other sciences that have been
applied to it.
A 10. the examination of the nature and structure of
laws in the society which could be analyzed
scientifically, systematically and exhaustively to
learn crime causation and eventually help fight
Column B
a. Making of Laws in Criminology
b. Criminology as Dynamic Discipline
c. Criminology as an Applied Science
d. Law Enforcement
e. Criminology Etiology
f. Green Criminology
g. Applied Criminology
h. Psychiatric Criminology
i. Psychological Criminology
j. Sociological Criminology
Unit 2 - School of Thought in Criminology
Multiple Choice: Direction: Read the following sentences and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Who stated that poverty engenders rebellion and crime?
A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Lombroso
D. Beccaria
2. What criminological theory developed during the nineteenth century?
A. Classical Criminology
B. Positivist Criminology
C. Neo-Classical Criminology
D. None of the choices
3. The father of Modern Criminology developed the theory of ____________?
A. Classical Criminology
B. Positivist Criminology
C. Neo-Classical Criminology D. None of the choices
4. Who is the father of the school of thought in Classical Theory?
A. Cesare Beccaria
B. Cesare Lombroso C. Enrico Ferri D. Jeremy Bentham
5. This is a study of analysis based on the gathering of observable scientific data.
A. Classical Theory
B. Positivist Theory
C. Neo-Classical Theory
D. None of the choices
-It is the study of criminal
behavior Based upon
external factors.
-Crime is not a choice
theory they
the nature of
the Crime
-Mainly based on the
free will or crime as a
Activity 2. Reaction Paper in Consultation
Directions. Read the following sentences. Identify the kind of school of thought and the personalities being
described. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer from the word inside the box.
__________________1. This refers to a method of analysis based on the collection of observable scientific facts.
Positivist Theory/Positivist Criminology2. The crime as any other act is a natural phenomenon and is comparable
to disasters or calamity.
Raffaelle Garofalo3. he rejected the doctrine of freewill and supported the position that only way to understand
crime was to study it by scientific methods.
Enrico Ferri
code of 1921.
4. He authored Criminal Sociology published in 1884 which influenced much of Argentina’s penal
Cesare Lombroso5. His major advocate is the development of a scientific method in the study of behavior of the
criminal and to reform the criminal codes.
Jeremy Bentham 6. He developed the theory of utilitarianism which stated that a moral act is one which produces
the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.
Cesare Becaria
7. His treatise entitled “On Crimes and Punishments” had a lasting and large impact on the
American Constitution, the Bill of Rights which subsequently influenced our own criminal justice system.
Classical Theory 8. In this school of thought, the criminologists argued that freewill can be mitigated by pathology,
incompetence, mental disorder.
PositivistTheory 9. This is the basis of most natural sciences, and positivist criminology is the application of
positivist methods to the study of people.
_________________10. This theory suggested that Human beings are fundamentally rational, and most human
behavior is the result of free will coupled with rational choice.