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Marketing & Operations Course Syllabus

1. ADMS3551 – Operations Management
F.R. Jacobs, R.B. Chase, Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Core, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill
Education, 2020. Supporting/additional material (if any) will be posted on eClass.
2. ADMS3660 – Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
Textbook: Text – An Introduction to Business Ethics, Joseph DesJardins, 6 th Edition. (2020), New York:
3. ADMS4200 – Professional Selling and Sales Force Management
• Personal Selling, 1 st edition by Scott A. Campbell (Top Hat) ISBN 978-1-77330-204-1. See below for
more information on use of Top Hat resources.
OPTIONAL READING These resources, although not required reading, may be helpful in learning more
about topics we will cover.
• People Styles at Work! And Beyond: Making Bad Relationships Good and Good Relationships Better by
Robert Bolton & Dorothy Grover Bolton
• To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others by Dan Pink
ADMS4210 – International Marketing
Cateora, Gilly, Graham, Money, "International Marketing" (Current Edition), McGraw Hill
4. ADMS4215 – Business to Business Marketing
Business Marketing: Connecting Strategy, Relationships, and Learning
F. Robert Dwyer and John F. Tanner
Customized Printing by York University
5. ADMS4230 – Marketing Channels
Text: Marketing Channels, Bert Rosenbloom
6. ADMS4235 – New Product Management
Required course material: several readings have been selected for this course. A complete list of the
course readings is posted on the course’s eClass site. Also, an e-coursepack containing several case
studies and readings has been created with Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) for student purchase. Link
to the HBP e-coursepack has been posted on the e-Class
7. ADMS4240 – Advertising & Communications
Advertising & Promotion, 6th Canadian Edition Belch, Belch, Guolla* ISBN: TBC, Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Ryerson *The 5th edition may also be used for this course.
8. ADMS4245 – Digital Marketing
Main textbook: This course uses a digital textbook. The invite link for purchasing the course pack is:
Additional Books for reference
 Miller, Michael (2016) The Ultimate Web Marketing Guide by, Pearson Publication
 Chaffey, Dave & Smith, P.R (2013). Emarketing Excellence: Planning and Optimizing your Digital
Marketing, Routledge Publication
 Charlene Li & Josh Bernoff, Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social
Technologies, Harvard Business Press Books
 Turban, E., King, D., Lee, J. K., Liang, T. P., & Turban, D (2012). Electronic commerce 2012, A
managerial and social networks perspective, Springer Publication
 Strauss, Judy & Frost, Raymond (2013). E-Marketing, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd
9. ADMS4250 – Marketing Strategy Development and Implementation
10. ADMS4255 – Customer Relationship Management
Two books are required for this course, as follows:
1. Managing Customer Experience and Relationships: A Strategic Framework, 3rd Edition, Don Peppers
and Martha Rogers: John Wiley & Sons. (The first edition of the Peppers and Rogers text is not to be
used for this course. The second edition is also not encouraged). This text is available as an online eresource without cost to students but the book cannot be downloaded. The link to the book is in
Moodle eClass. The book will need to be bought if students require the entire book in hard copy.
2. Managing the New Customer Relationship - Strategies to Engage the Social Customer and Build
Lasting Value, Ian Gordon, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-1- 1180-9221-7. Publication date: April, 2013.
This text is available as an online eresource. There is a free trial period of 2 weeks but then the text
needs to be purchased.
Students will also need to purchase and download cases and readings from the Harvard Case Publishing
website directly. A coursepack has been prepared for students to obtain all the required readings and
cases from Harvard Case Publishing. Use this link for the coursepack:
11. ADMS4260 – Marketing Research
Brown, Tom J., Suter, Tracy A., Churchill, Jr., Gilbert A. Jr. (2018). Basic Marketing Research, Ninth Edition,
Mason, Ohio: Thomsen South-Western.
12. ADMS4265 – Marketing Analytics
13. ADMS4275 – Services Marketing
Services Marketing: Concepts, Strategies, & Cases; K. Douglas Hoffman, John E. G. Bateson; Cengage
14. ADMS4285 – Brand Management
CIPO, “A Guide to Trade-Marks”,
http://www.cipo.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cipointernetinternetopic.nsf/eng/h_wr02360.html (to be read on your
own; everything on this webpage, but not what is on other pages that this page links to). Please
download or print this page well ahead of the exam. In case that there are changes in the document
throughout the term, any version posted on this webpage throughout the term is valid.
Reference Literature
Though the course content is largely based on: Keller, Kevin Lane and Vanitha Swaminathan (2020),
Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, 5 th
global/international edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, there are many outside sources that have been used
to develop the course material. Hence, please note: 3 This course presents the latest research and many
relevant case studies other than what the textbook provides. There are some extra topics not covered in
this textbook. As such, it is important that the class notes are studied in conjunction with the textbook.
To prepare for each class, please read the curated PPT slides to be covered in this class in advance. For
other material to be prepared for each class, see under VI.