Scoring Tool: Model Instrument: Creativity/ Usability Performance: Content/ Originality 40 Excellent (40 pts) Cooperation: Group Preparedness/ Collaboration 30 Excellent (30 pts) Overall Presentation: Stage Presence and Performance Presentation 10 Excellent (10 pts) The group has created an outstanding working instrument using a variety of usable materials in an exemplary way. All group members were able to contribute significantly to the progress of the project and presentation. The group was able to present a highly entertaining performance and the audience was well pleased. Good (38 pts) Good (28 pts) The group was able to present an original presentation of a covered music or song. The idea and content of the presentation are novel and created by the group as a whole. Good (18 pts) The group has created a great working instrument using some usable materials. Some group members were able to contribute significantly to the progress of the project and presentation. The group was able to present an entertaining performance and the audience was satisfied. Fair (35 pts) Fair (25 pts) The group was able to present a refreshing presentation of a covered music or song. The idea of the presentation was slightly novel. Fair (15 pts) The group has created a working instrument using available materials. Poor (30 pts) Only certain members were able to contribute significantly to the progress of the project and presentation. Poor (20 pts) The group was able to present a good performance, but some parts were already used in other performances. Poor (10 pts) The group was able to present an entertaining performance and the audience had a little positive reaction. Poor (5 pts) The group has created an instrument to present to the class. Only one or two members were able to present and contribute to the project. The group was able to present performance but was not novel. 20 Excellent (20 pts) Good (8 pts) Fair (5 pts) The group needed more practice and confidence to present their performance. Total: 100 points