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Tolkien's Middle Earth Vocabulary List & Assignment

The Vocabulary of J.R.R Tolkien’s Middle Earth
Each section of the novel has specific new vocabulary terms included in it. At the
end of each section, you will be responsible for handing in your completed section
Your Task: You are creating a dictionary for the inhabitants of Middle Earth. For
each word: 1) write the word and 2) identify if the word is a noun, pronoun, verb,
adverb etc… and 3) provide the definition of the word and 4) use it properly in an
original sentence.
Ex – Defenestrate: verb, to throw a person or a thing out of a window.
The rebels stormed the palace and attempted to defenestrate the evil
The section vocabulary is a homework check mark. Section vocabulary is fair game
for all of the section reading quizzes.
Vocabulary lists
Section 1 – Ch. 1-5
Flummoxed, 14/20
Palpitating, 60
Audacious, 20
Gnaw, 96
Requisite, 35
Cleave, 62
Grope, 81
Scuttle, 9/11/41
Conspirator, 20
Haughty, 14
Throttle, 85
Defrayed, 35
Ingenious, 74
Trifle, 34
Depredations, 12
Morsel, 11
Venerable, 61
Esteemed, 35
Obstinately, 27
Yammer, 73
Abominable, 107/180
Cunning, 194
Parched, 174
Accursed, 172
Droning, 136
Plight, 133
Benighted, 110
Gleam, 164
Shambled, 160
Bulbous, 165
Gnarled, 158
Wary, 194
Clamor, 118
Nipped, 111
Yelping, 117
Section 2 – Ch. 6-8
Section 3 – Ch. 9-14
Hoard, 250/267
Trill, 244
Benefactor, 292
Ominous, 220
Valor, 291
Creditable, 258
Perilous, 253
Waning, 235
Desolate, 296
Portcullis, 205
Wily, 257
Dubious, 265
Promontory, 222
Forge, 289
Radiance, 275
Section 4 – Ch. 15-19
Avenge, 309
Besiege, 308
Caper, 299
Carrion, 297
Decrepit, 298
Dominion, 284
Hauberk, 321
Mattocks, 327
Muster, 334
Parley, 308
Precipice, 334
Presume, 347
Redeem, 319