Uploaded by PanDaniel


55 = 634in^3 h= 2.67in r=8.75
45 = 519in^3 h= 2.15in 35 = 404in^3 h= 1.71in
25 = 288in^3 h= 1.21in
10 = 115in^3 h= 0.71in r=7.25
5 = 58in^3 h= 0.58in r=5.75
2.5= 29in^3 h= 0.54in r=4.25
INGREDIENTS: -500ml egg whites -40 grams of oat flour -60 grams of Tomato sauce -1 tsp. baking powder -Ground pepper
-onion powder
-garlic powder
-salt -Chopped tomatoes -Low fat (10%) cheese -Turkey slices -Chicken -Chopped mushrooms -Orange peppers INSTRUCTIONS: Preheat the oven at 180 Celcius Degrees. Mix the egg whites and the oat flower to the bowl.
Put the baking powder and mix again.
Add pepper,onion and garlic powder and salt and mix one more time. Put the mix in the pan in full temperature and leave it from one side for about 5-10 mins until it starts to form (like a pizza shape). Turn around for another 5 mins. Take it out of the pan and spread the tomato sauce
put the slices of turkey and chicken, as well as the chopped tomatoes and mushrooms.
Top it with the cheese and put it in the oven until everything mixes up (or until the cheese melts (takes about 5-10 mintues)