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Why Cum Is Good Food

Why cum is a good food for
Cum is basically how children are made, cum is called semen scientifically, and research
by expert scientists have shown how cum, a thing that is made by rubbing your dick with
either lotion or doing it raw(rubbing your dick by hand) can make any person in the entire
world survive
One of the reasons cum is a good reason and not pasta or pizza or anything(goofy ahh
cuisine and culture :skull:), well its because of mass production(like glorious mother
russia in ww2 where they make more men then nazi german has bullets), cum is made
By sperm, the average male(excluding higher testosterone levels) produces 54000 sperm
in a hour, which calculates to 1,500 a second, 1 sperm is equal to close to 1.014 g/ml,
now theres 453.59 ml in a pound so for every second you produce almost 4 pounds of
pure semen and children, now you can only hold a small amount of sperm so you need to
regularly dump it out.
Another reason is the amount of nutrition and protein, scientist have proven that sperm
contains vitamin C, B12, ascorbic acid, calcium, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid,
magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, and fat, cum also has mucus water and plasma,
these are all elements humans need to live, the average protein concentration of semen
is 5,040 milligrams (mg) per 100 ml, and it takes up to 2 months to starve to death,
however in that time cum can make enough nutrition to have about a week in reserves(if
my goofy ahh math is right :skull:)
The final reason cum is a good reason is the accessibility, males can release cum
through friction on the penis, or rubbing it, and women can also release it( i don't know
how search it up on pornhub :skull:), also its free of costs, so you can be homeless and
still produce cum, and cum can use the nutrition you ate from former cum and it will
reproduce more cum, overall cum is a good source of food,
Healthy cum - cloudy white color with a jelly consistency similar to a raw egg
Damaged cum - the opposite(what did you think :skull)