Proposal Evaluation Form Evaluation Form for the Report of Proposed Database Project. (Weighted: 4%) 5 Excellent 4 Exceeds Expectations 3 Meets Expectations 2 Needs Improvement 1 Below Expectations Student has excelled in performing the competency, works independently. Student has completed the work and exceeded activity requirements. Student performed the competency very well, was above average in effectiveness and/or consistency. Student performed the competency at an acceptable level. Assistance guidance from preceptor was occasionally necessary. Student attempted but did not achieve competency in all areas. Needs improvement. Unacceptable. Performance was below expectations. Needs significant improvement. Criteria Score 1 Writing Style (Technica l Skills) Sentences aren’t clear and continuous Gramma r and/or punctuati on, capitaliz ation errors. 2 Sentences are generally clear but may have awkward structure; there may be patterns of punctuation errors. Shows a pattern of errors in grammar, and/or punctuation. 3 Sentences are clear but the reader may lose interest in some sections of the paper. A few errors in grammar, punctuation, and capitalization, but not many. W ei gh t 4 Sentences are clear and hold the reader’s interest with ease. Good use of grammar, punctuati on, and capitaliza tion. 5 Sentence s are very clear and hold the reader’s interest with ease. Excell ent use of gram mar, punctuati on, and capitaliz ation. W 2 Tota l Sco re T o t a l / S e c t i o n Wx Score 1 0 Complet eness (Content ) ● Front Page Cover Many required data has not displayed. Some required data has not displayed but not many. Free from errors. All required data has been displayed . 1 3 ● Table of Conten ts No page numbers listed. Some of the page numbers are in wrong position. All page numbers being entered accordin gly. 1 3 ● Membe rs’ Profile Many of the required details have not been reported, and do not have the elements of creativity . Some of the required details have not been reported, but have the elements of creativity. All required details have been reported in creative ways but there is quite many errors made. 1 5 All required details plus additional details has been reported in creative ways, but there is still few errors made. All required details with picture from each group memb ers, plus additionl details has been reported in creative ways. Page 1 of 3 Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Proposal Evaluation Form Criteria Score 1 2 3 4 5 W e i g h t T o t a l S c o r e W Wx Sco re T o t a l / S e c t i o n ●Introducti on to Organizatio n Organizatio nal Backgroun d • Organizationa l Chart ● Current System Descri ptions Poor description of facts. Much informatio n is not provided. Paragraph lack of clear ideas. Not enough information provided from the organization Some paragraph s have clear ideas, but the paragraph transitions are weak. Provid e basic informatio n from the organiz ation Most paragrap hs have clear ideas, and provide additio nal inform ation from the organiz ation. All paragr aphs have clear ideas, and provide additio nal information and necessary pictures or images from the organizatio n. 1 5 Not include d employ ees’ title position s or only include the name of the staff; not the full name of the staff. The information is not specific and related. Not included either employees’ title positions or the full name of the staff. The information is related but not specific. Includ es all employees’ title positions with the respective full name of the staff. The chart has been illustrated in a normal style look. Includ es all employees’ title with the respective full name of the staff. The chart has been illustrated in an interest ing style look. Includ es all employ ees’ title positions with the respectiv e full name of the staff. The chart has been illustrated in a corpor ate style look. 1 5 Conten t is not sound. Content is sound and solid; descripti on are present but not particular ly develope d or supported; some evidence, but usually of a generalized nature. Only provide process flow chart. Wellpresen ted; descrip tions are detailed, developed and supported with evidence and details, mostly specifi c. Exception ally well presente d; descrip tions are detaile d, well develo ped, supported with specific evidence & facts, as well as exampl es. Exceptio nally well presente d; descrip tions are detaile d, well develo ped, suppor ted with specific evidence & facts, as well as exampl es and proces s flow chart. 2 1 0 ● Current Problem State ments Provide less than three statement s. No descriptio ns and exampl es given. Provide wrong facts. Provide less than three statements with brief descripti on. No example s given. Irrelevant explanation s and examples given. Provid e three statements. No description s and examples given. Provid e three statem ents with brief description for each statement. No examples given. Provid e three statem ents and large amounts of specific examples and detailed descrip tions. 1 5 Page 2 of 3 Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Proposal Evaluation Form Criteria Score 1 2 3 4 5 W e i g h t T o t a l S c o r e W W x S c o r e T o t a l / S e c t i o n ●Propos ed Databas e Objectiv es ● Initial Propose d ERD ● Referenc es 1 5 Provide all correct connecti vities, labels and notati ons. 2 6 Listed referenc es conform to APA style citatio n. Provi de at least three refere nces. 1 3 (3 . 0 ) N A Provide less than three statements. No descriptions and examples given. Provide wrong facts. Provide less than three statemen ts with brief descrip tion. No exampl es given. Irrelev ant explanati ons and examples given. Provi de three state ments No descripti ons and exampl es given. Many errors in connectivitie s, labels and notations. Some errors in connec tivities, labels and notatio ns. The sources are not cited correctly according to APA style, nor listed correctly.Only one reference is listed. There may be a few errors in APA style citation. Only two reference s are provided. Penalty for late submissio n, no evaluation form or issue of plagiarism TOTAL SCORE Provide three statem ents with brief description for each statement. No examples given. Provid e three statem ents and large amounts of specific examples and detailed descrip tions. 6 0 NurAsyira, Nik Ruslawati Page 3 of 3 Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences