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5 Love Languages Workbook: Study Companion for Lasting Love

BOOK TITLE: Workbook for 5 love languages
Subtitle: The Secret to Love That Last
Authors name follows:
Joy Publishing House (first name Joy, middle publishing, while last name house)
5 love languages Workbook To Record your personal thought and action plans learnt in every chapters with thought provoking questions of each section of this WORKBOOK
This study guide will help you through the way of discovering and understanding the five languages of love, and get to understand how to spot out your partner's primary love language while expressing love to your husband or love in the language they'll understand so that they can feel being loved.
Each section of the journal corresponds with each chapter from the OFFICIAL book By Gary Chapman, providing opportunities for deeper reflection on your love life, and marriage. This WORKBOOK will be very FUNCTIONAL to you if you're already studying or looking to study the ORIGINAL book WORKBOOK key details
Key chapters summary
=>> Prep Work Q & A to sharpen your perception and push your own boundaries
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=>> 6X9 perfectly sized to easily carry on your bag. =>> Scroll Up and Click The Buy Button To Get Started
PLEASE NOTE that this is an unofficial and independent workbook for the book “THE 5 LOVE LANGUAGES
The Secret to Love That Lasts By Gray Chapman published by Joy Publishing House
The 7 Keywords follows:
****************** 1. Chapman love language
2. five languages of love
3. 5 love languages by gary chapman
4. Journal 5. marriage
6. Saving your marriage before it starts 7.workbook for 5 love language
Education & Reference > Study Aids > Study Guides
Education & Reference > Study Aids > Book notes
Price should be within $7 - $7.99 based on the pricing form the official text