Uploaded by Ka'Neia Colvin

This I believe

This essay discusses how the world often applies negative labels to people based on
their perception of a person, oftentimes in an inappropriate manner. This essay outlines
how the labeling of people can often be problematic, especially when someone is
labeled in a negative manner. I often had negative labels attached to me growing up, so
I understand this issue first-hand. An example of a negative label would be, being
labeled as "aggressive" could mean you are a strong-minded and willed person but are
perceived as intimidating to their peers. Some of the greatest people were frowned
upon during their journey because their drive to get things done were interpreted as
aggressiveness. Often these same people that are perceived as aggressive, are also
labeled as being a “bad” person as well. During my childhood it seemed as if I could not
get away from the word “bad". A negative label almost becomes like a monster that is
constantly on your back. Over time, being called a bad child, student, friend, sister,
cousin, and daughter; it builds up immensely. To me it felt like monsters leeching on me,
destroying my soul. For me, this proved to be very draining.
Due to this label that was put upon me, I started wanting to be the bad kid
everyone thought I was, because it made me feel stronger. It lowered me into the belief
of being the only person who believed in myself. Early on, I became accustomed to
getting the bare minimum in life. I I only experienced being in survival mode. I do not
know if it was when my mother let older intoxicated (both on narcotics and alcohol) men
look at me at the age of five. The guys would always keep me company in the “wrong”
way. The next day I lived my life just like nothing happened because my mom was right
in the room. The next day I just remember her yelling at me for spilling some juice on
the floor, then beating me These experiences gave me the most powerful strength in
this world, the ability to deal with challenging experiences in life.
As unfortunate as things were, I am thankful for the hard situations during my
childhood to give me the strength that I carry now. This gave me the opportunity to
mend myself into a strong, independent black woman. It gave me a chance to figure out
to love myself completely and fully and be dependent on myself. As stated previously,
the labeling of people can often be problematic, especially when someone is labeled in
a negative way as was done with me during my childhood. Being labeled “bad” was the
greatest blessing in disguise that I could ask for. It taught me to have gratitude in
everything you do. It was great at making me an emotionally mature person as an
18-year-old, something not a lot of us have.The world should consider how applying
negative labels to people can impact them adversely.