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215 202 Take-home Final F22

Final Take-Home Examination
PHIL215 / ARBUS 202 (Spring 2022)
General Information
1. Due Date: Friday, Dec. 16, 2022 at 11:55 PM ET
2. Late Policy: Late submissions will not be accepted unless a documented excuse
of sufficient weight (e.g., a medical emergency) is provided.
3. This is an open-book exam. You are free to consult course materials (Module
learning content and the textbook) as you complete your work.
General Instructions
1. In completing this exam, you must work on your own. Do not consult with, or
share answers with, other students.
2. Read the Specific Instructions below.
3. Do not put your name anywhere in this document.
4. Keep this instruction page in the document you submit. Do not delete.
5. Keep the Short-Answer Question page in the document you submit. Do not
6. Keep both Essay Question pages in the document you submit. Do not delete.
7. Do all of your work in this document.
Specific Instructions
Review Chapters 1 through 11 of the textbook.
Review the online materials for Modules 1 through 11 in LEARN.
Complete Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3 below.
Expected length: 1500-1600 words in total for the exam as a whole. (These are
the words that you write, not the words that are written by the instructor in the
assignment document.) Pay attention to the specific length guidelines given in
each section of the exam.
5. When completed, submit this document to the Take-Home Final Examination
6. You must make explicit use of course concepts from the lectures in LEARN and
from the readings in the text.
Note on Assignment Return
Your take-home exam will be returned via the Dropbox. In the interest of timely
submission of final grades for this course, you will receive numerical scores for exam
questions, but formative feedback will not be provided. If you have questions or
concerns about the evaluation of your work, you may contact your instructor.
Section I: Short Answers
Value: 4 × 10 marks = 40 marks
Instructions: Answer any four of the following questions. Provide a brief paragraph for each
question, using complete, grammatically correct sentences. Answer only four questions; do not
answer all five. Be concise! Each answer should be approximately half a double-spaced page in
length (150-160 words).
1. Referring to the example of the Kansas Farmers in Chapter 7, explain why an individual
farmer does not have the incentive to conserve water by converting to dryland farming.
(Chapter 7)
2. Robert Arrington claims that some forms of advertising are morally wrong because they
generate non-autonomous purchases. Using an example, explain what Arrington means.
(Chapter 8)
3. Making reference to the concept of moral hazard, explain what the principal-agent
problem is. (Chapter 6, Chapter 9)
4. Explain how collective co-operation can help resolve a social action problem like the
free-rider problem. (Chapter 10)
5. Explain what the textbook means when it says that a whistleblower must be courageous,
have integrity, and have a strong sense of justice. (Chapter 11)
Section II: First Essay Question
Value: 1 × 30 marks = 30 marks
Instructions: Answer the following question in the form of a brief analytical essay. Pay attention
to paragraph structure, grammar, spelling. You must make explicit reference to relevant course
concepts in the essay’s content. Length guideline: 450-500 words. Your essay should be
double-spaced. Since the length of this essay is short, you need not provide introductory or
concluding paragraphs. Feel free to dive straight into the issue raised in the question. If you do
choose to provide an introduction and conclusion, make them very brief!
First Essay Question: What motivation is there to accept the distinction between private
and public morality if it can lead to conflicting values? Explain. Use course concepts from
Chapters 3, 9, and 11 in your explanation.
Section III: Second Essay Question
Value: 1 × 30 marks = 30 marks
Instructions: Answer the following question in the form of a brief analytical/critical essay. Pay
attention to paragraph structure, grammar, spelling. You must make explicit reference to
relevant course concepts in the essay’s content. Length guideline: 450-500 words. Your essay
should be double-spaced. Since the length of this essay is short, you need not provide
introductory or concluding paragraphs. Feel free to dive straight into the issue raised in the
question. If you do choose to provide an introduction and conclusion, make them very brief!
Second Essay Question: Consider the following claim: “Compromise is often the better
solution when trying to resolve an ethical dispute in the workplace.” What is the rationale
for this view? Ultimately, do you agree or disagree with it? Provide a brief argument for
your position. Use course concepts from Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 10 in addressing this