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Self-Improvement: Strategies for Personal & Professional Growth

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Presentation · October 2018
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23366.93761
1 author:
Hussein A Mustafa
Salahaddin University - Erbil
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Students' Perceptions Regarding the University Education Outcomes and Labor Market Requirements: Empirical Study View project
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Hussein A. Mustafa
M.Sc. Business Administration, Salahaddin University
Why Self-improvement is Critical to Success
• It presents you with new opportunities.
Growth in yourself eventually leads you to new opportunities, opportunities that
don’t come about until you grow into the person who is ready for them.
All you have to do is focus on self-improvement—start by reading personal
development articles, books, blogs—and implement the things you learn into your
own life.
Why Self-improvement is Critical to Success
• It increases your self-esteem to new levels.
Self-confidence is ultimately the starting point to following your dreams—you have to
believe in yourself and your dreams enough to go after them. As you grow, you’re building
up that mindset, that belief.
When I picked up my very first personal development book—Think and Grow Rich by
Napoleon Hill—that’s when my self-esteem started rising, when I really started to believe in
myself and my goals. Reading success books was what pushed me to grow, to change, the
motivation behind my goals.
Why Self-improvement is Critical to Success
• It can help you become a better version of yourself.
Becoming a better version of yourself is the main goal of selfimprovement—to improve in your job, your business, your relationships.
Whatever area of your life you’re working on, that’s part of growing as a
person. You have to constantly look at what you can improve and have the
awareness to know what needs to be done to do it.
Analysis of a Person
Analysis of a Person
The TOWS Matrix is a relatively simple tool for generating
strategic options.
By using it, you can look intelligently at how you can best take
advantage of the opportunities open to you, at the same time that you
minimize the impact of weaknesses and protect yourself against
Using the TOWS and SWOT Matrix
Developing Strategic Options From an External-Internal Analysis
TOWS and SWOT are acronyms for different arrangements of the words
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
By analyzing the external environment (threats and opportunities), and your
internal environment (weaknesses and strengths), you can use these techniques to
think about the strategy of your whole organization, a department or a team. You can
also use them to think about a process, a marketing campaign, or even your own
skills and experience.
At a practical level, the only difference between TOWS and SWOT is that
TOWS emphasizes the external environment whilst SWOT emphasizes the internal
Identifying Strategic Options
SWOT or TOWS analysis helps you get a better understanding of the strategic
choices that you face. (Remember that "strategy" is the art of determining how you'll
"win" in business and life.) It helps you ask, and answer, the following questions:
how do you:
Make the most of your strengths?
Circumvent your weaknesses?
Capitalize on your opportunities?
Manage your threats?
A next step of analysis, usually associated with the externally-focused TOWS Matrix, helps you
think about the options that you could pursue. To do this you match external opportunities and threats
with your internal strengths and weaknesses, as illustrated in the matrix below:
TOWS Strategic Alternatives Worksheet
Analysis of a Person
Analysis of a Person
Practical Ways to Improve Yourself
• Are you someone who likes to grow? Do you constantly seek to
improve yourself and become better?
Read a book every day.
Books are concentrated sources of wisdom. The more books you read, the more wisdom
you expose yourself to.
Wake up early.
Stay focused with to-do lists.
Learn a new language.
Pick up a new hobby.
Take up a new course.
Level up your skills.
Have a weekly exercise routine.
Get out of your comfort zone.
Put someone up to a challenge.
Identify your blind spots.
Ask for feedback.
Learn from people who inspire you.
Avoid negative people.
Learn to deal with difficult people.
Learn from your friends.
Reduce the time you spend on chat programs.
Stop watching TV.
Start a 30-day challenge.
Befriend top people in their fields.
Let go of the past.
Show kindness to people around you.
Take a break.
Read at least 1 personal development article a day.
Commit to your personal growth.
Ways to Improve Your Life
• Face your fears.
• Exercise your willpower to change
• Admit your mistakes.
• Refine your goals.
• Believe in yourself.
• Ask for wisdom.
• Conserve your time.
• Invest your profits.
• Live with intensity
• Find your place.
• Demand integrity from yourself.
• Welcome the disciplines.
• Fight for what’s right.
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