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Healthcare Communication Issues in the US

The Issues with Healthcare communications in the United States
What is the issue with healthcare communications in the United States? The
answer is that it's widely driven by capitalistic notions and the customer is seen as
a dollar sign instead of a real human and this has caused a lot of issues with
healthcare in the United States. One of the major issues is that if you’re in a lower
tax bracket or a minority the system is fundamentally pitted against you where the
lower you are the harder it is to climb out of that pit vs the almost explosive growth
of wealth the rich have amounted to acquire especially over the course of the
pandemic where we saw the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Now what is
health communications? Health Communications is the “study and practice of
communicating promotional health information, such as in public health
campaigns, health education, and between doctor and patient.” The purpose of this
is supposed to help influence health choice’s for the better by providing accurate
and true information to allow people to make healthy food choices but there is a lot
of loop holes in the system that the government allows because they are being
backed by lobbyists that work for these private organizations for example when
more and more research came about that smoking was in-fact very harmful for you
and those around you but that was some time ago, a more recent health campaigns
that really exposed the government for trying to keep the population sick called
“What the Health” that came out in 2017 and it gave a good view of all the
collusion and corruption in the government so the audience can make an educated
opinions the one what to and what to not put in their bodies.
On the other end of the spectrum in 2012 NYC a launched a campaign with
the agenda to educate people controlling there portions when eating out.
This health campaign from the NYC local government is a very good way to show
people the reality of not being careful and overeating. A lot of the food that is
being put out on shelves across the country isn’t good for you and the companies
are allowed to put out unhealthy products, look at other countries in Europe they’re
food is far more healthier and in smaller portions then our food on average and I
think this NYC article does a great job turning showing the harsh reality of over
eating and not being careful about what you put inside your body.
But there is one more issue that is underlying and it's how do we give trans
and LGBTQ people adequate healthcare just like everyone else deserves in the
country. Unfortunately, this issue has creeped in the work place and I think it's
important that we have an open discussion about gender identity and how you feel
and we should all respect those who feel a certain way about themselves because
that’s what this country is based off of, the right and the freedom to be who you
want to be.