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© Vi rginia Evans - Jenny Dooley, 2012
Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2012
Colour Illustrations: Victor, Emmanuel, Angela, Simon Andrews, Kyr © Express Publishing, 2012
First published 2012
Third impression 2014
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This book is not meant to be changed in any way.
ISBN 978-1 -78098-449-0
Authors' Acknowledgements
W e w ould like t o thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this
book. Tha nks fo r the ir support and patience are due in particular to : Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief); Mary Swan
and Sean Tod d (sen ior editors); M ichael Sadle r and Steve Miller (editorial assistants); Richard White (senior
productio n controller); the Express design team ; Sweetspot (recording producers); and Kevin Harris, Kimberly
Baker, Steven Gibbs and Christine Little. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted
the manuscript , and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book.
Photographs Acknowledgements
Johnny Depp © everettcollection/www.iml.gr on p. 81
Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the
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( Module 1
1a .... .
.... .. ..... ... .... .. ...... .... ..
1b .............. . .... .. ..... .. ...... .. ...........
1c, d
le.... ...................... ...............
1f ... ..... ... .... .. ....... .. .... ......... .. ......
19 ................................ ............. ..
1h ....................................... .......
1i, Notions & Functions ..........
Language & Grammar Review
Reading Task ....
( Module 5
( Module 6
( Module 2
2a ................ ... .... ...................
2b ................... ............................
2c, d ....... .... ... .......... .. .... ......... ...
2e ...... .... .. .......... ... .... ...... ...... ...
2f ...... ..... .... .......... ... ..... ..... ..........
.... ....... .. ............. ...
2h ......................... ..... ....... .. ..... .. ..
2i, Notions & Functions ..... .....
Language & Grammar Review
Reading Task ...
( Module 4
4a ..... .
4b ........ ..... ... ... .. .. .... .. ... ... ..... .. .
.. ................. ..... .. .....
4c, d
: ; : .. .
4g .... .. ..
.. ......
4h ......... .
...... .. ... .. ....
4i, Notions & Functions
Language & Grammar Review
Reading Task .......... ..... ......... ........
................ ...
6b ................ . .... .. ............ ..
6c, d ........................ ......... ..... .. .. .
6e.... ...... .................. .. .. ...... .. ..
6f ................ ........... .. ........
.. .. ........... ..
6h ...
....... .
6i, Notions & Functions
Language & Grammar Review.. .....
Reading Task...... ....... ....... ....... .....
( Grammar Bank
( Module 3
3a .... ........ ........ .............. .. ..........
3b ...................... ....... ....... ..... .... .. .
3c, d.. ..... .. .. ...... ............... ............
3e ... .
3f ...... ... ............. ......... ... .. .......... .
3g ........ ..
3h ...................
.. .... ........ ..
3i, Notions & Functions
Language & Grammar Review.......
Reading Task. ........... ......... ...........
5a ..... ............. ........ ...... .. .. ... .... ..
5b ................... .... .....................
5c, d................ .. .. ..... .. ...... ........
5e ................... ... .... ... ..... ...... ..
5g ......... .. ......... .... .. .... .. .... ... .... ....
5h ...
...... ........ ............ .... ..... .. .
5i, Notions & Functions ................
Language & Grammar Review.......
Reading Task
..... .. .. ... ....
2 .......... . ... .....
3...... ....... ... .. .. .
4 .. .. .. ...... ..............
5 .. ...... .. .. ......... ....
6 ... ..... ............ .. ...
( Grammar Revision
Phrasal Verbs...
Verbs/Adjectives/Nouns with
Prepositions ................. ..
Word Formation ......................... ..
Key Word Transformations .......... ..
Sentences Completion ............... ...
Grammar Revision Sentences ...... ..
Grammar Multiple Choice
( Further Practice
Vocabulary Revision ..... .. ........... ... ..
Listening Practice
............. ..
Reading Practice ............. .
p. 110
p. 113
p. 114
( Revision Modules 1-6
................. .......
.. ....... ........ .. .....
.................. .. ....
....... .... ... .. .. ... ...
Irregular verbs
1 A police officer has t o be .. .. ............... .. ....... .. ... .
because their job can be dangerous.
2 An interior designer is ........ .. .. ........ .. ...... ......... ;
they develop original ideas for decorating the
inside of bui ldin gs.
3 A waitress/wai ter needs to be .......... .. .. ...... .. ... .
because they take a lot of money from customers.
4 A social worker has to be ...... .... .... .. .. .... ..... ..... ;
they work with people with serious problems.
5 A babysitter needs to be .. ...................... .. ; they
have to stay calm when the children don't behave.
6 A secretary must be ........ .. .. .. .............. because
they often deal with difficult people on the phone.
7 A sales assistant must be .. ............. .. .. ...... ; they
come into contact wi th a lot of people during
the day.
8 A sports coach needs t o be .......... .. .... .............. ;
they need to plan the ir training programmes .
A counsel/or
B assistant
C attendant
o driver
E officer
F shopper
G chaser
H person
Write a job title from Ex. 1a next to
each description.
This person ...
supervises children at a camp.
makes sure people obey the law.
takes things to people's houses.
helps customers when they want
to buy something.
follows tornadoes and
photographs them.
shops in different places to see
what the service is like.
looks after passengers on a plane.
takes people where they want to
go in a car.
............... ....
Fill in: organised, friendly, creative, caring,
polite, patient, brave, honest.
Match the words to form job titles.
- : - -- -«
Choose a job from Ex. 1a and write a
few sentences abo ut it.
Fill in: put out, tough, average, busy, deep,
part-time, shifts.
1 Smokejumpers have a very ............................... .
job; they jump out of planes into burning forests!
2 The ................................... wage of a babysitter
in the UK is £4.50 per hour.
3 A freediver takes a ............................................ .
breath before jumping into the sea.
4 Many students work ................. in the evenings
or at weekends to help pay for university.
5 A firefighter's job is very risky because they
................................... fires.
6 He usually only works four-hour ...................... .
because he's a student.
7 Sara has a very ................................................... .
life; she doesn't have much free time at all.
Complete t he se ntences using the
correct adverb form ed from the adjectives
in the list, as in th e example.
• good • careful • late • easy • sudden
• slow
1 A secretary must ch eck letters and emails
carefully for mistakes before sending them.
2 Experienced freedivers can .......... .. ....... ... .. .... .. .. .
hold their breath for a long t ime.
3 Taxi drivers have to know a city .. ..................... .
so they can find people's destinations.
4 The secretary types .............................................. ;
in order to avoid making mistakes .
5 Security guards often work ..................................... .
at night guarding buildings.
6 Forest fires can start .............. ........................... .
in very dry areas.
Match the words to form phrases.
~ tornado
[![J unusual
[ID science
[]I] military
[IT] metal
[KJ strange
, the
..... ,
...... ,
Complete the sentences with the
phrases from Ex. 1a.
1 Look, there's a(n) ............................ in the sky!
2 Charles has a(n) .................................. ; he likes
collecting old bicycles.
3 Mary often goes .............. .................... ............ .
in haunted houses.
4 That's not a UFO in the sky; it's a .................... .
5 Martin sometimes finds valuable jewellery when
he goes ............................................... .
6 I don't believe in UFOs, they are just .............. .
7 We look for storms, so we can go .................. ..
8 Janet likes .......................... ............... ; she uses
parts from old televisions to make them.
Fill in: investigate, analyse, record, spot,
in the correct form.
1 UFO hunting ........................... looking for and
proving the existence of UFOs.
2 UFO hunters .................................. sightings of
3 John hopes to ........................... a UFO with his
new telescope.
4 Use this camcorder to .... ................ ................ ..
anything strange you see in the sky.
5 Let's .............................. the videos and photos
of the sighting to see what it is exactly.
* Choose the correct preposition.
1 I am fascinated by/with the idea of ghosts and
haunted houses.
2 Carla is curious in/about robots and how they
work .
3 All of the information is on/at my laptop.
4 Andrew is interested in/of science fiction.
5 Steve is enthusiastic about/at finding UFOs.
* Put the verbs in brackets into the present
simple or the present continuous.
rTo: Erica
( From: Tom
L~,ubiec~:}0Y ne\t\l ~obby!
Hi Erica!
How 1) ........................................ (you/be)? I
2) ................................. (have) a great time at
the moment because I've got a new hobby - metal
detecting! I 3) .............................. (belong) to
a club and we 4) .............................. (go) metal
detecting every weekend. We 5) ..................... ..
(use) special equipment that 6) ........................ .
(tell) us when there is metal under the ground. This
Saturday we 7) ...................... (go) to the beach.
People 8) ...................... (lose) things all the time
at the beach so I 9)..................... (think) we
might find something valuable, like some coins or
jewellery! 10)......................... (you/want) to
join us? We 11)...................... (meet) at the
library at 9 am. Write back and let me know.
Choose the correct verb form.
1 I am seeing/see Andy every day at work.
2 Do you smell/Are you smelling something
3 Gary enjoys/is enjoying rock climbing in his
free time.
4 EIIie doesn't feel/isn't feeling like going out
5 I think/am thinking of becoming a policeman.
6 This soup tastes/is tasting fantastic. Try some!
Everyday English
Match the words to form phrases. Then,
complete the sentences.
A money
B service
( campus
D wage
E job
F firm
1 She is a secretary and works at a .................... .
............................................. in the city centre .
2 Ted is looking for a .......................................... .
for the summer.
3 Andy gets £10 a week .................................... .
4 A large number of students live on the .......... ..
5 The .. .............................................. at the shop
is £11 per hour.
6 Ellen works as a manager in ........................... .
Choose the correct word.
1 Janet doesn't earn/win much money being a
2 A debt collector is not a very popular/famous job.
3 Are there any jobs available/free at the
4 She likes to spend/pass time outdoors at the
weekends .
5 Jim works at a camp and gets free/unpaid room
and board.
6 Volunteering for a charity is a great experience/
Use the sentences (A-F) to complete the
dialogue. One sentence isn't necessary.
I'll be in touch .
Pleased to meet you, Matt.
Well, I'm hardworking and energetic.
If you get the job, when can you start?
I'm studying Computer Engineering.
Here's a letter of recommendation.
Matt: Hi. My name's Matt Ruskin .
Mr Draper:
Take a seat and tell me
something about yourself.
Matt: Well, I'm 19 years old and I'm a first
year university student. [ID
Mr Draper: Right. Why do you think you'll be a
good delivery person?
Matt: [ID I also think I'm friendly and
would get along well with the
Mr Draper: OK, that's great. [IT]
Matt: I can start whenever you want. I'm
free most evenings.
Mr Draper: OK, then. I think that's all. [ID
Matt: Thank you very much for your time.
** Write an interview like the one in
Ex. 4 for the job advertised below.
Fill in: graduate, internship, letter,
experience, touch, wage.
Part-time dog-walker needed at a
1 Stephen makes a decent ................................ ..
as a reporter.
2 Emma is a ..................... of Madison University.
3 She's presently doing her ................................ .
at the hospital.
4 Joe needs a ....................... of recommendation
from his boss.
5 I'll be in .................................................. soon!
6 Lucy has got a lot of teaching .................. ....... .
location in the centre of
town. £8 per hour.
Sat - Sun mornings.
Must be reliable and
patient. Experience with
animals necessary.
Choose the correct word.
2 rock climbing/
mountain biking
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3 street luge/
4 freediving/whitewater rafting
Fill in: surface, tank, mermaid, record,
distractions, campaign, silent, minute,
meditation, goggles.
1 A free diver doesn't use an air .... ................... .
2 It is totally .................................... underwater.
3 Freedivers dive as deep as they can and return
to the ................................... all in one breath.
4 Sara practises ......................... to help her with
her breathing.
5 James holds a world .... ...................... in skiing .
6 A ......................... ........... has one large flipper.
7 Sara volunteers for an environmental ............ .
8 Shelly loves every .................... . of paragliding.
9 Speed skiers wear ............................ to protect
their eyes.
10 Carol likes paragliding because it's so peaceful
with no ............................. .
Choose the correct word.
Sara takes/holds a deep breath before she dives
into the water.
Freedivers' lungs shrink/reduce as they dive
deeper in the water.
Rock climbing comes/appears naturally to Sandra.
Our neighbours are always making/doing noise.
Te rry really wants to win the world/universe
ch ampionship in motocross.
el ly holds/keeps a record in street luge.
Read the text
and mark the
statements 1-7
T (true) or F (false).
What's your idea of a dream job? Most
people would love to do their favourite hobby
or sport as a job. That's exactly what Niklas Daniel
does. He combines his passion for skydiving with his work. Niklas is
a skydiving aerial photographer. He earns a good wage and does his
favourite sport at the same time. Niklas jumps from planes with a
camera he attaches to his helmet and takes some amazing
photographs. He places the camera on his head so he can use his
hands to control his fall. He actually takes a photo by blowing into a
tube which activates his camera. He wears special sunglasses to
show him where his camera is pointing.
This job may sound thrilling and fun but it's not easy. Job skills
include knowing how to take great photos and being an expert at
skydiving. Niklas has years of training as a skydiver. He can control
himself well as he flies in the air. There are additional risks and
difficulties that come with carrying the camera equipment that only
very experienced skydivers, like Niklas, can handle.
So what does he take pictures of? He usually photographs other
skydivers and skydiver teams. Sometimes Niklas wears a special suit
with wings that allows him to control how fast he falls. This way he
can stay close to the other divers and take great shots.
It's not the danger or risk that attracts Niklas to skydiving. Niklas
loves skydiving because, unlike other sports, it gives him absolute
freedom to move in any direction. This freedom of movement and
the ability to take pictures results in some very interesting and
creative work. There are no limits to what he can create and do.
For Niklas the sky is the limit!
1 Niklas makes little money as a
2 Niklas controls himself in the air with
his head.
3 Niklas uses a tube to see the images
his camera'
4 Camera equipment can create problems
for a skydiver.
5 Most of Niklas' photographs are of
6 Niklas uses wings to change his speed
in the air.
7 Niklas enjoys skydiving because it's
.... ~.
. -.!
• .....••..••.
. '>.
. •. '
Match the words to form phrases. Then,
complete the sentences.
G centre
1 Most jobs these days require some ................ .
2 Make sure you greet the manager with a
3 Sorry, the company has no ............................. ..
at the moment.
4 Karen's CV includes all her .............................. .
at the local animal shelter.
5 Why don't you go to the ..... .. ......................... ..
to see what jobs are available.
6 Watch your ........................ and sit confidently.
7 Being an actress is Mary's ............................... .
*support, lean, match,
work, communicate, accept,
apply, maintain.
Fill in:
1 Part-time work in a shop helps you learn how
to .... .. ...... ............................... with customers.
2 Make sure to ................................. eye contact
during an interview.
3 Carl doesn't want to ............................. .. ....... ..
at a fast-food restaurant during the summer.
4 During a job interview give reasons and
examples to ...... .................. ...... . your answers.
5 Mary wants to ............................... for a job at
the bank.
6 ............................. forward and listen carefully.
7 Janet doesn't ........................... criticism easily.
8 This questionnaire helps you ........ .. ................ ..
your personality with a career.
Choose the correct word.
Simon gets excellent marks/skills at school.
A delivery person usually gets low cash/wages .
He wants a career/profession in journalism.
Dan is doing a two-month training/experience
Complete the text with the correct
derivative of the word in brackets.
vacancy at a company you
really want to work for.
Unfortunately, you don't have
the 1) .... ............................. ..
(QUALIFY) they are asking for, but you are
confident in your 2) ................................... (ABLE)
to do the job. So, what can you do to get the job?
First, send a CV and letter of application explaining
why you want to be an 3) .. ...... ...................... .. .
(EMPLOY) of the company. Don't be afraid to call
and ask for an interview. This shows you are
4) ............................ (ENTHUSIASM) about the job.
At the interview be a confident 5) ........................ ..
explain that you
6) .. ................................ . (DEFINITE) do the job.
Fill in the gaps with the correct form of
the adjectives/adverbs.
1 Tom is .......... .......... .. .... ........ .... (hardworking)
employee in the company.
2 It is ...... .... .................... (difficult) to find a job
in the country than in the city.
3 The ................................... (much) you practise
typing, the .............. .... .. .. ........... (easy) it gets.
4 It's getting ...................................... (hard) and
................. (hard) to find a top job these days.
Put the verbs in brackets into the
correct infinitive or -ing form.
1 A: Andy can't stand ............ .................. (take)
the bus to work every morning.
B: Then, he should ........ .. .. .......... .. (buy) a car.
2 A: Do you fancy ................................... (go) to
the cinema this evening?
B: I can't. My boss expects me .................. ...... .
(work) overtime tonight.
3 A: John is really looking forward to .......... .. .... .
(travel) to India on business .
B: I know! He can't ........ .... .. .. .. ...... ...... . (stop)
talking about it.
• video game tester • lifeguard
• secret shopper • dishwasher • babysitter
• gardener • delivery person • dog-walker
Match the descriptions to the jobs.
I gather information
about products and
I bring goods to
people's houses.
1 .............................. ..
I check a particular
product to see if it
2 .............................. .
I do a lot of washing-up .
4 ............... ...................... .
3 ........................ ..
I go for a stroll
with animals.
I take care of other
people's children .
5 ............................ .
I take care of plants
and flowers.
.. ...... ........ ............ .
....... .. ... ................... .
.....I work at the beach and
help people in danger.
8 ................. .. ......... .... ..
A horror novel is a fantasy world of ghosts and monsters.
The stories aren't real , of course - or are they? Callum
Calder writes ghost stories and his books sell thousands of
copies. But Callum is also a ghost hunter and he bases all
of his best-sellers on real experiences of real haunted
houses. So what's it like to be a ghost hunter and writer?
Callum believes that writing is just like any other job, so he
likes to be very organised . After breakfast, he goes up to
the attic where he has a tiny office.
Usually, he
writes for four hours, grabs a sandwich and then returns for
another four hours. "I always stop at five o'clock:' [ID
That's what he does from Monday to Friday, but it's what he
does on weekends that is the most interesting.
"The weekends are for investigating ghosts. [ID I take
cameras and tape recorders as well as lots of other
equipment. Sometimes a recording shows something that
we miss. [!D They give me the history behind the
ghosts. I'm quite creative, so it quickly turns into another
book idea:' But do ghosts really exist?
Callum is sure that they do. "Every time I step inside a
haunted house, I get the feeling that there's something
there. The ghosts aren't trying to hurt us; they're just trying
to communicate:' [ID Callum says, "When I find out,
that book will be my best ever! "
Asking for personal details
I) to
Fill in the correct phrase to ask and
answer questions.
A Here, he creates his terrifying tales.
B What are they trying to tell us, though?
C "Eight hours of writing is enough for one day,"
I enjoy swimming and travelling abroad.
How old are you?
What kind of experience do you have?
he says .
Callum thinks ghosts are more frightened of us!
E I get ideas from talking to witnesses.
F I spend the nights at haunted houses all over
I'm single.
What qualifications do you have?
..... - - -
1) ................. ........... ........................................ .
B: I'm 18 years old.
Are you married or single?
B: 2) ................................................................... ..
3) ....... .... .. ................... ................ ... ..... ... ...... ... .
3: I've got a degree from London University.
4) ..... .......... ..................................................... .
3: I have experience worki ng as a camp counsellor.
What are your hobbies and interests?
3- 5) .... .. ...... .. ..................................................... ..
the country.
** 0
You will hear Sam talking about
his job at a summer camp. Listen and tick
(I') True or False.
1 The camp is in the countryside .
2 Each counsellor looks after
20 children .
3 Sam doesn't really enjoy sports.
4 He doesn't get paid very well.
5 All counsellors are university students.
Writing (a letter of application)
Imagine you are applying for the job in
the advert below. Answer the questions.
Read the letter and underline the correct
Wednesday, 24th August
Dear Sir/Madam,
~ 1) I am writing to apply for the positionll want to
apply for the job of part-time garden centre assistant
which you advertised in the Daily Herald on Thursday, 5th
~ I am in my final year of college, studying Ecology, and
2) I think I'm going toll am planning to start my own
gardening business when I graduate. I 3) think/feel that a
summer job at a garden centre would be 4) a valuable
experience/really cool for me.
Swimming Pool Cleaner
for summer months.
£6 per hour.
Mon - Fri. 9 am - 3 pm
Must be energetic and friendly .
with experience working with
customers. Full training provided.
~ Last summer, I worked at a local flower shop
Te.: Barry 5tewart
(440) 595·3832
in the evenings and during the weekends.
5) I believe I'mll consider myself to be
hardworking and reliable. I am also
friendly with customers.
~ 6) Please find enclosedll
have sent you a copy of my CV.
7) I can comell am available
for an interview 8) whenever
you want/at your
1 What job are you applying for and where did
you see it? ........................ ...................... .......... .
2 What are your current activities? Why do you
want the job? .... .. .... ...... .. .. .................... .......... .
3 What experience do you have? .. .................. .. ..
4 What are your personal qualities? ................ .. ..
5 When are you available for an interview? ...... ..
convenience. I look
forward to hearing from
Read the rubric and use your answers
from Ex. 3 and the sentences from the
Usefu//anguage box to write your letter of
9) Yours faithfully,
/Yours sincerely,
Theresa Fisher
Which paragraph (1-4) conta ins ...
Theresa's personal qualities.
where she saw the advertisement.
when she can go for an interview.
the work experience she has.
what she is doing at the moment.
why she wants the job.
her reason for writing .
her education.
Write a letter of application (120-150 words).
: Include:
I ' reason for writing
I ' current activity, qualifications, reason for I
wanting job
: . previous work experience, personal qualities :
I ' when available for interview
Useful language
Reason for writing: 1am writing to .. . which ...
Qualifications: 1 am .. . years old and .. ., 1 am
considering .. . 11 feel that...
Work experience: 1have ... , 1consider myself to be ...
Availability: Please find .. ., 1 am available ... , 1 look
fo rward to .. .
Choose the correct word.
There's no point being in a job that doesn't
suit/meet your skills.
2 Can you solve/answer this problem?
3 Try and find the most artistic/practical solution
to the problem.
4 Tracy is very caring; she should be a public/
social worker.
• -
_ ..
Notions & Functions
Choose the correct response.
1 A: I'm Jessie Evans
B: a Nice to meet you.
b You will hear from me.
2 A: Tell me about yourself.
B: a I'm a student.
b Please have a seat.
Fill in: spontaneous, down-to-earth, realistic,
Choose the correct particle.
Theresa wants to bring about/up her children
in a small town.
Make sure to lock all the windows and doors,
so no one can break in/out.
Be confident and bring the interviewer around/
down to your point of view.
Look at those clouds! I hope a storm doesn't
break off/out while we are rock climbing .
The employees want to bring about/round a
change in their working hours .
The printer at my office is always breaking up/
Fill in the correct word derived from the
word in brackets.
Melissa wants to be a .. ....................................
when she grows up. (SCULPT)
2 Janet is the ... ....................... .. .. .............. at our
office. (RECEPTION)
3 Ch arlie is a .. .... .... .... .. .. .. .... .... ... ; he is learning
all about his new job. (TRAIN)
er father is a famous ...................... ..... (ACT)
::: 'm looking for a job as a research ..................
3 A: Are you married or single?
B: a I'm 19.
b I'm single.
Tonia is a ...... .. .......... .. ................ person; she is
very sensible and practical about everything .
2 Madeleine is so .... ........................... ; you never
know what she might do.
3 You're not being very ............................. about
the situation. Your ideas aren't logical.
4 Use your imagination and be .. ................. .......
4 A: What qualifications do you have?
B: a I've got a university degree
b I enjoy travelling abroad .
5 A: When can you start?
B: a Oh, that's great.
b Immediately.
6 A: We'll be in touch.
B: a Thank you .
b Good morning.
7 A: Why will you be a good waitress?
B: a I've got a letter of recommendation.
b I'm hardworking and friendly.
8 A: Do you have any experience?
B: a Yes, I worked in a clothes shop last year.
b Yes, I understand.
9 A: Please have a seat.
B: a Thank you .
b I see.
10 A: What's your favourite hobby?
B: a English literature.
b Scuba diving.
Language & Grammar Review
Choose the correct answer.
1 Lee is very ....... ; he is always on time and works
very hard .
C honest
A patient
B reliable
16 Sally is a young mother and finds it hard to
bring ....... her child .
A into
B up
C out
2 It is important to stay ...... . and not panic in an
A brave
B polite
C calm
17 Mike has a successful ....... as a teacher.
A job
B work
C career
3 You should never ....... lies.
A tell
B say
C speak
4 How ....... your weekends?
A do you spend
B are you spending
C you spend
5 This book is ........ I can't put it down.
A enthusiastic B fascinating C bori ng
6 Peter usually walks to work ....... ; he doesn't
want to be late.
A carefully
B well
C quickly
7 Nick is ....... in UFOs.
A interested B curious
C enthusiastic
8 Astronomers use a ....... to study the night sky.
A camera
B telescope
C camcorder
9 A pilot usually ....... a lot of money.
A wins
B earns
C takes
10 Surgeons .... ... on people.
A consider
B operate
C apply
18 She has two years of
working as a
B internship C experience
A interest
19 An ....... designs buildings.
A author
B electrician
C architect
20 Sarah is thinking of applying .... ... the job.
A to
B for
C in
21 John ....... for work at 6:30 every morning.
A is lea~ng
B leaves
22 He has no work ........
A experience B qualification
C duty
23 Sandra is looking forward ....... on holiday next
A to go
B go
C to going
24 Bob is ....... reliable than Joe.
B most
A more
C much
25 Do the questionnaire to find out what job .......
you .
B fits
C matches
A suits
11 Freedivers take a ....... breath before they jump
in the water.
B big
C heavy
A deep
26 I ....... of taking up a new hobby.
A thinks
B think
C am thinking
12 ....... to the cinema with Rachel tonight?
A Are you going B Do you go C You go
27 Nurses work .. .. .. ..
A duties
13 James is going to university in September to
study for a ....... in History.
A grade
B degree
C training
28 No experience is necessary for this job. Full .......
is provided .
A knowledge B training
C explanation
14 Tom's car is old and often breaks ........
A down
B up
C out
29 She .. .. .. . well .
A don 't look
15 Smokejumpers ...... . parachute out of planes to
put out fires.
A easily
B bravely
C suddenly
30 Matt wants to be a fashion .. .... ..
A designer
B engineer C director
C shifts
B doesn 't look C isn't looking
Reading Task
(Matching headings to paragraphs)
Read the information about an unusual hobby.
Match the paragraphs (1-8) with their correct
headings (A-I). One heading does not match.
Ird to
as a
Most children love a classic treasure hunt. They go back hundreds of years. The thrill of finding treasure is a passion
for many people both young and old. Geocaching brings this passion to life in a hi-tech treasure hunt. Anyone with
a little knowledge of high technology can play and enjoy the classic fun of a real treasure hunt.
Players of geocaching need a GPS (Global Positioning System) which is an electronic system (now available in
most mobile phones) that locates a position on a map and guides you there. They also need access to the Internet
to learn the locations of the various treasures or "caches" on the many geocaching websites that list them.
Geocachers or treasure hunters look up locations of caches on various websites and type their positions into their
GPS. They then go in search of the cache in different places around the UK or even other countries. Hunters arrive
within metres of the cache with the help of their GPS. Then, the old -fashioned search for the treasure begins.
So what are the caches? Usually they are small boxes that contain inexpensive toys and stuffed animals. All caches
have a visitor book or 'log book' which visitors use to record their adventure. Sizes of caches range from tiny boxes,
the size of a ring box, to large containers like a plastic ice cream tub.
It may sound easy to find caches with the use of a GPS, but don't be fooled. Caches are often in tricky spots and
are not so easy to find. Websites rank the difficulty of a cache's location depending on how challenging the
surrounding area is, such as climbing a mountain or crossing a river, and on how difficult it is to actually find the
treasure once the hunter is in the location. Websites also provide clues to help the hunters in their quest.
These tricky spots and clever clues bring a sense of adventure to the game. The real joy of geocaching is the trail
hunters follow and the new places they explore that makes it all worth it. It's not the contents of the caches that
attract people to this hobby, but rather the adventure of finding them.
, next
[I[JAnother aspect of the game is hiding the cache. Anyone can hide
one. They just need to take an item and make a cache then hide it. Next
they list the location and any clues they want to leave on one of the
geocaching websites, so hunters can begin to search for the cache.
With all this adventure it's not hard to understand why so many
people are choosing geocaching as their new hobby. So what do you
need to know to start geocaching? First, visit one of the websites and
sign up. Next, search for a cache and follow the instructions. Get a
GPS and a few friends. You are now ready to go .... Happy Hunting!!
Use some of the phrases in the
correct form to complete the email.
Match the
I I feed
121 I eat
13 1 I get bitten
B on a boat trip
C friends with
the locals
141 1get caught
E the wrong bus
F backpack
in bad weather
H seasick
by mosquitoes
10 1 get your
J wild monkeys
Shannon's Blog > latest posts> travel plans
I'm thinking of booking two weeks in a hotel at
Wavecrest Bay next month. Does anyone know what
it's like there?
Comments (2)
I went there last year, Shannon, and I had the holiday
of a lifetime. I'm a really sociable person so I
1) ...... .. ................ .... ..... easily. They recommended that
I 2) .... ............................. to Seal Island. The water was a bit rough and I
3) .............. ................... , but I felt much better when I arrived on the island
and saw the amazing seals there. You have to go!
Posted by: Amy-B, 5/19, 10:41
You were lucky, Amy! We 4) .................................. The rooms were small,
the service was terrible and the food was awful. When the sun went down,
~ all the insects came out. We 5) ............................... every night! One day
we went out for a walk and we 6) ............................... and had to walk
- - back in the pouring rain. I won 't go back to Wavecrest Bay ever again!
-Posted by: Chrissy-K, 5/23, 17:54
Choose the correct word.
1 Conrad divided/shared some of
his travel experiences with us.
2 We grabbed/caught the wrong
train and ended up in Paris.
3 Let's go inside the mosquitoes are
biting/stinging me.
4 They wind was puffing/blowing
all night.
5 It took me several hours to reach/
arrive the town.
Put the verbs in the list in the past continuous to
complete the sentences.
• eat • drive • take • sleep • swim
1 Yesterday at 2 o'clock, I ....... ..... ....... ........... .. .. ... .................... ..
Choose the correct
in the sea.
We ............................... .... .......................... along a small road
when our car broken down.
Marsha ........... ......... .......... .. ................ .. .. ............ . lunch when
her backpack got stolen.
I .. ................. ..... .... .. .. ............. pictures at the museum all day.
They .... ............... .... .. .. ......................... yesterday at 1 o'clock.
1 Let's head back at/to the hotel.
o Listen and match the statements (A-F) to the
2 Our tour bus passed by/on some
old ruins.
3 The old temple is atlin the middle
of nowhere.
4 Suddenly, there were hundreds of
mosquitoes buzzing around/from
5 The monkey ran atlinto the
speakers (1-5). There is one extra statement.
A The speaker was surprised that they liked something.
B The speaker missed something they wanted to see.
C The speaker spent the whole holiday in the hotel.
o The speaker did something they don't want to do again .
E The speaker made a mistake but made some friends.
F The speaker had an unexpected stay somewhere.
~) ~
Fill in: investors, user-friendly,
commitment, popularity,
performance, headquarters,
ded that
Id I
3 day
to walk
lr again!
This amazing new website is the
..... ...... .. .. .. .. ........ .. .. of two sisters
from London.
networking sites are
growing in ...... .. ....................... .. .
They both share a(n) .... ................ .
.. .. .............. to improving Internet
The small business is looking for
support from ............................. .
I like this laptop because of its
speedy ............ ............. ............. .
The company's new .................... .
are in San Diego, California.
This mobile phone is very .. .. ...... ..
anyone can
understand it.
Choose the correct prepos ition.
1 It all started at/with a discussion about making the Internet
easier to use.
2 They listed the results according to/with popularity.
3 They disagree on/for most issues about the Internet.
4 The first ten results appeared at/on the webpage.
5 John was inspired by/with a website he saw and started his
own online business.
6 She responded by/to my request with an email.
Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past
continuous .
~jijrt --.~ .
Choose the correct word.
I road
II day.
A lot of friends listed/supported
them in their effort to create a
search engine.
Tim's success is showing/
considering no sign of fading .
Gary calculatedllaunched a new
website last month .
A lot of film studios are now using
Facebook to start/promote their
films .
Peter received/responded a lot of
criticism for his actions.
Use more than one social
networking site to inspire/
expand your list of contacts.
Th e company realised/managed
th at it needed a trendy design for
it s website.
Th ey decided/insisted that it was
heir idea to create the website .
In 2005, three young men, Chad Hurley, Steve Chan and Jawed
Karim, 1) ................................................. (establish) the website
'YouTube.' The men 2) ..................................... (meet) while they
3) ............... ...... .. .......... (work) at another Internet company. They
4) .. ..... .. .................... ........... (share) ideas about the Internet when
they 5) .......... ........................... ........... .. (realise) that it was not
easy to post and share video clips on the Internet. So, the men
6) .. .................................... (decide) to create a website to do
exactly that. In February 2005, they 7) ........ .. ...................... .......... ..
(register) youtube.com and 8) ..................................... ......... ... (go)
online. YouTube 9) ....... .. .................. ......................... (become) an
instant success as it was user-friendly with a modern design.
Everyday, while more and more people 10) .......................... ......... ..
(upload) videos to the site, even more people 11) ........................ .
.. ....................................... (watch) the videos. After only a few
months online, YouTube videos 12) .............................................. ..
(attract) more than 130 million viewers. In 2006, the three
founders of YouTube 13) ............ ................. .. .. ... .................. (sell)
their company to Google for 1.65 billion US dollars! YouTube is
the third most visited website on the Internet after Google and
Look at the performances below and label
the pictures.
• a play • a rock concert • an opera • a musical
• a classical music concert • a ballet
Choose the correct preposition.
She can play the piano by/on ear.
She dreamed for/of fame .
She performed in/for clubs.
She has a talent about/for writing songs.
Her success shows no signs oflin slowing down .
Everyday English
Complete the dialogue with the correct
item. One sentence isn't necessary.
• It was fantastic • It was nothing special
• What did you do on Saturday
• I left early • I went to a play
Sarah: Hi, Steven - it's Sarah. I tried calling you
on Saturday night, but you were out.
Oh hi, Sarah! Yes. 1) .... ....................... ..
Sarah: Really? What was it like?
Steven: 2) ............ .. ...................... The actors
were amazing. 3) ................ ................ ?
Sarah: Oh, I stayed home and watched a DVD.
Steven: Did you enjoy it?
Sarah: Not really. 4) ................. .... .......... .. .... .. .
Listen, do you want to play tennis later?
Steven: Sure !
5 *
Fill in: earned, grabbed, develop, followed,
Write a new dialogue similar to the
one in Ex. 4. Use the plan below.
turning, start,-=-e:
d .~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•
Lady Gaga .. ......................... her dream of
becoming famous.
The .............................. point came after
people saw her website.
She soon ............................ the attention
of a lot of people and had her own fan club.
She .................................... her livi ng as
a songwriter.
She worked hard to
her own image.
Her luck ................................. to change
when she began writing songs.
Say who it is & explain
you tried calling on
Express surprise &
ask B what it was like
Say what you did.
Repl y. Suggest dOing
someth ing later.
Greet A & say where
you were.
Give your opinion & ask
what A did on Friday.
Ask if A enjoyed what
he/she did .
Agree .
:: ... opet shows all over the world entertain both children and adults
=.-d are an important part of many countries' traditions. But there is no
:::-er show quite like the Vietnamese Water Puppet Theatre. As the
: ~opets act out myths, legends and tales of everyday life, they appear
(lance on a stage full of water!
SU1amese Water Puppet Theatre has a very long history. It started
l you
=.-:lund a thousand years ago when farmers discovered that flooded
- ')g fields made a perfect stage for puppet shows. The flooded rice
.::=-os were perfect because they could hide the puppets' strings and
2 '1lboo rods under the water. Over the years, the puppet shows
:~ e more popular and there were competitions for the best one.
: Hadays,
audiences don't need to go to rice fields to see a
:-=-""ormance. There are moveable stages and buildings that have
z~s specially designed for water puppets. The surface of the water
- "'ese tanks is more than just a stage for the puppets. Hidden
__ . ~ a bamboo wall, the puppeteers can create splashes
:'. 8$ that add to the excitement, just like special effects in the
ollywood blockbuster!
...... ?
The handmade wooden puppets can be over 1 metre tall and
weigh as much as 15 kg. They often have a glossy finish to
protect them from the water. Nothing protects the eight
puppeteers standing behind the scenery, though - they spend
the whole two-hour show up to their waists in a pool of water.
The puppeteers tell many different tales during a typical
performance. Many are stories about fishing and farming, or
legends and national history .
There is also a traditional orchestra to one side of the stage
that accompanies the action and a firework display as a finale.
Vietnamese Water Puppet Theatre is one part of Vietnam's
cultural heritage that visitors shouldn't miss.
Read the text and match
the paragraphs (1-6) with their
correct heading (A-G). There is
one extra heading.
Label the picture with the words in the list.
• stage • lighting • curtain • actor • costume • props
& ask
Read again and mark the
statements T (true) or F (false).
e Water Puppet Theatre is
elatively new.
.. - he Water Puppet Theatre
,art ed in the countryside.
Iy country people watch
: ne shows.
- - 'l e surface of the water is
:::>: all y still.
- - ere are firewo rk s at t he
':2ginn in g of eac h
:2riormance .
Make sentences about the theatre during the time
of William Shakespeare using used to/didn't use to and
these verbs: perform, attract, pay, get, be.
1 Plays .... ...................................... .... .. .... . up to 3,000 people.
2 The audience .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .... ............ quiet and often
shouted at the actors.
3 People ...... .. .... ...... .. .. .. ...... .... .... .. .... just one penny to stand
in front of the stage.
4 The Globe Theatre didn't have a roof and audiences .......... .
............... .. .... .. .. .. ... .... ...... .. ............. .. .. ... wet when it rained .
5 Women ................ .... .. .. .. .. ........ .. .. ; the actors were all men.
Match the words to form phrases.
city walls
Complete the sentences with the
phrases from Ex. 1a.
1 York's .. .................. .............................. are over
3 km in length .
2 Jane and Evan walked along the ... .... ........ ... .... .
.. .................. ............... of the old town.
3 The ................................................. . in England
have beautiful stained glass windows.
4 Tommy found the ...... .................. .. ...... ...... .. ... .. .
very frightening.
S The next time you find yourself in a ... ............. .
............................ .. ... ... .......... like York; go on a
ghost walk.
Put t he verbs in brackets into the past
perfect or t he past perfect continuous.
1 A: Why was Ji ll so frightened last night?
B: Oh, she t hought she ...... .... ..... .......... .. .... .. .. .
(see) a ghost.
2 A: How long .... .... .. .. ... ... .... ......... (they/know)
abo ut t he ghost before they finally moved?
B: Ab out a yea r.
3 A: Did you get to the cinema on time?
B: No, the horror film ............................ .... ..... .
(already/start) by the time we got there.
4 A: Jenny looked so scared when I saw her after
t he power cut.
B: That's because she .................. .......... ......... .
(wait) fo r over an hour in the lift before
someone came to help her.
Put th e verbs in brackets into the past
simple, past continuous, past perfect or the
past perfect continuous .
Choose the correct word.
1 Millions of tourists visit the historic/historical
city for its rich architecture.
2 Treasurer's House is a popular/typical tourist
3 The Romans created/founded the city of York
in 71 AD .
4 Tom and Marcy spent the day just wondering/
wandering around the town .
S Tourists come to York to go on ghost walks/
marches at night.
6 Ryan wanted to visit the ghostly/haunted
7 Harry Martindale's history/story of the Roman
soldiers is famous in York .
8 After seeing a ghost the boys ran out of the
house, terrified/afraid!
9 The soldiers marched into battle carrying/
bringing their weapons.
10 The plumber screamed when he observed/
noticed that the soldiers had no legs.
One rainy night last spring,
Paul and his sister Karen
1) ......................................... (drive)
home from a concert when their car
2) ................................... (break down). They 3) ................................... .
(decide) to go for help. They 4) ............................... (walk) for about
an hour when they 5) ................................ (arrive) at a large spooky
house with lights on near the road. They 6) ....................................... .
(rush) to the front door and 7) ............................................. (ring) the
doorbell. An old woman 8) ........................................... (answer). She
9) .................................................. (wear) a long grey dress and she
10) ................................. (smile). She 11) .................................... (look)
at Paul and Karen and 12) ............................. (point) to the food on
the dining room table. Paul and Karen 13) ........................................
(not/eat) anything since lunch, so they 14) ......................................
(feel) very hungry. Paul 15) ........................................ (turn) to thank
the lady but she 16) ................................. ...................... (disappear).
Suddenly, the lights 17) .......................................... (go) out and Paul
and Karen 18) ................................................. (hear) a loud scream.
Terrified, they 19) .......................................... (run) quickly out of the
house. Afterwards, they 20) ....................................... (find) out that
no one 21) ............................... (live) in that house for over 50 years~
- ,
Everyday English
Complete the crossword with the type
of books.
Choose the correct response.
1 A: Do you recommend this book?
B: a Alright.
b Yes, it's great!
2 A: Are you enjoying the book?
B: a It's an adventure novel.
b I can't put it down.
3 A: Do you like to read comics?
B: a I don't really like them .
b It isn't that good, really.
4 A: Do you prefer science fiction novels?
B: a Yes, they're great!
b It's amazing!
5 A: Is your book good?
" l.Joss
- ::look ...
• which is about a magical world .
3 th at is about criminal activities.
g which contains exciting, unexpected events.
9 that is about a true story.
:!_ ::ook ...
2 about events that take place in the future.
hat is very frightening .
hich is quite old but still popular.
- which is about a love story.
whi ch is a story of someone's life.
o You will hear an interview about a
~ spooky
social networking site. Listen and mark the
sentences T (true) or F (false).
ring) the
ver). She
and she
... (look)
food on
True False
~ a ve
Ask and answer questions with the
correct phrase.
I really love it.
What's it about?
What are you reading, Nancy?
Is it good?
or about
to thank
ut of the
out that
50 years!
B: a I often read crime thrillers.
b It's a bit dull.
dislikes the fact that tweets
are short.
)ave uses twitter to meet new
::leo ple.
• 'ave has his own blog .
ave thinks businesses should
...;se Twitter to advertise.
=: - .,ere are more tweets than
.•',itter users per day.
A: 1) .......................................... .
B: It's a fantasy novel called
Stardust by Neil Gaiman.
A: 2) .......................................... .
B: It's about a young man who searches for a
fallen star in order to win the girl of his
3) .................... ............... ... .... ..... .................. ..
Yes, it's fantastic! 4) ..................................... .
Writing (a storY)
Read the story and put the events
(A-E) in the order they happened (1-5).
Friendly Gho t
by Steven Harper
~ One morning last spring, my class and I went on a tour of
the Grand Opera House. When we arrived, it was raining hard, so
we ran inside.
~ We walked through a dark corridor to the stage. The opera
house was empty and quiet. My friend Roger and I were at the
back of the group when we heard a loud noise at the bottom of
the stairs. We ran quickly down the stairs but we didn't see
anything. When we returned to the stage area our class had
already left.
~ We wandered to the back of the stage to look for our class.
Suddenly, Roger and I felt something push us and we fell
forward. Next, we heard a loud crash and realised that a set of
stage lights had fallen right where we were standing. When we
got up we saw a dark figure wearing a long black cape. It
Read the story again and say which
paragraph tells us:
1 when and where the story took place?
2 how the writer felt about what happened? ......
3 what the cl imax event was?
Choose an appropriate adjective/adverb
from the list to replace the words in bold in
the paragraph.
• roaring • horrible • extremely • relaxing
• quickly • terrifying • chilly • heavily
We ran 1) fast into a(n) 2) very large living room in the
haunted castle. It was a dark and 3) scary room with lots
of antique paintings on the wall. The only light in the
room came from the 4) hot fire in the fireplace. It was i
snowing 5) a lot outside and it was 6) very cold in the
castle. We sat on a 7) comfortable sofa next to the
fireplace to warm up and hoped that the 8) bad ghost
would never appear again.
Use the words/phrases to write a
paragraph setting the scene for a story:
Sunday morning, My friend Jim and I, warm sunny
day, visit History Museum .
walked across the stage and disappeared through the wall.
Roger and I looked at each other in shock. Just then we heard
our teacher calling for us. We told our teacher about the stage
lights and rejoined our class. Later, the opera guide told us about
the opera's ghost, Count Ferguson! He was a great opera singer
that performed at the opera house in the eighteenth century.
The guide explained that he was a friendly ghost who wandered
around the opera house in a long black cape.
~ Right then and there, Roger and I realised that we had
seen a ghost! The ghost of Count Ferguson had saved us from
the falling lights. We felt terrified and relieved at the same time.
We'll never forget this experience.
Put the events in the correct order.
We saw an older man wearing old-fashioned
clothes.lHe wa s pointing to the painting.
~ We started shakin g.lWe had seen a ghost.
[IIJ He was the same man in the painting!/When
we turn ed around he had disappeared.
~ Jim and I were wa lking around the museum.!
Suddenly, someone tapped Jim on the
** Read the rubric and use the paragraph
you wrote in Ex. 4, the events in Ex. 5, and
the sentences in the Useful language box to
write your story.
Write a story about a frigh tening experience I
with a ghost (120-150 words).
Para 1: set the scene: characters, when/where
: Para 2: describe th e events
I Para 3: describe fee lin gs/endin g
Useful language
Setting the seen: Last Sunday morning Ji m and I.. ., it
was a... day, we decided to .. .
Events: We were ... , Suddenly ... , we saw .. . then .. .
Feelings: Right then and there ... , we felt...
* Choose the correct word .
Notions & Functions
Users can personalise/build their profile by
adding a photo of themselves.
Before you can connect with others online you
must create/do an profi le.
Emma wants to browse/post for new contacts
on Facebook.
You can share/lend information about yourself
on MySpace.
Companies can promote/help their brands on
social networking sites.
Choose the correct response.
Choose the correct particle.
19 .
1 the
x to
-_ ..
., it
Don't give up/away your personal information
Sarah tried calling customer service, but couldn't
get on/through.
Their holiday plans fell out/through on account
of the stormy weather.
Tom gets away/along with everyone because
he is so understanding .
He must give up/away smoking; it's bad for his
Jill fell int%ut with Bob and now they aren't
..... Fill in the correct word derived from the
word in brackets.
Many people use the internet to search for
... ... ... ................. ..... .. opportunities. (EMPLOY)
2 Spending hours online can be harmful due to the
lack of personal ... ............ ............. (INTERACT)
3 For hours of ..... .. .. .. .... .................... .. ... , try this
computer game. (AMUSE)
t! Membership ............. ... ... ............... is quick and
easy online. (RENEW)
5 Peter's parents set up a website to inform
people about the .................. .. .. ... ........... ..........
of their son . (DISAPPEAR)
2 A: Did you enjoy the ballet?
B: a Not really.
b No problem.
3 A: I went to a classical music concert.
B: a What was it like?
b It was nothing special.
4 A: What did you think of it?
B: a It was great.
b No way.
5 A: Do you want to go for a walk?
B: a Sure.
b I really love it.
6 A: What are you reading, Luke?
B: a A crime thriller.
b I can't put it down .
1 A: What did you do on Saturday?
B: a I tried calling you.
b I just stayed home.
7 A: How's the book?
B: a It's a fantasy novel.
b It's boring .
8 A: Was the musical any good?
B: a I really enjoyed it.
b I don't believe it.
9 A: What do you think of the website?
B: a It's fantastic.
b I enjoy reading.
10 A: The dancers were amazing .
B: a What's the problem?
b Really?
Quaqe & Grammar Review
Choose the correct answer.
1 She was tired because she ....... on the computer.
A had been working
B was working
C worked
16 I don't like ...... .... novels.
A biography
B classic
2 Larry and Sergey ....... at college when they met.
17 After lunch, we ...... back to the hotel.
A headed
B passed
C changed
A were studying B studied
3 Bees were ...... all around .
A stinging
B biting
C study
C buzzing
4 Did you have a good time at the ballet?
A It was fantastic.
B Yes, it's great.
C I couldn't put it down.
5 Terry ...... to travel a lot when he was younger.
A didn't use
B don't use
C not use
6 Chinese opera started ...... in the streets.
C up
A over
7 Amy ...... the wrong train home.
A found
B made
C caught
8 Our plans to travel abroad fell .... .. at the last
A out
B off
C through
9 Sam left for the airport ...... a hurry.
A in
B at
C on
10 Mary gets ...... really well with her brother Mike.
A through
B away
C along
11 .. .... a shower. when the phone rang?
A Were you having
B Did you have
C Did you use to have
prefer modern
C non-fiction
18 ...... to watch a lot of cartoons when you were
A Did you use B Do you use C You use
19 Chinese opera began in .. .... times.
A historical
B ancient
C past
20 In the story, a snake ...... in love with a human.
A caught
B dropped
C fell
21 Didn't you ...... to love spicy food?
A used
B use
C using
22 He was upset because he ...... a ghost!
A had seen
C was seeing
B had been seeing
23 I felt ...... when I finally found my hotel.
A relieved
B outrageous C frustrated
24 Dad is trying to give .. .... smoking.
A up
C away
25 What was the concert like?
A Not really.
B Sure!
C It was nothing special.
26 The locals greeted us as we got .. .... the boat.
A off
B through
C away
12 The ...... rose and the performance began.
A stage
B curtain
C scenery
13 Larry and Sergey ...... their office in a garage.
A got on
B set up
C put across
14 Sarah tried to call Andy, but she couldn't get
A through
B off
C on
15 Sue was listening to her Lady Gaga CD when
Andy .......
B called
C was calling
A had called
27 Jamie usually
A does
friends with the locals on
B makes
C gets
28 My trip to Venezuela was an amazing ........
A happening
B event
C experience
29 What's your ...... name on Facebook?
A password
B log in
C network
30 I don 't like boats because I ...... seasick.
A get
B have
C take
Task (Multip/p. Choice)
Read the text. For each question choose the right
answer A, 8, Cor D.
J were
: ' 's Queen Mary is a floating piece of history, full of great
:::- es about her travels, However, some of those who try to tell
--=se stories are not your usual historians. In fact, they are not
? =~ alive. They are ghosts! Yes many people believe that the
__ =-en Mary is a haunted ship.
_ ~n struction of this 305 metre-long ship began in 1930 in a
:: --:51 shipyard. The Queen Mary made her first journey as a
_'Y passenger liner in 1936. As a lUxury liner the Queen Mary
::.s 10St to many famous people from royalty to film stars. The
- ,""3f1 temporarily stopped her passenger service from 1940 to
;....0 due to the Second World War. However, in World War 11 she
~=-, ea as a transport ship for troops to various military
:.=.-::Jaigns. Due to her great speed she was able to outrace
?-,=-y submarines. Towards the end of the war, she also
~-,S;)()rted 20,000 wartime brides and their babies to the US and
·:~-2.0a. During wartime the British army painted the massive ship
so she could go unnoticed by enemy ships. Hence she
=.:.,-9(l the nickname the 'Grey Ghost'. At the end of the war the
- ~---:I ship returned to work as a lUxury cruise liner until her last
_ =.;e in 1967 to Long Beach, California where the British sold
:als on
• Th e Queen Mary first sailed in
A 1930. B 1936.
C 1940.
D 1946.
During WWII the Queen Mary
A was the home to many famous people.
S fought enemy submarines.
( carried soldiers to different locations.
D returned soldiers to the US and Canada .
e Queen Mary got the name the 'Grey Ghost'
A because of reports of various ghosts on board.
S due to the way the British disguised her in
the war.
e because of her large size and slow speed.
) from the Americans as a new name for a hotel.
her to the Americans. Stories of ghosts "on board were already
common and the Americans permanently docked the ship in
Long Beach. Today, it acts as museum and a lUXUry hotel.
In the past 60 years, the ship has had 49 reported deaths on
board. There are reports of as many as 150 ghosts on the ship,
making the Queen Mary one of the most haunted places in the
world. Some of the more famous haunted areas include the
ship's swimming pools, where many visitors report sightings of
women ghosts and sounds of voices and splashing coming
from the pool. Various visitors to the ship describe seeing ghost
children in the forward storage rooms. Guests in the hotel often
see a beautiful woman ghost in a white gown dancing in the
Queen's Salon. At the bottom of the Ship in the engine room
there is 'door number 13'. It was the site of an unlucky accident
where a young crewman by the name of John Pedder died.
Door number 13 crushed him and visitors often witness
Pedder's ghost running towards the door and then
disappearing. Another very popular haunted spot on the ship is
room B340. An unsolved murder occurred there years ago. Due
to the strange activities that occur in the room, the hotel no
longer offers it to visitors.
Chances of seeing a ghost are quite high on the Queen Mary
and it is one of the reasons so many tourists visit the famous
ship every year. The ghosts of the past await visitors who dare to
board the 'Grey Ghost' and learn about its amazing stories.
4 There are many reports of ghost children in
A the storage areas.
B the swimming pools.
C the Queen's Salon.
D the engine room.
S 'Door number 13' is a haunted area because
A an unsolved murder took place there.
B someone murdered a crewman there .
C the door accidentally killed a crewman.
D a beautiful young woman died there.
6 The text is typical of
A a history book. C a newspaper article.
B a travel advert. D a mystery novel.
Look at the symbols, then read the weather forecast
and fill in the gaps with the words from the list.
Complete the crossword
with the words related to
weather in the pictures below.
• clouds • spells • drizzle • severe • heavy • rise • dry
• warm • thick
Weather outlook
~ Tomorrow pm
_ _ 14°(
(l2°( )
Most parts of the country are enjoying
sunny 1) .. ... .. ............................. today, but
it's all going to change tomorrow as
2) .................... ..... blow in from the north.
The day will start with 3) .......................... ..
fog and light 4) ...................................... .
5) ................................ rain will develop as
the day goes on and then some areas will
have 6) ........ .... .. ................ thunderstorms
during the night. There will be a nice end
to the week, though, as temperatures
7) .............................. ....... on Friday. The
weekend will be 8) ............................ and
9) ................... - the perfect weather for a
Choose the correct word.
The moon rises/raises and sets every day.
He threatened/warned us that a blizzard was on its way.
The temperature will drop/sink below freezing tonight.
Marine biologists are studying threatened/extinct species
in the Arctic.
5 Sometimes animals must change/adapt to their environment.
*present simple
will, be going to,
Fill in
1 A:
2 A:
3 A:
4 A:
5 A:
6 A:
the present continuous or the
of the verbs in brackets.
I need a hot drink to warm myself up.
I .. ........ ........ .. ............ .. . (make) you a nice cup of coffee .
Look at that kite surfer!
Oh my, he .................. .. .... ................ (land) in the water!
I think it .................................. ........ .. ... (rain) tomorrow.
We shouldn't go on a picnic, then .
When are you leaving for your adventure weekend?
The bus .. .............................. .. .. (set off) on Friday at six.
My hands are cold.
Here, I .......... .............................. ... (lend) you my gloves.
I ........................ .................. (go) ice cl imbin g tomorrow.
Do you want to come?
B: I .. .. .... .. .... .. .... ............ (think) abo ut it and let you know.
Choose the correct word.
Fill in: craze, competitor, rapids, slope,
gloves, boards, axe.
Volcano surfing is the latest extreme sports
2 The young quad racing ......................... failed to
show up for the event.
3 River buggers speed along a river and down
ly, but
IW as
4 He drove his ice .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ......... deep into the
quad racing/wok
side of the snow covered mountain.
S A large group of divers took their ironing
.... .. .. .. ...... .. .... . underwater to set a world record .
6 Ice climbing up a steep .. ....................... is quite
challenging .
7 Without webbed .. .. .... ...... .. ......... it is difficult to
control your river bug.
2 volcano surfing/
kite surfing
op as
! end
for a
Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets. What type of
conditional is each sentence, 0 or 1st?
4 ice climbing/
extreme ironing
Match the words to make phrases.
~ metal
I J short
JIJ smoking
I:=J world
r:J protective
=0 icy
F volcano
** Use the phrases from Ex. 2a to
1 If you like extreme sports, you
................... (love) extreme iron ing!
2 Unless the weather gets better, we
.. .. .. ...... .. .. .... ....... (not/go) to the beach .
3 When ocean waves .... .... .... .. (erode)
cliffs, sea caves form .
4 If you boil water it ...... ............ . (produce)
S If sea levels rise drastically, low-lying
islands ...... .. ........ .. .. .. .. .. . (vanish).
6 If Beth comes pa intballing with us, she
................ ....... (have) a great time.
complete the sentences.
Nater !
at six.
ou must wear .. ....... .... ............. if you want
o ta ke part in volcano surfing .
en won the .......... .. .............. in wok racing
ast week.
_ - i) e ri ver bugger lost one of his ...... ........ ...... .. .
':h en his foot hit a rock.
an heated up the bottom of his wok before
sDeedi ng down the .. .............. .... .. .. . .
- ~e cli mbing boots have .......................... for
:: gging into the ice.
_ - 'le helicopter flew high over the mountain to
:3(e pictures of the ...... .................. .. .
** Complete the sentences using the 0
and 1st Conditionals and your own ideas.
1 When it ra ins, .... .. .......... .. ............................. ..
2 If I have enough time today, .................. .... .. ..
3 If I ................. ... ..... ......... .... .. ...... ............... ... .. .
4 Unless I ........ .. ................ ............ .. .............. .. .. .
Fill in: breathtaking, offer, rocky, footpath,
natural, shelter, wildlife.
1 Book online to take advantage of our special ....... .
of 2 nights for the price of 1!
2 Mark admired the ...................................... view
from the top of the mountain.
3 There is a .......................................... path that
leads to the lake.
4 They enjoyed the .. .................. .. ............... beauty
of the waterfalls.
5 The girls ran to the wooden ................ ................ .
to avoid getting wet.
6 The Appalachian Trail has an abundance of .......... .
such as deer and moose.
7 Beth followed the ................................. through
the forest.
* Choose the correct word.
1 The hikers did/made it all the way across the
valley without stopping to rest.
2 You will get/come lost if you don't stay on the
hiking trail.
3 The wooded area is home/house to deer, moose
and black bears.
4 The path moves/passes the forest and leads to
an open field.
5 Most domestic animals like cats and dogs are
0 You will hear
Cody talking about a
trip he's going on to
the Waitomo Caves in
New Zealand. Listen and
write T (true) or F(false).
1 Cody is going to New Zealand in two
2 Cody will visit the Waitomo Caves for
more than one day.
3 Cody will go in a raft through the caves.
4 Cody will have to take his
own rafting equipment.
5 Cody hates insects and spiders.
Everyday English
Complete the dialogue with the correct
Double, please .
We look forward to seeing you.
I'd like to book a room, please.
How much is it per night?
How can I help you?
Yes, it does.
What name, please?
When for?
Yes, we have a room on the 2nd floor.
R: Good afternoon - Black Bear Ski Lodge.
1) .............................. ................. ................ ..... .
Yes, hello. 2) ............................................ ....... .
Of course, sir. 3) ............................................. .
10th January, for three nights.
Will that be a single or double room?
4) .................................................................... .
All right, let me check what we have available.
5) ............................... .
Great. 6) ............................... .
It's £110 per night.
Does that include breakfast?
7) ................ ............... .
OK. Can I book it then, please?
Certainly. 8) ............................... .
Tom Davidson.
OK. Your booking reference number is 4685537.
9) ................................ .
Thank you. Goodbye.
Imagine you want to book
accommodation at the Meridian Hotel.
Write a dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 4.
Use the information below.
Fill in: melt, greenhouse,
fo otprint, dissolve, patterns,
threat, exhausts, extinct.
• The re aren't any wild wolves in
Britain anymore. They became
...... ...................... 250 years ago.
When the polar ice caps ................ .
the sea level rises. '
3 Carbo n dioxide is a(n) ............ gas.
! A lot of animals are losing their
abitats and dying; the number of
ani ma ls under ...................... ...... is
'ncreasi ng all the time.
) We should all try to reduce our
carbon ..... ....................... .
- Car ... ..................... produce gases
hat surround the Earth.
- Changing weather ....................... .
hreaten a lot of animals with
- Acid rain can even ....................... .
he stone we use for buildings.
Choose the correct word.
• Carbon dioxide is dangerous
because it traps/catches heat in
he Ea rth's atmosphere.
- Arctic polar bears are in danger/
threat of losing their natural
.., Gree nhouse gases are causing the
Earth to heat/rise up.
- Power plants burn fossil gases/
fuels like coal to create energy.
- Dangerous gases like carbon
ioxide surround/hold the planet.
- - he ice sheets/blankets that
over Greenland and Antarctica
are melting rapidly.
cientists believe that global
".a rming may be the cause of
ard/extreme weather such as
Read the
text. Five
sentences are
missing. Match
each sentence
(A-F) to a gap
(1-5). There is
one extra
If you're having an
outdoor party or a picniC, you don't
want a storm to ruin it for you. In the same way,
if you're a farmer, you need the sun to shine and the
rain to pour at the right time for the best crops. [ID
Well, some scientists believe that they can do just that!
One way to control the weather that scientists have already
used is cloud seeding. [ID When you do this, drops of
water in the clouds attach to the particles to make
raindrops. Believe it or not, in China there is a Weather
Modification Office that often uses cloud seeding! []I]
In 2008, it used 1,104 cloud-seeding rockets to keep the
opening ceremony of the Olympic Games dry. It seeded the
clouds before they got to Beijing, so it didn't rain on the
athletes. In other places, scientists have also seeded clouds
with dry ice to get rid of fog at airports. [![] In 2009,
Chinese meteorologists were trying to create rain in a
drought when a cold front arrived and turned the rain
into a heavy snowstorm. Beijing froze and there was
chaos on the roads!
believe that we can really
A This involves firing a rocket
containing silver iodide into a cloud.
control the weather, but
others think that in the
B If this works, it will reduce the number
future, we will be able to
of natural disasters like hurricanes and
control it with nanobots or
( So imagine a world in which we could
nanobots could
control the weather!
in the
Cloud seeding can go wrong, though!
atmosphere and
before they form. 5
E It claims that it has stopped
then, though, we'll have to keep
hailstorms, ended droughts and even
an eye on the weather report
put out fires.
and take an umbrella to our
F If there's a clear blue sky, cloud
picnics, just in case!
seeding won't work.
Find eight camping equipment items.
Fill in : wilderness, shelter, signal, rescue,
supplies, strength, overhead
Put the words in brackets into the
correct conditional tense.
1 A: If I .. ........ .... .......... .... ... .... .... .. ................ ...... .
(have) the time, I would take up whitewater rafting .
B: Really? I'm too afraid.
2 A: James, you're all wet!
B: Well, if I had heard the weather forecast , I
.. ................ ... ........ ..... ... . (take) an umbrella.
3 A: I'm not sure how to get back to the
campsite now.
B: If we ......... .... ...................... .............. ..... ..... .
(stay) on the trail, we wouldn't have lost
our way.
4 A: Tom didn't win the swimming competition.
B: Well, if he had trained more, he ................. .
.. .. .. .. ..... ............... ... ... .. ......... (win) a medal.
5 A: What would you do if you were lost in the
B: I .... .. .. ......... .. ... .............. .................... .. .. ...... .
(build) a signal fire .
6 A: I have a nasty cut.
B: If I .................. .. ................ ... .. ....... (be) you,
I would see a doctor.
* Write what each person wishes forI
1 We don't have a knife to cut the rope.
Choose the correct word
1 Ryan missedllost his torch and wasn't able to
explore the dark cave.
2 To their horror/alarm, their son had fallen into
the river.
3 The man moved/crawled onto the piece of ice
to get out of the cold water.
4 The strong current sucked/drew the swimmer
5 He lost control of his small plane and cracked/
crashed into a tree .
6 Luckily, rescuers spotted/recognised the boy
hanging from the side of a cl iff.
7 When the diver surfaced/appeared he realised
that the boat had left him behind .
1 Luke and his friends saw a large bald eagle
flying ........ .... ... .... ........ . .
2 All their ..... ... ... .... ............. fell into the river
when their boat overturned .
3 The lost boys made a ....... .... .... .. ........... fire
to alert rescuers.
4 Swimming is a great way to build up your
physical ... ... ............. ... .. ... . .
5 The Alaskan ........ .................... is made up of
mountains and glaciers.
6 Bob taught his grandson how to build a
... .......... ...... ......... out of branches.
7 The pilot of the .......... .... ... ..... ...... helicopter
caught sight of the raft.
2 Rick went hiking in the wilderness and got
bitten by mosquitoes.
3 She didn't eat breakfast and now she feels
4 Bob is studying this weekend, but he'd like to
go fishing with his friends .
5 William left his lifejacket at home and now he
can't go rafting .
6 Alice stayed too long in the sun and got
?cast, I
to the
Fill in: do, play or go in the correct form.
Every Sunday my friends and I ........... paintballing
in the country.
2 You should ......... aqua aerobics; it's great exercise.
3 Yesterday she ........ ... zip-lining at the adventure
Do you want to ........ ... cards with us in the park?
5 Susan likes to ........... bird-watching in the forest.
0 You will hear an interview about
an adventure park. For each question
choose the right answer A, B, Cor D.
ve lost
What does the radio host say about people and
their free time?
A People are scared of trying new things.
B People lack new ideas of what to do.
e People don't like doing adventure activities
on Sundays.
o People enjoy doing the same things over
and over again.
: in the
e) you,
2 The most popular activity at the adventure park is
C zip-lining.
A mini golf.
o bungee jumping.
B paintball.
3 A paintball game lasts
A half an hour.
B forty-five minutes.
nd got
le feels
I like to
now he
nd got
the text
below and
mark the
T (true) or F (false).
C one hour.
o two hours.
Scott suggests finishing a day at the park
A with a meal at a park restaurant.
B zip-lining through the forest.
e by playing mini golf.
o at the climbing wall.
- What does $cott think about zip-lining?
A It's not very safe.
B It's not for people afraid of heights.
C It's the most exciting of all activities.
o It's quite a tiring experience.
- At
Zorbing goes back many years.
There are two balls in a orb.
Zorbing is a quite a safe activity.
Riders must use safety straps inside
the orb.
S In aqua zorbing the orb rolls down a hill
of water.
the adventure park children can't
go paintballing.
go zip-lining.
use the climbing walls.
go bungee jumping.
Look at the picture and complete the
description with words/phrases from the list.
• a great time • in a park • summer clothes
• family • three people • picnic • green trees
• warm • in front of them
In the photo, there are 1) ................ ..
sitting on a blanket on the grass. I
think they are probably a 2) ............ .
and they are having a 3) ................. .
It looks like they are 4) .................... ..
with all the 5) .............. behind them.
It's probably 6) ..................... outside
as they are wearing 7) .................... .
There is a dog lying 8) .................... ..
and they are playing with it. They are
all laughing and smiling, so I think
they are having 9) ........................... !
Writing (a semi-formal email asking
for information)
Take the voyage of a lifetime and
experience the breathtaking scenery and
amazing wildlife of the Antarctic.
Regular departures throughout the year
with luxury accommodation available on
modern cruisers.
Read again. Which paragraph(s) contain(s):
Ann 's questions?
her reason for writing?
her closing comments?
her opening comments?
Read the rubric, the advert and
the notes. Then write the
questions you want to ask in full.
Write an email asking for
information. Include:
• reason for writing
• your questions
• your closing comments
Read the advert and Ann's email below
and answer the questions.
Against the Tide Diuing
1 What is the advert for? .. .. .... .......................... ..
2 What is the purpose of Ann's email? .............. ..
3 What style is it in, in formal, semi-formal or
formal? .. .... ... ..... ... .... .. .... ......................... ... ..... .
4 How does she start & end her email? .. .. ........ .. .
...................................... ............ .............. ..........
To: Tom
From: Ann Simms
Subject: Cruise to Antarctica
Come and enjoy an amazing
diving experience off the coast
of Cornwall. Diving for young &
old . experienced divers &
Dive from the shore or from a
-:--"'-' h0at. Also take part in a variety
/ ays
of different water sports .
Open six days a week.
~~ Accommodation available.
Dear Tom.
1) I saw your advert for cruises to Antarctica and 2) I want to
go. However. 3) I want to ask a few things first.
Could you please tell me how much the trip costs? Also.
where are the departures from exactly?
The advert mentfons small groups and extra activities.
How many people are in each group? Lastly. what extra
activities are available?
4) Thanks. 5) Write back soon.
Best wishes.
Ann Simms
Replace the phrases in bold in the email
with the ones below to correct the register.
I read your advertisement.
[ [ [ ] Thank you for your time.
I look forward to hearing from you .
[ [ [ ] I am thinking of joining the cruise.
[]I] I would like to ask a few questions about it.
email Janeat:jane@atdc.com
2 .... ..... .......... ... ..... ...... .... .... ....... ......... ... .
.... ....................................................... ..
...... .. ... ... ... .. .................... .......... .. ......... .
** Use the rubric and your answers in
Ex. 4 and the sentences from the Useful
language box to write an email asking for
information. Use the email in Ex. 1 as a
model (120-150 words) .
Useful language
Reason for questions: I read ... I wo uld like to .. .
Questions: Could you please tel l me ... , Also ... , The
advert mentions ... , Wh ich days... , Last ly...
Cl osing comments: Thank yo u ... , I look forward to ...
* Choose the correct word.
A large piece of ice broke off from the side of
the cliff/glacier and fell into the ocean .
Acid rain slowly dissolves/melts limestone.
The columns found in caves take millions of
years to form/design.
Rick dug a large hole/crack in the ground.
The course teaches people how to survivellive
in the wilderness .
In early spring water drips/hangs from melting
The calcite in the caves hardens/toughens
The explorer got down on his knees and
climbed/crawled into the cave .
Choose the correct particle.
Let's go around/over the answers to these
qu estions.
Jeff is looking for/up a T-shirt in his rucksack.
3 My alarm clock is set to go off/over at 7 am.
! You should look up/after the definition in your
di ctionary.
- A bomb went off/over and destroyed the
bui lding.
Do n't worry, there is enough cake to go around/
he researcher looked after/through his files
or the document.
* Fill in the correct word derived from the
word in brackets.
; in
} for
., The
I to ...
e is very ........................................................ .
about his scientific experiment. (SECRET)
- Lis is a list of marine animals in ... ... ...... ...... .
rder. (ALPHABET)
-ne athlete is very ..................................... and
es to train at the gym. (ENERGY)
:"cid rain is ............................................. to the
::1vironment. (HARM)
3vi d is so .. ................................... ; he doesn't
:' 'nk about anyone else but himself. (SELF)
-"'ey usually stay home on .............................. .
::3 / 5. (RAIN)
Notions & Functions
Choose the correct response.
1 A: Does that include breakfast?
B: a Let me check what we have available.
b No, I'm sorry it doesn't.
2 A: How far away is the restaurant?
B: a It's about ten minutes by car.
b No, it isn't.
3 A: I'd like to book a room please.
B: a OK. Can I book it then?
b Sure. When for?
4 A: How about joining me for a game of tennis?
B: a Yes, that's good!
b Sure, I'd love to!
5 A: Can I book it please?
B: a It's £65.
b Certainly, What name please?
6 A: How can I help you?
B: a I'd like to make a reservation.
b Single, please.
7 A: We look forward to seeing you.
B: a OK. Thank you.
b Yes, of course.
S A: We have a room on the 2nd floor.
B: a How much is it per night?
b Your booking reference is 3545699
9 A: Do you want a single or double room?
B: a 12th May for three nights.
b A double please.
10 A: Can I have your name, please?
B: a Yes. We're two people.
b Yes, Mark Fullerton.
Language & Grammar Review
Choose the correct answer.
1 There was such ..... fog that I could hardly see
where I was driving.
A thick
B hard
C dark
2 It is ..... cold today.
A freezing
B mild
C boiling
3 The leaves blew gently in the .......
A breeze
B gale
C storm
4 Sam's flight ..... at 5 pm.
A leaves
C will leave
B is going to leave
16 Adelie penguins are .... . danger in the Antarctic.
A at
B in
C under
17 If you like snowboarding, you ..... volcano surfing!
A love
B are loving
C '1Ilove
18 Scientists hope to ..... more troglobites in caves.
A adapt
B discover
C form
19 The sun never .. ... in the summer in Antarctica.
A sets
B drops
C falls
5 The burning of fossil ..... produces carbon dioxide.
A gases
B fuels
C fumes
20 There is a ..... when there is no rain for a long time.
A blizzard
B thunderstorm C drought
6 Unless Tom trains hard, he ..... the surfing
A will win
B doesn't win
C won't win
21 Don't eat that meat; it's gone ..... !
B down
C off
A over
7 On the Appalachian Trail, there are lots of white
signs so that you don't .. .. . lost.
A get
B be
C have
8 Don't ..... up the heat - wear more clothes instead!
A turn
B put
C push
9 There might not be any polar bears in 100 years,
and many other animals may become .. ... , too.
A extinct
B threat
C trouble
10 Do you want to ..... cards?
A do
.. B go
22 When people burn fossil fuels, pollution .......
A increases B is increasing C will increase
23 I wish I ..... my rucksack at home.
A don't leave
B hadn't left
C didn't leave
24 If you .. ... protective clothing while volcano
surfing, you wouldn't have hurt yourself.
A wear
B had worn
C wore
25 A .. ... is a short period of rain.
A shower
B flood
C drizzle
C play
11 A: I'd like to book a room.
A Certainly. What dates? B That's fine.
C How can I help you?
15 Greenhouse gases .. .. . the Earth like a blanket.
A trap
B vanish
C surround
26 .. .. . coyotes and bobcats - they're dangerous.
A Prevent
B Escape
C Avoid
27 If Sam ..... his school project, he can go out.
A will finish B is going to finish C finishes
12 If the temperature rises above 0 degrees Celsius,
ice ......
A will melt
B is going to melt
C melts
28 A: What kind of room would you like?
13 Deer are ..... animals; they aren't dangerous at all.
A harmless
B incredible
C threatened
29 Amy can't come sail ing with us. She's going .....
her history project.
A around
B off
14 Stalactites grow from the ceiling as water .. .. .
from them.
A dissolves
B melts
C drips
30 If I ..... you, I would go camp ing.
B we re
C had been
A am
A A single, please.
C Two nights.
B Yes, please.
Reading Task (Multiple Choice)
You are going to read an adapted extract from a short
story. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, 8, Cor
D) which you think fits best according to the text.
s spending my vacation at Uncle Richard's farm on the Nova
)':fJtian Bay of Fundy shore. I was a particular favourite of Uncle
=· ,'lard's, partly because he had been much attached to my
·..,~ ,er, his only sister, partly because of my strong resemblance
- -: 'lis only son, who had died several years before. Uncle Richard
'25 a stern, undemonstrative man, but I knew that he entertained a
: ~p and real affection for me, and I always enjoyed my holidays at
,'hat are you going to do this afternoon, Ned?" he asked, after
- . disturbance caused by Ernest's outbreak had quieted down.
ink I'll row out to Island Rock, " I replied. "I want to take some
9 time.
sws of the shore from it.
_ ,.;Ie Richard nodded. He was much interested in my new camera.
.: you're on it about four o'clock, you'll get a fine view of the 'Hole
e Wall' when the sun begins to shine on the water through it, "
-B said. "I've often thought it would make a handsome picture."
arted for the shore about two o'clock. Ernest was sitting on the
dpile as I passed through the yard, with his arms about
. _ 2ddie's neck and his face buried in Laddie's curly hair. Laddie was
~ handsome and intelligent black-and-white Newfoundland, with a
lagnificent coat. He and Ernest were great chums. I felt sorry for
~e boy who was to lose his pet.
Jon 't take it so hard, Ern," I said, trying to comfort him. "Uncle
~: ,,' ;11 likely get another pup."
'/ don't want any other pup!" Ernest blurted out. "Oh, Ned, won't
u try and coax your uncle not to sell him? Perhaps he'd listen to
9 .....
, shook my head. I knew Uncle Richard too well to hope that.
';: -Not in this case, Ern, " I said. "He would say it did not concern me,
:>nd you know nothing moves him when he determines on a thing.
According to Ned, w/iy does his uncle like him so much?
A Ned reminds him of his mother.
S Ned reminds him of his own child.
e Ned reminds him of his sister.
D Ned reminds him of his favourite uncle.
Why does Ned want to go to Island Rock?
A for some peace and quite after the disturbance
8 to go boating
e to admire the scenery
D to take photographs
What does 'it' in line 7 refer to?
A the island
e the boat
8 the shore
o the view
You'll have to reconcile
yourself to losing Laddie, I'm afraid. "
I pushed Uncle Richard's small boat down the rough path and
rowed out to Island Rock. Arriving there, I thrust the painter deep 35
into a narrow cleft. This was the usual way of mooring it, and no
doubt of its safety occurred to me.
I scrambled up the rock and around to the eastern end, where there
was a broader space for standing and from which some capital
views could be obtained. The sea about the rock was calm, but 40
there was quite a swell on and an off-shore breeze was blowing.
There were no boats visible. The tide was low, leaving bare the
curious caves and headlands along shore, and I secured a number
of excellent snapshots. It was now three o'clock. I must wait
another hour yet before I could get the best view of the "Hole in the 45
Wall" - a huge, arch-like opening through a jutting headland to the
west of me. I went around to look at it, when I saw a sight that
made me stop short in dismay. This was nothing less than the boat,
drifting outward around the pOint. The swell and suction of the
water around the rock must have pulled her loose - and I was a 50
prisoner! At first my only feeling was one of annoyance. Then a
thought flashed into my mind that made me dizzy with fear. The tide
would be high that night. If I could not escape from Island Rock I
would ineVitably be drowned. I sat down limply on a ledge and tried
to look matters fairly in the face. I could not swim; calls for help 55
could not reach anybody; my only hope lay in the chance of
somebody passing down the shore or of some boat appearing.
An adventure on the Island ROCk, Lucy Maud Montgomery
4 How does Ned react to Ernest and his problem?
A He is not concerned.
B He feels sympathy for Ernest.
e He thinks Ned is being hard on himself.
o He thinks his uncle is being hard on Ernest.
5 What advice does Ned give to Ernest?
A He suggested getting another pup.
B He suggests he speak to his uncle.
e He advises him to get used to the idea.
o He advises him to remain hopeful.
6 What word best describes how Ned feels at the end
of the text?
A annoyed
e frightened
B angry
o hopeful
Match the words t o form phrases.
[I[J confi ned
~ computer
[1IJ hearing
[]I] blurred
[[Cl skin
[!IJ t humb
brea ks
Complete the sentences w it h t he
phrases from Ex. 1a.
1 Watching television for too long can ca use .....
2 Jeff loves to play on his games console but takes
........ .. ..... .. .. .... .................. .. . to rest his fingers.
3 Employees who work in a .. ... .. ........................ .
all day can get shoulder strain.
4 Don't text too much; you might develop a
condition called .... .. ... .. .... ... ............................ .
S You shouldn't stare at the ............................... .
for too long; it can be harmful to your eyes.
6 Listening to loud music can cause ................... .
7 Susan has got a terrible .................. ................ .
on her face.
S Tom's granddad has ......................................... .
and sees spots.
Choose the correct word.
1 Athletes who exercise/perform regul arly stay fit.
2 Parents are there to help their chi ldren do/
make ethical choices.
3 When they practise/exercise meditation they
sit up straight and focus on t heir breathing.
4 Yoga helps Wendy achieve/bring piece of mind .
S Sarah likes to solve/play challenging crosswords.
6 Practising yoga is a great way to carry/manage
Circle the correct words.
1 A: You don't have to / shouldn't spend so
many hours in front of the computer. It's bad
for you.
B: I know, but I have to / should finish this
report. My boss wants it by 9 am tomorrow.
2 A: Is that my mobile phone ringing?
B: Leave it. You mustn't / don't have to talk on
your mobile phone while you're driving.
3 A: Sam! You almost knocked over that vase!
You must / ought to be careful when you're
playing the Wii!
B: Oops! Sorry.
4 A: You may / must go now. We've finished for
B: Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow.
S A: I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to
Zack before he left for the airport.
B: Then, you have to / should send him a text
6 A: He's suffering from shoulder strain again.
B: He really may / must see a doctor.
7 A: Ben has to / should share his laptop with
his brother.
B: Oh, poor him!
Rewrite the sentences using modals.
1 I think it's a bad idea to surf the Net for hours
2 It's forbidden to use the telephone in the
teacher's office.
3 You don't need to work overtime.
4 It's my strong advice to see a dermatologist for
your skin rash.
S It's a good idea to clean your mobile phone
*sunburn, insomnia, smelly feet, itchy rash, sore
Complete the word map with the words:
lend so
It's bad
throat, headache, the flu, watery eyes, minor cut,
hay fever, bad cough.
ish this
talk on
It vase!
1 you're
,~,., -
Rewrite the sentences using can/can't,
may/may not, or might/could.
1 Don't go into this area. It's prohibited ............ .
2 It's possible that warm milk and honey will help
you sleep ......................................................... .
3 Do you mind if I open the window? ................ .
--...... , ,
4 You aren't allowed to park here ...................... .
hed for
5 There's a slight possibility that you can get an
ear infection from your mobile phone ............. .
6 She isn't able to stop yawning ........................ .
jbye to
7 I'm unable to sleep. I've got insomnia ............. .
a text
S It's possible that I have some honey in the
cupboard ......................................................... .
JP with
_.. .....~~~~~~~~~~~--~
Fill in: remedy, cure, immune, soothe,
swallow, indigestion, upset, vessels, sickness.
. hours.
in the
gist for
9 You aren't allowed to eat after taking this
• A little baking soda added to water can help
calm an ......................... stomach.
She uses many ingredients from plants to
...... .............. her health problems.
3 Add vinegar to your bath to ............................ .
your skin.
Gregory ate too fast at Meg's party and got
o you know a natural ..................................... .
or insomnia?
'ou can strengthen your .................................. .
system by taking vitamin C.
athew doesn't like to .................................... .
:ough medicine.
rt..ewing on a piece of ginger before a trip is a
;reat way to prevent travel ............................ .
_ ::.affeine helps open up blood .......................... .
- ~he brain.
medicine .......................................................... .
Fill in the gaps with had to/didn't have
to, could/couldn't or was able to/wasn't able to.
1 Peter ............................. finish first in the race.
2 She ................................... type very fast when
she was a secretary.
3 Petra ................................. stay in because she
wasn't felling well.
4 She .............................. see the doctor because
the spots disappeared.
5 We ............................. take him to the hospital
because he had a very high temperature.
6 She ............................ swim when she was five
years old but now she can .
7 I ........................... ............... see a dentist for a
toothache yesterday.
S Melanie .............................. take the medicine,
she felt better.
9 When Jill was young she ................... .............. .
see well, but now she wears glasses.
10 Fiona ................................... run in a marathon
last month.
EverydQy English
Fill in: self-defence, venom, backyard,
deadly, pain, nasty, medical, bites, attack.
If you live in Australia, you might find scorpions in your
1? .............................. or even inside your house. They can
gIVe you a very 2) ........................ sting, but these
animals are not as 3) .......................... ........ as you
might think. They sting in 4) ...................... and
rarely 5) ........................ unless you disturb
them. Their 6) ...................... definitely
causes 7) ................................. , but it
usually doesn't kill. As with all
stings and 8) ................................... ,
though, you should get 9) ................. .
help as soon as possible.
Circle the correct preposition.
1 Some spiders can bite through / out clothing.
2 The doctor injected medicine into / on her arm .
3 Some jellyfish are difficult to see as they are
nearly invisible with / to people.
4 Bob suffers with / from hay fever and has itchy,
watery eyes.
5 Avoid the river at / of all costs, it is full of
6 His rash may last for / with a few weeks.
7 Please stay away / out from the water; there
are sharks.
1) ............................................................. .
B: OK, thank you .
A: 2) .... .. .................... .... .............................. ..
B: Well, I went swimming a few days ago and
now my ear really hurts.
A: Oh dear. 3) ........ .... .... .... ........................... .
Oh, yes, it's red and swollen inside. I think
it's infected.
B: Oh. 4) ........ .. ... ......................................... .
A: I'll give you a prescription for some ear
drops. 5) .................................................. .
B: OK, thank you, Doctor.
A: You're welcome. Goodbye.
Fill in: rare, painkillers, infection, needle,
invisible, antibiotic, poisonous.
Let's take a look.
It's really itchy and painful.
Now, what seems to be the problem?
What should I do?
Put them in three times a day for five days.
Please come in and take a seat.
A: Hello, Miss Havering.
1 I'm taking ............................. for my bad back,
but it still hurts a lot.
2 Some Australian snakes are the most .............. .
in the world - you will be very ill if one bites you!
3 Bites from inland taipans are .......................... .
because they are shy snakes.
4 Mark put some ..................... cream on his cut.
5 Sara didn't see the jellyfish as it was almost
................................. in the sea.
6 I'm taking medication for an ear .................... .
7 Try to relax Y,our arm so that the ..................... .
won't hurt.
Use the sentences to complete the
dialogue. One sentence isn't necessary.
Use the ideas below or your own
ideas to write a dialogue similar to the
dialogue in Ex. 4.
* Choose the correct words.
• Ken gripped/grabbed his coat and
2 He uses a safety/security net when
he climbs tall buildings.
3 He wants to rise/raise awareness
about environmental problems.
He bends/hangs from high ledges
with his bare hands.
- He sighed/asked with relief when
he heard his son was safe.
**0 Listen to lan Marshal!
e ear
talking about his job as a
lifeguard in Australia. For each
question, choose the best
answer A, B, C or D.
• lan works ...
A at a lake.
B at a swimming pool.
e at the beach.
D in different locations.
e wants to learn ...
A how to drive a powerboat.
B advanced first aid.
e how to teach fitness.
D beach management.
3 lan says that he doesn't like ....
A observing the swimming area.
B checking the equipment.
e getting up early in the morning.
D the written work he has to do.
'feguards may soon ...
A not need to use whistles.
B know when sharks are nearby.
e use only high-tech equipment.
D be able to keep dangerous
animals away.
5 !an says that people are safer
hen they ...
stay near the shore.
B know about dangers.
C are strong swimmers.
have first aid skills.
Read the texts and choose the most appropriate
title for each. There is one extra title.
• Chilling Out • Learning a New Language • Finding it Easy
• Making Dangerous Friends
Real-life Super Heroes
1) .................................................................................. .......... .
The freezing cold has no effect on Wim Hof. Also known as the 'Iceman',
Wim Hof climbed Mount Everest wearing only a pair ..of shorts in
temperatures that can kill an ordinary person. He holds an incredible nine
world records and often appears in various countries up to his neck in ice.
Scientists can't explain Hofs super-human ability to put up with belowzero temperatures, but believe it may be due to his skill at meditation.
When most people face extreme cold, the blood in their bodies moves
away £i'om their fingers and toes to protect their inner organs. After years
of meditating, Wim has complete control over his blood flow and can keep
it moving to all parts of his body, no matter how cold it gets.
2) ......................................................................................... .
South African animal behaviourist Kevin Richardson first made friends with
some lion cubs 12 years ago at a lion park, and now he is playing with, cuddling
and even falling asleep next to lions! He says he can do this because he tries to
know each animal's personality and develop understanding with them. Now
Richardson, known as 'The lion whisperer', cares for 39 lions on his 1,800-acre
wildlife reserve. Kevin uses his fame to raise awareness about lions under threat
in the wild. "Numbers have dropped by up to 75% in the past decade," he says.
Kevin also made a film using members of his adopted family called White Lion:
Home is aJourney.
3) ................................ .. ........... ....... .. .. ... .. .... ... ........ ...... .. .... .. .
32-year-old Daniel Tammet can solve the most difficult maths problems in
the time it takes most of us to remember where we put our calculator! He has
an incredible mental ability to count and calculate. He doesn't see numbers
in his head, though, he sees shapes. "When I multiply, I see two shapes. The
image starts to change and a third shape appears. That's the answer."
Daniel is an autistic savant* who has broken records with his unbelievable
memory. Daniel can also speak 10 languages and learned Icelandic in just
one week! In 2007, he also wrote his autobiography, Born on a Blue Day.
• autistic savant _ somebody with a mental condition that prevents them from communicating
well, but has a highly-developed talent in another area e,g., painting, calculating
Read the text again and write W (Wim), K (Kevin)
or 0 (Daniel).
Who ...
1 wants people to help
fight for something?
2 confuses scientists?
3 has a nickname?
4 travels around the
5 does something very
. 37
*trigger, catch,beats,miss,shake,
sweat, feel,
sense, rational,
Fill in:
1 Alice's heart ........................... fast
every time she gets into a lift.
2 Karen began to ..... .................. like
a leaf when she saw the spider on
3 A bee sting can ............................ .
an allergic reaction.
4 She was so scared of flying that
she started to .............................. .
as she entered the aeroplane.
S The sight of blood makes Kevin
............................. dizzy.
6 She tried to calm down and
............................. her breath.
7 She is going to ............................. .
out on the cruise because she's
afraid of water.
S Animals run away when they
............................. danger.
9 Jim has a terrible fear of heights;
it's a .................................. for him
to be high above the ground .
10 Her fear of mirrors is not ............. .
....................... ; it's all in her mind.
Circle the correct
1 One of the most common phobias
is the fear from / of heights.
2 Jenny felt embarrassed about /
with her phobia .
3 Luke gets teased by / from his
classmates because he is afraid of
4 A solution for / about phobia
sufferers is to slowly confront their
S He is afraid with / of the dark and
keeps a light on at night.
6 William suffers with / from
anthophobia, the fear of flowers.
Fill in the correct relative pronouns/adverbs. Write
(D) for defining and (N) for non-defining. Add co mmas
where necessary.
1 She had catoptrophobia ............................... is t he
fear of mirrors as a child.
2 Frank ............................... mum is a nurse is afra id
of needles.
3 This is the clinic ................................... he goes for
treatment for his phobia .
4 It was after that plane crash last month ............... .
he started to fear flying.
S Rick ................................ lives on the 20th floor is
afraid of heights.
6 Paul is my friend ................................... dad treats
people with phobias .
7 Do you know the reason ................................ Tom
didn't come to work?
Fill in the gaps with the correct relative pronoun or
Arachnophobia, 1) .. ... .. ......... ...... is the fear of spiders, is quite
common. People 2) ....................... .. suffer from this phobia
experience paniC attacks 3) .. ...... .......... ....... they see spi der~.
Their heart rate goes up; they feel dizzy and start to shake. ThiS
phobia also interferes with their everyd ay lives. Arachnophobes
check for webs 4) ....... ............... .... they enter a room. They are
afraid to open wardrobes, get into the shower and even put on
their shoes, because they are places 5) .. ... .. ... .. ..... .. .. .... ....
spiders love to hide. Luckily, however, there is. -_ ...
a treatment. Sufferers can slowly confront
their fear through pictures. Today, there are
even video games with animated spiders 6) ........ ... ..... ..
can help cure the phobia!
*both ... and, neither ... nor
Read the examples, then rewrite the
or either ... or.
1 Helen isn't afraid of enclosed spaces. David isn't afraid of
enclosed spaces.
2 Lucy wants to be a pilot or she wants to be a flight attendant.
3 My mum hates hospitals. My granddad hates hospitals.
Everyday English
* Fill in: pressures, gossip, club, plan, stressed,
part-time, stand, talk, ignore, friends.
B: Why don 't you join a .. .. ............................. .
A: Pauline is really ............................. out with
her exams.
B: She should make a study ........................... .
3 A: Those girls often ........................ about me.
B: Oh, just .......................... them .
- A: I need some money.
B: You could get a ...... ... ........................... job.
- A: Nancy .. .. .......................... him to do things.
B: He should ........................... up to her then!
~ A: I've fallen out with my friends.
B: The best th ing to do is ...................... ........ ..
it th rough with them .
; quite
e. This
put on
fraid of
2 A: I'm worried about my exams.
B: a Oh, just ignore them.
b You could join a study group.
3 A: I don't have many friends . .
B: a You should talk to them.
b You could find a hobby.
4 A: You should call her and talk about it.
B: a OK. I'll try that.
b Not really.
S A: My classmates laugh at what I wear.
B: a That's a good idea.
b The best thing to do is ignore them.
Look at the picture and complete the
description w ith the words from the list.
6 A: Have you thought about visiting a
B: a Yes, I think that might help.
b You're right.
• fallen out • whispering • upset • gossiping
• three girls • arms • beh ind them
- :i::e picture there are 1) ...... ...................... . Two
:aem are standing together. The other girl is
-ding alone 2) ........................ ..... The two girls
_:; 3) ........ .. .. .............. .. to each other. They are
__ ' "jably 4) ............................ about the other girl.
--::: other girl has her 5) .............. .. .. ........ .. folded in
_ ;,;:; of her and is staring at the two girls. She looks
The girls have probably
and they must feel very unhappy.
Choose the correct item.
1 A: I had an argument with my parents.
B: a You're right.
b You should work things out.
, A: I'm new at school and it 's difficu lt to make
0 You will hear two people talking
about a problem. Listen and mark the
sentences T (true) or F (false). Tick (.f) the
correct box.
1rue False
1 Megan and Sara go to the
same school.
2 Megan's friend is gossiping
about Megan .
3 Sarah suggests that Megan
ignore her friend.
4 Megan refuses to phone her
S Sara thinks Megan should tell
her friend how she feels.
Writing (an article making
suggestions for a solution to a problem)
In The Streets
2 ............................
~ Unfortunately, these days there is a lot of crime in our
towns and cities and the streets aren't as safe as they used to
be. So how can you protect yourself from danger when you
are out and about?
~ 1) Firstly, if you are out alone, always walk in busy, well-lit
areas, and walk fast and confidently. In this way, you can
avoid an attack before it happens because attackers don't
usually target confident looking people.
~ 2) Secondly, it is important to keep your valuables such
as an MP3 player out of sight and your handbag closed.
3) This way, you won't tempt thieves. 4) Also, by not wearing
headphones, you will be able to hear traffic or someone
approaching you from behind.
~ 5) Finally, it is a very good idea to think about how you
will get home in advance by travelling with friends or asking
your parents to pick you up. 6) By doing this, you won't even
have to risk walking home alone at night.
~ 7) In conclusion, it can be risky these days to be out alone
in the streets, but there are ways to protect yourself. If you
learn how to protect yourself, you will stay safe.
1 What is the purpose of the article? ................ ..
Replace the linking words (1-7) in the
article with the alternatives below.
• In addition, you should • To sum up
• As a result • To begin with • Moreover
• Then • Lastly, another helpful suggestion is
1 ............................
5 .......................... ..
Read the article and answer the questions.
H Oo"s:~,;'fe
.......................... ..
Read the rubric. Match the suggestions
to the results.
A student website is asking for articles suggesting I
: ways of dealing with bullies. Write your article for :
I the magazine (120-200 words).
Para 1:
: Para 2-4:
I Para 5:
Try to ignore them and avoid showing your
feelings if they do or say something to hurt you.
Tell a teacher, a parent or someone else in
authority what is happening.
Be brave and stand up for yourself by refusing
to give in to bullies' demands.
They will be able to tell the bullies that their
behaviour is unacceptable and hopefully the
bullying will stop.
Read again and complete the table.
This will show you are not an easy target and the
bull~ will try to find a weaker target.
Bullies want a reaction, so acting like you don't
care may stop their bad behaviour.
1 .............................
1 ................... ......... .
............................ .
2 ... ........................ ..
3 .............................
3 ........................... ..
Match the paragraphs to their functions.
2 .............................
3 What style does the writer use: informal, formal,
or semi-formal? ................................................... ..
state the problem
present the suggestions/results
summarise your opinion
2 What problem does the writer state? .............. .
6 .......................... ..
7 ................. ......... ..
A a summary of writer's opinion
B state the problem
C suggestions & results
Use the answers in Ex. 5 and the
sentences from the Useful language box to
write your article. Use the article in Ex. 1 as
a model.
Useful language
Stating the problem: These days ... , So, how can you ...
Suggestions/Results: Firstly .. .. In th is way .... Secondly
... , This way ... , Also ... , Finally ... , By doing this ...
Summarising: In conclusion .. .
Language & Grammar Review
(hoose the correct answer.
1 You can get eye .... .. if you watch too much TV.
A loss
B strain
17 I ...... go out last night. I didn't feel well.
A wasn't able to B didn't have to (mustn't
2 you ... .. . tell anyone your email password.
A couldn't
B mustn't
(don't have to
18 Alain Robert wants to ...... awareness about
climate change.
( advance
A lift
3 He .... .. the ball and scored a goal.
A scratched B stung
4 Simon .. .. .. ride a bike when he was five.
A had to
B could
( was able
5 Don't ...... from the tree - you'll fall!
A grip
6 I .. .. .. not go to school tomorrow. I'm not sure yet.
A may
B could
7 Put some ...... cream on that cut.
A antibiotic B painkiller ( infected
8 He ...... along the ground on his hands and knees.
B hung
( bent
A crawled
9 Garlic and honey .. .. .. kill germs.
A must
B can
( might
10 Take frequent ...... when you work on your Pc.
A breaks
B periods
11 Mary, ... .. . is in my class, is afraid of heights.
A whose
B which
12 ...... Ted and Jim feel stressed about their
A Either
B Both
( Neither
13 Sue .... .. with relief when her son got down
safely from the tree.
A shouted
B breathed (sighed
14 I ...... stop sneezing!
A may not
B shouldn't
15 Alain Robert climbs without a ...... net to catch
him if he falls.
A rope
B safety
( slippery
16 Margaret suffers .. .... terrible headaches.
A of
B about
19 I can't put up ...... my insomnia anymore.
A with
B to
( of
20 John has hay ...... and has itchy, runny eyes.
A fever
B sickness
21 you .. .. .. listen to your MP3 player in class.
A don't have to B mustn't
22 Jim and Mike had an argument last week but
they've made ...... now.
A up
B off
( on
23 Either Mike .. ... .. I will take you to the hospital.
A nor
( or
24 (hewing ginger ...... help you with your upset
stomach. It's possible that you'll feel better.
B must
A will
25 Firefighters ...... their lives every day to save
people from burning buildings.
A risk
B dare
( chance
26 A:
I've got really bad spots.
Have you thought about rubbing garlic on them?
You rubbed garlic on them .
The best thing to do is garlic.
27 Box jellyfish are almost .. .... to swimmers.
They're very difficult to see.
A deadly
B rare
( invisible
28 Jane often uses .. .. .. remed ies to cure colds.
A physical
B natural
29 Don't park here. It's ........
A illegal
B bare
30 John is the boy .. .... father is a dentist.
B where
A whose
eading Task (Missing sentences)
Read the text. Five sentences are missing. Match the sentences (A-F) to the gaps
(1-5). There is one extra sentence.
ek but
) save
A For children on the other hand,
head injuries Were most common.
B This increase is more than double
the increase in household
computer ownership in those same
C But, it's not just these injuries that
call for Concern .
0 Her study did not include injuries
from laptops.
E A.lready information sheets and
guidelines are available to create
safer computer work areas.
F The percentage of monitor-related
injuries increased significantly until
"'--...... 'i
if .·
: .'
. ",,[ .,
Match the words to form
phrases. Then use some of
the phrases to complete
the sentences.
OIJ get
[[[J start
[[[J retire
LID have
Complete the sentences with the phrases in the
appropriate form.
1 Some students who ............................ ................................. .
take a gap year before they start work.
2 Rick loves Europe so much that he is planning to .............. ..
............................................ next spring.
3 Jane is so overjoyed; she .................................................... ..
after only 6 months at the company!
4 Wendy is so nosy; she finds out very personal information
and then ........................................................... .
5 Fred ....................................................... ; he often eats with
his hands and talks with his mouth full.
Complete the sentences with
the present perfect or past simple
form of the verbs.
1 A: .............................................. .
(you/speak) to Susan yet?
B: Yes, she ................................ .
(call) a few minutes ago.
2 A: Steve ................................... ..
Gust/invite) me to go to that
new Chinese restaurant in
B: Really? I ............................... ..
(never/be) there before.
3 A: .............................................. .
(Sam/ever/do) anything to get
on your nerves?
B: Yes. Just yesterday, he ..........
............ (borrow) my favourite
jumper without asking.
4 A: Oh no! I................................. .
(lose) my new magazine.
B: I think Bill ........................... .. .
(take) it by mistake last night.
** 0 You will hear five
people talking about annoying
situations. listen and match
the sentences to the speakers.
One sentence does not match.
Fill in: get on my nerves, lose my temper, feel really sorry for,
laugh my head off, cheer me up in the correct form.
1 I completely ........................................... when Andy arrived
an hour late. I was so angry!
2 The film was so funny. I ...................................................... ..
all the way through .
3 I was feeling bored and grumpy last week, but Jo's wedding
really ................................................... .
4 A man shouted at Amy for talking in the cinema. I ............ ..
................................................... her!
5 It really ............................................. '.... when people gossip
about others.
[[[J move
[IT] be late
m=J gossip LTIJ
GIJ graduate ru talk
This person:
A lent something that he owned.
B missed part of something because
of a friend.
C was annoyed at someone's
D felt shocked about how someone
Speaker 1
E got annoyed
Speaker 2
because of
Speaker 3
gossiping .
Speaker 4
F got ill because
Speaker 5
of someone .
Fill in: host, social, rewarding, spicy,
struggle, patient, overwhelming, challenging,
to that
mt in
to get
It is important to learn about ................ .......... .
etiquette and customs before travelling abroad .
William loves hot and .................. ... ........ food.
In the beginning, living in a foreign place can
feel incredibly .. ............ .......... ... ... ... .... ..... ..... .. .
Many foreigners .. ...... ................. ... .... ....... with
the Chinese language because pronunciation is
Ben found it quite .... .. .. .. .... .. ... ......... ... ... trying
to get used to the cold Alaskan weather.
Bob enjoyed staying with his ....... .. .. ...... ..........
family in Trinidad .
John has become more .... ... .. .... .................... .. ..
as a public speaker.
The language instructor is very ............ .... ..... ...
with her students.
Learning a new language in a foreign country
can be a(n) .... .. ... .................. .......... experience.
** Look at the picture below and make as
many sentences as you can about it using
must, can't, may/might, the prompts in the
list and/or your own ideas.
~ ca u se
Put the verbs in brackets into the present
perfect or the present perfect continuous .
1 Sally and Tim .... .. ............................. .. ... ... ........ .
Gust/get married).
2 How long ... ............................ ... ......... .. ....... ... ..
(Brian/work) at the homeless shelter?
3 John .. ........................... ..... .... .... ......... .......... .. ..
(sneeze) all day and now he has a red nose.
4 I ....... ...... ........ ..... ... ...... ..... ..... ..... ... .... .. (travel)
to the USA three times.
5 Danny ... ..... ....... .. ............... ... ... .... .. .. ............. ....
(look for) a new job for the last two months.
6 Emma .. ......... .. ... ... ......... .. ... .. ... (not/graduate)
yet; she's in her fin al year at college.
7 ... ............. .. ... ... ......... ... ............................. ..... ....
(you/work) all day?
** Put the verbs in brackets into the
present perfect, the past simple or the present
perfect continuous.
r."">=,,, )
m ()0
Hi! 1) ... .................... anyone ever .. ......... ... ...... ..... (take)
something of yours without asking you first? Well, I
in a restaurant
in their kitchen
e sushi
w how to use
have cooked
e herself
2) .. ........ .. ............ ........... ....... (study) for my exams in
the school library for the last three weeks. Two days ago,
I 3) ..... .. ....... ..... ... ..... .... .... ..... (leave) my seat to talk to
Mrs Jones, the librarian. When I 4) ............ ... ......... ....... .
(get) back, I 5) ... ......... .. ... ... ........ .... ...... (have) a nasty
surprise. "Mrs Jones, someone 6) .... ....... .. ..... .... ............ .
(steal) my mobile!" I cried. "Oh, I think 17) ..... .................
.. .. ..... ..... ... .... ... .... (see) a girl leave the library with it, " the
person sitting by me 8) ...... .............. ..... .. ... .... (tell) me.
9) ......... .......... ........ ... ..... .. ........... .. (call) me. "Erm .. .
10) .... .... ...... .. ... ........ .. .... .... .. .... ..... .. (you/look for) your ,
mobile by any chance?" she asked me. "I'm sorry. I
11) ... ..... .. .... .... .. .... ... .... .... ..... (borrow) it while you were
talking to Mrs Jones. When I 12) ... ... .. ....... ... .... ............ ...
(come) to give it back, you weren 't there anymore. "
Match the words to form phrases.
• What can I do for you?
• I've just moved in next door.
• It's just that your kids have
been playing on my lawn.
• Could I talk to you for a
• I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.
• Oh, I'm really sorry about that.
eye contact
our property
the gesture
your hand
with your mouth full
a distance
Complete the sentences with the
phrases in the appropriate form.
1 Sam politely t ried to ....... .. .. .. .. .. ............... from
people at the concert but it was too crowded .
2 Please .............................................. in the bin .
3 If someone waves at you, you should .. ........... .
... .. .... ......... .... .. .... ..... .... ........... and wave back.
4 In Englan d, it's polite to smile and .. .... .... .. .... ...
... .......................................... ........ with people.
5 Did the neighbours .................... ...... ... ..... .... ... .
whe n th ey dug a hole for their pool?
6 Don't ................... .. ...... .. ...; it's incredibly rude!
7 In Japan, people ... .. .... ... ....... ........ .. by bowing.
8 Instead of pointing, wh ich is rather impolite,
why not .... ........................... ... .... .................... .
Use the following sentences to
complete the dialogue below.
Fred: Good morning . My name's Fred Thomson.
1) ..... ..... .... ......... ..... ..... ................... ............ .
Laura: Pleased to meet you, Fred . I'm Laura
Richards. Welcome to the neighbourhood.
Fred: Thank you, Laura. 2) ... ..... ......... ...................
Laura: Of course . 3) .. .............. ... ............................ .
Fred: Well, I'm afraid I have a complaint. 4) ........ .
Laura: 5) .. .. ... ....... ... ............... ......... I didn't realise
they were stepping on your property.
Fred: It's OK. They're kids just trying to have fun.
It's just that I've planted some new flowers.
Laura: I see. 6) ... .. .. .. ... .... ... .... ............. .................. .
Fred: Thanks, I'd really appreciate that.
Laura: You're welcome. And sorry again.
Fred: It's alright. Have a good day.
Everyday English
Read and circle the correct option.
1 A: I'm John Stevens. I'm your new neighbour.
B: a You're"welcome, John .
b Pleased to meet you, John.
2 A: Can I discuss something with you?
B: a Sure. What can I do for you?
b That's OK. I understand .
3 A: You've been parking in front of our driveway.
B: a I'm really sorry about that.
b Don't worry about it.
4 A: I'll make sure it doesn't happen again .
B: a Have a nice day.
b That would be great.
Imagine that your neighbour lets their
dog bark all day and night. Write a new
dialogue using the ideas below and Ex. 3 as
a model.
Greet B & introduce "'---" Say 'Pleased to meet
you' .
Reply & ask if you can
Agree & ask what you
have a word .
can do for A.
Make your complaint.
Accept the apology.
Promise that it won't
Thank B.
happen again .
End the conversation .
Reply & apologise again .
I have always been interested in doing volunteer work so when I learnt about
an opportunity that would let me do my part for wildlife and travel to one of the
most beautiful countries on the planet, I thought, "Why not?"
) ........ .
: realise
years ago, I was working for a large advertising firm in the
I liked my job so when I was let go, I was very upset. Then I
~Jsed that it was probably one of the best things that could
2 8 ever happened to me.
- - onth or so before I found myself out of a job, a friend of mine
=5 telling me about a volunteer project which was concerned
elephant conservation in Kenya. According to Peter, they
-~ ed someone with a background in advertising who could
:-:"T)ote awareness of a large elephant sanctuary in Africa. It
_.. Id be my job to attract visitors, and their money, to the
s:.-ctuary. I had the right qualifications and so a very short time
.::=- I found myself living and volunteering my skills in Africa.
-.:. :nose of you who don't know, it is a very sad fact that African
=-?:nants have reduced in number by almost half since the
=:; ·:s. And, as you know, they are huge creatures and they
e:J very large areas of land in which to roam and find food to
~::: themselves and their young. What this means is that
=-=-C'lants often come into contact with humans who view
-=-C'l ants as a threat to their lives and livelihoods.
Ive fun .
The Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary, where I went, had two
targets. First, to offer the elephants a place away from illegal
hunting, and second, to try and change the negative attitude
held by the locals towards elephants. In what came as a pleasant
surprise to myself, and the sanctuary's organisers, over 200
families volunteered to turn over their land so that elephants
could live there.
What this pleasant tu rn of events meant was that many elephants
could survive. It also meant that the locals could now earn a
living, not by killing the elephants for their ivory, but by managing
the sanctuary and earning money from the tourism that the
sanctuary attracted .
Over a year has passed since I came to Kenya and the sanctuary
and the elephants are flourishing. For my part, alii can say is that
it makes me very proud that the volunteer work done by myself
and hundreds of others has resulted in a place where the
greatest creature on Earth has found a place where it can live
and roam safely and freely.
Read the text and mark the sentences
T (True) or F (False).
2 The writer learnt about the volunteer
project from a friend .
3 The organisation was looking for someone
w ith experience in advertising .
The writer tells us that the elephant
x. 3 as
population of Africa has been reduced
by more than 50% .
5 In Kenya, elephants rarely venture on to
: et
land occupied by humans.
According to the writer, people perceive
elephants as a danger to their way of life.
The writer hadn't expected people to give
up their land for elephants.
again .
- Some locals still earn their living from
illing elephants for ivory.
:: Other locals help manage the elephant
• According to the writer, the sanctuary
is now doing very well.
Match the words to form phrases.
The writer decided to leave his job.
's their
A my own food
B a ch ild from ab road
C a scholarshi p
~ setup
E cosmetic surgery
F into a caravan
a charity
*social, award-winning,
homeless, determination, reach,
Fill in:
1 He used the ...... ........ ....... .. .. ... ............ from his
book to build a youth shelter.
2 Paul cares a lot about ........... ................. issues.
3 If you try really hard, you can .. .... .. .. .... ........... .
your goals.
4 Mary lost her job and she was .... ...... .............. .
and living on the streets.
5 Her dad is a(n) ...... .. ... ...... .. ..... ............. . author.
6 Sue went to university and through ... ..............
and hard work, she graduated with honours.
Fill in: celebrations, prosperity,
marching, garland, fairytale,
ceremony, traditional.
1 I want to have a ...... .. ..................
...... .. ..... .. wedding, like a princess
in a castle.
2 A ..... ..... .... ............ ... band passed
by us at the beginning of the
3 The bride wore a flower ...... ........
...... .......... ......... around her neck.
4 She really enjoyed the various
wedding .. ..... .................. in India.
5 This design is a symbol of future
... .. .. ......... .... ..................... for the
married couple.
6 They served a variety of
.... ...................... ... Indian dishes at
the wedding .
7 The guests really enjoyed
watching the
.................... ........ .
Choose the correct word.
1 She leapt/hopped at the chance
to go on holiday to Brazil.
2 It's simmering/steaming hot
3 Our friends greeted/waved us at
the airport..,
4 I love the hustle and buzz/bustle
of New York City.
5 The party tookllasted all night.
6 At first she felt a bit awkward/
clumsy when she spoke to the
crowd .
7 She made a spectacular
entry/entrance at the party.
8 Christine was thrilled to have
experienced/felt a traditional
Indian wedding.
Choose the correct verb forms.
1 The guests appear to be enjoying/to enjoy the wedding.
2 After having watched/to have watched the ceremony, the
guests congratulated the happy couple .
3 It was too hot having danced/to dance at the wedding.
4 The bride expects everyone wearing/to be wearing traditional
clothing to the wedding.
5 The couple claims having met/to have met while on holiday.
6 I can't wait eating/to eat the traditional dishes at the wedding.
7 Look, the couple seems having/to be having a great time .
8 After having danced/to have danced for the first time, the
couple cut the wedding cake.
Read the text. Five sentences are missing. Match each
sentence (A-F) to the gaps (1-5). One sentence is extra.
Graduation Day:
a time to celebrate!
Cultures all over the world celebrate academic achievement through
graduation ceremonies. lID On the actual graduation day students enter
the ceremony as 'graduands' and leave as 'graduates', thus passing into a
new stage of their lives. The whole idea of graduation dates back to the 12th
century when scholastic monks participated in various ceremonies. [I[J
In medieval times, priests began to wear different coloured hoods and robes
to symbolise their level of knowledge and
[ID Since then,
graduation has evolved to suit each
Every graduation ceremony is different.
[![] Afairly popular ritual is the tossing of
the graduation caps into the air at the end of
the ceremony. I1IJ Graduation
ceremonies occur not only at higher
institutions of learning. Kids, 3-5 years old
even go through graduation as they leave
kindergarten and enter primary school.
They start kindergarten knowing only
how to talk and they leave knowing
how to count and write letters. Now
that calls for a celebration with some
Fill in: patient, cheerful, honest, lazy, outgoing, rude, shy,
generous, selfish, popular.
look at the pictures and
choose the correct words.
)ny, the
t time.
1 David always has a smile on his face; he is such a .............. ..
2 A good teacher is .......................................... with students
and takes the time to explain difficult ideas.
3 Tom is so .................................. that he'd even give you the
shirt off his back.
4 They assumed Betty wasn't lying and that she was being
completely .................. .. ...................... .
5 There isn't a more .................................... person than Rick;
he loves having friends over all the time.
6 How ............................ of Mike to burp at the dinner table!
7 My neighbour is awfully ......................................... ; she sits
on the couch all day watching television.
S He's incredibly ..................... and only thinks about himself.
9 It's hard for Tom to meet new people because he's terribly
10 Jenny is very .......................... ; everyone at school likes her.
Everyday English
1ts enter
I into a
the 12th
* Choose the correct exchange.
1 A: What's your brother like?
B: a He's short and plump.
b He's outgoing, but he can be impatient at times.
ld robes
ce then.
2 A: Mary looks different.
B: a She's lost some weight.
b She's in her mid-thirties.
Sh e has shortllong, curly brown
ai r, and a(n) oval/square face.
Sh e's young, and she has freckles/
Nrinkles, pale skin, and wavy/
st raight red hair.
..e wears a cap/glasses and he has a
eard and a moustache/freckles.
e has pale/dark skin and he's
'he has oval/pierced ears, long/
short grey hair, and a few glasses/
-le's in his late twenties/sixties, he
as freckles/glasses, and short
Drown/grey hair.
3 A: Have you changed something?
B: a Yes, I'm wearing my new glasses.
b I use them to read.
4 A: What does Frank look like?
B: al He's honest and ~ u ite generous with his friends.
b He's short with a round face and green eyes.
5 A: What have you changed?
B: a I shaved my moustache.
b I should grow a beard.
6 A: You look great!
B: a Thanks!
b I didn't recognise you.
Writing (a for-and-against essay)
Replace the linkers in the essay with the
following: All in all, Without a doubt, To begin
Read the essay and complete the table.
with, On the other hand, Secondly, Also, In the first
place, In my opinion.
5 ........................ .. ... ..
... ........ ......... .. ........ .
6 ............................. ..
7 .............................. .
............................. ..
............................ ..
.............................. .
Match the arguments to the examples!
~ These days, many people believe that all young people
should go to university and that this is the only way to have a
successful career. But is this true or are there other ways to
be successful in life?
~ 1) On the one hand, there are many advantages to
going to university. 2) Firstly, it offers a chance to study
something you are interested in and also it is sometimes the
only way to get the qualifications for the job you really want.
If you want to be a doctor, for example, you can't do this
without getting a degree. 3) In addition, students learn
many life skills at university. They may learn how to cook for
themselves, manage their own money and get along with
different people, skills which they will use throughout their
~ 4) However, there are also disadvantages. 5) To start
with, it is very expensive to go to university. Most graduates
leave owing a lot of money that takes years to pay back.
6) Moreover, university life doesn't suit everyone. For some
people, it is better to do a practical course at a technical
college or on-the-job training, especially as a degree these
days is no guarantee of a job.
~ 7) In conclusion, there are both advantages and
disadvantages to going to university. 8) To my mind, it is a
valuable experienc~ that provides a lot more than just a
qualification, but it is not suitable for everyone.
Arguments for
Examples! Justification
......................................... .........................................
Arguments against
Examples! Justification
......................................... .........................................
......................................... .........................................
Read again and underline the topic
sentences in the main body paragraphs and
the writer's opinion.
You may struggle with the language, different
weather food, etc.
This wi~1 teach you to understand different
opinions &ways of thinking.
It may be difficult at first to make fnends and
you may feel lonely.
This will help you communicate WIth more
Read the rubric and use the ideas in
Ex. 4 and the sentences from the Useful
language box to write an essay.
r-------------------- -
I Write an essay called "Should all young people
I spend some time studying abroad?" (120-150 words).
~-------------------- -
state the topic
advantages, examples/justifications
disadvantages, examples/justifications
conclude & give your opinion
Useful language
Stating the topic: These da ys, ma ny people believe ...
Advantages: On the one hand there are advantages
.. ., Firstly ...
Disadvantages: On the other hand .. ., To start with ...
Conclude & give your op inion : All in all .. ., In my
opinion ...
'ith th e
he first
l ples!
* Fill in: yawn, hiccup, cough, snore, sneeze,
When you ......................... , your face becomes
red and you feel embarrassed.
- People often ............................. when they eat
or drink too quickly.
• Some people ................................... when they
are asleep.
he dust made him ............ .. ........................... .
- You should ....................... to clear your throat.
eople normally ...................................... when
hey are tired or bored.
* Circle the correct particle.
lds and
:h more
as in
he gentleman took off! up his hat.
erry didn't turn up ! down on time for his
_ -om never turns off! down an invitation for
lex takes over! after his mother; they have
-he same eyes and nose.
- )on 't forget to turn off! down the lights when
ou the leave the house.
- .ill turned up ! down the volume on her
~e adphones so that she wouldn't hear Tom
Notions & Functions
Choose the correct response.
1 A: Could I talk to you for a minute?
B: a I understand.
b Sure .
2 A: Have you changed something?
B: a Yes, I got a new haircue
b I didn't recognise you.
3 A: We haven't met before; I'm David Brown.
B: a I'm sorry about that.
b Pleased to meet you.
4 A: I'm afraid I have a complaint.
B: a I didn't know it was a problem.
b What is it?
5 A: You look nice!
B: a Thank you!
b That's OK.
6 A: What's she like?
B: a She's very polite, but quite shy.
b She looks great.
7 A: Your dog has been barking all day.
B: a I'm sorry about that.
b Don't worry.
8 A: I'll make sure it doesn't happen again .
1 people
lieve ...
with .. .
. In my
Fill in the correct word derived from the
" ords in brackets.
n was very ........................................ to get
:ack home; so he walked quickly. (PATIENT)
- .eff strongly .................................... with Kim's
s:atement; he didn't like it at all. (AGR~E)
- : is ... ........................ to drive without wearing
:: seatbelt. (LEGAL)
I,y dog has been very ....... ..................... lately;
-e just lies on the sofa and sleeps all day.
- ',1 en we hiccup our breathing becomes ........ .
...E rry's classmates tease him because he is very
5- 1; they can be so .............................. (KIND)
B: a You're welcome.
b Thanks, that would be great.
9 A: What does your friend Bill look like?
B: a He's cheerful and fun to be wit h.
b He's tall and slim.
10 A: You look different!
B: a Yes, I've lost some weight.
b It won't happen again.
Language & Grammar Review
(hoose the correct answer.
1 Hannah didn't turn ..... at the party until 9 o'clock.
A down
B over
( up
15 A ..... smile is a sign of friendliness in the USA.
A long
B high
( wide
2 Mike is so ...... He only cares about himself!
A lazy
B rude
( selfish
16 Jack ..... around the world since January.
A has been travelling
B travelled
( travels
3 ..... Spanish for a long time?
A Do you study
( Have you been studying
B You studied
4 (hile was great, but I ..... my family.
A missed
B lost
( left
5 A: Sorry we made so much noise last night.
A I understand. B Don't worry about it.
( I didn't realise it was botheri ng anyone.
18 Greet an American with a ..... handshake.
A heavy
B hard
( firm
19 He has difficulty understanding social ......
A etiquette
B behaviour ( culture
20 Mr Smith next door ..... his dog bark all night !
A lets
B allows
6 Brian is a really ..... person. He never seems to
be in a bad mood.
A patient
B cheerful
21 Sam is always late. It gets ..... my nerves.
A to
B on
( at
7 You aren't wearing a coat. You ..... be really cold!
A can
B must
22 The tomatoes have gone bad. Throw them .....
A down
B away
( over
8 Exercise increases heart ......
A muscle
B flow
23 The service at that restaurant is second ......
A standard
B rate
( grade
9 James ..... last year in Brazil.
A spent
B has spent
( has been spending
10 Pete dustedilis bedroom and now he can't stop
..... !
A sneezing
B snoring
( blushing
17 Sam was ..... when Sally took his iPod withou
asking. He really shouted at her!
A furious
B demanding ( passionate
24 Thinking of studying abroad? Go ..... it!
A for
B to
( at
25 Sarah is a(n) ..... person. She's sure of herself.
A outgoing
B self-confident (generous
26 Mary can't stand ..... to country music.
A listen
B to listen
( listening
11 I ..... since this morning. I'm really hungry.
A haven't eaten
B didn't eat
( haven't been eating
27 You ...... be hungry again, Paul! You just ha
A can't
B mustn't
( may not
12 Kate ..... her sister while her parents are at work.
A gives up
B takes care ( looks after
28 My soup was cold so I ....... to the waiter.
A complained B behaved
13 (an you turn ..... the TV? No one is watching it.
A up
B off
( after
29 She seems ...... a great t ime at the party.
A having
B to have
(to be havi
14 Sara ..... be from Mexico, but I'm not sure.
A can
B must
30 They're tired. They ..... all day.
A garden
B ga rdene d
( have been gardenin g
Reading Task (Multiple Choice)
Read the text. For each question choose the right answer
A, 8, Cor D.
ke .
I night!
lem .....
I ......
enerous ,...-
just haQ
y not
)e having
The article got Craig's attention because it
A was in the wrong section of the paper.
B had a picture of a boy his own age.
C had to do with a young protestor.
was about child labour.
2 After reading the article Craig decided to
A ask his teacher to get involved.
B tell his friends about Iqbal.
C get his classmates to help fight child labour.
o use the article as a topic for public speaking .
3 Craig and his friends visited schools to
A persuade students to join their group.
B let others know that child labour exists.
C get signatures for petitions.
o ask students and teachers to donate money.
4 Craig's visit to Pakistan helped him
A the life of poor children .
B what it means to be poor.
C how to end poverty.
o the best way to fight child labour.
5 This story is about
A child workers like Iqbal Masih .
B the history of Free the Children
C how to stop child labour.
'0 how one boy's courage can bring
Match the type of art to its
A Pictures made by hand using a pencil.
B Pictures made by sticking pieces of
paper and cloth onto a paper.
C Making objects by carving a
material such as stone.
D Pictures that are drawn in public
E Pictures created by using a camera.
F Making pictures by brushing colour
liquid onto a surface.
G Making objects out of clay.
H Images created by using high-tech
Fill in: public, brighten up,
crumbling, fair, phenomenon,
transform, offensive, rundown.
1 He lives in a poor and .................. .
2 Colourful street art helps ............ .
the community.
3 She refuses to go to the gallery as
she finds the artwork .............. .. .. .
4 He repairs ........................... walls
with colourful Lego bricks.
5 This neighbourhood has its .... .....
.................. share of graffiti with
lots of colourful walls.
6 The artist became a worldwide
............................ and his work is
recognised everywhere.
7 ............... opinion differs on what
is street art and what is vandalism .
8 Street artists want to .......... .. ...... ..
public spaces into more attractive
Complete the sentences with the passive form of the
verbs in the brackets.
1 This garden ........................................................... (plant) by
guerrilla gardeners last year.
2 Janet's paintings ..................................................... (exhibit)
right now at the art gallery on Con nor Street.
3 Antonio ............................................... (award) first prize in
the art competition last month.
4 His drawings ............................................... (love) by people
of all ages.
5 The new sculpture gallery .....................................................
(complete) next week.
6 Two young men ................ ................................... (arrest) b,
police for spray painting a bridge this morning.
Compete the text with the passive form of the verbs
in brackets.
Right now in cities around the world ordinary streets and
pavements 1) ..................................... (transform) into fantastical
scenes such as sharks bursting from the cement or giant cracks
splitting the earth apart. These are the creations of 3D street
artists. The three-dimensional effects of these images are so
realistic that viewers feel like they 2) .......................... (transport)
inside the scene. These amazing scenes 3) ................................ ..
(draw) first with chalk and then they 4) ........................................ .
(paint) with acrylic paint. 3D street artists like Edgar Mueller, work
for many days to create their temporary artworks. Mueller's work
'Shark Attack' 5) ...... .. ............................ (create) on a street in
Hong Kong . Viewers 6) ....................................... (amaze) by the
image's realistic effect and often avoided stepping on it.
Sometimes Mueller 7) ........ ............................ (inspire) sudden ly
and will just start creating a scene in a street. You just never knoVl
when the next street 8) ................................. (cover) with a scene
n of th e
>Iant) b}
t prize ir
Match the words to form phrases.
ITIJ crime
y peoplE
rrest) by
le verb s
ets and
t cracks
D street
are so
ler, work
!r's work
street in
!) by the
I on
fer know
a scene
Choose the correct preposition.
• The murder case was solved in/at record time.
• The day ended at/with an arrest of a suspect.
! Various people were involved in/to collecting evidence at
th e crime scene.
e specialises atlin DNA analysis.
:J Th e technician removed DNA of/from the hair sample.
2 They made him give a DNA sample.
3 He won't let her see the evidence.
4 People believe the detectives will
solve the crime . .. ... ...................... ..
Complete the sentences with some of the
phrases from Ex. 1a.
• Max was caught shoplifting by the .. ... .. .. ...... .. ......... .. .. ..... . .
, They found .. ...................................... ...... such as blood and
fingerprints in the getaway car.
3 £200,000 was taken in a(n) .. .. .. .. .. ........ .... .. .. .. .. ........ .. ....... .. .
at the National Bank this morning .
.! Police detectives and forensic scientists soon arrived at the
Fill in: analyse, solved, present, identify, played.
he fibres found at the scene .. ...... .. .. .... .. .. .................. .. ...... .
a role in catching the suspect.
t the lab, technicians .. .. .. ...... .. .................... ...... .. ...... all the
evidence collected from a crime.
aren was asked to .. ....... .. .... ....... ..................... .. .. evidence
!rom her lab in court.
he detectives ....... .. ...... ............................. .... the case with
e help of an important witness.
hese machines ....... ..... ........................................ chem icals
eft on evidence.
Rewrite the sentences in
the passive.
1 The police didn't let reporters enter
the crime scene. .. ........................ ..
G evidence
H microscope
5 They think that the police have
arrested the wrong man .............. .
Complete the sentences
using the causative.
1 A technician is installing a security
camera at the shop. The shop .. .....
2 Someone stole my wallet on the
train . I ...... .................................. ...
3 Someone has broken into John's
house. John ............... .. ...... ...... .... ..
4 The mechanic will put an alarm in
Tina 's car. Tina .... ... ........... .. ...... ... ..
Write the correct reflexive
1 We changed the locks on the doors
2 John caught the thief .... .. ......... .
3 I took the picture of the suspect
4 Sa lly examined the fibres .. .. ..... ..
5 They found the stolen money .. .. .
Everyday English
Match the words to form phrases.
G statement
• Can you describe the man?
• Yes, it's 111 Beach Road.
• Where and when did you witness
the incident, Ms Wheeler?
• It's nice to meet you, Karen .
• No, I don't think so .
• What happened next?
* Complete the sentences with some
A: 1) .................. .. .. .. .... .
B: I was standing on
the corner of
Charles Street and
Harbour Lane on
Tuesday even ing at
about 7 o'clock.
A: And what did you see?
B: I saw a man trying
break into a house.
1 White and African Americans were separated in
..... ..... .... ........................... until the mid-1950s.
2 Martin Luther King campaigned for ................ .
.................... such as laws to stop segregation .
3 Many African-American workers received ........
.. ................................ in comparison to whites.
4 The work of Martin Luther King led to the
outlawing of .. ................................................ .
A: 2) ............................................... ..
B: I shouted and the man ran away.
** Choose the correct item.
*resulted, inspired.
struck, mourned, sparked, assassinated,
B: 4) ................................................................ ..
A: Can I have your address and phone number,
B: 5) .... ................................ .............. .. ....... ...... .
My telephone number is 555 369 7889.
A: Thank you very much.
Fill in:
1 The demonstrations in Alabama .... .................. .
in a ban on segregation of blacks and whites.
2 King was .............. by the teachings of Gandhi.
3 Tragedy .................... when Martin Luther King
was .................................... in 1968. The world
................. :........ his loss.
4 A woman's refusal to move on a bus .... ........ .. ..
a revolution that changed America.
3) ....... .......... ......... ..... .... .......... .................... .
B: Yes, he was tall and wearing black clothes, a
hat and gloves.
A: OK. So is there anything else you can tell me
about the incident?
1 Martin Luther King had/saw a dream of equal
rights for everyone.
2 King's peaceful protest sparked/attracted the
attention of many famous people.
3 Whites and African-Americans were not
treated/campaigned equally in the 1950s.
4 King led/boycotted the Civil Rights Movement.
5 The Civil Rights Movement achieved/managed
results in a short period of time.
Use the sentences to complete the
dialogue. There is one extra sentence.
of the phrases from Ex. 1a.
Use the information in the news
report to write a dialogue similar to the
one in Ex. 4.
Police are searching for a masked man who held up a
bank teller at gunpoint on Friday morning. Witness
Gerry Franklin describes the man as short and slim
and wearing athletic clothes ...
Match the crimes with the sentences.
E arso!l..
F speeding
B shop lifting
__ __
thes, a
tell me
Match the words to form phrases.
They broke in and took my TV, computer,
and all my jewellery.
He threatened her, grabbed her bag and ran
Two masked men entered the bank and stole
over 2 million euros.
Tom was stopped by the police and given a
ticket for driving too fast.
The teenager tried to take a CD from the
store, but the store detective caught him.
Someone took John's wallet on the train and
he didn't even realise it had happened until
much later.
The two men were seen going into the
basement of the building and within half an
hour, the whole building was in flames.
They covered the school walls with graffiti
and broke lots of windows .
A damage
B accounts
C jam
o limit
E scale
F property
* Complete the sentences with the
1 It's easy for hackers to access weak/thin
computer systems.
2 I work for a personal/private company that
checks computer security.
3 The bank hired/borrowed a hacker to test the
security of their computer system .
4 A programmer won/gained access to the
companies records and deleted valuable
S There are some computer viruses that try to access
people's confidential/classified passwords.
.d up a
d slim
Fill in: steal, robbed, commit, caused,
infected, disrupt, crash.
1 A virus .................... our computer system and
erased the hard drive.
2 The virus caused my computer to .. ....... .. ....... .
3 Some cyber criminals target personal computers
so they can ......................... someone's identity.
4 Martin didn't ....................... the crime; he was
at work at the time .
S Police said the men they arrested had .. .......... .
the Central Bank just hours earlier.
6 The computer virus .............................. a lot of
problems for the company.
7 Hackers sometimes ...................... public services
such as power stations and water supplies for fun .
Choose the correct preposition.
1 The road signs displayed t%n drivers were all
phrases from Ex. 2a.
• Slow down, you're driving over the ................. .
.. Th e virus caused destruction on a ...... .............. .
.. .... ..... , affecting computers around the world.
3 I was caught in a ........ ..... ................................ .
on the motorway.
- Crackers .. .. .................................................. .... ..
o computer systems.
- For safety reasons use different passwords for
your ....... ..... ................................ .. ... ............. .. .
~ A group of people were seen destroying ........ ..
.. ........................ .... .. ............... ........ in the park.
Choose the correct word.
So many essential public services rely on/to
computers to operate.
The city had to resort tolin policemen directing
traffic when the traffic computer system
Governments are very concern~ about the
threat from/of cyber terrorism .
There is a worm c,apable of/at stealing your
computer password~.
Fill in: attempted,
* Match the words to form phrases.
DNA ...
of burglars
Complete the sentences with some
of the phrases from Ex. 2a.
1 The burglars made a ......................... :............. ..
through the window of the house.
2 Fill out this ......................................... with the
names of all the members of your family.
3 At the .................................................. they do
experiments with different crops.
4 The thieves left unnoticed through the .......... ..
Rewrite in reported speech.
1 "The police caught the burglar today," the
reporter said .................................................... .
2 "I lock my doors every night," said Mr Thompson.
sentenced, made, found, sent, reached,
scratched, attend.
1 Mr Jacobs was .................... to prison after the
jury finally ............................. their verdict and
......................... him guilty of the attacks.
2 The burglars .......................... a quick getaway
through the window of the house.
3 The cat ...................... the thief and frightened
him away!
4 Several guard dogs ..................................... the
yard at night.
S The parrot .............................. loudly when we
entered the pet shop.
6 The burglars were ........................ to two years
in prison.
7 The thieves ....................... to rob the bank but
they were caught by the police.
8 All jurors must .................. court during a trial.
9 The police .................................. the thief from
his fingerprints that were left at the scene.
3 "Mary will be a witness in court," said her
lawyer.............................................................. .
4 "Put your hands behind your back," the
policeman told the man ................................. ..
S "Have the police arrested anyone yet?" Kelly
asked us .......................................................... .
6 "Don't move!" the policeman told the man.
Rewrite the orders and questions in
reported speech.
1 "Where were you at the time of the robbery?"
the policeman asked me ................................. ..
2 "Stand against the wall!" the policeman told
the man .......................................................... ..
3 "Did you phone the fire service?" Kelly asked
us .................................................................... .
4 "Go and see the judge immediately!" the lawyer
said .................................................................... .
Report the sentences using the verbs
in brackets.
1 "We have new evidence that proves who did
it," the detective said. (EXPLAINED) .............. ..
2 "You stole my bracelet!" she said to me.
(ACCUSED) ............ .......................................... .
3 "I will call David as soon as I get home," she
told us. (PROMISED) ...... ................................. .
4 "I wasn't at the bank that day," he said .
(DENIED) .................. ................ ...................... ..
Grammar & Vocabulary
iaid her
k," the
~ waste
}IJ public
?" Kelly
ns in
lan told
y asked
le," she
le said .
crime rate
of rubbish
Complete the sentences
with the phrases from Ex. 1a.
0 You will hear Jodie
Read the t ext and complete the gaps 1-5 ~",~.
with words derived from the words
in bold.
Fingerprinting has been around since
1892. Since then we have been using it to
identify criminals and unknown victims.
Today a popular 1) .............................. .
(APPLY) of fingerprinting technology is in car.
theft 2) ................... .... ........ (PREVENT).
When a fingerprinting identification device is installed
in a new car only those people whose fingerprints are
entered in the system can start the vehicle. Seeing as no two
fingerprints are 3) .... ... ........................ (LIKE), it is the most
secure key in order to protect our vehicles from theft.
When Rick Evans learnt about this technology he was
4) """ '"'''''' '' '''''''''''''' (THRILL). "You don't have to worry
about losing your keys or someone else taking them. All you
need is your fingerprint." However, others like Mr Jeroen
Keuning 5) ............................... (APPROVE) of this. They
have certain identity theft concerns. "We leave over 25
almost perfect fingerprints lying around per day, what's to
prevent someone from stealing one!" Others raise the
question, "What would happen if you burnt your fingers?"
Vet, despite these concerns, fingerprinting technology is
becoming more and more popular.
t alking about her job as a store
detective. Listen and mark the
sentences T (true) or F (false).
Tick (I) the correct box.
to me.
• Be careful at night; this
neighbourhood has a .. ................ ..
The new ... ..... .... .. ...... will prevent
the cars from going too fast.
3 In my neighbourhood we don 't
have very good ...... .. .................... ,
only a local bus .
.! Look at the .. .. ................ ... . on the
street; it's awful and unsanitary.
- There is such terrible ....... .. .. ........ ..
in the city centre that I hardly ever
drive there anymore.
The council needs to find good use
for the ..... ..... ............... in our city.
Nho did
Match the words t o form
Choose the correct exchange.
store detective spends--100% of their time in the
'odie often pays attention
lO a shopper's clothing .
She always approaches a
shopper when she thi nks
: hey've taken something.
- She says she finds her job
_ She doesn't always feel
~a ppy when she catches a
5'1 oplifter.
Everyday English
1 A: I got st uck in traffic.
B: a What a nightmare!
Yes. Thank you!
2 A: Someone stole my CD player.
B: a That's OK.
You're joking!
3 A: Someone sprayed graffiti on
the school wall .
B: a That's been happening a lot!
Not really!
4 A: I sprained my ankle.
B: a Of course!
That's terrible!
Writing (a letter to the editor making
suggestions and giving your opinion)
Read the letter and put the paragraphs
in the correct order. What is the writer's
reason for writing?
local newspaper about an increase in crime :
in residential neighbourhoods. Write a letter I
: to the editor suggesting what could be :
I done about this (150-200 words).
~ ---"""
~ In summary, I am totally
in favour of tackling the traffic
congestion problem in our town
with practical solutions. I really
hope that the city council will take
my suggestions into consideration.
[ [ [ ] I am writing in response to
the article that I read about the terrible traffic congestion
in the city centre. I strongly agree with doing something
to improve this situation. In my opinion, there are a
number of solutions to the problem.
[TI] In addition, I would suggest introducing a bicycle
rental system together with the construction of new
bicycle lanes. Residents would be able to pick up a bike at
various stations for a small fee, ride the bike around town,
and then drop it off at another station near their
destination. This way, many people would be happy to
leave their cars at home as cycling is fun, cheap, and keeps
you fit, too.
[]I] First
of all, I suggest that a congestion charge
should be introduced that drivers have to pay before they
can drive around town . Consequently, many drivers
would be put off by this and not drive their cars; they
would be encouraged to walk or use the town's excellent
public transport sys~em instead.
Yours faithfully,
Kirk Summers
'-:: . :. .:: ...---
Match the words in bold in the letter in
Ex. 1 with the alternatives below.
All in all ........................................................... .
As a result ...................................................... ..
Consequently .......................................... .. .. ... ..
To start with .................................................... .
Furthermore .................................................... .
I think that ...................................................... .
I am totally in favour of .................................. .
Underline the writer's opinion in the letter.
Dear Sir/Madam,
* Read the rubric and answer the questions.
You have just read a worrying article in your
1 What's your reason for writing? ..................... ..
2 How will you begin/end your letter? .............. ..
3 Which ideas would help the problem the most .
Check (I') the two ideas that you like the best.
• more police on the streets
• installation of better street lighting
• Neighbourhood Watch programs
• organising seminars about protecting
your home
4 What could be the results/consequences?
idea 1 .............................................................. .
idea 2 .... ... ....................................................... .
* Use the prompts below to write full
sentences, as in the example.
1 I/strongly believe/neighbourhoods/benefit
from/Neighbourhood Watch schemes
I strongly believe that neighbourhoods would
benefit from more Neighbourhood Watch schemes.
2 In my opinion/people/need/install/burglar alarms
3 I/think/more police/patrol/our neighbourhoods
4 I/hope/my comments/take/into consideration
Use your answers in Exs 4 and 5 and
the sentences from the Useful language box
to write your letter.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Para 1:
reason for writing/opinion
Para 2&3: suggestions & possible results/consequences
Para 4:
restate of opinion/in different words
Yours faithfully,
Useful language
Reason for writing: I am writing in response to ... ,
Suggestions/possible results: First of all, .. , This way ...
Restate opinion: In summary .. ., I hope that ... will
take my suggestions into cons ideration .. ,
~., ~-~"
... ..;
- -.,
crime :
letter I
Id be :
-- - .
le most.
le best.
Save the Children is an organisation that ............ .
for children's rights.
2 A British lawyer .......... ............ ........... Amnesty
International in 1961.
3 Pragathi is an organisation that aims to .......... .
.. ...... ..... child labor and offer kids a better life.
4 John is organising a charity concert to ............ .
support for homeless children.
~ They organised a demonstration to ................ .
against child labour.
Ir alarms
5 and
ge box
Fill in: wipe out, fights, raise, founded, protest.
Circle the correct particle.
The countries tried to work out I on their
differences and come to a peaceful solution.
He was able to set off I up a meeting with the
editor of the newspaper.
The soldier's shoes were worn out I off from
walking through the jungle.
With all his campaign work Ben has little time
to work out I on at the gym.
The man tried to run away I into but was
captured by the dictator's army.
Fill in the correct word derived from the
words in brackets.
A ...................................... is a wealthy country
that uses its position in the world to protect its
own interests. (POWER)
People in ..................................... countries like
Uganda live in poverty. (DEVELOP)
3 Canada is a ................................... society that
welcomes immigrants of all races and religions.
- The article got the newspaper editor's ............ .
..... ......................... . (APPROVE)
_ Jeff set his alarm so that he wouldn't ............ ..
and miss the protest rally. (SLEEP)
Notions & Functions
Choose the correct response.
1 A: Can you describe the man?
B: a He was tall and had a scar on his face.
b He shouted and pushed her to the
2 A: Someone broke into my car.
B: a Oh no! That's terrible!
b What happened?
3 A: What exactly did you see?
B: a Two men ran out of the bank.
b I noticed one had a tattoo on his arm.
4 A: I appreciate your help.
B: a Sure.
b You're welcome.
5 A: What happened next?
B: a They saw me and ran away.
b I saw a few boys throwing rocks .
6 A: My shoe got stuck in a hole in the pavement
and I fell.
B: a You're joking! How awful!
b Something should be done!
7 A: When did you witness the incident?
B: a As I was crossing Glendale Road.
b On Tuesday night at about 11 pm.
S A: Is there anything else you can tell me?
B: a Not really.
b I appreciate your help.
9 A: Can I take your address please?
B: a Yes, thank you very much .
b Sure. It's 111 Maple Drive.
10 A: I got stuck in a traffic jam this morning.
B: a No, I don't think so.
b What a nightmare!
way ...
... will
Language & Grammar Review
Choose the correct answer.
1 The hacker was arrested for ....... computer
A downloading B spreading C disrupting
2 A Neighbourhood Watch scheme has been
in our area.
B set off
A set on
C set up
3 We weren't ....... to touch the evidence.
A allowed
B allowing C to be allowed
4 The store ....... caught the shoplifter as she was
leaving the shop.
A detective
B guard
C lawyer
5 Dan's house ....... broken into last night.
A is
B has been C was
6 The street cameras will record ....... driving.
A dramatic
B dangerous C unfair
7 Ken painted over the graffiti ........
A himself
B ourselves C yourself
8 The suspect ....... his house searched by the police.
A had
B did
C was
9 Harry ....... a toast to the couple's future.
B traced
C made
A released
10 Did you know that Barry ....... his new car stolen?
A have
B has
11 The jury hasn't reached a ....... yet.
A verdict
B judge
C court
12 Sam asked how much damage ....... by the
A is caused
B caused
C was caused
13 When the aspirin wore .. ..... , my headache came
A away
C off
14 The fire is thought to be an act of ........
C mugging
A pickpocketing B arson
15 Hackers ....... weaknesses in computer systems.
A warn
B exploit
C gain
16 Amy asked ....... we had spoken to the police yet.
A that
B what
C if
17 Sarah apologised ....... breaking my camera.
A by
B with
C for
18 It ....... the thieves escaped through the window.
A is thinks
B is thought C is thinking
19 The burglars were ....... to two years in prison.
A sent
B attended C sentenced
20 The detective ....... out who had committed th
C identified
A solved
B worked
21 Amy told me ....... the back door.
A to lock
B for locking Clock
....... of rubbish lined the streets.
A Holes
B Piles
23 Traffic ....... adds to air pollution.
A congestion B disruption C
24 Tony and Sue ....... joining Amnesty
A promised
B admitted C suggested
25 An act was ....... to make everyone equal.
A passed
B assassinated C inspired
26 The vandals ran ....... when they saw the police .
A to
B out of
C away
27 The new museum ....... next week.
A was opened
B is opened
C will be opened
28 Kelly works in the lab as a forensic ........
A detective
B scientist
C suspect
29 Martin Luther King Jr ....... Montgomery buses
protest against unfair treatment of an Af
A boycotted
B banned
30 The city council has bu ilt more ....... bumps on
B traffic
C speed
A driving
Reading Task (Missing sentences)
Read the text. Five sentences are missing.
Match each sentence (A-F) to the gaps (1-5).
Jlice yet.
There is one extra sentence.
IllbtlaK fc)l!:
regatio n
m in 1863 to working class parents, Alice left
chool at 13 to work as a machinist in a shoe factory
the city of Leicester, England. [ID While still a
oung woman, Alice took her first steps as an activist
joining the trade union movement for fairer
:onditions in the workplace.
.er the years, Alice became disappointed with the
_ .ion. She felt that it neglected women's rights and
.as much more focused on male workers, who were
~ill regarded as the 'breadwinners' in society. So, in
-"07, Alice travelled to London to attend her first
~eeting of the Women's Social and Political Union
SPU). On that same day, the group marched to the
- ouse of Commons to demand voting rights.
They arrested Alice and imprisoned her for the
-'"5t time.
at first prison experience had a big impact on Alice.
=.LJ In fact, she felt inspired to fight even harder for
:-e cause by setting up a new branch of the WSPU in
_~ i c ester. She worked tirelessly with local shoe trade
rkers and would spend her Sundays cycling out to
-. "ns and villages to campaign for support. GIJ
- 'ce fought on. The highpoint of her campaigning
3ars came in June 1908 when she spoke at a huge
buses to
on the
rally in Hyde Park, London. The day became known as
'Women's Sunday' and over 250,000 supporters
attended. The event made national news and Alice was
singled out by The Times newspaper as one of the
most notable speakers that day.
The days of the British suffragette movement came to
an abrupt halt when the nation turned its attention to
the Great War of 1914. [IT] In 1920, British women
were given their right to vote. Alice continued working
with the local trade union up until her death in 1946 at
the age of 83. Even today the memory of brave 'AI ice
the suffragette' lives on.
We usually form adverbs by adding -Iy to the adjective.
beautiful- beautifully
When the adjective ends with a consonant +y, we drop
the -y and add -ily to form the adve rb. lucky -luckily
When the adjective ends in -le we drop the -e and add -y.
simple - simply
Some adverbs have the same form as their adjectives.
long -+ long, fast -+ fast, hard -+ hard, early -+ early,
late -+ late
Note: good -+ well
Adverbs usually describe verbs. He walks slowly.
Adverbs can show manner (how), place (where ), time
(when ) and frequency (how often ). Adverbs usually go after
He speaks loudly. (How does he speak? Loud ly. - manner)
He went upstairs. (Where did he go? Upstairs. - place)
She left early. (When did she leave? Early. - time)
He visits us every week. (How often does he visit us? Every
week. - frequency)
Present simple - Present continuous
We use the present simple for:
• permanent states. John lives in Russia.
• daily routines. He works from lOto 6 everyday.
• repeated actions. He usually plays golf at the weekends.
We use the present continuous for:
• actions happening now, at the time of speaking.
Tony is watching TV right now.
• actions happening not necessarily now, but around the
time of speaking. Laura is looking for a new job these days.
Some of these verbs can be used in continuous tenses, b
with a difference in meaning.
I think it's good.
(= I believe)
I am thinking of buying a car.
(= am considering)
He has a motorbike.
(= own, possess)
I am having lunch. (= eating)
He is having a bath. (= taking)
You can see the park from my He's seeing his friends tomorrow.
(= meeting)
room. (= it is visible)
I see what the problem is.
(= understand)
This pie tastes very good.
(= it is/has the flavour of)
Ken is tasting the soup to see if it
has enough salt. (= is trying )
The roses smell great.
(= have the aroma)
The dog is smelling the bushes.
(= is sniffing)
He appears to be upset.
(= seems to)
Rihanna is appearing in Madrid
this week. (= is performing)
The jacket fits him well.
(= it's the right size)
They are fitting new windowsin
their house. (= are installing)
Note: The verb enjoy can be used in continuous tenses express a specific preference.
I really enjoy dancing. (general preference)
BUT I'm enjoying a quiet afternoon at home. (speci
Th e verbs feel (when we experience a particular emotior
hurt and ache can be used in simple or continuous tens
with no difference in meaning.
I feel hungry. = I am feeling hungry.
Write the adverbs of the adjectives in the
list. Place the adverbs in the correct box.
The following verbs do not usually have a present
continuous form .
have (=possess), like, love, want, know, live, remember,
understand, believe; need, see, smell, ete.
I need a pen. (NOT: I'm r:I€€r;/ir:l9 a pen. )
I have a car. (NOT: I'm ~61l'ir:l9 a car.)
BUT I'm having breakfast now. (= I'm eating)
strange • easy • comfortable • enthusiastic
hard • creative • lazy • patient • angry
clumsy • terrific • m~gic • fast • terrible
late • reliable • brave • realistic
strangely, .................................. .
Stative verbs
Stative verbs are verbs which describe a state rather than
an action and do not usua lly have a continuous form.
These are:
• verbs of the senses (appear, feel, hear, look, see, smell,
sound, taste, etc). She sounds worried.
• verbs of perception (believe, forget, know, understand,
etc). I don't believe what you're telling me.
• verbs which express feelings and emotions (desire,
enjoy, hate, like, love , prefer, want, etc). I hate dancing.
• other verbs: belong, contain, cost, fit, have, keep, need,
owe, own, etc. This bag costs 75 pounds.
consonant + y - t easily, .........................................
................................................. ..
No change
comfortably, ........... .. ..................
enthusiastically, .. .................. ... ..
hard, ........................................ ..
te nses, b
Put the adverbs into the correct column:
bravely, gently, here, soon, often, quickly, away,
sometimes, now, slowly, far, lately, usually, well
ng a car.
• ea ti ng)
= taki ng)
How often
1 a
2 a
Present simple - Present
see if it
J to
Put the verbs in brackets into the present
simple or the present continuous. How do the
sentences differ in meaning?
3 a
Put the verbs in brackets into the present
simple or present continuous.
e bushes.
A: What ..................................................... ...... .
(you/do) tomorrow morning?
B: I ........................... .. (go) to a job interview.
A: ... ......... ........... .... .. ... ......... ....... (Jamesllike)
B: Actually, he .................. ............ .. .. . (love) it.
Why ........................ . (you/carry) a helmet?
B: I ....................................... (go) white-water
rafting after school.
eo! A: .......... .............. (you/have) any experience
with animals?
B: Yes, I ................................. (live) on a farm.
:I A: What .......... .......... ................... (Helen/do)?
B: She ........................... (work) as a lifeguard.
4 a
in Madrid
indows in
tail ing)
tenses tc
(speci fic
Put the verbs in brackets into the present
simple or the present continuous.
in the
• John .......................................... (train) the boys'
football team every Monday, but this week he
.. ..................................... (train) the girls' team.
~ I .. ......................................... (hang out) with my
riends every weekend, but this weekend I ......
.... .. ........................ (visit) my cousins in London.
ost Saturdays Nick .................... .. ...... ........ (go)
rock climbing, but this Saturday he .................. .
(learn) how to paraglide.
- Jane usually ..................................... (look after)
sick children, but today she .............................. ..
(prepare) a surprise party for them.
e often ...................................... (go) shopping
at the weekend, but this weekend we ............ ..
.. .. ............................................ (study) for a test.
_ David rarely ........ .................................... (travel)
abroad, but he ........................................ (fly) to
Spain this week.
S a
The critic (taste) .................. the food now.
This pizza (taste) .................... ..... delicious!
She (appear) .. .... .... .. ........... to like her job.
My favourite band (appear) .... .. .......... .. .... ..
in concert tomorrow.
I (have) ...... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .. . dinner with my
parents tomorrow night.
I (have) ...........................~... .. ..... ................ .
a copy of my CV with me.
Robert (think) .......... ...... .. .. .. .. .. .................. .
of applying for the job.
Maggie (think) .......... .... .. .. .. .... .. .... .... ........ ..
interviews are fun.
You can (see) .................................... .......... .
her paintings in the gallery.
They (see) .............. .. .. .. .............................. ..
each other at the motocross race tomorrow.
Put the verbs in brackets into the present
simple or the present continuous. Then
answer the questions about yourself.
1 .................. .. ................................ .. ... (youllike)
doing extreme sports in your spare time?
2 .. ...................... (you/build) a robot right now?
3 ...... .. .... .. .. .... .......... .. .. (your dad/drive) a taxi?
4 ........ .......... .. .. .. .. .... ........ .. .... (you/do) anything
exciting this weekend?
S .. .. .. .. ................ .. .. .. .... (your brother/often go)
to sports camp in the summer?
6 .. .. .... .... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. . (you/prefer) working
on your own?
7 ~~~~f.~.I.I~;
. . . ....................... (your mum/drive)
8 .... .... .... .................. .. .......... (your friend/paint)
a picture right now?
We use the comparative to compare one person or
thing with another. We use the superlative to compare
one person or thing with the others of the same group.
We often use than after a comparative.
Chris is taller than John.
We normally use the before a superlative. We can use in
or of after superlatives. We often use in with places.
Anne is the oldest of the three children.
Pedro is the best student in the class.
Complete the table with the correct
comparative and superlative forms of the
Formation of comparatives and superlatives of adjectives
and adverbs
• With one-syllable adjectives, we add -(e)r to form the
comparative and -(e)st to form the superlative .
cold - colder - the coldest
Note: For one-syllable adjectives ending in vowel +
consonant, we double the consonant.
thin - thinner - the thinnest
With two-syllable adjectives, we form the comparative
with more + adjective and the superlative with most +
Note: For two-syllable adjectives ending in consonant +
-y, we replace -y with -i and add -er/-est.
busy - busier - the busiest
With adjectives having more than two syllables,
comparatives and superlatives are formed with more/the
most. exciting - more exciting - the most exciting
Note: clever, common, cruel, friendly, gentle, narrow,
pleasant, polite, quiet, shallow, simple, stupid form their
comparatives and superlatives either with -er/-est or with
more/the most. quiet - quieter/more quiet - the quietest/the
most quiet
With adverbs that have the same form as their adjectives
(hard, fast, free, late, high, low, deep, long, near,
straight), we add -er/-est. hard - harder - the hardest
Note: Adverbs formed by adding -Iy to the adjective take
more in the comparative and the most in the superlative
form. quickly - more quickly - the most quickly
w ru l!illJlEiri.D
much/many/a lot of
Note: We can use elder/eldest for people in the same family.
His elder/eldest brother is an actor.
Study the examples:
• very + adjective/adverb: Diego is a very nice person.
• much + comparative form of adjective/adverb: Your
hair looks much better now that you've cut it.
• (not) as + adjective/adverb + as: David is as old as Carl.
Tom isn't as polite as his sister.
comparative and comparative: The weather is getting
colder and colder.
a bit/a little/far/slightly + comparative form
adjective/adverb: I feel a bit better today.
by far + superlative form of adjective/adverb:
This is by far the best meal you've ever cooked.
the bravest
carefu l
Complete the sentences with adjectives
from the completed table.
1 Hillary is braver than her brother. She's noafraid of anything.
2 The sports camp is .. .............. .... .. .. ....... of all t hE
summer camps . It's thrilling .
3 William's by far .. .. .. .. .......... .. ............ student i
the class. He always gets the best marks.
4 You have to be a bit .. ...... .. .......... .. .... .... .... nex:
time you go white-water rafting so you don'fa ll out of the raft again .
5 Sara can freedive ...................................... tha
me. I can only make it to 10 metres.
6 That mountain is .................. .................... .. ... o'
all for climbers to climb. Hardly anyone makes '
to the top.
7 Sam is much ...... .. ................................ than t hs
rest of his teammates. He's only 16 years old.
8 Street luge is OK, and so is windsurfing, but
think that mountain biking provides fa
.. .................... .. .. .... ... .... exercise.
Put the adjectives/adverbs in brackets in the
correct comparative/superlative form.
A smokejumper's job is much ..............................
(dangerous) than a shop assistant's.
Ji m is ........................................................ (polite)
secretary in the office.
Interns usually make ............................................ .
(li ttle) money than workers with regular jobs.
This painting is slightly .................................... .
(expensive) than the one hanging over there.
Mr Gavin works .................................................... .
(hard) of all the coaches .
So me young people think that finding a job is .
... .................................................. (stressful) than
attending university.
orking as a video games tester sounds a bit
... .............................................. (interesting) than
orking as a gardener.
Your interview skills are getting ........................ .
(good) and better, but keep practising.
10 Read the text about p.aragliding. For
questions 1-6 choose the best answer
(A, B or C) .
Today, the Paragliding Championships
will determine 1) .................... racer and
Kelly is checking the weather forecast.
All of the racers hope today is
2) .... .. ............. than yesterday because
poor visibility causes a 'No Fly Day'.
The weatherman says there are no
clouds and it is 3) ....... .. .. ......... day sb
far this week. That's great news. The I
time to start arrives so Kelly begins strapping her
backpack on and heading to the takeoff point. She's
nervous because she is 4) .................... experienced
than some of the other competitors. Kelly checks the
wind speed. It's 5) .................... now so she makes the
necessary adjustments. Her goal is to fly 6) ............... ..
of all the racers. It's time to start. Good luck, Kelly!
Co mplete the questions with the correct
co mparative/superlative form of the words
in brackets, and then choose the correct
's not
Circle the correct item.
all the
ent in
. next
. than
.. ... of
Ikes it
but I
; far
hat age is .......... (old) active
A 78 years old
B 86 years old
1 Babysitting is .......... the most popular job for
teens in my area.
A farther
B by far
C as far
2 You seem .......... prepared for the race today.
A much most
B much more
C much a lot
l Who won .......... (many) gold medals of all
he countries in the 1896 Olympics?
A the United Kingdom
B the United States of America
3 Your CV isn't as bad .......... Tom's.
A than
B that
C as
- Which of the two colours indicates a ..........
(hot) flame?
A blue
B pink
4 Vicky does very .......... at answering questions
in interviews.
A well
B better
C the best
hich of these dogs is typically ...... ....
(heavy) than 50 kgs?
A English Mastiff
B Chihuahua
5 The pizza delivery person takes longer and
.......... every time!
A long
B longer
C the longest
- What is the world record for .......... (long)
elevision interview?
A 12 hours
B 24 hours
6 The basketball team is playing a .......... better
this season .
A bit
B slightly
C far
-ing f orm
The -ing form is used:
• as a noun. Drinking milk is very good for your bones.
• after certain verbs: admit, appreciate, avoid, consider,
continue, deny, fancy, go (for activities), imagine, mind,
miss, quit, save, suggest, practise, prevent. I suggest
eating out tonight.
• after love, like, enjoy, prefer, dislike, hate to express
general preference. I love watching old films. BUT for a
specific preference (would like/would prefer/would love)
we use the to-infinitive.
• after expressions such as: be busy, it's no use, it's no good,
it's (not) worth, what's the use of, can't help, there's no
point (in), can't stand, have difficulty (in), have trouble,
etc. Jane is busy cooking dinner.
• after spend, waste or lose (time, money, etc).
Don't waste time trying to fix th is.
• after the preposition to with verbs and expressions such
as: look forward to, be used to, in addition to, object to,
prefer (doing sth to doing sth else).
He isn't used to getting up early.
• after other prepositions. John is good at fixing computers.
The to-infinitive is used:
• to express purpose. He's saving money to buy a car.
• after certain verbs that refer to the future (agree,
appear, decide, expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse, etc).
I promise to return the money soon.
• after would like, would prefer, would love, etc to express
a specific preference. I would love to go to the theatre
• after adjectives which describe feelings/emotions (happy,
glad, sad, etc), express willingness/unwillingness (eager,
reluctant, willing, et c) or refer to a person's character
(clever, kind, etc); and the adjectives lucky and fortunate.
He's always eager to help out.
• after too/enough. It is too cold to go swimming.
• in the expressions to tell you the truth, to be honest, to
sum up, to begin with, etc. To tell you the truth, I didn't
really think they4 win.
Active voice
Passive voice
(to) play
(to) be played
Present Cont. (to) be playing
(to) have played
(to) have been played
Perfect Cont. (to) have been playing
present simple/will
present infinitive
present continuous/future continuous -t present
continuous infinitive
past simple/present perfect/past perfect -t perfect
past continuous/present perfect continuous/past perfect
continuous -t present perfect continuous
Some verbs can take either the to-infinitive or the
form with a change in meaning.
The infinitive without to (bare in finitive) is used:
• after modal verbs. He should see a doctor.
• after the verbs let, make, see, hear and feel. They
him pay extra. BUT we use the to-infinitive after
made, be heard, be seen, etc (passive form).
He was made to pay extra.
• after had better and would rather. You had better book ec
• help can be followed by the to-infinitive or
infinitive without to. I helped her (to) move the sofa.
forget + to-infinitive = not remember
He forgot to take his wallet with him.
forget + -ing form = not recall
I'll never forget skiing down the Alps.
remember + to-infinitive = not forget
Did you remember to wish Sue a happy birthday?
remember + -ing form = recall
I remember going bun gee jumping for the first time.
mean + to-infinitive = intend to
I didn't mean to hurt her feelings.
mean + -ing form = involve
If we go there by car, it will mean spending a lot on petrol.
regret + to-infinitive = be sorry to (normally used the present simple with verbs such as say, tell, inforrr.
I regret to inform you that your flight is delayed.
regret + -ing form = feel sorry about
I regret spending so much money.
try + to-infinitive = attempt, do one's best
I tried to open the drawer but it was stuck.
try + -ing form = do something as an experimen t
He should try cutting down on fatty foods.
stop + to-infinitive = stop temporarily in order to c
something else
On our way to the beach, we stopped to take some photo~
stop + -ing form = finish doing something
He stopped talking when the teacher walked in.
Infinitive, -ing form
12 Underline the correct item.
1 A:
2 A:
3 A:
4 A:
S A:
Did you sign up for the rugby team?
Of course! I love to play/playing sports.
Can you give/to give me some advice?
Sure. What's the problem?
Is that new mountain bike yours?
No, but I plan to buy/buying one soon.
Diving is thrilling. You should try/to try it
I'd like going/to go sometime.
It's no use to try/trying to fix this hang-gli
I'd -better buy/to buy a new one .
1 5 Circle the correct answer.
3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
'. They maj
ie after b:
infinitive or -in9 form.
you for your email. I love 1) .... .... ... .. .. ...... .
ve or t- -::-:d) all of your stories about camp. 2) .. .. .............. .
.~ honest, they make me 3) .... .. .. .. .. .... .. . (laugh) out
c. You should 4) ....... .. ............... (post) them on
r the -ing - ................... (work) as a counsellor sounds exciting
.:.1 /\
: I'd like 6) ............................. (try) it, but I'm
=_:tant 7) .......................... .. (leave) home. I just
_ :: trouble 8) ........ ................. (move) somewhere for
:::: ..thole summer, but next month I hope 9) ........ ......... .
.,~t) you and see the camp for myself.
- ..st 10) .. .......... .. ........... (go) now. My favourite TV
_~a m me is starting. Please write again soon!
_- friend,
n petrol.
used ir
, inform
Put the verbs in brackets into the toinfinitive or the -in9 form. How do the
sentences differ in meaning?
er to de
:ry it.
a Stop
(worry) about it. Everyone makes mistakes.
b These hiking trails are terrific but I'm
exhausted. Let's stop ... ... .................. (rest).
a I regret .......................... .. .. ... ..................... ..
(inform) you that you didn't make the team .
b Sam regrets ........ .. ........ .. ............................ .
(spend) the whole night looking for UFOs.
a Remember ................................................. ..
(bring) the leads for the dogs.
b I remember ................................................ ..
(try) to windsurf! I kept falling off the board.
a Try ................................ ...... (walk) to work
instead. It's less stressful than driving.
b Try ..... .. ................ ........ (stay) calm. The fire
service is on its way.
a I don't mean ... .. .............. .......... .. ................ .
(hurt) your feelings but you didn't make the
team .
b Becoming a professional athlete means
.... ... ................. (train) hard for many years.
1 The coach made Adam ... .. ... after practice and
do more drills.
A staying
B stay
C to stay
2 Michelle decided .. ...... the UFO club.
A joining
B join
3 It's too hot .. ..... . hiking .
A going
B go
C to join
C to go
4 It wasn't windy enough .. ...... kitesurfing today.
A to go
B going
C go
5 I look forward ........ part in the competition .
A to take
B to taking
C taking
16 Complete the sentences.
I would like ........................................................ .
My friend enjoys ...................................... ... .... ... .
My parents let me .................................... ......... .
I look forward to ... .................. ........... ......... ...... .
5 I hope ..................... ....... ................................ .... . .
6 I am too tired ......................... .... ... .................. .
17 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
infinitive or -in9 form.
An AJftA2ing IAd.l
Stephanie Gilmore is a professional surfer from Australia.
She feels fortunate 1) ............................ (have) four world
championship trophies and hopes 2) ...... ............... . (win)
another one next year. She practises very hard and loves
3) .................. (spend) time at the beach. She also enjoys
4) .................... (play) the guitar and going skydiving. Her
unwillingness 5) ............................. (quit) and her relaxed
attitude are a perfect combination. She thinks surfers
should 6) ........ ... ..... .... (focus) on each performance, but
not take it too seriously. Those other surfers
had better 7) .......... ...... . (listen) because this
advice leads to victories.
Past continuous
We form the past continuous with was/were (past simple of
the verb 'to be ') and the base form of the main verb + -ing .
I was standing , you were stand ing, he
was standing, etc.
I wasn't standing, you weren't standing,
he wasn't standing, etc.
• We form t he affirmative of most regul ar verbs by ad o
-ed to the base form of the verb. I play -I played
• Other verbs have irregula r affirmative forms. (see lis
irregular verbs) I come -I came
Was I standing?, Were you standing?,
Was he standing?, etc.
Yes, I/he/s he/it was .
Yes, you/we/they were.
No, I/he/she/it wasn't.
No, you/we/they weren't.
We use the past continuous for:
• two or more actions happening at the same time in the
past. I was reading a book while John was watching television.
• an action which was in progress when another action
interrupted it. We use the past continuous for the
action in progress (longer action) and the past simple for
the action that interrupted it (shorter action). She was
leaving the house when the telephone rang.
• an action in progress at a stated time in the past.
Jane was watching television at 8 o'clock last night.
• background information in a story. It was snowing heavily
when Tom left home yesterday morning.
Time expressions used with the past continuous: while,
when, as, all day/night/morning, yesterday, etc.
I wa lked/went.
You walked/went.
He wal ked/went.
She walked/went.
It wal ked/went.
We wal ked/went.
You walked/went.
They wal ked/went.
Full Form
I did not walk/go.
You did not walk/go .
He did not walk/go.
She did not walk/go .
It did not walk/go .
We did not walk/go.
You did not walk/go.
They did not walk/go.
Short Form
I didn't walk/go.
You didn't walk/go.
He didn't walk/go.
She didn't walk/go .
It didn't walk/go.
We didn't walk/go.
You didn't walk/go .
They didn't walk/go.
Did I/you/he etc walk/go?
I walk/go ?
you walk/go?
he walk/go'
she walk/go?
it walk/go '
we walk/go'
you walk/go?
they walk/go?
Yes, I/you/he etc did.
] No, I/you/he etc didn't.
We form questions with did + subject pe
pronoun + base form of the verb. Did you play _
yesterday? Did you go to the cinema yesterday?
We form negatio ns with didn't + base form
verb . I didn't watch a film on TV yesterday. She didn't
well last night.
We form affirmative short answers wi th did c
negative short answers with didn't.
"Did you call him?" "Yes, I did."
"Did you go shopping?" "No, I didn't."
Spelling: affirmative of regular verbs
• We add -d to verbs ending in -e. I move -I moved
• Verbs ending in consonant + y drop the -y and add
I try -I tried
• Verbs ending in one stressed vowel between
consonants double the last consonant and take -ed.
I drop -I dropped
We use t he past simple for:
• actions wh ich started and ended in the past.
I met Kobe Bryant and he gave me his jersey.
• actions which happened at a specific time in the p
The time is either mentioned or implied.
He moved to the US from England in 2003.
Beethoven composed a number of symphonies.
Note: When/While/As + past continuous (longer action
When + past simple (shorter action)
Past simple - Past continuous
Michael is on holiday in London. Look at
his day planner for yesterday. What was
doing at:
• 8:45 • 10:00 • 12:45 • 14:15 • 16:30 • 20:
8:30 - 9:30
9:45- 12:15
12: 30 - 13:45
14:00 - 15:30
16:00 - 17:30
19:30 - 21:30
eat breakfast
see the sights
visit art gallery
have lunch
walk around the shops
watch a play
What was Michael doing at 8:45 yesterday?
He was eating breakfast.
Use the prompts to write
questions and answers, as in
the example.
'rbs by ado
1 A: Why .. ........................... .. . (you/arrive) late?
(see lis
!ct persor
you play g
• Jane/ride a camel/S o'clock
yesterday? - ride a horse
- Was lane riding a camel at 5 o'clock yesterday?
; No, she wasn't. She was riding a horse.
B: I ....... ... .................. .... ..... (wake) up late and
... .. ..... .. .... ............... ......... .. ... (miss) the bus.
2 A: Sandra .............. ...... .... .. ... .... (canoe) in the
river when she ... .. .................... (hit) a rock.
B: Oh no! .......................... (she/hurt) herself?
2 Tom and his grandfather/
form of
'e didn't sle-
Put the verbs in brackets into the past
simple or the past continuous.
3 A: I .. ... ......................... (call) you all afternoon
yesterday, but you .. ... .. .. ... ... (not/pick up).
B: I'm sorry. I .... .. .... ... ...... ... (not/be) at home.
swim at 4 o'clock yesterday?
- fish in the lake.
ith did c
3 Pam/watch a play/at 8:00
yesterday? - watch a ballet.
md add -ie
tween h
ake -ed.
4 Louise/sing/at 9 o'clock
yesterday morning? - play
the guitar.
n the pa
:00 yesterday afternoon?
- vi sit a castle.
'r action)
Put the verbs in brackets into the past
simple or the past continuous.
lok at
t was hE
o • 20:
We ..... ..... .... ............. (walk) around the haunted
ouse when suddenly we ................................... .
(hear) a strange sound.
andy ........ .... ...... .. ........ Goin) a rock band and
.. ... .. .. ................ (make) his first single last year.
At 8:00 yesterday we ...... ............................ .. .....
(watch) a show.
he pop singer ...... ........ .. ....... (dance) on stage
..vhen she .............. .. .................... ....... (fall) over.
hey ....... ............................ (study) at university
..vhen they .. ............ ................. ..... ... (design) the
om puter program.
he singer ......... .. ....... .............. (warm) up while
>I. e audience .... ...... .. ....... .... .... ............. (wait) to
enter the stadium.
Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple
or the past continuous.
It 1) ....... .. .......................... (rain) hard that Sunday
morning. Vince and Andy couldn't go outside. They
2) ...... .. .... .. .... .. ...... (be) bored and 3) .... .... ... .. .. ... .. .
(not/know) what to do until Vince 4) ...... ............ ..
(suggest) exploring the attic upstairs.
They 5) .... ........... ..... .. ... (climb) the stairs slowly,
6) .. .. ....................................... (open) the door and
7) .. ...... .. .................. .. ... (enter) the attic.
They 8) .. ..... ............................... (look) around the
attic when suddenly they 9) .. .. .. ................. ...
(hear) a loud cry. They 10) ......... .. ............... (turn)
round and 11) .. ... .. .. .. ........... (see) a huge shadow.
The boys 12) ..................... .. .... .... ....... (scream) and
13) ...... ......... ........... .. . (run) out of the attic as fa st
as they could. As they 14) ............ .. .. .. .. ......... ..
(run) out of the house, they 15) ................... (look)
back and 16) ....... .. ............... (spot) their brother in
the attic window! He 17) ..... ... .................... .
(laugh) and 18) ................... (point) at them . There
19) .... .. ....................... (be) no ghost after all !
Complete the sentences with your own
1 I was hiking in the mountains when ...................
2 As I was walking home from school, .. ............... ..
3 When I turned on the TV, ................................... .
4 I was reading a book while ............................... .
5 I watched a film and then ................................ .
Past continuous vs Past simple
Past Continuous
We use the past continuous:
• for an action which was in progress at a stated time
in the past. We do not mention when the action started
or finished. At eleven o'clock last night we were watching a
film. (We don 't know when the film started or finished. )
• for an action which was in progress when another
action interrupted it. We use the past continuous for
the action in progress (lon ger action) and the past
simple for the action which interrupted it (shorter
action) She was cooking dinner when the phone rang.
• for two or more simultaneous past actions.
She was talking on the phone while he was having a shower.
• to describe the atmosphere, the setting, etc in the
introduction to a story, before we describe the main
events. Alex was driving to work. It was raining heavily.
Past Simple
We use the past simple :
• for an action wh ich happened at a definite time in the
past. The time is stated, already known or implied.
They travelled to India last summer. (When 7 Last summer.
The time is stated)
They had a greattime. (The time is already known. )
• for actions which happened immediately one after the
other in the past.
First, he had a shower. Then he had breakfast.
• for past habits or states which are now finished. In
such cases we can also use the expression used to.
Paul walked/used to walk to school every day last year.
Used to
We use used to or the past simple to talk about past
habits or things that do not happen/exist anymore. It has
the same form in all persons (used) and it is followed by
the infinitive. I used to play/played the guitar in a band. (I
don't play the guitar in a band anymore.)
We form questions and the negative with the auxiliary
verb did/did not (didn't), the subject and the verb use
without -d.
Did you use to go to the cinema very often?
Robert didn't use to eat junk food.
We use the past simple for an action which happened at
a specific time in the past.
He went to Paris last month. (NOT: He blmi to 90 to Paris last
Usedto/Past simple
We use used to + infinitive to refer to past habits or
states. In such cases, used to can be replaced by the
past simple with no difference in meaning.
She used to go/went to work by bus. (She doesn't anymore.)
We use the past simple, and not used to, for actions
wh ich happened at a definite time in the past. He went to
a rock concert last week. (NOT: He blmi to 90 to a rock concert
last week.)
Form: subject + had + past participle
I/You/He etc had played .
I/You/He etc had not/
hadn't played.
Yes, I/you/he etc had.
No, I/you/he etc hadn't.
We use the past perfect:
• for an action wh ich finished before another pas
action or before a stated time in the past. All th:
guests had left she arrived at the party. (past perfect: had le ft
before another past action: arrived) Tom had finished h:
work by noon. (before stated time in the past: by noon)
• for an action which finished in the past and whose
result was visible at a later point in the past. She hac
passed her test and she was really happy.
Time expressions used with the past perfect: before,
after, already, just, for, since, till/until, when, by the time,
never etc.
Form: subject + had + been + main verb -ing
I/You/He/She/lt/We/They had not/hadn't been running.
Had I/yo u/h e etc
been running?
Yes, I/you/he/she/itlwe/they had.
No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they hadn't.
We use the past perfect continuous:
• to put emphasis on the duration of an action whic
started and finished in the past before anothe
action or stated time in the past, usually with for .
I had been watching TV for an hour when I remembered I ha::
forgotten to call my friend.
for an action which lasted for some time in the pas
and whose result was visible in the past. Sharon wa~
very tired because she had been painting her room all day.
Time expressions used with the past perfect continuous:
for, since, how long, before, until etc.
Used to
Write sentences about what Lady
Gaga used
1 play me piano;
2 compose classical music X
use to do
3 attend a music school;
4 dance;
when she
5 have brown hair;
6 live in Italy X
7 drive a car X
8 sing;
Ither pas'
last. All tf::
'et: had feh
finished h_
I1d whose
st. She hac
She used to play the piano.
........................................................................ .
. .................................................................... . ... .
......................................................... , ............... .
: before,
:he tim e,
. .. , . .................................................................... .
Put the verbs in brackets into the past
perfect or the past perfect continuous.
1 David was annoyed. He ...... ....................... (lose)
his passport.
2 She ......................................... (wait) for the bus
for 30 minutes before it arrived.
3 They went to a restaurant after they .............. .. ..
.. ............. (see) a play.
4 When we got to the airport, the plane .... .......... .
...........................................,...... (alreadylleave).
5 He ........................................ (not/book) a ticket
so he couldn't go to the concert.
6 Lisa was tired because she .. ............................... .
(travel) all day.
7 The audience were excited. The singers ............ ..
......................... (give) an amazing performance.
8 Sam was out of breath . He ................................ ..
.................. (work out) in the gym all afternoon.
10 Put the verbs in brackets into the past
Past simple - Past perfect Past perfect continuous
Put the verbs in brackets into the past
simple, the past perfect or the past perfect
A: Helen ........................................................ ..
(not/make) it to the pop concert.
S: Oh, what a shame! She ............................ ..
(look) forward to it for weeks.
: What .............................. (happen) to you?
B: I ................... (break) a glass and .............. .
(cut) my finger.
n which
h for or
: Julie ....................... (seem) tired yesterday.
:3: She was. She .................. .......................... ..
(write) a review all afternoon.
'ed I haa
le past
ron was
Gary .......................... (be) so excited when
I saw him last night.
3: I know! He ................................................ ..
Uust/get) a promotion.
: How long ............ ..................... (you/wait)
at the station before the train arrived?
B: So long that by the time I reached the
museum, it .. .......... .... .. .. ..... ....................... .
simple, the past continuous/the past perfect
or the past perfect continuous.
Everyone looks forward to having a
great time on holiday, but what do
you do when your holiday turns into
your worst nightmare? This is what
1) ............................. (happen) to me .' uca ~
last summer. My friend Georgia ~\'a
2) ...................................... (invite) me to
spend a month with her, so I 3) .................... (book)
a flight for her hometown San Jose, California. I
finally 4) ............................. '.' (arrive) in San Jose. I
stepped outside the airport and, to my surprise,
Georgia 5) .............. ........ (not/wait) for me. After I
6) ................................... (wait) for forty minutes, I
7) ................................... (ask) if I was in San Jose,
and they said I was . Where was she? Finally, an
airport official 8) ................ .. .......... (come) up to me
and 9) ............................ (ask) me what was wrong.
After we 10) .. ............................ (talk) for a few
minutes, he 11) .............................. (start) laughing.
I 12).................................. (get) more and more
annoyed when he finally 13) ................................. ..
(explain). I was in San Jose but in Southern Mexico!
I was 1,000 km away from my destination!
Will {future simple}
Form: subject + verb to be (am/is/are) + going to + ba
infinitive of the main verb
ng Form
I will play.
You will play.
He will play.
She will play.
It will play.
We will play.
You will play.
They will play.
I'll play.
You'll play.
He'll play.
She'll play.
It'll play.
We'll play.
You'll play.
They'll play.
I am
He/She/It is
We/YoulThey are
I play7
you play?
he play?
she play?
it play?
we play7
you play?
they play?
I am not
He/She/It is not
We/YoulThey are not
Is he/she/it
Are we/you/they
I won't play.
You won't play.
He won't play.
She won't play.
It won't play.
We won't play.
You won't play.
They won't play.
WiIIl/yo u/he etc play?
.] Yes, I/you/he etc will.
No, I/you/he etc won't
• We form the simple future with will and the base form
of the verb. He will travel abroad.
• We form questions by putting will before the subject.
Will he travel abroad? Will they visit the museum?
• We form negations by putting not after will.
They will not/won't visit the museum.
We use will:
• to make predictions based on what we believe or
think . We usually use will with I think, I hope, I believe, I
expect, probably and perhaps.
I expect he'll be hEre at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
• to make on-the-spot decisions.
This dress is beautiful. I'll buy it.
• for promises (usually with the verbs promise/swear etc) I
promise I won't .be late. , threats Don't do this again or I'll
leave., warnings Get down from the tree or you'll fall! , hopes
I hope I'll see you soon. , offers I'll carry the bags for you.
• to give information about the future.
When we go to Athens, we'll visit the Acropolis.
going t
going to
going to
Yes, I am.lNo, I'm not
Yes, he/she/it is.lNo, he/she/it isn't.
Yes, we/you/t hey are.
No, we/you/t hey aren't
Long Form
I will not play.
You will not play.
He will not play.
She will not play.
It will not play.
We will not play.
You will not play.
They will not play.
We use be going to :
• to talk about our future plans and intentions. Kirr:
going to start her new job soon. (She's planning to ".)
• to make predictions based on what we see or
Look out! You're going to drive into that tree.
• to talk about things we are sure about or we h
already decided to do in the near future. Dylan is
to travel to China. (He has already decided to do this. )
Present simple/Present continuous
{future meaning}
We can use the present simple to talk about timetabl
or programmes. The last bus leaves at 9:00 pm.
We use the present continuous for fixed arrangeme
in the future. We're having dinner at an Italian restaur
tonight. I booked a table yesterday
Clauses of time
Clauses of time are introduced by: after, as, as long
as soon as, before, by the time, (= before, not later thaevery time, immediately, just as, once, the moment (th en
until/till, (= up to the time when), when, while, etc. T
waited for three hours before their plane took off
• When the verb of the main clause is in a present or fut
form, the verb of the time clause is in the present f
too. We don't use will/would in a clause of time. 1'1/ help )
as soon as I finish my work. (NOT: GlS soon GlS I will finish)
• When the time clause precedes the main clause, a com
is used . When the time clauses follows, no comma is use
When you get home, call Mr Smith. BUT Call Mr Smith wh
you get home.
Future tenses
Ig to + ba
• going to
going to
1 It's freezing cold! I .. ...... a fire .
A light
B am lighting
A: I love skiing in the mountains!
B: So do I. I expect the ski lodges will start /
are starting to get busy soon; a lot of skiers
go this time of year.
2 Here, Mum. I ........ your ski equipment for you.
2 A: We are going / go quad racing th is weekend.
B: Real ly? Can I come along?
3 A: Be careful. You hurt / are going to hurt
lit isn't.
B: Relax! I've been riding a ski-doo for years.
4 A: Now that he has learnt to kite surf, he will
participate / is going to participate in a
competition on Sunday.
B: That's exciting . I think I'll go / 'm going to
go watch him .
ons. Kim
to .. .)
or kno\li
. we havE
'an is goin.
) this.)
A will carry B carry
4 Look out! You ... .. ... yourself with that
penknife !
A are going to cut
B are cutting C cut
5 The train .. ..... . in half an hour.
A leaves
B is leaving
• two things you will/won't do next week
• two things you are planning to do next week
Put the verbs into the co rrect future tense.
• two things you are doing tonight
ter tha n.
mt (tha t)
etc. The
or futu re
ent fo rr
rith wher
C will leave
B: We'd better leave now then .
'/I help yo"
a com m::
3 is usec
C am carrying
5 A: Jane's bus arrives / is arriving at 6:30.
IS long
C will light
3 We .. ...... to a ski lodge in The Rockies. Stan
booked it last month.
B are going
C go
A will go
i metabl ~·
Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
Circle the correct answer, and then identify
the use.
going to
Hey, Tony. What 1) ........... .. .......... ................... ..
(you/do) this weekend?
I 2) ... ........ ..... .... .. ................. (go) camping with
Pedro and Sue.
Th at sounds fun! I think I 3) .... .. ................. ..... ..
(come) too . Do you mind?
Of course not. I 4) ... ... .... .. .. ... .... .. .. .. (call) Pedro
and Sue tonight to tell them .
OK, great. So what's the plan? 5) ....... ........ .. ... .
..... .. ... ... .. ...... .. ... (we/take) Pedro's jeep?
No, unfortunately, I expect his brother
6) .. .. ........ ........... .. .. (need) it at the weekend .
We've decided we 7) .. ....... .... ......... .... . (get)
ickets for the bus.
That's fine . What time 8) .. .. .... .. ...... ............ .. .. ..
It 9) ... .... .. .................. (leave) at 6:30 on Friday
Brilliant! I prom ise 110) .. ................. .. .. ...... .... .. ..
(not/be) late!
Clauses of time
Underline the appropriate time word and
put the verbs in brackets into the correct
1 Let us know till/as soon as you .. ......... ........... ..
(arrive) at the research station .
2 Sheila was looking at the map until/while
Matt ..... ..... ... ........................... ................... ......... .
(study) his compass.
3 We can't light a fire when/till you ... :.. .......... .... .
(collect) some wood .
4 Kay and Stu waited for over an hour before/by
the time the rescue helicopter .... .. .. .. ............ ..
(pick) them up.
5 He can go paint-balling as long as/just as he
.. .... .......... .. .. ... (wear) a helmet.
6 I promise I .. ................ ...... ...... .. ...... .. (email) you
while/the moment I reach the camp .
Conditionals: types 10/1/2/3
Conditional clauses consist of two parts: the if-clause
(hypothesis) and the main clause (result). When the ifclause comes before the main clause, the two clauses are
separated with a comma. When the main clause comes
before the if-clause, then no comma is necessary.
If you don't leave now, you 'll miss the bus.
You 'll miss the bus if you don't leave now.
If + past perfect
---+ would have + past participle
If he had left earlier, he would have caught his flight. (But he
If you had studied harder, you wouldn't have failed the exam.
We use the conditional type 3 to talk about an imagina ry
situation in the past. It is also used to express regret or
If the temperature drops below 0°(,
present simple
water freezes.
We can use wish/if only to express a wish.
We use the conditional type 0 to say something which is
always true (law of nature) or to talk about something that
always happens as a result of something else. We can use
when instead of if.
If/When you heat water to 100°(, it boils. (law of nature)
I get seasick when I travel by boat. (a lways happens)
Conditional type 1
will/can/must etc + bare infin itive or
If you study hard, you'll pass the exam.
If you don't like it, don't eat it.
+ past
+ past
We use the conditional type 1 to talk about a real or
very probable situation in the present or future.
We can use unless instead ofif ... not in the if-clause. The
verb is always in the affirmative after unless .
If you don't do your homework, you'll be in trouble.
Unless you do your homework, you'll be in trouble.
Conditional type 2
We use the conditional type 2 to talk about an
imaginary situation, unreal in the present or future. It is
also used to give advice.
We can use were instead of was fo r all persons in the ifclause of Type 2 conditionals. If Tony was/were here, he
would help us.
I wish I was/were at home
now. (But I'm not. ) I wish
my tooth didn't hurt. (But
my tooth hurts )
to say that we would
like something to be
different about a
present situation
I wish I had called him
earlier. (But I didn't.) If
only they hadn't broken
up. (But they did .)
to express regret about
something which
happened or didn't
happen in the past
If only is used in exactly the same way as wish but it is more
emphatic or more dramatic. We can use were instead of was
after wish and if only. I wish I were/was on holiday now.
Conditional type 0
If + present simple
Conditional type 3
Conditionals: types 011/213
Choose the correct item.
1 If you like/liked/had liked extreme sports, you
will love bungee jumping.
2 If you go to The Mona Foundation, you would
see/would have seen /will see lots of rescued
3 If Greg had had/had/has a bigger room at the
youth hostel, he would be happier.
4 If Bob hadn't been/won't be/not be so fit, he
wouldn't have been able to walk the
Appalachian Trail.
5 They would have stayed in a hotel if they had
had/had/will have more money.
6 If I were you, I do/will do/would do something
about global warming.
7 If you would put/put/had put water in the
freezer, it turns to ice.
S The girls had been/would have been/will be
safe if they hadn't left the trail.
Put the verbs into the correct tense to form
, (But he
he exam.
'egret or
. would
I to be
!t about
is more
If Steve .............................. (check) the weather
forecast, he wouldn't have decided to go sailing.
If I hadn't seen wok racing on TV, I ................ ..
....................................... (not/know) about it.
They ......................... (hurt) themselves unless
they watch out for the rocks.
I ......................................... (spread) some salt
on your icy steps if I were you.
If I were you, I ........................................ (hire)
a ski instructor to help me learn how to ski.
If I ............................................ (listen) to you,
I wouldn't have hurt myself ice climbing.
If Sue .................. ......... (have) a lot of money,
she would buy her own yacht.
If you mix white and red, you ........................ ..
(get) pink.
Whenever Marta flies in a plane, she .............. .
" ........................ (feel) sick.
If the campers ................................................ ..
(not/build) a fire, they'll get cold.
I of was
A: I haven't got any food or supplies.
B: If I ............................. (be) you, I .............. ..
........................ (go) shopping immediately.
The supermarket closes in an hour.
s, you
2 A: Karen and I want to go camping on Sunday.
B: Well, if you ............................ (take) a first
aid kit and a tent with you, I'm sure you
won't face any difficulties.
3t the
fit, he
3 A: .................................................. (you/take)
some photographs of the polar bears if you
........................ ..................... (visit) Alaska?
B: Yes, but from far away!
ill be
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
1 A: I wish they .......................... (stop) hunting
Dodo birds before they became extinct.
B: Me too. It's very sad.
2 A: I wish I ...................... .. (save) more money.
I want to go skiing this weekend.
B: Don't worry. I'll lend you some.
3 A: If only we ............. (bring) a torch with us!
B: I know. This cave is very dark.
4 A: I wish we ................................ (take) some
food with us.
B: I wish I ............................... (not/have) the
idea to come camping in the first place!
5 A: I wish Roger ................................. (not/do)
extreme sports.
B: You shouldn't worry about him. He's always
very careful.
10 Read the speech bubbles and make
sentences, as in the example.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
A: Unless he ............... (wear) webbed gloves,
he ........................................ (go) very fast.
B: Oh, really? Does he know that?
A: Blake and Neil .......................................... ..
(never/crash) if they .... .. .. .. ...................... ..
(not/decide) to go rafting.
B: True, but they had an amazing adventure!
1 I hurt my head ice climbing this morning.
I should have worn a helmet.
I wish I had worn a helmet.
If I had worn a helmet, I wouldn't have hurt my head.
2 I moved to Alaska. I lost touch with most of
my friends.
I wish .............................................................. .
If ..................................................................... .
3 I got lost in the forest. I should have taken a map .
I wish .......... .................................................... .
If ......................................................................
4 I didn't go volcano surfing with the rest of my
friends. I was sick last week.
I wish ............................................................. ..
If ............. ... ..................................................... .
Can/could, may/might, must/have to, ought to, shall/should,
• don't take -s, -ing or -ed suffixes,
• are followed by the bare infinitive (infinitive without to),
come before the subject in questions and are followed by
not in negations,
don't have tenses in the normal sense, When followed by
a present bare infinitive, they refer to an incomplete
action or state (i,e, present or future), We should send
them a gift for their wedding, When followed by a perfect
bare infinitive, they refer to a complete action or state,
We should have sent them a gift when they got married,
IObligation/Duty/Necessity (must, have to, should/ought to)1
• Must expresses duty/strong obligation to do sth and shows
that sth is essential. We generally use must when the
speaker has decided that sth is necessary (i ,e, subjective), If
your licence expires, you must renew it, My room is a mess. I must
tidy it. (It is your duty./You are obliged to do sth.)
• Have to expresses strong necessity/obligation. We usually
use have to when somebody other than the speaker has
decided that sth is necessary (i.e. objective), Our teacher
says we have to finish the report by Friday. (It's necessary.)
Had to is the past form of both must and have to.
Should/Ought to express duty, weak obligation.
You should send him 0 thank-you letter for all his help. (It's
your duty. -less emphatic than must)
• Could/Might/Would + perfect infinitive refer to sth ir
the past that was possible but didn't happen. She would
have come to the meeting but no one had told her.
Note how the forms of the infinitive are formed:
Present: (to) do
Present continuous: (to) be doing
Perfect: (to) have done
Perfect continuous: (to) have been doing
!Ability/lnability (can, could, was able to)
• Can('t) expresses (in)ability in the present/future, She can
sing very well. (She is able to ., ,)
• Could expresses general repeated ability in the past. HE
could walk for hours when he was younger. (He was able to , .
• Was(n't) able to expresses (in)ability on a specific occasior
in the past. He was(n't) able to attend yesterday's meeting
(He didn't manage to .. )
• Couldn't may be used to express any kind of inability i
the past, repeated or specific. Sue couldn't ride a bike wher
she was three. (past repeated action) She couldn't/wasn'
able to ride her bike yesterday because it was being repaireo
(past single action)
!Offers/Suggestions (can, would, shall, could)
• Can: Can I get you more coffee? (Would you like me to .
• Would: Would you like some coffee? (Do you want ... 7)
• Shall: Shall I help you carry these? (Would you like me to ""
Do you want me to ... 7)
• Can/Could: We can go to the Thai restaurant. You could as'
IAbsence of necessity (don't have to/don't need to, needn't)!
• Don't have to/Don't need to/Needn't: It isn't necessary to
do sth in the present/future. She doesn't have to book the
tickets in advance. You don't need to bring anything to the
party. I needn't take the dog for a walk again later. (It isn't
• Didn't need to/Didn't have to: It wasn't necessary to do
sth. We don't know if it was done or not. They didn't
have to take them out to dinner. (We don't know if they
took them out. It wasn't necessary.)
!Permission/Prohibition (can, may, mustn't, can't)
• Can/May are used' to ask for/give permission, May is more
formal than can . Can/May I sit here? Yes, you can/may. (Is it
OK if ... 7)
• Mustn't/Can't: It is forbidden to do sth; it is against the
rules/law; you are not allowed to do sth. You mustn't/
can't eat in the classroom. (You aren't allowed.)
Ipossibility (can, could)
• Can + present infinitive: General/theoretical possibility,
Not usually used for a specific situation. You can always
find useful information on the internet (general possibility it is theoretically possible.)
• Could/May/Might + present infinitive: Possibility in a
specific situation. It might rain later, so bring an umbrella. (It
is possible'/It is likely.!Perhaps.)
Note: We can use can/could/might in questions BUT not
may. Could he still be at work? (NOT: may)
him for help. (Let's ... )
!probability (will, should/ought to)
• Will: She will agree to marry him. (100% certain)
• Should/Ought to: He should/ought to be here by noon.
(90 ~:
certain; future only; it's probable)
!Advice (should, ought to, shall)
- - - -,- - -- - - -
• Should: general advice She should stop worrying so muct
(It's my advice.!1 advise you to .. ,)
• Ought to: general advice We ought to respect others. (It's c
good thing/idea to do.)
• Shall: asking for advice Shall I look for another job? (Do yo
think it's a good idea to ,7)
Past modals
• Had to expresses necessity/strong obligation in the pas
Had to is the past form of both must and have to, Th:
students who failed the test had to take it again.
• Didn't have to/Didn't need to show that it wasn't necessar)
to do sth. We don't know if it was done or not. They didn'r
have to take them out to dinn er. (We don't know if they did ,
• We use could for genera l ability in the past. Joan coula
ride a bike when she was three. (She had the ability.)
• Was(n't) able to expresses (i n)ability on a specific occasior
in the past. He was(n't) able to attend yesterday'S meeting. (HE
didn't manage to
• Couldn't may be used to express any kind of inability in thE
past, repeated or specific. Suecouldn't ride a bike when she wo:
three. (past repeated action) She couldn't/wasn't able to ride
her bike yesterday because it had a puncture. (past single action)
to 5th i
She would
Fill in the gaps with the words/phrases
below. Then, match the sentences to the
past. He
ble to ,, )
; meeting,
ability in
;ike when
't/wasn 't
to ",7)
e to ",71
ould ask
o much.
;, (It's a
Do yo u
' didn't
y did,)
19. (He
in the
he was
to ride
4 It is forbidden for visitors to use their mobiles
in the hospital.
Visitors ... ...... ... ................................................... ..
5 Is it OK if I leave early today?
That's too bad.
Me neither.
That's good advice.
What a pity, I know she wanted to say
Of course.
That'lI be nice.
6 Vicky didn't manage to come to the party because
she was ill.
Vicky ................................................................... .
7 Would you like me to get you something to eat?
8 Sarah isn't able to use the lift because she is
Match the modals to their meanings.
n, (90%
1 It's not necessary for you to fill out the form.
You .................................................................... ..
2 It is a good idea for Paul to take a break from
the computer.
Paul ......................................... ............................ .
3 He is obliged to finish that report for me by 5
He ............................................~ .......................... .
You .......................... wear sunscreen and a hat
when you go to the beach.
.. ...................................... I borrow your camera
for my field trip?
She ...................... speak to him before she left.
- I .. ................................... get a filling yesterday
when I went to the dentist's.
We .............................. go to Italy this summer.
· He .......................................... stand eating fish
when he was younger.
She can
Shall I ... ?
You needn't ...
We must ...
You should ...
He could .. .
It might .. .
Sarah ............................ ............. .......................... .
[ [ [ ] We could go .. .
[]I] You mustn't .. .
[IT] May I ... ?
[IQ[] He didn't have
to ...
_ I advise you to .. .
_ We are obliged to ...
et's go ...
• He was able to ...
_ Would you like me to ... ?
It isn't necessary for you to ...
• You are forbidden to ...
- It wasn't necessary for him to ...
It is possible ...
Is it OK if I. .. ?
Rewrite the sentences using one of the
modals in the list: ought to, can, must, don't have
to, wasn't able to, should, shall, can't, mustn't.
• might • couldn't • should • had to
• may • wasn't able to
9 My optician advised me to rest my eyes.
My optician said I ........ ..................................... ..
Fill in the appropriate modal verb that
matches the meaning in brackets.
1 ...................................... you like another piece
of cake? (Do you want ... 7)
2 You ...................................... have a holiday and
relax. (I advise you to ... )
3 I ........ .. .. come for a visit next month. (Perhaps)
4 Jane ........................ sleep during storms when
she was younger. (She wasn't able to ... )
5 He .......... ....................... sit so close to the TV.
(It's a bad idea)
6 you .................. .................. bring me flowers,
but thank you. (It wasn't necessary)
Relative clauses
Either refers to two people, things, or groups an d
followed by a singular countable noun . Do you wan torder Italian or Chinese for dinner? Either is fine with me.
Either of + plural noun phrase can be followed
either a singular or plural verb. Either of these two
contain/contains all the latest hits. BUT: Either CD
all the latest hits.
Both ... and is followed by a plural verb. Both Mum
Dad are coming to the school play.
Neither ... nor/Either ... or take either a singular
plural verb, depending on the subject which follows
or or. Neither me nor my parents are computer literate.
Either you or Mark has to help with the project.
• We use relative pronouns (who/whose/which/that) and
relative adverbs (where/when/why) to introduce relative
clauses. We use relative clauses to identify/ describe the
person/thing/place in the main clause.
Relative Clause
The woman who stars in this play is my aunt.
We use who/that to refer to people. The man who/that
rescued the children from the fire is a local hero.
We use which/that to refer to objects or animals. The
house which/that had the best-kept garden was photographed
for a magazine.
We use where to refer to places. That's the town where they
filmed the TV series.
We use whose with people, animals and things to show
possession. This is the man whose dog barks all night.
We use when to refer to time, usually after nouns such as
time, period, moment, day, year and summer. August's the
month when most people go on holiday.
We use why to give a reason. He won't tell me why he quit
his job.
Defining and Non-defining relative
A defining relative clause gives necessary information
essential to the meaning of the main sentence. It is not
put in commas and is introduced with who, which, that,
whose, where, when or the reason (why). The students
who were noisy were asked to leave the classroom.
A non-defining relative clause gives extra information
and is not essential to the meaning of the main sentence.
It is put in commas and is introduced with who, whom,
which, whose, where or when. My mum, who is an excellent
cook, was asked to cater for a dinner party.
Both/Neither - All/None - Either
Both refers to, two people, things, or groups. It has a
positive meaning and is followed by a plural verb. Both
boys are playing basketball this season.
• Neither refers to two people, things, or groups and has
a negative meaning. Neither of + plural noun phrase
can be followed by either a singular or plural verb.
Neither of them is/are coming to the party. BUT: Neither car
is cheap enough for me to buy.
• All refers to more than two people, things, or groups. It
has a positive meaning and is followed by a plural verb.
AI/ the students are taking part in the charity football game.
• None of refers to more than two people, things, or
groups and has a negative meaning. It is used with nouns
or object pronouns and is followed by either a singular or
plural verb. None of my students has/have finished the
presentation yet.
Fill in the correct relative pronoun or adverb.
1 That is the hotel .................... we stayed
our holiday.
2 The computer .. .................. I got for my birth
stopped working.
3 I remember the time .. ........... we went to Pa r"
4 Is it your mum or dad ............. is afraid of ca ts
5 She asked me the reason .............. you're ups
with her.
6 That's the woman .................... desk is behi
mine at work.
7 People .... ............ .... sit at a desk for lor
periods risk getting back pain.
S The book .. ......... you lent me is very interesti _
Join the sentences using the correct relativ
pronoun or adverb.
1 My hometown is not far from here. My pa
still live there.
2 The vase got damaged on the plane.
bought it in Spain.
3 Damian is an athlete. He broke his foot 1a5
4 The family is Italian. I am staying with them.
5 The reason is unclear. They cancelled their ord
oups and
Defining and Non-defining
relative clauses
you want i
vith me.
followed t
Look at the pictures and make sentences
using the prompts.
ese two C
CD contain
th Mum an.
singular c
follows no
person/repairs cars in a garage
actor/films are very popular
place/people can borrow books
flower/the national symbol of Scotland
writer/wrote the Harry Potter books
appliance/heats food very quickly
. adverb.
t to Paris
l of cats '
're upse"
s behinc
1 The photocopier ........ is on the second
floor is out of order.
2 Craig is the one ........ found the
3 This is the restaurant .. ...... I had my
birthday party.
4 I still remember the moment ........ we
met as if it was yesterday.
S The actress ........ appears in this play
won an award .
6 He won't tell me the reason .... .. .. he is
leaving the company.
7 My best friend .... .. .. brother is captain
of the school team is a great swimmer.
8 The community centre ........ I have my
art class is closing down.
9 I left my homework ........ was due to
be handed in today on the bus.
10 We really enjoyed that summer ........
we went camping.
for lon ~
Both/Neither - All/None - Either
Rewrite the sentences using both .. . and,
neither ... nor, or either ... or.
1 Frank doesn't like enclosed spaces. Claire
doesn't either.
2 Sara is starting university this year as is Bill .
3 Grant is in the orchestra as well as Gordon.
e. The ~
4 If Janet doesn't do the shopping, then Amy will.
S Doug is a big football fan. Tom is too.
lot las
Fill in the relative pronoun or adverb. Put
commas where necessary. Write 0 for
defining or NO for non-defining.
................. .. ..... .......... ...................................... .
6 Jane forgot my birthday. And so did Claire.
........................................................................ .
7 Angela will help us put up the tent, or Alan will.
8 Brendan passed his exams and so did Matt.
r order
9 I have never been abroad. My mum hasn't either.
Present perfect
Full Form
I have worked.
You have worked.
He has worked.
She has worked.
It has worked.
We have worked .
You have worked.
They have worked.
Short Form
I've worked.
You've worked .
He's worked.
She's worked.
It's worked.
We've worked .
You've worked.
They've worked.
Long Form
I have not worked .
Yo u have not worked .
He has not worked.
She has not worked .
It has not worked.
We have not worked .
You have not worked.
They have not worked.
Short Form
I haven't worked.
Yo u haven't worked.
He hasn't worked .
She hasn't worked .
It hasn't worked .
We haven't worked.
You haven't worked .
They haven't worked.
Have I worked?
Have yo u worked?
Has he worked?
Has she worked7
Has it worked7
Have we worked7
Have you worked ?
Have they worked
Yes, I have.!No, I haven't.
Yes, you have.!No, you haven't.
Yes, he has.lNo, he hasn't.
Yes, she has.lNo, she hasn't.
Yes, it has .lNo, it hasn't.
Yes, we have.lNo, we haven't.
Yes, you have.lNo, you haven't.
Yes, they have.lNo, they haven't.
• We form the present perfect with the auxiliary verb
have/has and the past participle of the main verb. We
form the past participle of regular ve rbs by adding -ed to
the verb. play - played
• We form the past participle of irregular verbs differently.
feel- felt (see list of irregular verbs).
We use the present' perfect:
• for actions which started in the past and continue up
to the present. He has worked as a doctor for five years.
(He started working as a doctor 5 years ago and he is still
wo rking as a doctor )
• to talk about a past action which has a visible result in
the present. She is happy. She has passed her exams.
• to refer to an experience. He has tried bungee jumping.
Time expressions used with the present perfect: already,
yet, for, since, ever, never, etc.
Already - Yet - For - Since - Never - Ever
We use already in affirmative sentences.
Jack has already watered the plants.
We use yet in interrogative and negative sentences.
"Has Ryan arrived yet?"
"I haven't finish ed my homework yet. "
We use for to exp ress duration.
Th ey've been in Rome for a week.
We use since to state a starting point.
They've been in Rome since last Friday.
We use ever in affirmative and interrogative sentences.
This is the best film I've ever watched.
Have you ever been to Paris?
We use never in affirmative sentences to express
negative meaning. We've never been to Japan.
We use the present perfect for an action
happened at an unstated time in the past.
He has hurt his leg. (When? We don't know.)
We use the present perfect for an action which sta
in the past and continues to the present.
She has been in Cairo for ten years. (She went to Cairo years ago and she is stili there .)
We use the past simple for an action which happe at a stated time in the past.
They went to Australia last summer. (When? Last summe r.
We use the past simple for an action which started
finished in the past.
She was in New York for two years. (She lived in New York two years. She doesn't live there anymore.)
Form: have/has + been + verb -ing
IlY0u/WefThey haveI've
been playing.
He/She/It hasl's been
playing .
Have I/you/we/they
been playing?
Has he she/it been
IlY0u/WefThey have not
haven't been playing .
He/She/It has not/hasn'·
been playing .
Yes, I/yo u/we/they have.
No, I/you/we/they haven't.
Yes, he/she/it has.
No, he/she/it hasn't.
We use the present perfect continuous:
• to place emphasis on the duration of an action wh
started in the past and continues up to the present.
John has been trying to fix my computer for two hours.
• for an action that started in the past and lasted for
time. It may still be continuing or have finished, bu
has left a visible result in the present. He's tired because
has been working late at the office all week.
Time expressions used with the presentperfectcontintlOUS31
since, for, how long (to place emphasis on duration).
Present perfect - Present perfect
continuous - Past simple
Put the verbs in brackets into the present
ntences .
A: ... ............................. ..... (you/be) on a diet?
B: Yes. I .. ................ ................... (lose) 3 kilos.
A: We ............................................... (not/see)
Tom and Sue for ages. How are they?
B: They're fine. They ...... .............................. .. ..
Oust/buy) a new flat.
ion wh ic
3 A: My brother and his family .......................... .
ch starte.-
................ (move) to Canada.
B: Wow! ...... .. .......................... ....................... .
(you/visit) them yet?
Cairo te
;um mer.)
arted an
w York b
- A: ...... ............ ...... ..... ..... ................. (you/hear)
from Peter lately?
B: Yes. He ............................................ (finish)
his course and he's looking for a job.
_ A: Oh no! I .................... ..................... (forget)
to bring my camera .
B: Don't worry, I .......... .. ...... ...... .. (bring) mine.
: I .................................................... (not/be)
on Twitter for ages.
B: Well, I ................................................ (visit)
my page recently.
Put the verbs in brackets into the present
perfect or the present perfect continuous.
:ion whi
d for sorr
led, but
because '
: I .. ................................ . (try) to contact you
all week.
S: Sorry. I ....................................................... ..
(only just/return) from a trip to Sweden.
. ": Sarah ........................................... (practise)
that piano piece for days.
B: Yes. She has an important concert next week.
: I .......................... ................... (read) a book
called 'The Moneyless Man' all week.
3: I heard that the author ........ .. .............. ..
(live) without money since 2008.
: Mark ...... ....................................... (work) so
hard, he's completely exhausted .
Oh, that's why he .. .................................... ..
(not/play) football for a while.
Complete the sentences with the correct
time word: yet, for, since, already, never, ever.
1 It's been years ................... I rode a bicycle.
2 We have ................... been to the opera before.
3 Have you ................... been to a circus?
4 They haven't been to visit us ................. weeks .
5 He has ................... been to see the new film .
6 Have you been to the new exhibition ............. ?
7 I haven't been bungee jumping ...................... .
8 She has .................... finished her assignments.
Complete the email with the present perfect
or the past simple.
Hi Alex
I 1) ......................................... Oust/get back) from a
day trip to Agatha Christie's house. The weather was
good and we 2).. .................... ................... (walk)
around the house and gardens all day. I'm tired but I'm
not complaining, it 3) .................. ... (be) a lovely day.
My host family here in Devon 4) ............................ .
(be) so kind. They 5) ......................................... (take)
me to lots of beautiful places since I 6) ........................ .
(arrive). We all get on really well and my English
7) .............................. (improve) so much because we
talk all the time. Sharing experiences gives us lots to
talk about.
We 8) .............................. (see) the film '127 Hours' last
night, it's excellent. 9) .............................. (you/see) it?
I'm looking forward to visiting you and your family at
the end of the month.
Best wishes,
• two things you have had problems with this
• two things that have changed in the area
where you live
• two things you have been doing for the past
few months
Logical assumptions
(must, may/might, can't)
Logical Assumptions
(must, may/might, can't)
• Must = almost certa in that this is/was true
She must feel very relieved now that she knows she's passed all
her tests. Pete isn't answering his home phone. He must have
stayed at work. (I'm su re/certain that sth is true.)
• May/Might/Could = possible that this is/was true
My friend works at the shop so I might get a discount. He may
have replied to your email. Checkyour in box. (It is possible'/It
Rewrite the sentences using must, can't or m
1 I don't think they are at wo
They ................................. ..
2 I'm sure they are at school.
They ..... ............................ ..
is li ke ly./Perhaps.)
Can't/Couldn't = almost certain that this is/was impossible
This painting can't be a copy. It's far too expensive. He couldn't
have called you from home. His phone wasn't working all
weekend. (I don't th ink it is, real, etc)
Tenses of the infinitive/-ing form
3 Perhaps they are discussin g
maths problem .
They ................................ ..
(to) play
4 I'm sure the students are ti
They ................................. .
(to) be playing
(to) have played
having played
(to) have been
~~~ffi'iiii5iii'3==1 playing
5 I'm sure she's a scientist.
She ....................... ...... .......... .
6 I don't think she is on holiday.
She ....................................... .
Present simple/Future simple
she cleans/she will clean
(to) clean
Present continuous
she is cleaning
Present continuous
(to) be cleaning
Past simple/Present perfect/
Past perfect
she cleaned/she has cleaned/s he had
(to) have cleaned
Past continuous/Present perfect
continuous/Past perfect
Perfect continuous
(to) have been cleaning
she was cleaning/she has been
cleaning/s he had been cleaning .
The simple -ing form refers to the present or future .
Swimming is an energetic form of exercise. The perfect -ing
form shows that the action of the -ing form happened
before the action of the ve rb. He denied having lied to his
parents. We can use the simple -ing form instead of the
perfect -ing form with no difference in meaning. He
admitted to having stolen/stealing the car.
7 Perhaps she is doing medical
She ....................................... .
8 I'm sure she is very
professiona I.
She ....................................... .
Complete the sentences using must or can "
as in the example.
1 I'm sure they are good friends .
They must be good friends.
2 I don't think Sue is at work today, it's Saturda
Sue .. .. .................. at work today, it's Saturda
3 I'm certain Pete has a new phone number.
Pete ............................... a new phone numb
4 I'm sure you feel very happy about your exa
You .............................. very happy about yo
exam results
5 I don't think Liam knows the secret.
Liam ............. ................................... the se
ses of the infinitive/-ing
/n 't or
re at war
scussin g
are tire
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
infinitive or the -ing form . Mind the tenses.
• A: Have you decided which university ............ .
........ .. .... .. ............. (apply) to?
B: Yes. I want .................... ............ .. .............. ..
(go) to Durham University.
- A: Francis seems ................................ .. .. .... .... ..
(work) late a lot these days.
B: Yes. She must .................. .. .. ...................... ..
(have) a heavy workload .
- A: I'm so nervous about my exams, I can't
.... ........ .. .. .. .. ....... (sleep).
B: There's no point in .. .. .......... .. .................... ..
(worry); losing sleep won 't help.
- A: Did you have a good journey?
B: Not really. I arrived at the station only ........
.......... ................... (find) my train had been
cancelled .
- A: We shouldn't .............. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. . (criticise)
her. She tries her best.
B: You 're right. She will soon .... .. .. .. .............. ..
_ A: We'd better .... .. .... ................ (collect) some
money to buy him a retirement gift.
B: I'm sure everyone would .................. .. .. ...... .
(be) happy .... ........ .. .................. ... (do) that.
- A: Will claims .................... .. ...................... ...... .
(meet) Johnny Depp.
B: You can never .............................. .. .. ... (tell)
when Will is telling the truth.
lr can 't,
Jr exa r
,ut you·
A: It was good of Jane .... .......... .. .. .... .. ............ .
(give) me a lift home.
S: She knew you must .. .............................. .. ..
(be) exhausted after the training.
: They suggested ...... .. .. .......... .. .... ...... .... .... .. .
(meet) at the cafe at 7.
B: Good idea ! After such a long day, it will be
good to unwind.
: We seem .................. . (wait) here for ages.
B: I know, but we need .... .. ........ .. .... .. ... (stay)
until they tell us .. .. .... .. .......... .. ........ .. . (go).
Complete the sentences with the correct
1 Rosie is excited about her new job.
Rosie appears .... .............. .... .. .. .. .... .. ..... excited
about her new job.
2 They have finished decorating the house .
They seem .......................... ............ decorating
the house.
3 The children have been enjoying themselves.
The children appear .......... .... ........ themselves.
4 Mike's new business is going well.
Mikes's new business seems .... .. .. .. ............. .... ..
5 Gail made lots of new friends when she was
studying abroad.
Gail appears .... .... .... .... .................. lots of new
friends when she was studying abroad.
10 Complete the sentences using must or can't
and the correct tense of the infinitive.
1 I'm certain Adam sent you an email.
Adam .......... .... ............. ...... .. .. ...... .... ..... ... ........ .
2 I don't think Tina left the door unlocked.
Tina ............. ... .. .............. .. ........... .. .. ... ......... .. ...
3 I'm sure Keith paid the bill.
Keith ....... .. ....... .. .. .. ............. .. ............................
4 I don't think they are staying with Paul. He's
They .. ......... ............ ... .. .. .... ...............................
5 I don't think Jeff forgot their wedding anniversary.
Jeff ... .......................................... ... ... ... ............ .
6 I'm certain Julie is waiting for us at the reception .
Julie ..... .. ............. ......... .. .... .. ....... .. ................... .
7 I'm sure Mary went to India for her gap year.
Mary ... ......................... ....................... .. ........... .
8 I'm sure Steven enjoyed living with his host
family in Mexico.
Steven ... ... ............. .............. ... ....... .. ..... ........... .
9 I'm sure she's had cosmetic surgery.
She ... ......... .. .................................................... .
10 I'm certain they grow their own food .
They ... .. .. ... .. ... ..... ............ .. .... .. ...... .. ..... ........... .
11 I don't think Jenny has won a scholarship.
Jenny ...................... ....... .. .. .......... .. .... .............. .
The Passive
We form the passive with the verb to be in the appropriate
tense and the past participle of the main verb.
Read the table:
Sue bakes a cake.
A cake is baked by
Sue is baking a cake.
A cake is being
baked by Sue.
Sue baked a cake.
A cake was baked
by Sue.
Sue was baking a
A cake was being
baked by Sue.
Sue has baked a
A cake has been
baked by Sue.
Sue had baked a
A cake had been
baked by Sue.
Sue will bake a cake.
Acake will be baked
by Sue.
Sue has to bake a
A cake has to be
baked by Sue.
Sue might bake a
A cake might be
baked by Sue.
A dress
was designed
a dress.
by Lisa.
Only transitive verbs (verbs that take an object) ca n
changed into the passive. A house collapsed in
earthquake. (intransitive verb; no passive form).
Note: Some transitive verbs (have, fit (= be the right size
suit, resemble, etc) cannot be changed into the passive. Tskirt doesn't fit me. (NOT: I Qm not fitt€d by thisski4.)
• We can use the verb to get instead of the verb to be
everyday speech when we talk about things that happe
by accident or unexpectedly. Our luggage got stolen at
By + agent is used to say who or what carries out c
action. With + instrument/materiallingredient is usedsay what the agent used. This dress was designed by a
designer. It was made with environmentally friendly fabrics
• The agent can be omitted when the subject is they, h:
someone/somebody, people, one, etc. Someone h
broken the window. (= The window has been broken )
• The agent is not omitted when it is a specific :
important person or when it is essential to t
meaning of the sentence. A decision was reached by
board of directors.
• With verbs which can take two objects, such as brinq
We use t he passive:
• when th e person/people doing the action is/are
unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context.
The vase was broken. (We don't know who broke it).
The package will be delivered today. (Who wi ll deliver it is
Our exam papers have been corrected. (It's obvious that the
teacher has corrected our exam papers).
• when the action itself is more important than the
person/people doing it, as in news headlines, newspaper
articles, formal notices, advertisements, instructions,
processes, etc. Mobile phones must be turned off during the
examination. ...
• when we want to avoid taking responsibility for an
action or when we refer to an unpleasant event and we
do not want to say who or what is to blame.
They were cheated out of their money.
• to emphasise the agent. The announcement was made by
the Prime Minister himself.
• to make statements more formal or polite. My book has
been torn . (More pol ite than saying 'You tore my book.)
The verbs think, believe, say, report, know, expect, conside
understand, etc are used in the following passive pattern s
personal and impersonal con structions.
Changing from the active to the passive
• The object of the active sentence becomes the subject in
the passive sentence.
• The active verb remains in the same tense but changes
Into passive form.
• The subject of the active sentence becomes the agent
and is either introduced with the preposition by or is
om itted.
active: People believe that he lied in court.
passive: a) It is believed (that) he lied in court. (impersonal
constru ction)
b) He is believed to have lied in court. (personal
constructio n)
active: They expect him to arrive soon.
passive: a) It is expected (that) that he will arrive soon.
b) He is expected to arrive soon.
tell, send, show, teach, promise, sell, read, offer, giVE
lend, etc, we can form two different passive sentences.
He offered me a deal. (active) I was offered a deal. (passi\=
more usual) Adeal was offered to me. (passive, less usual
• In passive questions with who, whom or which we do W'
omit by. Who painted this portrait? Who was this portr
painted by?
• The verbs hear, help, see and make are followed by t bare infinitive in the active but by the to-infinitive the passive.
active: They saw him leave the building.
passive: He was seen to leave the building.
BUT hear, see, watch + -ing form (active and passive)
active: They saw him running down the stairs.
passive: He was seen running down the stairs.
Personal/Impersonal Construction
The Passive
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
passive form.
, Lisa.
rb to be tat happe"
at tt·
ies out at is used t:
(by a loca
y fabrics.
2 A detective is following the thieves at the
3 You can see an exhibit of 'Lego repa ir work' in
New York.
3 A: Can I take some photos of this painting,
B: I'm afraid not. Cameras .................... ........ ..
.. .. .. .. .. ................ (not/allow) in the gallery.
; they, he
,eone ha-
The security system was broken into by hackers.
A: Did you get the art book you wanted?
B: No, it ......................................................... ..
.. ...... (already/sell) when I got to the shop.
right si ze
ass ive. Tt
Rewrite the sentences in the passive, as in
the example .
1 Hackers broke into the security system.
A: ... ....... .... ......... ........ ........ ... .. .... ..... ...... ... .... ..
...... .. .. ......... (the bank robbers/catch) yet?
B: Unfortunately, they're still at large.
:ct) can t~
,sed in Ir
4 Have they caught the burglar yet?
A: Did you know Gandhi .............................. .. .
.................... ............ (assassinate) in 1948?
B: Yes. It was a tragic loss.
5 Witnesses saw the thief leave the building .
- A: Racial discrimination .............................. .. .. .
.... ...... .. (should/ban) all around the world .
B: I think you're right.
6 You should change your password every month.
7 They have sentenced the vandal to six months
in prison.
fer, give
, A: Who .... .... ... .. ........ .. .... .... ................ ..... .. ..... .
............... .. ........... (Four Dancers/paint) by?
B: Edgar Degas
s usua l)
le do no"
A: I ....... ... .... ..... .. .... ........ .... ................ .. .. .. .. .... .
(hurt) by what you said.
B: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so rude.
lecific c
I to t h~
led by Ih
as bring
;s portra'
d by thE
nitive i
3 A: .... .. .. ...... .............. ........ .. ...................... ....... .
(the security alarmlinstall) tomorrow?
B: Yes, they're coming to put it in at 10:00 am.
8 Who stole the evidence?
Rewrite the newspaper headlines in the
Fill in by or with.
terns ir
Three suspects are being questioned ...... ...... .
t he police.
Who was this sculpture made ...... .. .. ... ?
The office is fitted .. ........ ... a high-tech security
The trapped woman was pulled out through a
window .... .. .. .. ... the rescue team .
This work of art was made .... ........ .
environmentally friendly material.
The statue is covered .......... ... spray paint.
Police to take measures against car
Man charged with 20 bank robberies.
Local artist wins first prize in Modern Art
Local Council to remove all graffiti from public
..................................... .. .... ...... .. ............... .
C ............... .. ... ....... .. ...... ... ... ... ... .... ...... .... ..... . .
D .. .. ... .... .... ...... .......... ........ ................ .. .. ..... .. .
The Causative
• We use have + object + past participle to say that we
have arranged for someone to do something for us. Mary
had her hair dyed. (She didn't dye it herself.)
Questions and negations in the causative are formed
with do/does (present simple) or did (past simple) + have
+ object + past participle .
Did he have his mail delivered yesterday?
He fixes his car.
He has his car fixed.
He is fixing his car.
He is having his car
He fixed his car.
He had his car fixed.
He was fixing his car.
He was having his
car fixed.
He has fixed his car.
He has had his car
He had had his car
He had fixed hiscar.
"",",~~""""''''''''''.~I He will fix his car.
He will have his car
Reflexive Pronouns
I - myself, you - yoursel f, he - himself, she - herself,
it - itself, we - ourselves, you - yourselves,
th ey - themselves
We use reflexive pronouns:
• with verbs such as behave, burn, cut, enjoy, hurt,
introduce, kill, look at, teach etc or with prepositions
when the subject and the object of the verb are the same
person. She (subject) hurt herself (object) when she fell down.
• with the preposition by wh en we mean alone/without
company or without help (= on one's own). He lives in that
big house by himself/on his own.
• in the followi ng expressions: enjoy yourself (h ave a good
time), behave yourself (be good), help yourself (you are
welcome to take something if you wa nt).
They enjoyed themselves at the party.
• to emphasise the subject or the object of a sentence.
wrote this poem myself (I wrote this essay. Nobody else
wrote it) Chris met Ronaldino himself. (Chris met Ronaldino,
not somebody else )
• We do not normally use reflexive pronouns with the verbs
concentrate, feel, meet and relax . You should concentrate
on your work. (NOT YofJ shofJlti concentrate YOfJrself on yom:
Reflexive pronouns are used with the verbs dress, wash
and shave when we want to show that someone did
something with a lot of effort. Mary's baby girl is three years
old but managed to dress herself.
The Causative
Complete the following exchanges using
the causative.
1 A: Greta looks very pretty today.
B: Yes, she ......... .. ....... .... ... .................... ....... ..
.................. .. ..... ..... (her hair/do) yesterda y
2 A: Catherine is spending a lot of money on he
B: I know. She .................................................
(her dress/make) by a famous designer.
3 A: My washing machine is acting up again.
B: You should call someone and .................... .
... .......... .. ................................... (it/repair)
4 A: The team did
really well winning tr:
championship .
B: Yes. They .....................................................
.. ................ ...... (their picture/take) for th e
local paper at the moment.
S A: Why is Harry so upset?
B: He ...............................................................
(his wallet/steal) on the way to work.
6 A: When are they coming to service the alconditioning?
B: We ............................................................ ..
(the system/service) next week.
7 A: Did you see the story about the computE:
hackers on the news?
B: Yes, the government .. ..... ......................... .. .
.. ....................... (their system/break into).
8 A: What was Caroline doing when you calle ~
B: She ............................................................ ..
(her nails/do).
9 A: What's wrong?
B: Someone broke into my house, so now
........................... (a burglar alarm/install).
10 A: Is this your new sofa?
B: Yes, I ...........................................................
(it/deliver) at the weekend .
Read the situations and write sentences
using the causative.
; using
They are painting my parents house. What are
my parents doing?
1 Lee bought the present ... .... . .
B himself
C myself
A itself
2 Keith .... .. .. his broken arm set this morning .
A had
ley on hE:
Choose the correct item.
2 Lance has arranged for his car to be repaired
next week. What will Lance do?
B has
C has had
3 We .... .... our new kitchen installed tomorrow.
B are having
A have
4 She .. .. .... her bag stolen on the underground
3 The thief stole Edith's car. What happened to
4 When Sally arrived, the electrician was fitting
security lights outside her house. What was
Sally doing?
!) for th e
5 Bob has arranged for all his calls to be
forwarded to his mobile while he is overseas.
What has Bob done?
Reflexive pronouns
Fill in the correct reflexive pronoun where
k into).
A: Do you think Jeremy will behave ............ ..
when the new babysitter comes?
B: Oh, I hope so.
A: You should stop messing around
concentrate .............. on your work.
B: I know, but it's so boring.
3 A: I think that was a success.
B: Yes, I think everyone enjoyed .............. .
Feel free to help .... .... .... .. to anything in the
B: Thank you. That's very kind of you.
.! A:
B ourselves
C yourself
6 They fixed the problem ........ instead of calling
a repairman.
A ourselves B themselves
C yourselves
7 Where can I have my ears ........ ?
A pierce
B pierces
C pierced
9 Jenny hurt .. .. .... when she fell down the stairs.
A himself
B itself
C herself
ompute "
u callec
A myself
8 You should have hired a professional plumber
instead of doing the job .........
B myself
A ourselves
C yourself.
the air-
B ha'd
5 I burnt ........ when I was making chips for
ning th:.
last week.
A was having
C had had
A: Are you having a cake made for the party.
B: No, I'm going to bake it .. .. .......... .
- A: We have to sort out the problem by .............. .
B: You're right.
10 Martin had his portrait .... .. .. by a street artist
in Paris.
A painted B paint
C paints
11 Honest, the door opened all by .........
A herself
B himself
C itself
12 They ........ the documents drawn up as we
A have
B have had
C are having
13 I think I
A am having
C have
my dress dry-cleaned for the
B will have
14 Can you believe it, Fiona met Angelina Jolie
A himself
B myself
C herself
Reported speech
Direct speech is the exact words someone said. We use
quotation marks in direct speech.
Reported speech is the exact meaning of what someone
said, but not the exact words. We do not use quotation
marks in reported speech. The word that can either be used
or omitted after the introductory verb (say, tell, et c)
Say - Tell
• say + no personal object Usa said (that) she was hungry.
• say + to + personal object Usa said to me (that) she was
They said (that) they moved/haa
tell + personal object Usa told me (that) she was hungry.
We use say + to-infinitive but never say about. We use
tell sb, speak/talk about. She said to meet her at the station.
He told her/spoke/talked about his new idea.
hello, good morning/afternoon, etc, something/
nothing, so, a prayer, a few words, no more, for
certain/sure, sorry, etc.
moved to a new house.
Past Cont uous -+ Past Cont uous or
Past Perfect Continuous
He said (that) he was watching
"/ was watching TV"
"/ will rent a DVD.
the truth, a lie, a story, a secret, a joke, the time,
the difference, one from another, somebody one's
name, somebody the way, somebody so, someone's
fortune, etc.
a question, a favour, the price, after somebody, the
time, around, for something/somebody, etc.
Reported statements
In reported speech, personal/possessive pronouns and
possessive adjectives change according to the meaning of
the sentence. James said, "I've booked my ticket." (direct
statement) James said (that) he had booked his ticket.
(reported statement)
We can report someone's words either a long time after
they were said (out-of-date reporting) or a short time
after they were said (up-to-date reporting).
Up-to-date reporting
The tenses can either change or remain the same in reported
Direct speech:
Julia said, "/ read an interesting book."
Reported speech: Julia said that she read/had read an
interesting book.
Out-of-date reporting
The introductory verb is in the past simple and the tenses
change as follows:
Certain words and time expressions change according t:
the meaning as follows: now -+ then, immediately; tod a
-+ that day; yesterday -+ the day before, the previous da!
tomorrow -+ the next/following day; this week -+ the·
week; last week -+ the week before, the previous wee,
next week -+ the week after, the following week; ago before; here -+ there
Reported orders/commands
We use order/tell + sb + (not) to-infinitive to rep o~
"Go away!" she said.
She ordered/told them to go away.
To report orders or instructions, we use the verbs order c
tell + sb + (not) to-infinitive. "Turn off the TV!" she to:
them. (direct order) She told them to turn off the T
(reported order) "Don't talk to me!" she said. (direct ord eShe ordered me not to talk to her. (reported order)
Reported questions are usually introduced with the ve rt:
ask, inquire, wonder or the expression want to know.
been watching TV.
When the direct question begins with a question wor:
(who, where, how, when, what, etc), the reporte:
question is introduced with the same question word.
"Where does Ben live?" she wondered. (direct question)
She wondered where Ben lived. (reported question)
When the direct question begins with an auxiliary (be
do, have) or a modal verb (can, may, etc), then tr::
reported question is introduced with if or whether.
"Do you have a spare pen?" he asked. (direct question)
He asked me if/whether / had a spare pen. (reported questior
In reported questions, the verb is in the affirmative . Tr ::
question mark and words/expressions such as please
well, oh, etc are omitted. The verb tenses, pronouns an:
time expressions change as in statements . "Can you he :
me with my homework, please?" she asked him. (direc
question) She asked him if he could help her with he
homework. (reported question)
Fill in the gaps with say or tell in the correct
)gging ever
A: James .. .. .. ...................... to me that he had
been called for jury service.
B: I think he .................... ,... .... everyone.
)king luner
A: The boy .. ...... .. .. .... ........ .. .. he didn't do the
graffiti on the school wall.
B: Don't trust him, he .... ........................ lies all
the time .
, bought?
3 A: Have you .. .. ...... .... .. ...... .. .. .. Felicity about
the robbery?
B: Yes. She .. .... .. .... .. .... ......... she was shocked .
nta DVD.
A: I'll ............ .... .. .. .... .... you a secret, if you
promise not to ............................ anyone.
B: I swear! I won't ........ .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. anyone.
- A: He asked me for the time and then he
grabbed my bag.
B: That's terrible. Did you .... .......................... .
the police what he looked like?
1 "Is the job anything like what we see on TV?"
Lucy wanted to know ......... .. ..................... .. .. .. .
2 "What's a typical day like for you?"she asked him.
She wondered .... ... .. ........................................ .
3 "Can you tell me something about the
scientific methods you use?" .
She asked Ben ............................ .............. ...... ..
4 "What kind of equipment is used?"
Lucy also asked ''''''''''''' '' ''''''''''' '''' '''''''''' ''''''''
5 "What are the best parts of your job?"
She wanted to know .... ..................... .. ............ .
6 "Are there any parts of your job you don't
She also asked " ''''' '' '' '' '' '''''''' '''' '' ''' ''' ''''''' ''''''' '
3 Change from direct speech to reported speech.
o repor
"I don't use the same online password for
everything," said Pete.
Pete sa id ........ ....................................... ..... ..... ..
order o'
, she tolc
f the J1.
t order
2 Bob said to us, "Watch out for pickpockets on
the underground."
Bob told .... ................................................... .. ..
le verbs
3 "Freedom of speech is a basic human right,"
the protesters said to the reporter.
The protesters told ............................ .... .......... .
n wore
ry (be,
:n the
, "The case will be heard in court tomorrow,"
said the solicitor.
The solicitor said ............................................ ..
, "A pickpocket has stolen my wallet," the
tourist said to the police officer.
The tourist told ........... ...... .. ............. ... .. ..... .. ... .
u help
12 Report the sentences. Use the verb!
expression in brackets.
1 "Please don't touch the exhibits," the guide
said to the visitors . (asked)
2 "Keep away from the edge of the platform,"
the station master told the children . (ordered)
3 "When does the film start?" Olivia said.
(wanted to know)
4 "Let's have a barbecue
,. "I will drive slowly, " Jane said to her husband.
Jane told ...... .... .. .......... .... .. ........... .. .......... .. ... ..
.said .
........................................................................ ....
IS an d
Lucy is considering a career as a forensic
scientist. She has asked Ben Langden some
questions. Report Lucy's questions.
you know what happened in court?" the
man said to the reporter. (asked)
h her
agree + to-inf
advise + sb + to-inf
"Yes, I'll lend you some money."
"Tell me the truth!"
"Would you like me to cook something?"
"I'll try harder. "
"No, I won 't lend you my car. "
"Leave the building or 1'1/ call the police."
"I saw him take the money. "
He agreed to lend me some money.
He demanded to be told the truth.
He offered to cook something.
He promised to try harder.
He refused to lend me his car.
He threatened to call the police if I didn't leave the
He claimed to have seen him take the money.
He advised me to get more sleep.
He allowed me to go to the concert.
~ He asked me to turn the volume down.
~ He begged me to stop laughing at him.
~ He commanded the enemy to surrender.
~ He encouraged me to try it.
~ He forbade me to stay out late.
~ He instructed me to type my password and press
"Would you like to come to the beach with us?" ~ He invited me to go to the beach with them.
"Go to your room!"
~ He ordered me to go to my room.
"You may sit here."
~ He permitted me to sit there.
"Don't forget to lock the door."
~ He reminded me to lock the door.
"Eat your dinner. "
~ He urged me to eat my dinner.
"Don't dive in the lake."
~ He warned me not to dive in the lake.
"I'd like you to take extra lessons."
~ He wanted me to take extra lessons.
accuse sb of + -ing form
apologise for
admit (to)
boast about
complain to sb about
insist on
"You scratched my CD!"
"I'm sorry I was late."
"Yes, I failed my exams. "
"I sing better than Jake."
"You never help out."
"No, I didn't cheat in the test."
"You must takeyour medicine."
"Let's watch a DVD."
agree + that-clause
inform sb
"Yes, it is a great idea."
"I'm an expert chef. "
"I won three awards."
"You never do the dishes. "
"I've never lied to her."
"It is a simple set of instructions. "
"Your flight will be delayed."
"I won't make noise."
"You ought to make reservations."
explain to sb + how
'This is how you save a file."
wonder where/what/why/
how + clause (when the
subject of the introductory
verb is not the same as the
subject in the reported
question) wonder +
whether + to-inf or clause
He asked himself, "How will they get to the ~ He wondered how they would get to the airport.
He asked himself, "Where is everyone?"
~ He wondered where everyone was.
He asked himself, "Why are they shouting?"
~ He wondered why they were shouting.
He asked himself, "What is she writing?"
~ He wondered what she was writing.
He asked himself, "Shall I invite them over?"
~ He wondered whether to in vite them over.
~ He wondered whether he should invite the over.
"You should get more sleep."
"You can go to the concert."
"Please, turn the volume down. "
"Please, please stop laughing at me."
"Go ahead, try it. "
"You mustn 't stay out late."
'Type your password and press 'enter'."
wonder where/what/how He asked himself, "When can I call them?"
+ to-inf (when the subject of He asked himself, "What should I say?"
the infinitive is the same as He asked himself, "flow can I explain this?"
the subject of the verb)
He accused me of scratching/having scratched his CD.
He apologised for being/having been late.
He admitted (to) failing/having failed his exams.
He boasted about singing better than Jake.
He complained to me about my never helping out.
He denied cheating/having cheated in the test.
He insisted on me/my taking my medicine.
He suggested watching a DVD.
He agreed that it was a great idea.
He boasted that he was an expert chef.
He claimed that he had won three awards.
He complained that I never did the dishes.
He denied that he had ever lied to her.
He exclaimed that it was amazing.
He explained that it was a simple set of instructions.
He informed me that my flight would be delayed.
He promised that he wouldn't make noise.
He suggested that I make reservations.
He explained to me how to save a file.
He wondered when to call them.
He wondered what to say.
He wondered how to explain that.
Introductory Verbs
1 5 Complete the sentences.
3 Complete the gaps with the appropriate
introductory verbs below.
• apologised • commanded • promised
• refused • suggested
leave the
dhis CD.
"I'll be back before midnight, Mum," Tanya
Tanya .................................... her mother she'd
be back before midnight.
"I will not lie for you," Glen said to Ewan.
Glen .......................................... to lie for Ewan .
"Get in the car!" the police officer said to the
The police officer ......................... the robber to
get in the car.
"I'm sorry I lost your book," Brenda said to
Brenda .................................. to Pete for losing
his book.
"Let's take the bus." Karen said.
Karen ........................................ taking the bus.
1 "Let me take your bags for you," he said .
He offered to take my bags for me.
2 "You should eat more fruit," Carol said to Ray.
Carol advised ................................................... .
3 "Why don't you come for dinner this evening?"
Larry said to me.
Larry invited .....................................................
4 "I climbed Mount Everest," Grant said.
Grant claimed ................................................. ..
5 "You can go in now," Ms Dean said to Kevin.
Ms Dean informed .......................................... ..
6 "Please don't tell the teacher," Craig said to
Craig begged ... ................................................ .
16 Report the sentences using special
Match the sentences (1-6) to the correct
introductory verb (a-f). Then, report the
"Stop that. or I'll tell Dad." Josh said to me.
"Come on. Fran. run faster!" said the coach .
"Don't forget your dentist appointment this
evening," Kate told Tom.
"I'd like you to clean your room,"Dad said to
"She ate all the cakes!" Hans said.
"I can swim better than all of you." Julia
a accuse
c encourage
d remind
e threaten
f want
introductory verbs.
1 "What a nice day!" said Aunt Dahlia.
Aunt Dahlia exclaimed that it was a nice day.
2 "You boil the potatoes before adding them to
the soup," said the cooking instructor.
The cooking instructor .................................... .
3 "You mustn't park here," the traffic warden
said to the driver.
The traffic warden .................. ........................ ..
4 "No, I didn't use your laptop without asking,"
Neil said to Jan.
Neil ................................................................. ..
5 "You never listen to anything I say," Vince said
)osh threatened to tell Dad if I didn't stop.
2 ....................................................................... ,.
3 .. ................... ...................... ........... ...... ........ .... .
........................................................................ .
5 ........................... ...... ................. .. .. .................. .
to me.
Vince ............................................................... .
........................................................................ .
6 "Take two tablets and call me in the morning,"
the doctor said to Dean.
The doctor ....................................................... .
Underline the correct item.
1 Carly was so upset that she broke out/off!
down in tears.
2 The paramedics managed to bring the driver
round/out/about after the accident.
3 Yvonne always falls out/for/through the wrong
4 I hope I can get away/on/through my shift
tonight, I'm so tired .
5 You should go to the canteen; they're giving
off/away/up free coffee .
6 Kate and Helen had an argument yesterday
and fell for/out/through with each other.
7 It is advisable to give up/out/away smoking
because it is bad for your health.
8 Did you hear? Thieves broke out/offlin late last
9 Janet was brought up/round/about by her
grandfather after her parents died.
10 I get along better with/through/away my
brother now he is at university.
Replace the words in bold with their
synonyms from the list in the correct form:
look through, look up, bring about, fall through,
look for, break down, break out, go off, get away,
go over.
1 We are searching for my dog because he ran
2 The prisoners managed to escape from the
3 Just quickly' read the questions before you
read the text.
4 A storm has just started suddenly in the south
5 You should throw this milk away it's spoiled .
6 A change in the global temperature has caused
extreme weather.
7 Jane's trip to China didn't happen because she
got ill .
8 Amy got stuck in the middle of nowhere
because her car stopped working .
9 Why don't you examine your essay again to
make sure there are no mistakes.
10 You can find his number in the phone book.
Fill in: put up with, make out, go off, bring (him,
round, put on, put out, make up for, put (you)
through, get off, make up in the correct form .
1 You should never try to .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .............. . Co
ch ip pan fire by throwing water on it.
2 My mum used to .. ................ .. .. ........ .. ... gam ~
when I was a kid to keep me entertained.
3 Please hold the line while I .................... .... .... ..
to Mr Jackson.
4 I couldn't sleep last night, my smoke alarr
kept .. ........ .. .......... .... .
5 I'm sure you can .. .............. .. .. ...... .. ............... t:
the idea of getting solar panels.
6 You have to .... .. .............. .. ........ at ManchestE
to change trains.
7 The airline gave passengers a free meal vouch E
to .. .. .... .... .... .. .. .. ..... the delay.
8 Steven has a beautiful flat but he has to ...... .
.. .. .. .... .. ..... noisy neighbours.
9 Rebecca has .. ................ .... .. some weight sin c=
she started her new office job.
10 I can't .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .......... .. .... .... .... the signaturE
it's badly smudged.
Replace the words in bold with their
synonym from the list in the correct form:
take after, turn over, turn off, give away, go off,
take up, put on, turn up, take off, turn down .
1 The bomb disposal team made sure that th=
device didn't explode.
2 Alexander looks like his father and they sou n:
alike, too.
3 The plane had difficulty leaving the groun ~
because there was ice on the runway.
4 Don't forget to switch off your monitor at t =
end of the day to save energy.
5 Reduce the volume of your music to protec
your hearing.
6 My dad started a new hobby when he retired.
7 Tina is always telling me the ending of fil
before I've seen them.
8 You should wear the gold dress tonight,
really suits you.
9 Can you move to the next page of my music
I'm playing?
10 As usual, Frank arrived late after everyone
already started eating .
ring (him)
t (you)
et form .
Underline the correct item.
.. .. .. ...... c
.... gam e ~
led .
,ke ala m
.... ...... tc
I vouch e"
to ....... .
ght sincE
When I was little I wanted to run away/out of/
into and join the circus.
I need to return these shoes; the heel just
broke outlin/off.
Maria loves looking for/up/after her nephew
when her brother goes out.
Don't worry the anaesthesia will wear in/off/
out soon.
Can you help me? I can't work out/on/off this
You will never guess who I ran offlint%ut of
at the weekend.
It's hot in here; you should take after/up/off
your jacket.
I'm so glad Paul and Darren have made up/out/
off. It's not good when friends argue.
The new factory gives away/off/up a terrible
My aunt and uncle are thinking of setting out!
off/up their own business.
Fill in: turn down, work out, look through, run
out of, break out, work on, go around, wear out,
get away, set off in the correct form .
form :
go off,
that t he
!y soun c
grOU nd
)r at th e
retired .
of fil m ~
light, i:
nusic as
Replace the words in bold with thei r
synonym from the list in the correct form :
run into, give away, put through to, take off, set
off, put off, put up with, get along with, give up,
go off.
1 Maybe we should postpone the picnic till
tomorrow because of the weather.
2 Mary has a friendly relationship with her
3 The supermarket is handing out free cans of
coke .
4 I'm on hold while they connect me with t he
sales department.
S Andrea is going to stop the bad habit of eati ng
sweets because they're not good for her teet h.
6 I unexpectedly met an old school friend, wh o I
haven't seen in years.
7 They are going to light the fireworks at midn ight.
8 My niece didn't want to remove her pa rty
dress when it was time for bed.
9 I was late for work because my alarm did n't
10 Nobody should have to tolerate bad work ing
We need to go shopping, we've ...................... .
Chris is not too happy because he was .......... ..
.. ................ for promotion.
Karen .......................... ................ in a rash this
morning so she's gone to the doctor.
I think you need to buy some new clothes, your
old ones are all .......................... .
There should be enough to ............................ .
I bought plenty.
If Barry wants to get fit, he should go to the
gym and ............ .. .. .. ........... .
We're going to ...................................... at 7 in
t he morning to beat the traffic.
Emma ................ ................ .... . her final project
for Science class.
I .. ................ .................. the brochure and they
seem to offer all the courses I want.
We really need to .............. .. ...... .... .. ................ .
for the summer.
Jne hac
absent from (adj)
according to (prep)
accuse sb of (v)
accustomed to (adj)
A advantage of (n) (but: there's an
advantage in)
advice on (n)
afraid of (adj)
agree with sb/sth (v)
ahead of (prep . phr)
aim at (v)
amazed at/by (adj)
angry about sth (adj)
angry with sb for doing sth (adj)
annoyed about sth (adj)
annoyed with sb for doing sth (adj)
answer to (n)
apologise to sb for sth (v)
apply for sth (v)
arrest sb for sth (v)
arrive at (a small place) (v)
arrive in (a town) (v)
ashamed of (adj)
ask for (v) (but: ask sb a questio
astonished at/by (adj)
attitude to/towards (n)
aware of (adj)
bad at (adj)
base on (v)
begin with (v)
believe in (v)
belong to (v)
blame sb for sth (v)
blame sth on sb (v)
(someone is to) blame for sth (v)
bored with (adj)
borrow sth from sb (v)
brilliant at (adj)
bump into (v)
capable of (adj)
care about (v)
care for sb/sth (v)
(take) care of (n)
cause of (n)
charge sb with (v)
cheque for (n)
choice of (n)
clever of you (to do sth) (adj)
climb to (v)
close to (adj)
collide with (v)
communicate with (v)
complain to sb about sth/sb (v)
concentrate on (v)
concerned about (adj)
congratulate sb on sth (v)
connection between (n) (but: in
connection with)
conscious of (adj)
consist of (v)
contact between (n) (but: in
contact with)
cope with (v)
crash into (v)
crowded with (adj)
cruel to (adj)
cure for (n)
cut into small pieces (v)
die of (v)
die in an accident (v)
difference between (n)
different from/to (adj)
disadvantage of (n)
disappointed with (adj)
divide into (v)
do sth about (v)
dream about (v)
dream of (v) (= imagine)
drive into (v)
due to (prep)
engaged to (adj)
envious of (adj)
excellent at (adj)
excited about (adj)
explain sth to sb (v)
fall down (v)
fall in (v)
F famous for (adj)
fed up with (adj)
fight against (v)
fight for (v)
fond of (adj)
forget about (v)
forgive sb for (v)
(un)friendly to (adj)
frightened of (adj)
full of (adj)
furious about sth (adj)
furious with sb for doing sth (adj
damage to (n)
decide on (v)
decrease in (n)
delighted with (adj)
demand for (n)
depend on (v)
-. -
generous of sb (to do sth) (adj)
G get stuck in (v)
get rid of (v)
generous to sb (adj)
glance at (v)
go through (v)
good at sth (adj)
good to sb (adj)
good of sb (to do sth) (adj)
happen to (v)
H hear about (v) (= be told)
hear from (v) (= receive a letter)
hear of (v) (= learn that sth or sb
hopeless at (adj)
-:: t
-- - c
- .
insist on (v)
intelligent of sb (to do sth) (adj)
interested in (adj)
invitation to (n)
invite sb to (v)
keen on sth (adj)
ki nd of sb (to do sth) (adj)
kind to (adj)
key to (n)
laugh at (v)
leave for (v)
listen to (v)
live on (v)
look at (v)
located in (adv. phr.)
(have a) look at (n)
made of (v)
made from (v)
married to (adj)
mean of sb (to do sth) (adj)
mean to (adj) "
mistake for (v)
nice of sb (to do sth) (adj)
nice to (adj)
pay for (v)
photograph of (n)
picture of (n)
(un)pleasant to (adj)
pleased with (adj)
point at (v)
(im)polite of sb (to do sth) (adj)
(im)polite to (adj)
popular with (adj)
prefer sth to sth else (v)
prevent sb from (v)
proof of (n)
protect against/from (v)
proud of (adj)
provide sb with (v)
(put) pressure on sb (n)
reaction to (n)
ready for (adj)
reason for (n)
receive from (v)
regard as (v)
relationship between (n) (but: a
good relationship) with sb)
rely on '(v)
remind sb of/about (v)
remind sb to do sth (v)
reply to (n/v)
responsible for (adj)
rise in (n)
rude of sb (to do sth) (adj)
rude to (adj)
satisfied with (adj)
save sb from (v)
scared of (adj)
search for (v/n)
sensible of sb (to do sth) (adj)
sentence sb to (v)
se rve with (v)
sh ocked at/by (adj)
short of (adj)
sh out at (v)
shout to (v)
silly of sb to do sth (adj)
similar to (adj)
smile at (v)
solution to (n)
sorry about sth (adj)
sorry for sb (adj)
sorry for doing sth (adj)
speak to (v)
spend money on sth (v)
spend time doing sth (v)
split into (v)
stare at (v)
stupid of sb (to do sth) (adj)
succeed in (v)
suffer from (v)
surprised at/by (adj)
surrounded by (adj)
suspicious of (adj)
:ake part in (v)
(alk to (v)
:errified of (adj)
th ink about/of (v)
throw at (v)
throw to (v)
tired of (adj)
top of sth (n)
translate from .. . into (v)
t reat with (v)
turn sth into sth else (phr v)
impressed by/with (adj)
incapable of (adj)
increase in (n)
jealous of (adj)
J. need for (n)
: optimistic about (adj)
h (adj)
:.J unreasonable of sb (to do sth) (adj) upset about (adj)
'wait for (v)
.valk towards (v)
warn sb against/about/of (v)
warn sb not to do sth (v)
worried about (adj)
write to sb (v)
at the bottom of
at first
at least
at the weekend
at 4, Rose Street
by accident
by bus/train/car/taxi/coach/sh
boat/seal air /p la ne/he Iico
(but: on a/the bus/train/
coach/ship/boat/plane, in a
by Rembrandt
by Shakespeare
by the time
for breakfast/lunch/dinner
for a drink
for fun (= for amusement)
for help
(go to a place) for a holiday/
my holiday(s)
for a swim
for a walk
for a while
from time to time
from now on
from that day on
an armchair
the (city) centre
the/a city
the countryside
into pieces
the (west) coast
a cruise/excursion/trip/tour
a diet
an expedition
a farm (but: in a field)
the distance
one's free time
the fresh air
a hurry
the living room
love (with)
one's opinion
other words
the 4th floor (of)
a journey
the other hand
page ...
Out of
out of control
out of date
to one's relief
to one's horror
unPer control
under repair
the phone/telephone
the radio/TV
the right/left
a trip
out of order
under threat
Underline the correct item.
, There is a lot of demand in/for/
to this new computer game.
~ Joe is very bad at/about/with
football, he can't kick the ball.
Carol is complaining from/for/of
stomach ache.
- Bill is capable tolin/of passing
this exam.
~ Children adapt on/to/about new
things quicker than adults.
I'm very angry to/about/with
Steve for breaking my MP3 player.
- Careful! You're going to bump
int%nto/upon the door.
• My sister appeared in/t%n the
news last night.
• I'm bored at/with/to staying in,
let's go for a walk.
I recycle because I care for/with/
about the environment.
Fill in: of, at, with, to, fOf, about.
• The community is very happy
.... ......... the new children's park.
• Athens is famous ................... its
archaeological sites.
~ He was found guilty ............. the
crime and sentenced to jail.
- Since I was little I've been
fr ightened ............... cats.
~ Susan dreams ............. becoming
a famous actress.
- I would love to escape
a hot country this summer.
- We arrived ............... the theatre
just as the play was starting.
• I' m really excited .......... meeting
my pen friend.
· There is no known cure ............ ..
th e common cold.
· Brian is very good .......... making
new friends.
Underline the correct item.
1 My brother was always very jealous about/of/with me when
we were young.
2 We left at/of/in such a hurry I forgot my passport.
3 I feel sorry about/with/for Eddie, he has to share a room
with his brother.
4 I'm really interested in/t%n studying History at university.
5 Allison just heard from/about/of her aunt in Australia, she's
coming for a visit.
6 The rainforests are under/on/in danger of being wiped out.
7 Harry doesn't know at/about/with the party, does he?
8 We should go in/t%n safari this year.
9 People are curious about/of/with ancient civilisations.
10 I'm nervous for/of/about my interview tomorrow.
Underline the correct item.
1 My dad was part in/with/of a rock band when he was a
2 The bank robbers will appear on/atlin court next week.
3 I always struggled about/from/with Maths at school.
4 People are partly responsible for/tolin global warming .
5 I'm sorry, I disagree withlin/to that point.
6 Can I speak at/t%n you about taking some t ime off?
7 The children are having a great time jumping onto/uponlinto
the pool.
8 You can find lots of information atlin/on the Internet.
9 He wasn't qualified for/of/to the job so he didn't get it.
10 My uncle is married with/t%f my mum's best friend.
Fill in: of, to, at, with, fOf, in ..
I'm not a good dancer, my friends always laugh ...... .. ....... me.
I wanted to thank you ....... helping with the charity concert.
Can you wait ............... me while I buy my ticket?
It's a nice gesture to smile ............... passers-by.
This is a picture ............... my whole family.
Jamie agrees ................... Alan that we should see a comedy.
It might be nice ............... go out for dinner tonight.
Jenny has such great taste ............. clothes, she always looks
9 The thieves tried to get rid ............... the evidence.
10 You should write .. .. ...... your grandmother and thank her for
the present.
Underline the correct item
1 You shouldn't dispose in/of/from batteries in
normal household waste.
2 Peter insisted to/for/on giving me his coat
because it was cold .
3 I complained t%f/at the shop assistant about
my faulty TV.
4 Robin does his homework t%nlin the bus to
S I got a nice surprise in/on/from the post; my
cousin sent me a letter.
6 I completely forgot with/about/for the cake I
was baking and it got burnt.
7 My dog always wakes me up at/oflin the
8 Mandy has a lot of difficulty for/to/with
remembering people's names.
9 I don't like it when people gossip about/for/at
other people at work.
10 My sister always learns the songs of her
favourite group of/at/by heart.
Fill in: from, for, in, of, on, at.
1 Frank is meeting me ... ............ the airport.
2 Can you take the dog ............... a walk.
3 Th is dish is so different .... .... ..... the food I had
on holiday.
4 I think it's silly to spend money ...... .. ..... things
you don't need.
S Sam succeeded ............ .... .. .. fina lly passing his
driving test.
6 My parents ..a re very proud ... ....... my brother's
charity work.
7 I'm tired .... ...... .... everyone complaining about
the weather.
8 You have to wait .......... a queue to get served.
9 Citrus fruit is rich ...... .. ....... vitamin C.
10 The last departure .. ... ........ .. the station leaves
at 12.30am.
Underline the correct item.
1 You can get this cheaper if you pay on/ofli
2 According of/at/to the forecast it is going t:
rain tomorrow.
3 I'm so fed up with/for/of this project I a
4 Jamie is really disappointed of/with/from h'
S I often listen at/t%n music while I study.
6 My mum is worried for/at/about rr
grandmother coming to visit.
7 I'm terrified of/atlin heights; I can't even cli :
a ladder.
8 We stayed in/on/to a lovely hotel when 111 =
went to Spain.
9 My parents are going on/atlin a cruise of t r~
Greek islands.
10 I've decided to travel to India on/at/by myse
after graduation.
- :
Fill in: on, for, to, in, at, of.
1 Make sure you keep ............... touch when y
move to your new house.
2 Charities rely ......... donations from the publ i
3 We should all be kind ............ the environm
and recycle more.
4 This is an example ........... the architect's wor
S I can't eat that cake because I'm ........... a die6 Would you like to go to the cinema .. ......... trweekend?
7 The house across the road is up ............... sa le:
8 The only solution ......... this problem is for
to share the computer.
9 April's house is very close ............. the cinemc.
10 I had to beg my dad ...................... the car
Complete the gaps with the word derived from the words in bold .
y on/of/i
going . -
)ject I a
I/from h ·
cli m:
when W:
ise of t ,,-
by myse'
Nhen yo.
le publ ic.
:t's work
... a die
........ t h:
...... sale
s for yo.
~ car W-
She is the most ....................... woman I've ever
seen. (BEAUTY)
Going over the speed limit is ........ .............. . .
He was very .... ... ... .... ......... to us and seemed to
enjoy our company. (FRIEND)
Google gained ...................... quickly. (POPULAR)
He found her idea rather .................. (CONFUSE)
The volcanic .... ............................ caused a lot of
damage. (ERUPT)
The ... ... ... ...... ....... ............. starts at 6:00 so we'd
better hurry. (PERFORM)
The museum is a popular tourist .... ..... .... .... .
The guide was very ........................................ .... .
and answered all our questions. (HELP)
He fought hard to stay ..... ... .................... (LIVE)
Some mushrooms can be ................................... .
so be careful when you pick them . (POISON)
This pie is too .... ....... ... ...... I can't eat it. (SALT)
That is too ..... ... ................... ............. ....... for me
t o buy. (EXPENSE)
The accident was caused by a ............................ .
driver. (CARE)
The crowd sighed with ..... ......................... ...... ... .
when he reached the roof. (RELIEVE)
Joan seems .......................... ................... What's
wrong with her? (HAPPY)
This surface is ..................................................... ,
you'd better not walk on it. (SLIP)
.............. ................... make me feel dizzy. (HIGH)
The village is not easily ...................... (ACCESS)
My skin is very ........................ .......... to the sun.
hese shoes are very ......................................... .
I could wear them all day long . (COMFORT)
hey had a huge ............................... .. .... ........... .
an d haven't spoken since. (ARGUE)
He seems to have put on a lot of ......... .. ........... .
Sh e was happy because she got a ...... ............... .
I am sorry I was late for the ....................... .
ome here .... ..... ...... ... ................. (IMMEDIATE)
27 You shouldn 't ta lk ........... ,.
on the phone , (LOUD )
28 I can't stand .. .... ... .... ............ .
29 Your ............ ............. ..... . IS to:a llj' ~:-I :: :: =;::=: =
a--:: ~ :;:~
30 Kelly won a ............. ..... .... .... ..... ....
Un iversity. (SCHOLAR)
31 Tina is a ........ ... ......................... ..... ........ or mine;
she's my cousin . (RELATE)
32 The dandidas is a .................................... . da nce .
33 We were ............................................... with the
service so we complained to the manager.
34 30% of women snore ........ .............. (REGULAR)
35 It is ... .. ..................... .......................... to point at
people. They can get offended. (POLITE)
36 The information was .......................................... .
and everyone got confused. (ACCURATE)
37 Everyone's .............................. .. ..... .......... ........ to
the new measures was positive. (REACT)
38 They have ..... .......... ............................. moved to
a bigger house. (RECENT)
39 They became ........................... .. ........ .. ..... of him
when he was caught lying. (SUSPECT)
40 The blood ........................................................... .
showed he was innocent. (ANALYSE)
41 Peter is .... .............................; intell igent. (H IG H)
42 His parents were very ... ...... .. ... ............... ... ..... ... .
of him. (PRIDE)
43 Our ......................................................... has got
a lot of beautiful gardens. (NEIGHBOUR)
44 Everyone is entitled to ....................................... .
of speech . (FREE)
45 The ............. ................ ........................ were very
satisfied with the bonus they received. (EMPLOY)
46 Everyone agreed with the .................... (SOLVE)
47 Petra works as a ........................... (RECEPTION)
48 He is a very hardworking and ........... .. ................
person. (ENTHUSIASM)
49 A firefighter's job is extremely ........................ .. .
50 She joined a ....................................... group and
spent the summer protecting turtles and their
eggs. (CONSERVE)
1--Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sent ence. Use the word
given and other words to complete the sentence.
1 Tom is a good basketball player, isn't he?
Tom ............................................. ..
................................... , doesn't he?
2 Our teacher will mark our exams.
Our exams .................................... .
................................... our teacher.
3 "Have some biscuits, Marta."
"Marta, ......................................... .
.......................... to some biscuits."
4 "Are you travelling to Japan?" Jan said to me.
Jan asked me ............................... ..
........................................ to Japan.
People say a dragon guards that cave.
A dragon ....................................... .
...................................... that cave.
Her parents gave their permission for her to go out.
Her parents .................................. .
................................................ out.
"Let's go to the cinema tonight," Joe said.
Joe suggested .............................. ..
......................................... tonight.
Greg is twelve years old. Joe is thirteen years old.
Joe ................................................ .
............................................. Greg.
Fred has lived in Toronto for two months.
Fred ............................................... .
................ ........... two months ago.
We haven't been out to eat for three weeks.
The ............................................... .
......... to eat was three weeks ago.
Bob doesn't,play football anymore.
Bob ............................................... ..
......................................... football.
"Willl see you tomorrow?" John said to Nancy.
John ................................................. ..
........................ see her the next day.
Grant went to work on foot in the past, but now
he drives.
Grant ............................................ .
.... ....... on foot, but now he drives.
After we finished dinner, Mum started the washingup.
Mum waited ................................ ..
dinner before starting the washingup.
15 "Where did I put my wallet?" he said .
WONDERED He ............. .. .... ... ....... .. .... .. ... ......... .
.......................... ........... his wallet.
16 We have never see n such a funny film .
It ........................... .. ...................... .
we have ever see n.
17 Pam didn't come to my party because I didn 't
invite her.
Pam wo uld have come to my part}
18 Leave now or you'll miss your train .
You'll miss your train .. .. .. .............. .
.. ................... ......................... now.
The beautician is painting her nails.
She .............. .. ..... .. .... .................... .
........................ .. by the beautician.
It would have been better if I had taken a map .
I ................................................... ..
.. .................. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... a map.
"You're right. The exam was hard," she said .
She ........ .. .. ........ .... .. ..... ... .. .......... ..
..................................... been hard
If he runs faster, he'll win .
He ....... ... .. .. ...... .. ............... .. ......... ..
...................... .. .. .... . he runs faste r
Tony has got the same num ber of CDs as I have .
Tony ................. .... ....... ..... .... .. ..... ..
.............. ............ .. .... CDs as I have
It isn't necessary to water th e plants for me .
You ........................... .... ....... ....... ..
.. ............. water the plants for me
A designer won't make her dress.
She won't ......................... .. ......... ..
.. .................................. . a designer
You should get more exercise.
If ........................................ .... ..... ..
.. ......... , I would get more exercise
That's the city Tolstoy was born in .
That ............................................. .
.......................... Tolstoy was born
"1 can't speak French," Sam said to me.
Sam ............. .......................... .. .. .. .
............................. .. . speak French
the wore
his walle
e I didn '
my part
Here are some sentences
about an environmental group.
For each question, complete
the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first.
Use no more than three
It takes more than talking about
the problem to solve it.
Just talking about the problem
isn't .................. .. ...................... ..
................................ to solve it.
2 If we don't do something now the
planet is in real danger.
The planet is in real danger unless
...... noVl
a map.
........... ..
... a map
.. ...........
?en hara
ns faster
I have.
I have
s for me
'as born
................................ now.
run a number of programmes
to involve the community.
A number of programmes ......... .
................. .... ............... ....... them
to involve the community.
4 A lot of businesses have introduced
their recycling scheme .
Their recycling scheme .............. .
....................................... by a lot
of businesses .
5 Why don't you join the group and
help the cause?
If I were you, ......................... .... .
............................ join the group
and help the cause.
Here are some se ntences a
For eac h questi on, com plete
it means the same as the fir s•.
words .
1 Doctors suggest t hat you ta ke a brea " '-._
The ad vi ce given by doctors is .... .......... ..
. . ... . .. . .. ... ... . . ..... .. .... ........................ ....... .... c ....
2 It is advisable to set you monitor at the rign:
-= ~ ----
neck strain.
To avoid neck strain you ......................... .. .. .... ..
.. ......................................... your monitor at the r g- - - -. --3 Illness can be caused by the harmful bacteria :;: ~:~ :­
keyboards .
Keyboards are full of harmful bacteria .................. .... ..... .
.................................................................... can cause illness
4 Always wash your hands before eating food at you comp ute ..
..................................................................... eat food at yo ur
computer without washing your hands first.
S Don't spend too long sitting at a computer without getti ng
up and walking around.
You should get up and walk around .................................... ..
.. ...................... ........ to spend too long sitting at a computer.
Here are some sentences about nursing. For each
question, complete the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first. Use no more than three
1 A nurse's most important task is patient care.
Patient care is .................... .......... ... ................................... .... .
............................................. than any other task for a nurse.
2 Nurses are able to deal calmly with emergencies.
Nurses are capable of ........................................................... ..
.................................................................. with emergencies.
3 Nurses spend time talking to patients.
Nurses take the time .. .......................................................... ..
............ ............................. .... .. ... .. .... ................ ..... to patients.
4 You have to spend a long time training to be a nurse.
It takes a long time .............................................................. ..
......................................................................... to be a nurse.
S The health service needs more nurses.
There are not ............... ...................................................... .... .
................................................... nurses in the health service .
( French
Here are some sentences about a trip to
London, For each question, complete the
second sentence so that it means the same
as the first. Use no more than three words.
1 The hotel they stayed in was not far from Kings
Cross Station .
The hotel they stayed in was quite ................ ..
.. .. ............................ Kings Cross Station .
2 Paul asked the receptionist if she could
recommend somewhere to eat.
Paul asked the receptionist," ...... .... .... .. ........... .
.... ..... ..... ....... .... ................ somewhere to eat?"
3 Paul went sightseeing everyday with Adam .
Everyday Paul went sightseeing and .. .. ........... .
........... .. .. ..... .. .......... .. ....................... did Adam .
4 Paul found many of the sights interesting .
Paul ... ..... .... ..... ....... ......... .. .. ...... .. .... .. ..... ..... ... ..
.. .. .. ................................ by many of the sights.
5 Seeing Buckingham Palace was Pau l's favourite
part of the trip .
Seeing Buckingham Palace was .................. .... ..
.......................... .. enjoyable part of Paul 's trip .
1 There are 15 players on the team.
Here are some sentences about a haunted
castle. For each question, complete the
second sentence so that it means the same
as the first. Use no more than three words.
1 Tourists come to the castle in the hope of seeing
a ghost.
The castle is visited by tourists .... ...... .. ........... ..
.. .... .. ... .. .................... ...... . hope to see a ghost.
2 The most famous ghost is the Lady in Grey.
The Lady in Grey .......... .. .. ........................ .... .. ..
.. ........ .. .. ...... .. .. ....... .. .. .. . than any other ghost.
3 Several visitors claim to have seen ghosts.
Several visitors say .... ..... .. .................... .. .. .. .... ..
.... ...... ...... ........................ .. ........... ..... ... ghosts.
4 "Don't get lost," said the guide.
The guide told them .............................. .......... .
.. ..... .... ... ............ ... ................ ..................... lost.
5 It took them two hours to complete the tour.
The tour ......... .. ... .. ......... .. ....... .. ...... ..... ...... ... .. .
.... ...................... ..... ..... .. ........ .... .. .... two hours.
Here are some sentences about a hockey
team. For each question, complete the
second sentence so that it means the same
as the first. Use no more than three words .
The team consists .......... .. .......................... .... .. .
.. .............. .. .. .. ............. ... .... .. ... ......... 15 players.
One player spends 2 hours travelling to eacr
training session .
It takes one player 2 hours .... ...... .. ................ .. .
.. .......................... .. ... .. to each training sessio n.
Jack joined the team 2 years ago.
Jack has been with the team ......................... .. .
......................... .. .. .... .... ................... .... . 2 years.
He is now their top goal scorer.
He has ...................... ....................... ........ .. .. .... .
.. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ...... ...... .... .. .... their top goal score r.
The team succeeded in winning their countri es
biggest title.
The team were able ........... .. .. .. ...... .. ..... .... ...... ..
.. ............ .. .... ......... their countries biggest title.
Here are some sentences about a film . For
each question, complete the second
sentence so that it means the same as the
first. Use no more than three words.
1 Everyone found Alan Barker's new film ve t)
Everyone ... ... .... .... ... ... .............. .. ... ...................
........................... .... . by Alan Barker's new fil m.
2 The film has sold more tickets than any othe
this year.
It is the .. .... .......... .. ...... ........... ... ..... .. .... .......... ..
................................. .. .......... .. ..... film th is yea r.
3 Critics wrote very good reviews of the film .
Very good reviews of t he film .......... .. .. .. ........ ..
.. .............................. .... ........................... critics.
4 I can't wait to get the film on DVD.
I am .. .. .. .. ........ .. ... ... ........ ............................ .. .. ..
...... .................... ...... .. getti ng the film on DVD .
5 He has never made such a good fil m.
This is ................ ..... ........ ...... ..... ..... .. .... ............
.. ....................... ............ .. ... he has made so fa r.
c ::
le same
words .
to eac
Complete the gaps.
I plan on .................... (go) to baseball practice
after school. Would you like ............... (come)?
17 Joan's family were ............................. (wait) to
meet her as she .. .. .............. (get) off the train.
2 The doctor ... .... .......... ...... (careful) cleaned his
patients wound ............................. covering it.
18 Gary .. .... .. ............... ... .. ........ (walk) in the park
when it began ............................ (rain/heavy).
3 Colin ............................. .. . (want) to become a
pilot ever .......... .. ....................... he was a boy.
19 After the guided tour ......................... (finish),
they ................. (be) taken back to their hotel.
4 Dan has told me he .... ......................... (take) a
gap year after ..................... (finish) university.
20 Tony ............ ....... (know) London well because
he ................... ... .... ...... .. (visit) the city several
times before.
S Anna talks very .................. (quick) and people
have a difficult time ........ .. .. (understand) her.
21 Karen ................ .................... (not/attend) her
6 Colin usually likes .. .............. .................. (play)
basketball ............. his friends at the weekend.
aerobics class in many months and ................ ..
(worry) she will find it difficult.
I score r
7 At the moment, Peter ..................................... .
(watch) television with his friends. Later on he
.................................... (shop) with his mother.
22 The guide told the tourists he .............. .. .. .. .... ..
(explore) the caves .. .................... times before
and knew the way.
st title.
S Alan's brother says he .......................... (study)
for an exam at the moment and .................... ..
(may/come) to the park later on .
23 Christopher ......... .. .... .. ................... (apply) for
several jobs and ..................................... (wait)
to hear back from any potential employers.
9 After a long day at work, Sally was ...... .. ....... ..
(look) forward .................. (relax) on the sofa .
24 Police ................................... . (speak) to a man
.. ......................... connection with a crime that
occurred last night.
2 years
. For
film .
s year.
o Are you
............................. (go) anywhere nice
on your holidays this year? Yes, I am planning
................................... (visit) Rome for a week.
Ruth ............................ (enjoy) helping people
and .......................... .. .. .. (decide) to volunteer
at the homeless shelter.
2 Mr Smith doesn't like ...... .. ............... he works,
but knows it would be hard ............................ .
(find) a new job.
3 Our teacher asked us to sit ............................ ..
(quiet) and listen while she ............................ .
(finish) explaining the task.
25 The tennis match ......................... (delay) until
later this afternoon due ................. heavy rain .
26 Kevin .................... ................ .. . (terrify) during
the tour ............................ the haunted castle.
27 My friends and I .... ................................. (plan)
to travel around Asia, but our plans fell ......... .
at the last minute.
28 Katie has fallen ................ with her best friend
because she ............ ........... (gossip) about her.
29 My father is trying to give ...... .. .. smoking, but
he ............................. (found) it really difficult.
4 Dean ................................ ..... (have) breakfast,
when .............. .................. (sudden) there was
a loud knock at the door.
30 Are you .... ............. .. ......................... (go/vote)
S While Tony and Adam ......................... .. .......... .
(travel) to work this morning, they ................ .
(listen) to the radio .
there are big waves and the boat .................. ..
(move) up and down.
o far.
6 'Why ...................... .............. .. (you/not/come)
swimming with us yesterday?' Natasha .. .. ..... ..
................................. ....... .... ... (ask) her friend .
:ritics .
for him .. .... .................. .. .. .. .. the next election?
31 My sister ....................... (feel) seasick because
32 We ................................... (watch) a film when
all of a sudden there ................... a power cut!
33 Usa ......................... (open) the front door and
her dog .. .. .. ........ .. ....... (run) out of the house.
34 The water shortage ............................ (follow)
the drought ..................................... (solve) by
digging a deep well.
35 What ................ (has) you .. ........ .. .................. .
(be/do) for the last 30 minutes?
36 My wife and I first ........................ (meet) each
other when we .................... (be) in university.
37 ....................................... (you/read) your book
before I ........ .. .... ....................... (disturb) you?
38 Greg ............................. (swim) in the pool for
an hour before he ......................... (feel) tired .
39 Next weekend I .................................... ..... (go)
to the zoo .................................... my nephew.
40 The defendant ................................. (feel) very
relieved to ....................... (be/find) not guilty.
41 Danny is ................ .................... (offer) to give
me a lift ........................... school this morning.
42 Learning how to ski .................................. (be/
difficult), but I'm ................................ (go/try)
my best!
43 I .. .. ................................. (try/talk) to him, but
he still ............................... (notllisten) to me!
44 ......... you go skydiving, you .... ...... very brave.
45 I .................................................. (like/make) a
reservation ....................... two people, please.
55 James phoned the police as ..............................
as he ........................... (realise) that his house
had been burgled.
56 The hotel ................................ (offer) a speci a
discount to anyone who .... ............................ ..
(book) online before next Tuesday.
57 Scientists say that the Earth ............................ .
(heat) up because .................... ..... greenhouse
58 The ice that polar bears hunt from .................. .
(melt) very fast, which means that they have
to swim ............ (far) than before to find food.
59 If .................... we had brought a map with us.
Then we wouldn't be so ............ .. .................. .. .
(hopeless) lost!
60 The hiker ..................................... (feel/terrify)
when he came .................. a bear in the forest.
............................ (If/have) more forethough t
I ...................... (will) have brought a flashligh
on the camping trip.
62 How long ................................... (your family!
live) in Portugal? Has it been longer .............. ..
two years?
46 ................ he finishes the race in first place, he
.................... .................. (award) a gold medal.
63 The rescue team went to look ....... the missing
snowboarder and ............................ (discover)
that he was trapped in an avalanche .
47 Can you please turn .......... the volume of your
music? I am .................................. (try/study)!
64 Daniel .................................. (surprise) at ho'll
..................................... (noise) the traffic was .
48 ....... that dress is on sale, then I .................... ..
(buy) it.
65 If you look up, you .................................. (see)
stalactites have formed on the roof of the cave.
49 I am ................................. (go/start) a new job
....... Monday.
66 Due ............ global warming, the polar icecaps
.. ................................................ .. . (go) to melt.
50 We'd better hurry. Our bus ............ the airport
...................................... (leave) in 10 minutes!
67 Because of deforestation, many animals are .......
danger of ................................ (become) extinct.
51 Graham .......................... (help) his mother set
the table ............ they wait for dinner to cook.
68 Donna ............................... (decide/volunteer)
at a shelter for ....................... (abandon) pets.
52 My sister ........................ (promise) to help me
with my homework ................. she gets home.
69 Karen ........................... (live) next door to me,
but she ................ (move) out a few days ago.
53 We ...................................... (miss) the start of
the play .......................... we don't leave now!
70 Keep following the footpath and it .................
(lead) you to an ................. (amaze) waterfal l.
54 I .............. ...................... (have) long hair wher
I was younger.
3 I'
ir whe n
Choose the correct item.
s house
Mum ..... you to your friend's house when you
have done the washing up.
A would take B will take
C would have taken
specia l
2 Beth ..... from Canada, but now she lives in Wales.
A is coming
:l food .
lith us.
B comes
3 It ..... that the world population will be 9 billion
by 2050.
A is believed
C believes
B has been believed
4 Jamie told us that he used to live next door to a
famous celebrity, but he wouldn't say ..... it was.
A which
B that
C who
5 When the temperature ..... below zero degrees,
water freezes into ice.
B fell
A is falling
C did come
C falls
6 Simon ..... politics at university at the moment.
C has studied
A is studying B studied
7 Daniel ..... a great time in New York last week.
8 My brother denied ..... the money.
A having taken B to take
C having took
t how
: was.
! cave.
o me,
; ago.
A had
B is having
C has
9 Sam ..... in the park when he saw some boys
playing football .
C had walked
A was walking B walked
10 We ..... to the cinema last night.
B had gone C went
A have been
The glass ..... by Steve.
A was breaking B was broken C broke
12 I ..... on the phone for an hour when
remembered I was supposed to be at Julia's
B had been talking
A talked
C was talking
13 If Peter had run faster, he ..... the race .
B wouldn't have won
A would win
C would have won
14 Amy talks so ..... that I sometimes find it hard
to hear what she's saying .
A much quiet B quietly
15 I ..... of becom ing a nurse when I finish school.
A am thinking B did thought
C think
16 I'd love ..... another lang uage, but I don't have
the time.
B to have learned
A learn in g
C to learn
17 I wish I ..... at home now, instead of waiting for
the bus in the pouring rain.
A am
B will be
C was
18 My dad said being a video game tester was the
..... job he ever had.
A better
B best
C far better
19 We ..... to Sarah's house when our car ran out
of petrol.
A drove
B were driving
C had been driving
20 Helen ..... be interested in books, but now she
reads all the time.
A didn't use to B was not used to
C didn't used to
21 The restaurant ..... last night, so David bought
us all a takeaway instead.
B was closed
A is closed
C had been closed
22 I ..... to Britain before and nobody warned me
about the wet weather.
A had never been
B had never went
C have never gone
23 Michelle ..... all day, so by the time we saw her
she was quite tired.
A worked
B has been working
C had been working
24 Jason asked us not to make too much noise last
night because he ..... upstairs.
A is studying B was studying
C has been studying
25 Bill ..... junk food every day, but now he eats
healthy food.
A would eat
B used to eat C eats
C quiet
26 The award .... . by the Mayor himself.
A presented
B was presented
C has presented
40 You .... . talk during the presentation, or you
will be asked to leave.
B don't have to C wouldn't
A mustn't
27 Both Sharon .... . Mark can drive.
41 The Queen ... .. arrive in a horse-drawn carriage .
A or
C nor
28 We ..... around South America, but our plans
fell through at the last minute.
A were going to travel
B were travelling
C will be travelling
29 If you like spicy food, you ... .. try the new Indian
restaurant on Main Street.
A shall
B shou ld
C may
30 Unless she trains every day this week, Cia ire
..... the match on Saturday.
A will lose
B will be losing
C will have lost
31 We can go out .... . I finish hanging the clothes
out to dry.
A by the time B as soon as C just as
32 You can't go to the party because we
dinner with your cousins tonight.
C are having
A will have had B have
33 Our flight ..... at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning .
A left
B will leave Cleaves
34 You ..... return your library book today or you
will have to pay a fine.
A may
B could
C must
35 Our car was fixed by the mechanic .. ... shop is
next to the supermarket.
A who's
B whose
C which
36 Karen ..... play the violin when she was three.
A should
B could
C would
37 I ..... to fix this radio all morning, but it still won't
A tried
B have been trying
C am t rying
38 Chris asked ..... I minded him using my laptop.
A that
B whether
C unless
39 Experts say that this is the coldest winter on
record, but it ... .. snowed yet.
A hasn't
B hadn't
C won't have
B is expecting to
A expects to
C is expected to
42 My parents ..... us to stay inside until the storm
was over.
C said
A tells
B told
43 Alan ..... take his driving test three times
before he passed.
A was able to B must
C had to
44 Neither Robert .. ... Jane were at the party last
C or
A nor
45 ..... I use your mobile phone to call my mother?
A Should
B May
C Must
46 The manager ... .. to attend the meeting .
C shouldn't
A wasn't able B couldn't
47 Paul and Frank aren't here, so they ..... have
been invited.
B needn't
C mustn't
A shouldn't
48 I can't bel ieve Greg hasn't arrived .... .; it's not
like him to be late.
B since
C yet
A already
49 Alex admitted ..... his father's credit card to
buy a new bike over the Internet.
A to use
B to having used
C to have used
50 Rachel .. ... the piano for two hours now.
A was playing B has been playing
C had been playing
51 Dad isn't home yet, so he .... . still be at work.
B can
C mustn't
A must
52 I think studying art will be ..... than studying
A easiest
B easier
C too easy
53 I ..... get in to the exhibition for free because
the artist is my best friend .
A can't
B might
C must
or you
·ty last
. have
• Vocabulary Revision
t's not
• Listening Practice
• Reading Practice
ard to
Jdyin g
Further Practice
Choose the correct item.
1 My brother loves reading ..... stories, but I find
them too scary.
A thriller
B horror
C fantasy
12 Banksy's graffiti art is sometimes considered .... .,
but most people think it is very clever.
A offensive
B illegal
C rundown
2 Dust can ..... the nose and make a person sneeze.
A stretch
B irritate
C vibrate
13 Megan only works part-time because she has to
.. ... her children.
A raise
B regain
C involve
3 Mrs. Smith insisted that £500 had been stolen
from her house, but the police said there was
no physical ..... of a break-in.
A evidence
B analysis
C trace
4 Lauren must be very ..... because her favourite
hobby is speed skiing.
A organised
B caring
C brave
5 Emma packed a ..... in case night fell before she
got home.
A rucksack
B penknife
C flashlight
6 People today spend too much time on social .....
sites and not enough time actually socialising.
A networking B contact
C connection
7 There is going to be a ..... tomorrow against the
government's new policy about down loading
A boycott
B ban
C protest
8 Acid rain can dissolve ..... and other types of rock.
A stalagmite B stalactite
C limestone
9 People usually ..... when they're tired, but scientists
still aren't sure why.
A sneeze
B yawn
C blush
10 Computer hackers can ..... access to personal email
accounts, private companies and even government
A gain
B exploit
C hack
11 A summer .... . at the bank could lead to a fulltime job.
A research
B training
C internship
14 Gavin asked me to help him write his job ..... .
B application C interview
A vacancy
15 When he was camping, Nigel got ..... by
C stung
A bitten
B caught
16 Our visit to the Haunted Castle was so .... . I ha
nightmares for a week.
A frustrating
B fascinating C terrifying
17 Many of Bob Marley's songs are about racial ..... .
A incrimination B discrimination
C revolution
18 We packed supplies before we started our .. ...
through the forest.
B hike
C footpath
A trail
19 Soldiers were often made into knights becaus ~
of their .... . to the King.
A loyalty
B bravery
C cruelty
20 Natalie wants a spoonful of honey to help he
sore .....
A lung
B airway
C throat
21 My sister was .... . because kept asking
questions while she was watching television.
A enthusiastic B annoyed
C surprised
22 The guide told us it was a .... . cathedral, whicr
meant it was over 600 years old .
A medieval
B historic
C spooky
23 Maria needed help setting up her personal .. ...
on Facebook.
C trend
B profile
A interface
Further Practice
ed .... .,
has to
24 Garlic is not a(n) ..... for a cold, but it will help
with the symptoms.
A remedy
B cure
C antiseptic
37 The roof of the cave was so low that sometimes
we had to .. ," along the passage.
A crawl
B bounce
C surround
25 John is very ..... , which is why he pursued a
career as an artist.
B patient
C polite
A creative
38 You might get a skin ..... if your mobile phone is
not clean ,
A infection
B arthritis
C strain
26 The snake-bite on Faye's leg looked .... ., but the
doctor said it wasn't serious.
A poisonous
B evil
C nasty
39 Listening to music which is too loud can cause
hearing .....
A restriction
B swelling
C loss
27 Shelley dyes her hair blue to ..... attention to
A gather
B achieve
C attract
40 Penny wants a part-time job as a babysitter
because she loves to ..... small children.
A look after
B put out
C take up
28 The weather in the mountains is so ..... that we
took both waterproof coats and sunscreen with us.
A unpredictable B incredible C stunning
41 I think Paul gets ..... because he eats his food
too fast.
A indigestion B insomnia
C sickness
29 Sam really enjoys his work as a(n) ..... lifeguard,
even though he doesn't get paid.
A volunteer
B employee C interviewee
42 Many people are afraid of bees because their
.. .. . can be quite painful.
A sting
B bite
C scratch
30 Freedivers use ..... to help them see when they
are underwater.
C wetsuit
A goggles
B flippers
43 The force of waves from the sea can ..... rock
and create caves.
A dissolve
B erode
C harden
31 Irene works as a ..... in the local supermarket.
A customer
B passenger C cashier
44 Daniel put his camping equipment in a tidy .. .. .
on the floor.
A heap
B pile
C tip
... by
, I had
d ..... ,
Jr .... .
I her
I .. ...
32 Singing loudly is one way to ..... bears.
A scare off
B set off
C go off
33 Danielle has to .... . eye drops because her eyes
get dry from working on a computer all day.
A take
B put
C use
34 In summer, the temperature in the Antarctic is
about ooe, but in winter it ..... to -40°C.
A drops
B rises
C adapts
35 A firm ..... is considered to be a polite greeting
in Britain.
C eye contact
A handshake B hug
36 Lady Gaga said that Johann Sebastian Bach is
a(n) ..... for her music.
A inspiration B sensation C operation
45 Max got ..... because he shouted at his boss.
B divorced
C fired
A married
46 Sally found studying abroad completely ..... and
she quit her course and came home.
A rewarding
B challenging
C overwhelming
47 The wind was blowing such a ..... that lan could
hardly stand up.
A blizzard
B gale
C hail
48 Tony's ..... to the children's charity helped him
succeed in climbing the mountain.
A dedication
B determination
C demand
49 Mike suffers from hay ..... in the springtime.
A fever
B cough
C flu
Further Practice
50 Melanie has to wear sunscreen on the beach
because she has ..... skin .
A plump
B pale
C pierced
55 Jasmine found it hard not to scratch her arrr
because she had a(n) ..... rash.
A itchy
B sore
C smelly
51 My dad is nervous about making a speech at the
wedding because he's quite .....
A shy
B outgoing
C cheerful
56 We discussed the .... . of a cyber terrorist hackins
into air traffic control and what could happen .
B disruption C scene
A scenario
52 When you're under pressure, your body will .....
A release
B increase
C recall
57 The company is looking for someone who ca
..... their own new ideas.
B develop
C operate
A improve
53 Tina was caught ..... make-up from the
A mugging
B shoplifting
C pickpocketing
58 The ..... all agreed that the man was guilty
arson .
A judge
B defendant C jury
59 This organisation is trying to ... .. awareness
the importance of a good night's sleep.
A raise
B gather
C get
54 The witness found it easy to ..... the burglar
from the photographs.
B examine
C identify
A analyse
60 Mark called the police to report the ..... of his ca
A burglary
B robbery
C theft
Further Practice
ler ar
hackin g
o You will hear Jack talking about his job. Listen and mark the sentences
T (true) or F (false). Tick (.I) the correct box.
tho ca r
Jack works for a water park company.
He has travelled to the Costa Del Sol.
Jack used to work in an office.
He has to write a brochure.
Jack asks Adam to be his assistant.
ness of
his car.
o You are going to hear five people talking about visits to museums. Match the
speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). There is one extra statement.
A The speaker
B The speaker
( The speaker
D The speaker
E The speaker
F The speaker
says you can see inside the museum without visiting it.
says it's best to make an early start to ensure you see it all.
points out you don't have to pay to get in.
mentions that with a special card you don't have to wait.
announces that the museum will open a new location soon.
feels there isn 't that much to see.
You will hear a radio interview with someone talking about natural cleaning
products. For each question (1-5) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
1 Barbara White is a(n)
A radio host.
C housewife.
B TV presenter.
D cleaner.
2 The interviewer is surprised by the use of
vinegar as a
A bath cleaner.
B kitchen counter cleaner.
C window cleaner.
D fabric softener.
3 Barbara recommends toothpaste for
A brass.
C stainless steel.
D silver.
B copper.
4 Lemon peel can be used to clean
A the microwave.
B pans.
C kitchen cupboards .
D carpets.
5 To make a carpet smell fresh, Barbara
says to use
A soda water.
B baking soda.
C cornflour.
D vinegar and water.
Read the text. For
each question choose
the right answer
A, 8, Cor D.
Katie and Peter were walking around a flea market looking for second-hand
furniture. They had just moved into a flat in the city and although they were both
working, neither of them earned much money and so they had very little spare
cash once their bills were paid.
Katie spotted a small bookcase with a price tag of £20. She thought it would be
great for her collection of romantic novels. She bought it and the old man behind
the stall gave her an old book as a gift. She thanked him even though she didn't
think she would read it as she didn't recognise the title, 'The Poor Man's Friend.'
They got back to their flat and put the bookcase in place, then Katie sat flicking
through the pages of the old book. Peter was looking in the kitchen cupboards
and making suggestions for what they could eat for dinner. "I wish we could
order a pizza," said Katie, but she knew it was a luxury they couldn't afford. They
always cooked cheap simple meals at home and they never ate out. Just then a
small piece of paper fell out of the book. She picked it up and saw that it was a
crumpled £20 note. "Wow! What good luck!" she said. They ordered a big pizza
with all the toppings and rented a DVD, too. They had a great night.
A few days later, when Katie was home alone ironing the clothes, the iron
suddenly stopped working. She knew they couldn't buy a new one until they got
paid at the end of the month. She felt anxious at the thought of going to work in
creased clothes. She sat down and let out a heavy sigh.
She glanced over and saw the old book on the shelf. 'Wouldn't it be great if there
was more money hidden in the pages of that book?' she thought to herself. She
picked the book up and shook it, not really expecting anything other than dust to
fall out, and to her amazement a folded banknote fell to the floor.
1 Why didn't Katie and Peter have much money?
A They had spent it all on second-hand furniture.
B Their bills were high.
C They had just bought a new flat.
D Their wages were low.
3 Why did Katie want to order a pizza
A She couldn't cook.
B It was a cheap meal.
C She wanted a treat.
D She didn't want to eat out.
2 Why did Katie take the book?
4 Katie was upset when the iron broke because
She wanted to read it.
It was a present.
She recognised the title.
She didn't have any books.
it was an expected expense.
she was alone when it happened.
she didn't want to look untidy at work.
she had just paid for a new one.
S In the story, the money falls out of the book when
A Katie is upset. C Katie wishes for it.
B Katie is hungry. D Katie and Peter are together.
Further Practice
Read the text. Five sentences are missing. Match the
sentences (A-F) to the gaps (1-5). There is one extra
You've probably heard of hot places like
California and New Delhi but have you ever
heard of Dallol in Ethiopia? Dallol is actually one
of the hottest places in the world! Here the
average yearly temperature is 34 degrees and
the thermometer can reach up to 63°C in the
burning sun. It's no wonder nobody lives there!
Dallol is located in a desert area called the
Danakil Depression. Although it is in the middle of
the desert, Dallol is not full of sand as one might
imagine. In fact, it is incredibly beautiful! There
are many red and green acid lakes, beautiful
multicoloured hot springs, yellow sulphur fields,
and numerous white salt beds. How is this
possible? [ID The sulphur, salt and other
natural deposits found here give the place its
magnificent colour.
Due to its location, Dallol is also hard to reach.
There are only rough roads leading there. [ID
They do this in order to collect table salt. They
cut out blocks of salt from the ground and load
A Many of them couldn't handle the job.
B Dallol lies in a mineral-rich volcanic
C Since Dallol is uninhabited, fixing and
maintaining the roads seems unnecessary.
D Tour operators organise excursions to the
area with off-road vehicles and camels.
the salt onto camels. [IIJ
In spite of the unbearable temperatures, Dallol
was once inhabited. Up until the 1970s workers
lived there in order to extract a mineral called
potash from the ground. They built shelters out
of blocks of salt, worked hard and dealt with the
intense heat daily. However, the living conditions
for the workers were extremely harsh. [!IJ In
the end, all of them left and the only things that
were left behind were abandoned cars and
Today, an increasing number of tourists visit th is
hot and colourful land.
They take groups
there to observe the hot springs as well as the
active Erta Ale Volcano which shoots out hot lava
in the air. Despite advising their travel groups
about the weather conditions, many tourists are
shocked by the heat and the volcanic tremors felt
along the way. Even so, most will agree that a
journey to Dallol is an absolute adventure!
E The locals to the surrounding region, the
Afar people, travel there by camel.
F It is then transported to the markets of
Ethiopia for sale.
Further Practice
Read the text. Five sentences are missing. Match the sentences (A-F) to the
gaps (1-5). There is one extra sentence.
Functional ~
Rubbish bins!
Art has never really been considered the most important or
useful of man's activities. In fact, the famous author Oscar Wilde
once wrote that 'all art is quite useless'. This, however, would not
seem to be how sculptor Ivan Mc Lean sees it. Ivan, who lives in
Portland, USA, has come up with a form of art that seems to be
considered quite practical in his town . ~ The simple yet fabulous
idea came from a friend who was recycling commercial signs from an
affluent beach resort area nearby.
[I[J This is because he uses an assortment of old signs of various sizes,
shapes and colours to make each trash can . The bins are in the shape of a
typical mailbox and are reflective at night. They have got rather large holes in
the sides for rubbish and holes at the top allowing people to easily dispose of
plastic and glass bottles for recycling. [1IJ It's a great
example of functional art.
The city of Portland is so happy with McLean's functional
art that they plan to place nineteen more along their busy
streets. []I] The city has promised to pay for them
out of community funds while the cost of maintaining
them will be about $8,000 to $9,000 a year and will
be covered by private donations from local business
people and residents. So, far from being useless,
McLean's functional art has resulted in more than
one positive for the city. It has brought the
community together, is helping to keep the
neighbourhoods clean and is making it
easier for people to recycle materials .
.. [[0 Now, the artist just hopes
that graffiti artists will respect
his creations.
A The bins will be bolted into the ground close to pedestrian crossings.
B Thanks to a small idea, life in the city is now a bit more pleasant.
C The question is whether it should really be considered art or not?
o He has created what is called a recycling-and-garbage receptacle, or simply bin, from old
street signs.
E Onlookers who witnessed the installation of his first bin couldn't help but admire his
F McLean's art is not only useful, but it brightens up the town as well.
S! 4 .
Choose the correct item .
1 Can you ...... .. this problem?
A answer B work
C solve
2 A freediver's lungs .. ...... in size on the way up
to the surface.
A double B shrink
B win
C breathe 0 hold
C take
0 earn
4 A smokejumper .. ... ... out of an aeroplane into a
fire zone.
A throws
C goes
B parachutes
o leaves
5 Sara Campbell is a world ........ freediver.
A winner
B experience
6 Molly wants to
A pick
B take
C champion
0 leader
up UFO hunting as a
C get
7 It's a lifeguard's ...... . to rescue people in danger
of drowning.
A duty
B skill
C training
o knowledge
8 Joe wants to .... .. .. for the managerial job.
C interview
A write
B apply
0 work
9 Jake is very ........ and likes to find out about
A curious '"
B enthusiastic
C creative
o polite
10 Are there any job .. ..... . in the newspaper?
A professions
B vacancies
C experiences
0 interests
B Circle the correct item.
1 Usa would love ........ a job in a big advertisi n:
C getting
A to get
B get
2 Ann is looking forward ........ work.
3 Students often work part-time to ...... .. money.
A have
Choose the correct item.
Take a deep breath / dive.
Some students live on college / campus.
Firefighters carry / put out fires.
Sue is a nurse. She works hours / shifts.
Part-time workers usually earn low cash / wages.
A to starting
B starting
C start
3 Sam's job is .... .... than Lee's.
A most tiring
C more tirin g
B tiring
4 Amy's dad doesn't let her ........ out at night.
B going
C go
A to go
5 What ........ later?
A you do
C are you doing
B you doing
6 Mike gets paid as .. ...... Paul.
A much as
B more than
C much more
7 Joe doesn't mind ........ late.
A to work
B working
8 That music ........ good.
B sounds
A sound
C work
C is sounding
9 Maggie enjoys ........ to university.
A going
B to go
C go
10 Rory hopes ........ a summer job.
A find
B to find
C finding
o simple
Put the verbs in brackets into the present
or present continuous.
1 ................................ .. .. .. ..................... (you/go)
to the party tonight?
2 How many hours ............................................ ..
(you/work) a week?
3 Judy ..................................................... (study)
at a university in Leeds now.
4 Adam ................... ... .............................. (hunt)
ghosts as a hobby.
5 Rachel ............................................... (save) up
for a new car these days.
ertisin g
Read the information about street luge. Match
the paragraphs (1-8) with the headings (A-I). One
heading does not match.
tirin g
[IT] Street Luge is an extreme sport that is exciting and dangerous. People also call it road
e) up
luge or land luge. People do it as a serious sport and just for fun.
[[[J The sport comes from southern California from some skateboarders looking for a more
exciting way of riding . Lying down on the board makes it go faster and gives the rider a much
bigger thrill than skateboarding.
[ICJ Street luge riders lie down on their board at the top of a hill and they travel downhill. They
pick up speed along the way thanks to the power of gravity.
[!IJ Riders can steer by moving their bodyweight left or right and backwards or forwards.
There aren't any brakes on the board and the rider has to wear special shoes and drag their feet
along the road to slow down or stop quickly.
[iD The board is like a big skateboard, but it is wider and longer. It is steel or aluminium and it
can have up to eight wheels. The wheels are wide and thick to make the board stable. They make
it safe and allow it to reach high speeds without turning over. Street luge boards travel at speeds
from 60-150 kmph .
[[[] As it is a dangerous sport, riders have to have special safety equipment. For example, they
have to wear a helmet, a one or two-piece leather suit and special footwear. They can also wear
special clothing such as a speedsuit on top of their leather suit if they want as well as gloves.
[ID The governing body of the sport is the IGSA - the International Gravity Sports Association.
It makes sure people follow the rules and organises national and international competitions, the
championships and the ran kings of the racers.
[ID The current IGSA World Cup Series Champion is Peter Eliot from the UK. However, this
year the top contender for the title is Russell Naude from South Africa.
o You will hear an interview with an
F artist.
For each question (1-5) choose the
correct answer A, B, Cor D.
1 Annie is an artist because
A her parents are creative people.
B her parents are artists.
C she makes a lot of money.
D she enjoys creating works of art.
2 The thing that influences her art the most is
A her character.
C her sense of humour.
B the subject.
D her mood.
3 The theme she is working with right now is
A trees. B water.
C plants. D flowers.
o You will hear Phil talking about his
H hobby.
Listen and mark the sentences
T (true) or F (false). Tick (1') the correct box.
True False
1 Phil has a number of different
2 He usually goes metal detecting
on his own.
3 He recommends buying an
expensive metal detector.
4 Phil sometimes finds valuable
5 He suggests researching an area
before treasure hunting there.
5 Annie's exhibition is at the
C Melior Gallery.
A city's art centre.
B community centre.
D Harris Library.
Read the job advert below and write a
cover letter to apply for it (120-150 words) .
G Read the dialogue and fill in the missing
I can start immediately.
Tell me a little about yourself.
Here's a letter of recommendation.
Please have a seat.
Why do you think you'll be a good waiter?
opening remarks & reason for writing
current situation & reason for wanting the job
qualifications, personal qualities & experience
when available for interview & closing remarks
That's great. When can you start?
5) ................................ ................................... ..
Thank you. I'll be in touch.
Thank you very much.
120 ~--------------------~
A: Good morni.ng. I'm Andy Peters.
B: Nice to meet you, Andy. 1) .............................. ..
A: Thank you.
B: So, Andy. 2) ..................................................... .
A: Well, I'm 18, I'm a student and I'm looking for
a part-time job to help pay for university.
B: I see. 3) ........................................................... .
A: I'm hardworking, honest and good with
people. I also have experience. 4) .................. ..
4 Annie makes her sculptures
A in her studio.
C using models.
B in 4-8 hours.
D at night time.
Everyday English
Student to work part-time waiting
tables Tues-Sat evenings in a busy
Are you hardworking and honest?
Do you enjoy working with the public?
Apply in writing to: Seahorse Restaurant,
12, Black Street, Weston-Super-Mare
(Module 2)
:t box.
C Choose the correct item.
A Choose the correct item.
Thomas ........ seasick as the waves rocked the
boat from side to side.
C felt
A experienced
D revealed
B responded
2 Joe doesn't like mosquitoes .. .. .... him.
A buzzing B puffing C stinging
D biting
3 She .. .. .. .. her experience of working in the
music business with her fans .
A divided B shared C promoted D gave
4 They got .... .... in bad weather on holiday.
A caught
B grabbed
C gathered
D blown
5 Before the curtain ........ the actors took their
place on the stage.
A revealed B rose
C showed
D hung
6 They use lanterns for ........ at the Chinese opera.
A audiences
C lighting
D curtains
B costumes
7 The singers performance grabbed the .. ...... of
the world.
A attraction
B attention
C sensation
D connection
8 Google became a popular search ........ on the Net.
A version B engine C brainch ild D profile
9 She was very artistic and could play the violi n
by .........
C talent
A inspiration
D image
10 The street performer's voice .. .. .... for miles.
D fell
A stood
B carried C started
B Circle the correct item.
Mark Zuckerberg launched I calculated
Facebook in 2004.
2 They raised money for their website from
foreign headquarters I investors.
3 The music industry expanded I inspired greatly
because of the Internet.
4 After perform ing live for t hree hours the singer
showed no signs I trend s of exh austion.
1 When Ryan was young he ........ to go fishing.
C use
A used
2 They ........ when they got a flat tyre.
C had driven
A were driving B drove
3 Did Ann ........ play the violin as a child?
A use
B use to
C used
4 They .. .. .. .. at un iversity when they met.
A had been studying
B were studying
C had studied
5 Mary checked her emails after she ........ her
A had finishe d
C had bee n finishing
B was finishing
6 At 7 o'clock yesterday Jane ........ on the Net.
A surfed
B was surfing C had surfed
7 They ........ to the t heatre last night.
A went
B had gone
C were going
8 When Ryan was four he ......... his own music.
A was composing
C had been com posing
B composed
9 Tim ......... the wrong bus and ended up in a
remote village.
A used to take B was taking C took
10 They got lost in t he forest because they ........ . a
compass with them.
A hadn't taken B hadn't been taking
C didn't use to take
11 What time ........ the concert start last night?
B do
C does
A did
12 It began to ra in wh il e we ........ to the opera.
A were going B had gone
C went
13 Jack .. ...... work as an usher at a theatre.
B used to
C use to
A uses
14 We .... .... pictu res of the artefacts yesterday.
A used to take B were taking C took
15 He was afraid because he ...... .. a ghost.
B was seeing
A had been seei ng
C had seen
Read the text. For each
question choose the right
answer A, B, Cor D.
1 Andalusia is
A a country near Spain .
B a city in southern Spain .
C a large area of Spain.
D a region in northern Africa .
2 Flamenco's musical style
A comes from northern Spain.
B has its roots in north Africa .
C derives from a variety of
D only shows influence from
gypsy music.
3 According to the writer,
flamenco is special because
A It doesn't involve many
people or instruments.
B it includes graceful arm
C the music comes from
clapping hands.
D there is usually
only one guitarist.
4 Flamenco singers
A usually also play the guitar.
B have soft voices.
C sing with passion.
D always dance.
5 You can watch a flamenco
A on the streets of Andalusia.
B only if you buy a meal.
C in the company of locals.
D at outdoor music
nS~eci~1 o~nc~
ndalusia, a region of Spain, is a must-se~ for a~yon~ pl~nning
to visit the country. This part of Spain, which lies In the
southern part of the country, includes the cities of Seville,
Granada and Malaga. It has a rich cultural heritage with influences
from northern Africa. The beautiful architecture and the delicious
cuisine are sure to delight you. However, there is one experience
that visitors shouldn 't miss: watching a flamenco performance.
Flamenco is a musical form that started in Andalusia in the late
1700s. While its exact origins remain unclear, the musical style
has a mixture of influences from Moorish, Andalusian and
gypsy music. This form of music represents the
diversity of cultures that give Andalusia its
modern identity.
Perhaps the thing that makes flamenco so
enchanting lies in its simplicity. It only takes
two or three people to make this beautifu l
music and there are three main sounds
that characterise it: guitar, voice and
clapping hands. Flamenco singers
are famous for their deep and
strong voices that are full of
emotion. At times, the singer
also dances with graceful arm
movements and stomping feet.
Today, there are over twenty
different types of flamenco. Some
include more than one guitarist and
some have many dancers who whirl
around onstage in long ruffled dresses
and high heels. There is also a great
variety of places to take in a
performance, from large venues
where you can have dinner and a
show to tiny neighbourhood
hangouts hidden in narrow
alleys. Regardless of the
type of flamenco you see
or where you decide to
watch it, you are sure to be
charmed by this
mysteriously powerful art
F I'
Everyday English
n the
eville ,
I and
ts the
.ia its
co so
lutifu l
lund s
e and
) and
full of
o You will hear an interview with an
E opera
singer. For each question (1-5) choose
the correct answer A, B, Cor D.
Alfie Jones is currently performing at the
A London Theatre .
B West End Theatre .
C Queen's Theatre .
D Shaftesbury Theatre.
takes place during the French Revolution .
is about an ex-prisoner.
takes place in a prison.
is about Victor Hugo.
I arm
I feet.
5 Alfie needs time to
t and
~sse s
3 in a
ind a
)f th e
j see
de to
to be
{ thi s
form .
B: a Sorry, I was out.
b I had a good time .
4 A: I stayed home and watched a film .
B: a Did you enjoy it?
b What's the problem?
4 On Alfie's album you can hear
A lots of different singers.
B only songs from musicals.
C a solo performance from Michael Ball.
D different types of music.
2 A: I tried calling you on Friday.
B: a Not really.
b I don't believe it.
are mostly crowded.
are only in the evenings.
are only in the afternoons.
stop in early October.
3 The story of Les Miserables
1 A: What did you do on Sunday?
B: a I went to a music concert.
b It was nothing special.
3 A: Did you enjoy the performance?
2 The performances
G Choose the correct response.
5 A: How was the pop concert?
B: a We had great seats!
b That's right!
6 A: Do you want to go for a run?
B: a I like it!
b Of course!
7 A: What did you think of it?
B: a That's good.
b It was fantastic.
C rest his voice.
A record an album.
B recover from a cold. D practise for the show.
o You are going to hear five people
talking about an evening out. Match the
speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). One
sentence does not match.
A I tried something new but I
didn't enjoy it.
B My evening was worthwhile
and memorable.
C I can't say my evening was
anything special.
D It's an event you don't want to
E I had a lovely time with a
friend with similar interests.
F It was a really affordable
even ing .
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
Speaker 5
H Write a story about a scary experience you
had (120-200 words). Follow the plan
(Plan )
Para 1: who the main characters were
when and where the story took place
what the weather was like
Para 2: describe the events
Para 3: describe ending/feelings
~iHm&jt'H __
A Choose the correct item.
C Choose the correct item.
1 When we burn fossil ..... ... we produce carbon
0 fuels
A exhausts B gases C powers
2 Warm temperatures in the Arctic are causing
the ice to .. .. .. ...
A happen B melt
C drop
0 form
3 He works at a ........ station in Antarctica.
0 survey
A research B youth C science
4 Sea ..... ... are rising due to global warming .
A reserves B waves C levels
0 piles
5 Paul took a .... .... course to learn how to live in
the mountains.
A survival B marine C warrior
0 rescue
6 The hotel has a ........ offer on room rates for
the long weekend .
0 classic
A serious B special C typical
7 He followed the ........ through the forest.
C hike
A shore
B footpath
0 wilderness
8 There are a lot of .. ...... in Antarctica because of
the cold temperatures.
A drizzles
C heatwaves
B floods
o blizzards
9 Dinosaurs became a(n) .. .. .. .. species millions of
years ago.
A threatened
C extinct
B natural
o protective
10 The weather is becoming .. .. .. .. ; changing from
day to day.
A rocky
C breathtaking
B unpredictable
o mild
B Circle the correct item.
1 Animals that live in Antarctica must adapt /
alter to extreme temperatures.
2 They lost / missed their way in the forest.
3 The rescue team noticed / spotted the survivors.
4 Some animals are in great threat / danger from
global warming .
5 We admired the natural/stunning view of the
1 If it is windy, we ........ kitesurfing.
B will go
C would go
A go
2 I wish I ...... .. my first aid kit on my campin g
A had brought B bring
C brought
3 If I ........ you, I would go ice climbing.
B had been
C were
A am
4 I ........ sailing when I go on holiday next
B going
C go
A am going
5 If they had brought a compass they ........ thei
B wouldn't have lost
A won't lose
C wouldn't lose
6 This tent fits four people. I ........ it.
C will buy
A am buying B buy
7 We will go sailing ...... .. it rains.
A if
B since
C unless
8 If they ......... a fire, they wouldn't have kep·
C hadn't lit
A didn't light B won't light
9 If you ......... ice in water, it floats.
A will drop
B would drop
C drop
10 The train to London ......... at 9:00 am tomorrO\N
A leaves
B going to leave
C is leaving
11 James ......... to Nicaragua tonight.
B going to fly
C is flying
A flies
12 I promise I ........ a life jacket when I go rive
C wear
A am wearing B will wear
13 Paul ......... up for a sailing course this summer.
A is going to sign
B signing
C signs
14 I wish I ....... . more friends who liked extremf
B had had
A have
15 Phillip ........ paintballing in the forest
C goes
B is going
A went
B 1
D Read the text. Five sentences are missing.
There is one extra sentence.
Id go
mpin g
Deep in a valley bordering J::::':"- :: :- ~
east and Israel to the west is the Dec: 5~" : -:: ::: _
most spectacula r natural features in the wo r c .. ,:- :~ ~~,..:::=:: ~-:
shores located at 423 m below sea level, it IS :'1E \'.C':5 . :;.'.:::~: ~-_
elevation .
The Dead Sea is also one of the worlds saltiest 00: E5 c: .·.C~:::
and, with a maximum depth of 377 m, is the deepest landlocked sa l lakE - :-:: : ~
Rainfall is scarce in the area and the amount of water that evaporates from the Sure::: :- - =
sea is greater that the amount that flows into it. This maintains the high salt content 0: :-E c::::
and the rocks lining its shores are covered in shiny white salt crystals giving them a whlt's- ~-: . covered appearance.
[lIJ This is due to the high concentration of salt in the water, which makes it a very hOs: : :
environment for fish and aquatic plants. People, however, have been coming to the Dead Sea for thousa-c5
of years. In ancient times, the lake and its shores supplied a variety of natural products including fertilisers ,
cosmetics and even balms for Egyptia n mummification . Its water also contains up to 35 minerals such as
magnesium, calcium and potassium that can be used for health and beauty purposes. In fact, it was known
throughout the Mediterranean and the Midd le East for its healing properties. [IIJ
Today, people still come to th e Dead Sea in the hope of relieving pain caused by conditions such as
arthritis and rheumatism or simply to relax and nourish their skin in its unique waters. And because
the salt content is four times that of most of the world's oceans, you can float in the Dead Sea
without even trying, which makes swimm ing here a truly relaxing experience. [I[J The
area has become both a tourist attraction and a major centre for health research and
many pharmaceutical companies have been set up there. It also supplies
neighbouring countries with a range of natural resources. [I[J
Scientists say that the water level is decreasing by almost a metre
per year and if something isn't done, this natural
treasure could be lost.
. their
I't lit
th is
As its name suggests the Dead Sea doesn't
have much life.
B The high salt content also gives the water
healing properties.
C But this is not its only claim to fam e.
D Unfo.rtLnately, and in larg e part due to human
activity, the Dead Sea has been shrinking.
In fact, this is the only place in the world
where you can lie down on the water and read
a book.
F It's not surprising then that as early as the first
century BCE it was a health resort.
You are going to hear an interview with
E aoquad
racer. For each question (1 -5) choose
the best answer (A, B or C) .
1 How did Max start quad racing?
A He began racing with his cousins .
B He got a quad for his birthday.
C A friend introduced him to it.
D His dad wanted him to try it.
2 Max prefers quad racing to dirt bike racing
A he can jump higher on a quad.
B he has better control on a quad .
C quads are faster.
D quads are safer.
3 According to Max, he is good at
A jumping with his quad.
B steering his quad .
C reaching top speeds.
D driving in difficult areas.
4 After Max's accident,
A it took him a yea r to return to racing.
B his mother wouldn't allow him to race again.
C he was afraid to race for a while .
D he needed two months to recover.
5 What does Max suggest to those who want to
start quad racing?
A Buy a quad and start driving.
B Go to watch races to see if you like it.
C Join a race club and try it.
D Take quad class and start learning .
o Listen to an interview with a geologist.
F Listen
and mark the. sentences T (true) or
F(false). Tick (.I) the correct box. True False
1 Miners were looking for crystals
when they found the cave.
2 The first scientists encountered
problems when they explored the
3 Explorers had to wear special
4 There were beautiful flowers in
the cave.
5 The future of the cave is uncertain.
Everyday English
G Choose the correct response.
1 A: How can I help you?
B: a We have a room on the first floor.
b I'd like to book a room, please.
2 A: Do you want a double or a single room?
B: a A single room, please.
b That sounds good.
3 A: How much is it per night?
B: a It's £85 .
b It's 18th June.
4 A: Does that include breakfast?
B: a Great.
b Yes, it does.
5 A: Can I book it then, please?
B: a Certainly!
b 5th May, for two nights!
H Read the advert and write an email asking
for more information (120-150 words) .
• opening comments & reason for writing
• your questions (when it is, the cost, the
number of people in each group, the type
of accommodation)
• you r closing comments
Would you like to learn
1III"'IIfIItI". ice climb?
Join us
for a fun weekend!
• Teaching in small
• Equipment on hire
• Accommodation
Choose the correct word.
1 John has got a painful mouth ........ .
B cut
C ulcer
D rash
A ache
2 You can't ........ if you don't get enough sleep .
A swallow
B distinguish
C neutralise
D concentrate
3 Garlic is good for our ........ system.
A immune
C natural
D hearing
B stomach
C remedy
D anti-venin
B needle C spike
D bite
~ .-- : ~ --
C should- -
2 Bob ....... . V\or" a:::
A can
.-,:: .,:--
~:: __
00':::;;, : ~ :::tL :::~
B \'Jr.E~E
4 The reason ... "." I exerC 'SE
A which
B why
-- , --
5 ........ Peter and Paul are afraio ~ - ~- ~- - A Neither
B Either
C ~- - 6 You ........ buy an MP3 player. They're <;rE=:
A must
B should
C has l::l
6 Maggie gets ........ sickness when she is on a
D stress
A stomach B travel C dizzy
7 You ........ put some honey in a glass
7 We all have ........ remedies in our kitchen
8 ... .. ... Tim nor Ryan is afraid of snakes,
A Neither
B Either
C Both
B plaster Crash
A cure
Lyn ....... gc:. ;:.:, :-:.-.::,: ~: :~1 ~~ : '::
A mu stn:
1= ,- _.,=..;:.- - '-,=L ~
A whose
5 The platypus has a poisonous ........ on its back
A sting
~: ;; ::~ r.
3 Mia, ... . " .. li ves next
4 One day doctors may find the ........ for a cold.
A medicine
B cure
Choos e t"'e
milk for a sore throat.
A might
B can
0' : .. ar
C may
D home
9 You ........ exercise regularly; it's good for you .
A should
B must
C might
8 You should put some ........ cream on an insect
C infection
A indigestion
D medical
B antiseptic
10 Kate is the girl ........ dad is a surgeon.
A who
B which
C whose
9 MP3 players can lead to hearing .........
D pain
A volume B arthritis C 1055
11 Harry ........ walk when he was 10 months old.
A could
B should
C had to
10 The roads get ........ when it rains.
A blurred
C confined
B constricted
D slippery
Circle the correct item.
B1 Pat
is taking a self remedy I defence class.
2 You should put some cream on that itchy cough I
3 Curry gives me an upset stomach I sickness .
4 Dan feels nervous in tense I confined spaces.
5 Too much time in front of a screen can lead to
constricted I blurred vision .
12 This is the gym ........ I exercise regularly.
A where
B which
C when
13 You ........ buy milk. We've got lots.
A mustn't
B don't have to
C shouldn't
14 Ann didn't come to the party because she ........
work late.
A had to
B must
C should
15 He ........ to climb up the tall building yesterday.
A was able
B should
C could
Read the information abo ut
stress. Match the sentences
A-F to the correct gaps (1-5).
One sentence does not match.
A Change your attitude.
B But these activities are harm ful.
Stress is part of modern life, but the trick in coping with it is to
reduce its negative effects. Stress doesn't become a problem
when we manage it well. The first step to doing this is to
recognise where the stress is in your life.
C Then, when you feel stress
handle it properly.
0 You can't avoid some sources of
E Call a friend and have a nice
F Finally, have a look at your
So, what does stress feel like? Here's a simple test. Ask
yourself these questions: Do you always feel that you have a
million things going on? Do you think that you are a person
with a lot of nervous energy? Do you blame certain situations
or other people when you feel frustrated? Your answers will
reveal all.
You don't need to put your hand in the fire to know it's hot,
right? So stay away from stressful situations. Here's an
example: Let's say traffic and shopping make you stressed.
Then all you have to do is change your route or means of
transport and do your shopping online. Simple, isn't it? In the
same way, if you don't like talking about certain topics because
they make you feel stressed then don't get pulled into these
kinds of conversations. []I] Decide on which things you can
drop from your 'to do' list so you can avoid feeling like you
have too much on your plate.
Being positive can take the stress out of many
situations. Next time you're stuck in a traffic jam, don't think of
it as your worst nightmare. Instead, think of it as a chance to
listen to your favourite radio station or plan your evening's
activities. It's a simple fact of life that there are some things
you can't change. But don't forget, even though you can't
control other people's behaviour, you can control how you
react to it.
A word of warning to the wise - don't get into bad habits to
cope with stress. It may seem like a good idea to relax by
eating lots of your favourite foods, spending a lot of time
online, lying in bed, or sitting in front of the TV. [!IJ Over
time you will see how too much of a good thing can be bad for
So, next time you feel stressed out try something different. Go
for a walk and enjoy nature. [[D Better still, do something
physical like gardening or working out at the gym. Playing with
a pet is also a great way to relax as is reading a book, listening
to relaxing music, or watChing a funny film. Just keep this in
mind - a healthy lifestyle with a varied diet, regular exercise
and enough sleep can help you handle anything.
o You will hear about a person's health. In
E each
question, choose the correct answer
He started out in politics.
He started acting as a child.
He works only as an actor.
He comes from a famous family.
2 When he learnt about his disease, Michael
told people about it straight away.
displayed a change in behaviour.
was very shocked .
gave up acting.
3 He set up the Michael J Fox Foundation because
A there isn't a cure for the disease.
B he wanted to invest his money.
C he wanted to find cures for serious diseases.
D he wanted to raise 250 million dollars.
4 At
H Read the rubric, match the suggestions to
speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). One
does not match.
The speaker has a fear of insects.
The speaker is still afraid of dogs.
The speaker tries to control their phobia.
The speaker understands that their fear is
E The speaker has completely overcome their fear.
F The speaker is afraid of dark and closed spaces.
Hello. Please come in and have a seat.
Thank you.
Now, then. 1) ......... ........... ... ..... .... ..... .... .... ... ..... .
It's my eye. I got something in it a few days ago
and now 2) ......................... .... ... ... ...... ..... ... ... ... .. .
OK. Let's take a look. Hmm ... yes, it's very red .
I'm afraid it's infected.
Oh no! 3) ............... ..... .. .. ....... ..............................
You should use some eye drops twice a day for
three days. 4) ....... ..... .... ......................................
Thank you. Should I come and see you again?
B: OK. Thanks.
o You are going to hear five people
F talking
about their phobias. Match the
I'll write you a prescription.
What should I do?
Only if it gets worse.
What seems to be the problem?
it's really painful.
A: 5) ............ .. .. ........... .. ....... ....................... .. ........ ....
present, Michael
isn't involved in any acting projects.
isn't very popular as an actor.
works only with the foundation.
is a very successful writer.
5 According to Debi Brooks, Michael
A feels there is no need for concern over his
B doesn't want to hear from well-wishers.
C rarely makes public appearances.
D talks about his health only on certain
1 Which is true about Michael J Fox?
G Read the dialogue and fill in the missing
by circling the letter A, 8, Cor D.
Everyday English
the results and write an essay (150-200
words) making suggestions. Remember to:
state the problem
present the suggestions & results/
consequences in separate paragraphs
summarise your opinion
Your English teacher has asked you to write I
: an article suggesting ways for new students :
I to make friends. Write your essay.
Take up a sport/join a club,
Have a party and invite everyone,
Have a friendly/positive attitude.
a You can meet people in a relaxed social
b An attractive personality can make people
interested in getting to know you.
c You will meet people who share the same
A Choose the correct word.
1 lan is staying with a ... .. ... family in Italy.
A typical
C social
B contact
D host
1 Liz ........ be at home. Her car isn't in the driveway.
C might
A can't
B must
2 Ann had .. ...... surgery after the accident.
D scar
A muscle B plastic C special
2 After ........ for two hours, he felt better.
B slept
A to have slept
C having slept
3 My sister ........ when she is embarrassed.
A yawns
C blushes
B sneezes
D coughs
3 Steven ........ this car for years .
B was having
A has had
C has been having
4 Sam never ........ her temper.
A loses
B gives C misses
4 Pete ........ be at work . He's not at home.
A may
B can't
C must
D stays
5 You shouldn't .. ...... about other people.
A embarrass
C irritate
B gossip
D obsess
6 Jeff is a bit ........ . He should go on a diet.
C overweight
A th in
B well-built
D middle-aged
7 Wendy is always .. ...... and smiling.
A annoying
C cheerful
B popular
D generous
8 You should ........ alert when you're driving at
B stay
C take
D make
A keep
9 His heart ........ when he saw the boat leaving .
C lost
D sank
A moved B fell
.. ...... etiquette is rules of behaviour.
A Social
C Foreign
B Culture
D Family
the correct item.
B1 Circle
Simon took / held a deep breath and dived
Circle the correct item.
into the water.
Kim works hard to take / reach her goals.
Max is tired of the hustle and buzz / bustle of
the big city.
Eva hopped / leaped at the chance to go on
Tom deals / struggles with customers in his
5 Paul hopes ........ abroad this year.
A to move
B move
C moving
6 Brian can't stand .. .. .. ...
A garden
B gardening
C to garden
7 Sara denied ........ the last piece of cake.
A to take
B take
C taking
8 I'm not sure, but Max ........ be Indian.
A might
B can't
C must
9 The weather was hot enough .........
A sunbathing B to sunbathe C sunbathe
10 Tom seems ........ himself at the wedding
B enjoying
A to enjoy
C to be enjoying
11 Fay ...... .. English for six years now.
B was learning
A has learnt
C has been learning
12 They ........ the party an hour ago.
B left
A have left
C have been leaving
13 The tea was too hot .........
A to drink
B drink
C drinking
14 It ........ since this morning.
A has rained
C has been raining
15 Emily ........ a scholarship to a top university last
B won
A has been winning
C has won
One glamorous cat
Read the information about a
D conservationist.
For each
question 1-5, choose the
correct answer A, B, C or D.
1 Tippi first worked
A for a diet drink company.
B as a fashion model.
C in commercials.
D as a film actress.
2 Tippi's film The Birds
A was very popular.
B was unsuccessful.
C got bad reviews.
D never appeared at the cinema.
3 Tippi decided to set up Shambala
A after she made a film about
animal cruelty.
B after she ended her film
C as she was very concerned for
the welfare of exotic animals.
D to include it in a feature film.
uring the 1960's, Tippi Hedren became one of the most famous stars in
Hollywood. Her success may not have been immediate but it was certainly
big. Tippi began her career as a fashion model. This led her to appear in some TV
advertisements, including a fateful appearance in an advert for a diet drink.
World famous director Alfred Hitchcock spotted Tippi in the advert; Tippi's good
looks, elegant style and confident manner impressed him and he picked her to
star in one of his most famous films The Birds. When the film came out Tippi was
a hit with the public and the critics. But nobody could have guessed that Tippi
would soon make a commitment that would take her life in a completely new
4 The majority of animals at
Shambala come from
A roadside zoos.
B circus shows.
C animal shelters.
D ordinary people.
In 1972, Tippi was finishing a film made on location in Africa when she learnt
that the big cats featured in the film had nowhere to go. The situation distressed
Tippi and she desperately wanted to help these animals. Tippi decided to take
time out from the glamourous world of film-making in order to set up an eighty
acre wildlife habitat called Shambala for retired and unwanted big cats at the
edge of the Mojave Desert, 64 kilometres northeast of Los Angeles, California.
5 The main purpose of Tippi's
Foundation is
A to get people to donate
B to inform people about the
risks of owning wild animals.
C to encourage people to adopt
an animal.
D to take people on safari visits .
Shambala is not just a temporary shelter; the sanctuary provides a home for over
70 big cats including lions, tigers, cougars, black and spotted leopards, panthers,
bobcats and a jungle cat. Some of the rescued cats had suffered neglect and
mistreatment in roadside zoos and circus shows; but most came from the homes
of private citizens who realised they had purchased an animal they couldn't
Tippi also set up the ROAR foundation which primarily aims to educate the public
about the dangers of private ownership of exotic animals. The foundation raises
much needed funds for Shambala so that it can remain a place where big cats
can live out their days in dignity. The public are able to enjoy occasional safari
visits to Shambala and can even 'adopt a wild one', which they can visit at the
reserve a few times each year. Tippi hopes that one day sanctuaries like
Shambala won't be necessary but for now her work to protect these beautiful
creatures ooes on.
Everyday English
o You will hear an interview about a
E student
who studied abroad. Listen and
choose the correct answer A, 8 ,e or D.
1 Which is true about Jeff?
A He lacked independence.
B He decided to leave home permanently.
C He wanted to experience new things.
D He refused to listen to his brother.
2 Jeff's chose to study in Germany because
it pleased his father.
he wanted to learn German.
he could speak German very well.
he could apply the classes to his degree.
3 Jeff's favourite thing about his trip was
A giving people directions.
B going to German restaurants.
C getting to know the city well.
D his bond with the community.
G Choose the correct response.
1 A: Hi, I'm Robert Evans.
B: a That's fine.
b Pleased to meet you .
2 A: You're welcome and sorry again.
B: a Don't worry about it.
b That would be great.
3 A: What can I do for you?
B: a I understand .
b I'm afraid I have a complaint.
4 A: I can't study with so much noise.
B: a I've just moved in .
b I didn't know it was a problem.
5 A: I'll make sure it won't happen again.
B: a I'd appreciate that.
b Not at all.
6 A: Can I talk to you for a minute?
B: a Sure.
b Excuse me.
4 Jeff encountered a problem travelling because
he had never flown before.
the airline had delayed his flight.
he missed his train.
he was too stressed to travel.
5 How did Jeff feel about his living arrangements?
wished he had his own flat.
felt bad about his host family.
regretted living in a noisy city.
was grateful to his host for her help.
o You will hear about five people who
F have
made changes in their lives. Match the
speakers (1-5) to the sentences (A-F). There
is one extra heading.
A A fresh start in a new country.
B A different life being your
own boss.
C A place of my own.
D A new opportunity in the
E An easier life without the 9-5
F Bigger and better than before.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
Speaker 5
H Read the rubric, match the arguments to
the justifications and write a for-andagainst essay (150-200 words).
Remember to:
• introduce the topic
• present the arguments for & against the topic
&their examples/justifications in separate
• summarise the topic & express your opinion
Your English teacher has asked you to write I
: an essay discussing the points for and against :
I starting your own business.
UIJ You can have the freedom to make the rules .
I1IJ It can be risky.
[I[J It can be enjoyable.
a You can make a living from doing something
you like doing .
b You choose the name, location, working hours,
c You invest your money and you are responsible
for your own income and emp loym ent.
(Module 6)
A Choose the correct word.
1 Mark was a victim of identity .........
A stealing
C theft
B robbery
D taking
2 Pam's ........ drive has 2 GB of storage.
A defence B hard
C soft
D back
3 I joined Amnesty International to help fight for
........ rights.
A human
C segregation
B nation
D public
4 Hackers break into ...... systems all the time.
A traffic
C computer
B forensic
D court
S He was called to do ...... service.
D jury
A law
B crime C court
6 Forensic scientists examine .......
A methods
C crimes
B evidence
D suspects
7 Lee hired a ...... detective to find her brother.
A prison
C private
D security
B store
8 John was a witness to a(n) ...... robbery.
A armed
C hacking
B dramatic
D illegal
9 The man was arrested for dangerous .......
C speeding
A mugging
B breaking
D driving
10 There will be a ...... against tax increases on
Friday at 5 pm in the city centre.
A boycott
C protest
B revolution
D fight
B Circle the correct item.
1 Hackers try to access online systems I accounts .
2 Max tries to raise I inform support for
Amnesty International.
3 Take care when you open I set an email
4 Fay is stuck in a road I traffic jam.
S Planting flowers can brighten I colour up a city
C Choose the correct item.
1 The thief ...... to have left the country.
A think
B thought
C is thought
2 A statue ...... stolen from the museum last week.
A was
B is
C has been
3 She wasn't ........ to go to the rally.
A allowed
B let
4 Bill installed the lock .........
A myself
B itself
C himself
SNick ........ his car alarm repaired now.
A is having
B had
C has
6 The art gallery ........ opened next month.
A is
B was
C will be
7 Sam ........ that she had been mugged.
A said
B told
C asked
8 Tom ........ Lisa where she had been.
A said
C told
9 They caught the robber .........
A yourselves
B themselves C ourselves
10 He ........ his car broken into last night.
B had
C was having
A has
D Use the verbs in brackets to report the
1 "You stole my handbag", she said. (ACCUSED)
2 "Don't forget to lock the door", Paul told me.
3 "Let's call the police", he said. (SUGGESTED)
4 "Stop or I' 11 shoot", said the policeman.
S "I didn't rob the bank", he said. (DENIED)
Read the text about how criminals can steal
E our
identity. Match the headings (A-F) to
the paragraphs 1-5. One heading is extra.
A Be careful with cameras
B Know your wallet
C Easy to ruin your life
D Always check your card
E Work on this
F Be alert
Identity theft and credit card fraud can
seriously wreck your life. Everyone thinks it will
never happen to them . But criminals have got really
good at it. In many cases, you don't know it has
happened until it's too late and someone has run
up a huge debt in your name. Here's some advice
to avoid some of the sneaky ways that people can
steal your identity without you even knowing!
[ID Do you just pop your credit or debit card
back into your wallet after paying for something?
You probably check the receipt, but chances are
you hardly ever check the card. One man paid his
restaurant b'll and just happened to glance at his
credit card. He was surprised to see it wasn't his
and it had expired. What shocked him even more,
though, was that when he told the waitress, she
simply said "Sorry about that." She waved the
card at the cashier who took out the real card and
handed it over without saying a word.
bill was £1 O,OOO! He checked his wallet and what
looked like his credit card was actually an expired
card from the same bank. The thief had swapped
it for his at the gym. As he hadn't reported his
card stolen, he had to pay the huge bill.
[![] Even if you're standing right in front of the
cashier while you are paying and you don't take
your eyes off your card, you can still be tricked. A
customer was paying with a debit card at a
takeaway restaurant. The cashier swiped the card
and put it on the counter in front of him while
waiting for the payment to be processed. Then
she took out her mobile phone and started
pressing the buttons like she was making a call.
Then the customer heard a noise like a digital
camera. The cashier gave the customer his card
back and he was on his way home when he
suddenly realised that she must have taken a
photo of his card with her phone. He im mediately
cancelled it and called the police.
You may think you know what's in your
wallet, but do you? One man went to the gym and
put his wallet in his locker. When he returned it
was unlocked. He checked his wallet and
everything looked okay so he simply thought he
must have forgotten to lock it. His next credit card
[}I] So, next time you or someone you 're with
is using a credit card be extra careful . Be aware of
everyone around you and what they're do ing. You
never know when a thief is waiting to steal your
identity. Don 't let it happen to you !
Everyday English
will hear an interview about crime
F inotheYoucommunity.
For each question (1-S)
H Read the dialogue and fill in the missing
choose the correct answer A, B, Cor D.
1 In Grahams' town two years ago
there were no young families.
there was little crime.
the streets were safe.
there were a lot of problems.
2 Graham decided to take action when
muggings started happening .
shoplifting became a problem.
drivers were speeding .
local businesses were affected .
3 The community action group
A had a lot of members from the start.
B grew larger once it became well-known .
C caused a lot of concern .
D didn't get much pUblicity.
4 The speeding problem was solved
A despite the council's unwillingness.
B by making unreasonable demands.
C with a few different solutions.
D after a long delay.
5 The vandalism problem
A was easy to solve .
B was solved unexpectedly.
C was solved by a neighbourhood watch
D stopped when the vandals were caught.
G 0 You will hear an interview with Dan, a
computer security consultant. Listen and
mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Tick (I') the correct box.
True I False
1 Dan started hacking because he
wanted to break the law.
2 He works unusual hours.
3 He understands why criminal
hackers do what they do.
4 He is searching for other ways to
earn more money.
5 Most people want to know about
his work.
Can you describe the man ?
Can I take your add ress and telephone
number, please?
What happened next?
What exactly did you see?
No, I don't think so .
OK, Mr Brennan . 1) .. .. .. ...... .... .. .. .. ........ .. .......... .. .
I saw a man in a mask runn ing away from the bank.
2) ........ .... ......... .... .. .. .. ................... .. ... .. ......... .. .. ...
He was tall and slim and he was weari ng jeans and
a black jacket. He was carrying a black bag.
3) .... ..................................... ................. .... .. ..... ... .
He ran down the street and around the corner.
Ok. Is there anything else you can tell me about
the incident?
4) .................. .... .......... .. .. .. ..... ...... ...... .. .. ...... ...... ..
OK. 5) ........................ .. .... .... .. ............ .... .... .. ...... ..
Of course. It's 7 Green Road and my phone
number is 701514.
Thank you very much .
You're welcome.
Read the rubric, match the suggestions to
the results and write a letter making
suggestions. Include:
• reason for writing & your opinion
• your suggestions & their results
• your summary/restatement of opinion
You read an article in Tuesday's newspaper about I
: an increase in pickpocketing on public transport :
I in your area. Write a letter to the editor making I
: suggestions about what the police can do to :
I improve the situation (150-200 words).
Put up warning posters on buses and trains .
[ID Have police officers at train anq bus stations.
a Pickpockets can be arrested on the spot and
have less chance of escaping .
b Peop le will become aware of the problem and
be more alert when travelling .
be Ibi:1
bea r Ibearl
beat Ibi:t!
become IbIkAml
beg in IbIgml
bi t e Ibmt!
bl ow Iblool
oreak IbreIkl
or ing IbnTJI
ouil d IbIldl
Durn Ib3:rnl
:lu rst Ib3:rSt!
JU y IbaII
was IWQzl
bore Ib'1il
beat Ibi:t!
became IbIk§ml
began IbI@ln/
bit IbIt!
blew Ibl!!;1
broke IbrQQkl
brought Ibrzt!
built IbIIt!
burn t (burned) Ib:>:'nt
burst Ib:>:'st!
bought Ibzt!
:an Ikaenl
:at ch IkaetJI
.:hoose ItJu:zl
: om e IkAml
:ost Ikost!
:ut !kAt!
cou ld Ikodl
caught Iko;t!
chose ItJQQzl
came Ik§ml
cost IkQst!
cut Ik6t!
:J eal /di:11
dig IdI gl
do Idu:l
raw Idro:1
drea m Idri:ml
dealt Id~lt!
dug Id691
did IdIdl
drew Idr!!;1
dreamt (dreamed) Id r~mt
:J ri nk IdnTJkl
drive IdraIvl
I drank IdrilCTJkl
drove IdrQQvl
ea t lit!
l ate I§t!
Past Participle
made Im§dl
meant Im~nt!
met Im~tI
made Im§dl
m eant Im~nt!
met Im~tI
paid IpeIdl
put IpQt!
paid IP~I dl
put IpQt!
read Iredl
rode IrQQdl
ra ng I@TJ/
rose IrQQzl
ran IrilCnl
read Ir~dl
ridden Ind'nl
rung Ir6TJI
risen Inz'nl
run Ir6nl
dealt Id~lt!
dug Id691
done Id6nl
drawn Idrznl
dreamt (dreamed) Id r~m t
drunk Idr6TJkl
driven Idnv'nl
sa id Is~dl
saw IsQ;/
sold ISQQldl
sent Is~nt!
set Is~t!
sewed ISQQdl
shook IJQkl
shone IJQnl
shot IJQt!
showed IJQQdl
sh ut 1!6t!
san g ISilCTJ I
sat ISilCt!
slept Is l ~pt!
smelt (smell ed) Ism~l t
said Is~dl
seen Istnl
sold ISQQld l
sent Is~nt!
set Is~tI
sewn ISQQnl
shaken IJ§kanl
shone IJQnl
shot IJQtI
shown IJQQnl
shut IJ6t!
sung IS6TJI
sat ISilCt!
slept Isl~pt!
smelt (smelled) Ism~lt
Ieaten Itt'nl
get Igetl
give IgIVI
go Igool
grow Ig roo l
got IgQt!
gave Ig§vl
wen t IWfintl
grew Igr!!;1
got IgQt!
given IgIv'nl
gone IgQnl
grown Ig rQQn l
eep Ikipl
I kept Ikept!
<now Inool
knew InJu:l
li e
Il make Imelkl
burnt (burned) Ib:r'nt (b:>:'nd)1 mean Imm l
meet I ml:t1
burst Ib:>:'st!
bought Ibzt!
pay I pell
put I potl
(been able to) IbIn §b'l tal
read Ir i:d l
caught Ikzt!
chose n ItJQQz'nl
ride lrald l
come Ik6ml
rin g I n1)1
cost IkQst!
rise /ralzl
run IrAnl
cut Ik6t1
fa ll en Ifzlanl
fed If~dl
fe lt If~ltI
fought Ifzt!
found IIill,lndl
flown IflQQnl
forbidden Ila'bId'nl
forgotten Ifa'gQt'nl
forg iven Ila' gIv'nl
frozen IfrQQz'nl
ave IhiBVI
nea r Ih I8rI
ide Ihmdl
it IhItI
l ol d Ihooldl
urt Ih3:rt!
I '" .
led ~ fid
learn t (lea rned
left II~ftl
lent II~nt!
let 11~t!
lit lilt!
lost IIQst!
fell !f~1 1
fed If~d l
felt If~l tI
fought Ib tl
found /fill,ln dl
flew Ifl!!;1
forbade Ila'bilCdl
forgot Ifa'got!
forgave Ifa'gelvl
froze IfrQQzl
I hung (hanged) Ih6TJ
(hi!JTJ d)1
had IhilCdl
heard Ih3:'dl
hid Ih Idl
hit IhItI
held Ih~ld l
hurt Ih:r't!
led II ~dl
learnt (learned) 11:>:'nt
left Ilfiftl
lent Ilfint!
let II~tI
lit lilt!
lost IIQst!
been Ibml
born(e) Ib:);'nl
beaten Ibtt'nl
become IbIk6ml
begun IbIg6nl
bitten IbIt'nl
blown Ib lQQnl
broken IbrQQkanl
brought Ibrzt!
<all /fo:11
'e ed Ifi:dl
<e el /fi:11
figh t IfaIt!
fi nd Ifamdl
7ly /fl aIl
<or bid IlarbIdl
<org et Ila rgetl
<orgive IlargIvl
<ree ze Ifn zl
an g IhaeTJI
Il lead Ili:dl
learn 113:rnl
leave Ili:vl
lend I len dl
let I letl
li ght Ilaltl
lose Il u:zl
say Isell
see Isi:!
se ll Ise ll
send Isendl
set Is etl
sew Isool
shake I)elkl
shine I)aml
shoot I)u:t1
I Ishow I )oul
shut I )At!
sing ISII)I
sit I SIt!
sleep Isli:pl
sme ll Ism ell
(sm~l d) 1
speak Ispi:kl
spe ll Ispell
spoke ISPQQkl
spelt (spe lled) Isp~lt
spoken ISPQQkanl
spelt (spe lled) Isp~l t
(sp~l d)1
spend Ispendl
sta nd Istcendl
stea l Isti:11
stick Istlkl
sting Ist l1)1
swear Iswee rl
sweep Iswi:pl
swim Isw lml
spen t Isp~nt!
stood IstQdl
stole IstQQ11
stuck Ist6kl
stung Ist6TJI
swore Iswz'l
swept Isw~pt!
swam IswilCml
spent Isp~nt!
stood IstQdl
stolen IstQQI'nl
stuck Ist6kl
stung Ist61J1
sworn Iswz'nl
swept Isw~pt!
swum Isw6ml
take Itelkl
teach lli t)1
tear Iteerl
tel l /tel/
think 1811)kl
th row 18rool
took ItQkl
taught 112t!
tore /tz'l
to ld ItQQldl
thought 18zt!
threw 18rw
taken It§kanl
taught Itzt!
torn ItZ'nl
t old ItQQldl
thought 18zt!
thrown 18rQQnl
woke IWQQkl
woken IWQQkanl
worn Iwz'nl
won IW6nl
writt en Int'nl
hung (hanged) Ih6TJ (hilCTJd)1
had IhilCdl
heard Ih:>:'dl
hidden IhId'nl
hit IhIt!
held Ih,MI
hurt Ih:r't!
Ikept Ikept!
known InQQnl
wake Iwelkl
wear Iweerl
win Iwml
write Iraltl
wore /wz'l
won Iw"nl
wrot e IrQQt!
Prime Time 3 is a
modular course at preintermed iate level. The series
combines active learning with a variety of
lively topics presented in six themed modules.
& Grammar Book