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Ten Commandments Assignment: Exodus & Leviticus

Ryan June Anadon
Maria Vanessa Conanan
Alicia Gotonero
Almar Jorge Romano Jr.
Mary Rechelle Rublico
1. Bible Reading. Read the Ten Commandments (Ex 20:1-17) after which number
or divide the commandment into 10 commandments according to verses.
You shall have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20:3)
You shall not make yourself an image in the form of anything. (Exodus 20:4)
You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. (Exodus 20:7)
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy (Exodus 20:8)
Honor your father and your mother. (Exodus 20:12)
You shall not murder. (Exodus 20:13)
You shall not commit adultery. (Exodus 20:14)
You shall not steal. (Exodus 20:15)
You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. (Exodus 20:16)
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. (Exodus 20:17)
2. Read random samplings of the law from Exodus 22-23.. Leviticus 19: 1-37 and
cite 2 examples.
First example
You shall not commit adultery, Exodus 22:16 “If a man seduces a virgin who is not
pledged to be married and sleeps with her, he must pay the bride-price, and she shall be
his wife.”
Second example
You shall have no other gods before me, Leviticus 19:4 “Do not turn to idols or make
metal gods for yourselves. I am the Lord your God.”
3. Application. (This is an individual application/answer which collated and
submitted by the group).
Put yourself in the place of your parents. Your parents love you wanting the best for you - that
you realize your full potential, you will have a good future, and a full healthy and satisfying life.
Write a ten “Tee” commandments for yourself that will serve as your boundaries or limitations.
You may state these positively and negatively. Submit if form of a bookmark.
CHS – 1
4. Personal Reflection. (This is an individual personal answer which is collated and
submitted by the group).
A. Check the best answer from the choices presented:
God based his covenant on (a. His promise to Abraham, b. The Israelites need,
c. His acts in history)
The major difference in God’s covenant with Noah and His covenant with
Israel in Exodus is that (a. the earlier covenant involved a flood, b. The latter covenant
involved conditions c. the earlier covenant involved conditions)
Covenant may be defined as (a. a pact, b. A solemn agreement, c. A
d. all of the above)
B. Check two covenant requirements from the Israelites:
To follow Moses
To obey God’s voice
To make regular sacrifices
To observe the Passover every year
To keep God’s laws
C. God’s intention for Israel in Exodus 19:5-6
Kingdom of priests
Treasured possession
Holy nation
D. Explore answers to the following questions?
What is your main motivation for doing good? (Relationship with God?
Personal satisfaction? Etc.)
Honestly, my main motivation for doing good is when I have a good feeling of
what I am deciding to do. If I decided to do a certain thing, I only believe that it’s good if
during the time of doing that kind of thing, I feel so good and relieved and that I am glad that
I tried to do what I feel and believe that its outcome will not be a failure.
What is your general attitude towards rules and regulations?
When it comes to rules and regulation, my general attitude towards it is really
to have small question. I always ask either myself or to other if the rules and regulations
implemented will benefit the general welfare of everybody. If I feel that there are certain
things that discombobulate me, I make sure that I ask for me to be able to really understand
of why this is made and such.
How do you characterize Filipinos’ attitude towards laws and regulations?
What may be the reasons behind such attitude?
I would not say all, but most Filipinos are disobedient. The reason behind such
attitude is because they lack understanding of the laws and regulations made. Even if the laws
and regulations are well-explained and are constructed into its simplest form, they still
disobey. They do not believe that it can’t help them or for everybody. They stick to what they
feel that must be followed according to their gut feeling. There are certain advantages to an
individual’s gut feeling but let’s also try our best to follow the what-must be followed
4. Personal Reflection. ( This is an individual personal answer which is collated and
submitted by the group ).
A. Check the best answer from the choices presented:
God based his covenant on (a. His promise to Abraham, b. The Israelites need, c. His
acts in history)
The major difference in God’s covenant with Noah and His covenant with Israel in
Exodus is that (a. the earlier covenant involved a flood, b. The latter covenant
involved conditions c. the earlier covenant involved conditions)
Covenant may be defined as (a. a pact, b. A solemn agreement, c. A relationship, d. all
of the above)
B. Check two covenant requirements from the Israelites:
To follow Moses
To obey God’s voice
To make regular sacrifices
To observe the Passover every year
To keep God’s laws
C. God’s intention for Israel in Exodus 19:5-6
Kingdom of priests
Treasured possession
Holy nation
D. Explore answers to the following questions?
What is your main motivation for doing good? (Relationship with God?
Personal satisfaction? Etc.)
- Relationship with God
What is your general attitude towards rules and regulations?
- My attitudes towards general rules and regulations were being curious and ask
questions; what will be the benefits if that rules and regulation implements.
How do you characterize Filipinos’ attitude towards laws and regulations? What
may be the reasons behind such attitude?
- Mostly Filipino they are not following the simple laws and regulations. Maybe the
reason behind was for them it’s just nothing and not important so they sometimes
neglect it.
BSMT – 1
CHS – 1
4. Personal Reflection. (This is an individual personal answer which is collated and
submitted by the group).
A. Check the best answer from the choices presented:
God based his covenant on (a. His promise to Abraham,
need, c. His acts in history )
b. The Israelites
The major difference in God’s covenant with Noah and His covenant with
Israel in Exodus is that (a. the earlier covenant involved a flood, b. The latter covenant
involved conditions c. the earlier covenant involved conditions)
Covenant may be defined as (a. a pact, b. A solemn agreement, c. A
relationship, d. all of the above )
B. Check two covenant requirements from the Israelites:
To follow Moses
To obey God’s voice
To make regular sacrifices
To observe the Passover every year
To keep God’s laws
C. God’s intention for Israel in Exodus 19:5-6
Kingdom of priests
Treasured possession
Holy nation
D. Explore answers to the following questions?
What is your main motivation for doing good? (Relationship with
Personal satisfaction? Etc.)
- My main motivation for doing good is God. I always keep my faith firm in order to
solve problems easily and succeed in life. Once you’ll have a good relationship with
God, everything will follow. Moreover, having good relationship with God enables
me to communicate well with my family and allows us to keep our bond stronger.
What is your general attitude towards rules and regulations?
- I have a favorable attitude toward rules and regulations because my parents taught me
the value of adhering to all of their family rules from an early age, knowing that doing
so enables me to develop into a responsible and self-sufficient individual.
Additionally, rules and regulations direct us toward desirable outcomes.
How do you characterize Filipinos’ attitude towards laws and
What may be the reasons behind such attitude?
- We have laws and regulations to ensure that our community is peaceful. However,
most Filipinos have a proclivity for flouting norms to obtain what they desire. There
is a theory explaining why Filipinos lack discipline or are unable to follow
regulations, and it is deeply rooted in our society. Being subjugated for such a long
time by successive invaders made our forefathers resentful of norms they perceived to
be discriminatory, resulting in the development of a culture of "self-righteous
disobedience." This is apparent in the manner in which Filipinos violate laws in order
to save time. For instance, even when a sign plainly states 'No Jaywalking,' Filipinos
will continue to cross the dangerous road since it is easier and "righteous" for them to
do so.
Maria Vanessa D. Conanan
CHS – 1
4. Personal Reflection. ( This is an individual personal answer which is collated and
submitted by the group ).
A. Check the best answer from the choices presented:
God based his covenant on (a. His promise to Abraham, b. The Israelites need,
c. His acts in history)
The major difference in God’s covenant with Noah and His covenant with
Israel in Exodus is that (a. the earlier covenant involved a flood, b. The latter covenant
involved conditions c. the earlier covenant involved conditions)
Covenant may be defined as (a. a pact, b. A solemn agreement, c. A
d. all of the above)
B. Check two covenant requirements from the Israelites:
To follow Moses
✓ To obey God’s voice
To make regular sacrifices
To observe the Passover every year
✓ To keep God’s laws
C. God’s intention for Israel in Exodus 19:5-6
Kingdom of priests
Treasured possession
✓ Holy nation
D. Explore answers to the following questions?
What is your main motivation for doing good? (Relationship with God?
Personal satisfaction? Etc.)
My main motivation for doing good is personal satisfaction, there’s just something
rewarding about doing good but not in an egotistical sense, it’s a feeling that can’t be
found when you do things purely for personal gain or selfish intentions, it’s more of a
warm, cosy, fulfilled feeling that just leaves you happier somehow, an unexplainable
feeling where you do good just for the sake of it and expect nothing in return yet it
makes your day just to do it.
What is your general attitude towards rules and regulations?
I respect rules and regulations because I know they are there for a reason, granted in
rare cases the reasons are not always good or made with pure intentions, most of the
time, rules and regulations are enforced to keep discipline and order as well as
keeping efficiency in society and preventing chaos, so I approach rules and
regulations with a grain of salt but as long as it is not there to harm, I respect and
follow the rules and regulations wherever I am.
How do you characterize Filipinos’ attitude towards laws and regulations?
What may be the reasons behind such attitude?
Filipinos attitudes towards rules and regulations vary from person to person, there are
many Filipinos that observe the rules and regulations, but in general from what I’ve
observed, Filipinos tend to be more laidback and can be quite distrustful of rules and
regulations, we also tend to forego them whenever the chance arises, there are many
reasons behind this attitude but one of the reasons can best be described as “herd
mentality” wherein Filipinos tend to copy what they see others doing for example:
when the rules say “no cutting in line” but one person does, the others will then think
“if someone else can do it, why can’t I?” and proceed to follow suit, another reason
could be that others see rules and regulations as signs of oppression or they can also
be too lazy or stubborn to observe them.
CHS – 1
4. Personal Reflection. (This is an individual personal answer which is collated and
submitted by the group ).
A. Check the best answer from the choices presented:
God based his covenant on (b. The Israelites need)
The major difference in God’s covenant with Noah and His covenant with
Israel in Exodus is that (b. The latter covenant involved conditions)
Covenant may be defined as (d. all of the above)
B. Check two covenant requirements from the Israelites:
To obey God’s voice
To keep God’s laws
C. God’s intention for Israel in Exodus 19:5-6
Holy nation
D. Explore answers to the following questions?
My main motivation is the sacrifice of my parents in doing work every day in order
for us to have a good life and in my perspective doing good in my studies and at home
is the least I can do as of now.
What is your main motivation for doing good?
What is your general attitude towards rules and regulations?
I tend to follow rules and regulation that reasonable, logical and good. Because it is
good to have a peaceful life rather than having a troubled life.
How do you characterize Filipinos’ attitude towards laws and
I would say that due to certain reasons Filipinos tend to follow rule and regulations
accordingly, but when a situation arrives that puts them at risk or gives them problems
we tend to follow our ways to remedy that situation even if it is breaking the law.
What may be the reasons behind such attitude?
For what I have observed it usually concerns the safety and well-being of their family
or for themselves and others. We must do what is best for us, our surroundings and
our family, that is the reason why sometimes we tend to break rules and regulations.