1. Give three examples of spectator etiquette when watching sport. 1 2 3 [3] 2. Identify two examples of good spectator etiquette at a tennis match. 1 2 [2] 3. Cricket is a popular spectator sport. Give two examples of good spectator etiquette at a cricket match. 1 [1] © OCR 2022. You may photocopy this page. Page 1 of 8 Created in ExamBuilder 2 [1] 4. Each sport has its own set of rules or guidelines for spectators, often called ‘spectator etiquette’. Give two examples of etiquette for a parent watching their son or daughter play football. 1 2 [2] 5. Explain, using examples, why it is important for performers and spectators to show good etiquette and sporting behaviour. © OCR 2022. You may photocopy this page. Page 2 of 8 Created in ExamBuilder [8] 6. Give two examples of sportsmanship and explain why it is important in sport. 1 2 [4] END OF QUESTION PAPER © OCR 2022. You may photocopy this page. Page 3 of 8 Created in ExamBuilder Mark scheme Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance 1 mark for each correct answer Credit other suitable examples Three marks from: 1 1. Quiet during the playing of a national 2. anthem / observing minutes silence Remaining quiet during play 3. 4. Applause for the opposition Applauding sportsmanship / fair play 5. Not booing / not abusing the players / not abusing officials 1 Do not accept applauding good play as unspecific 1 1 1 1 [3] Examiner’s Comments As with Part a, there was repetition of very similar answers; most notably with point 2 from the mark scheme, where an answer might contain three comments each relating to being quiet during play, thereby resulting in a loss of two marks. Total 3 One mark for each correct answer. Two marks from: Accept any other relevant examples 1. Quiet during the during play/ not DNA ref to player etiquette distracting the performers/quiet 2 2. during national anthem Applauding good play (from either 3. player) Applauding sportsmanship/fair play A generally well answered question with many Not booing/not abusing the players/not abusing officials candidates gaining the 2 marks on offer. The most popular responses being the need to 4. [2] Examiner’s Comments remain quiet during rallies and applauding good play. Total 2 Two marks from 3 1. Applauding the opposition 2. Applauding fair play 3. Not shouting abusive language / abusing the opposition 4. 5. Applauding outstanding achievement Remaining quiet during national anthems Cheering on teams / own team = VG [2] BOD Applauding batter when out / when entering / leaving the field Remaining quiet = VG (must refer to national anthems) © OCR 2022. You may photocopy this page. Page 4 of 8 Created in ExamBuilder Examiner’s Comments Whilst a number of candidates gained the two marks on offer, others offered answers that were too general e.g. applauding good play instead of applauding good play by the opposition. Total 2 2 marks for 2 from: 1. Applaud good play 2. Applaud the opposition/be respectful 3. to the opposition Encourage the players 4. Encourage positive play/don’t encourage negative play 5. 6. Respect officials/coaches decisions Don’t shout at opposition/own child 7. 8. Don’t swear/use bad language Don’t be aggressive in behaviour (e.g. 9. towards officials or opposition) Don’t go on the pitch/playing surface 4 Total BOD clapping/cheering Examiner’s Comments [2] Generally well-answered with candidates understanding the word etiquette and thereby being able to offer two correct comments. 2 Levels of response Level 3 (7-8 marks) When differentiating between levels look for: 5 A comprehensive response: – shows detailed knowledge and Level 3 (7-8 marks) understanding. – makes many points, many of which are well – Both performers and spectators may be developed. – is well structured and consistently uses covered in some detail, with examples for each. appropriate terminology. – there are few if any errors in grammar, – Reasons for the importance of etiquette and sporting behaviour are not just stated but are punctuation and spelling. more fully explained. – Examples noticeably well-chosen or come Level 2 (4-6 marks) from a wide range of sports or situations. – Coherent structure, few QWC errors. A competent response: – shows good knowledge and understanding. – makes some valid points a few of which may be developed. Level 2 (4-6 marks) [8] – May access level 2 with a reasonably – is reasonably well structured and uses some appropriate terminology. detailed answer about either performers or spectators, but both usually needed to reach – there are occasional errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. top of the level. – At least one developed point. Level 1 (1-3 marks) – Combination of basic theoretical content and examples that is sometimes coherent. © OCR 2022. You may photocopy this page. Page 5 of 8 Created in ExamBuilder A basic response: Level (1-3 marks) – shows limited knowledge and understanding. – makes some basic points which are rarely – A valid example or a reason why etiquette / developed. – has limited coherence and structure with sporting behaviour are important could get a mark. little or no use of appropriate terminology. – errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling – Statements about importance of etiquette / sporting behaviour may be basic and may be noticeable and intrusive. unexplained. – List of examples might be provided but not 0 = nil response or no response worthy of credit. linked to theory. – May focus on performers or spectators but not both. – Some responses be a list rather than prose. Indicative content Candidate responses are likely to include: 1. Ensures fairness for all Always indicate the level at the end of the response. Credit other valid points and examples participants o E.g. spectators should be silent / sat still while both players are serving in tennis / playing shots in snooker / Responses adopting a negative perspective i.e. 'what happens in sport if there is no etiquette or positive sporting behaviour' can also be credited if valid. throwing darts 2. Demonstrates sportsmanship o 3. E.g. helping up an injured opponent in basketball Allow others to perform to the best of their ability o For example, poor etiquette can lead to gamesmanship / cheating which damages sport E.g. diving in football rather than going into contact honestly E.g. player frustration with a hostile football crowd may limit their performance or lead to frustration or 4. violence o promotes excellence Safety of participants o E.g. kicking the ball out when a football player is injured can avoid further 5. injury and ensure quick treatment Spectator safety and enjoyment o Increase spectatorship due to sport being better to watch o E.g. spectators should not use offensive chants at football matches or move from their allotted seats © OCR 2022. You may photocopy this page. Page 6 of 8 Created in ExamBuilder o o 6. Poor behaviour by players may make spectator violence more likely Children in the crowd, so spectators need to set the right example / role model. Promotes sporting values o Tolerance and respect for other opponents / nationalities o E.g. silence during national anthems o E.g. respecting an opponent who is weaker than you, by performing to the best of your ability / no show 7. boating Improves reputation / appeal / Pt. 8 must make reference to a performer entertainment value of a sport o E.g. rugby popular as known as a sport where players show respect to officials o o 8. opportunities Creates positive role models o 9. May increase participation May increase sponsorship E.g. shaking hands game teaches young people to Examiner's Comment: Candidates should be encouraged to use lose and win graciously Upholds Olympic / Paralympic paragraphs where a question contains differing elements. In this particular question, values o candidates would benefit from addressing the two elements of performers and spectators Respect / Friendship / Determination / Equality separately. Access to high MB2 and MB3 marks can only be gained where candidates develop (the bullet points) their knowledge (the numbered points). Knowledge alone is insufficient to access the higher levels. Total 8 Examples of sportsmanship; two marks from: 1. When someone gets injured during a football match players will send the 1 6 2. injured. When this happens it is usual for the Max of 2 marks for relevant examples of sportsmanship (credit any reasonable example provided) ball out of play even when it is a player from the opposition who is 1 team who has had the injured player to throw the ball to the opposition if they sent the ball out so that the player could be treated for the injury. © OCR 2022. You may photocopy this page. Page 7 of 8 Created in ExamBuilder 3. Shake hands with the opposition / official at the end of the game 1 4. Acknowledge that you have committed a foul which the referee 1 may not have seen (e.g. admitting that you have touched the ball with your sleeve in snooker; a batsman ‘walking’ when he knows that he touched the ball with his bat and it was caught) Importance; two marks from: 5. 6. Fairness to ensure a fair result and protect the integrity of the sport Promoting values, respect for others 7. 8. To ensure the safety of participants Sets a good example to young people 1 Max of 2 marks for relevant explanation of importance (valid equivalents should be 1 1 credited) 1 [4] who see participants as role models Total © OCR 2022. You may photocopy this page. 4 Page 8 of 8 Created in ExamBuilder