1 OUTLINE Pre-Lab Introduction Pre-Lab Questions Pre-Lab Questions – Cont’d Guide to Laboratory Notebooks Links to Experiments 2 PRE-LAB INTRODUCTION The Pre-lab is designed to prepare the student to perform their laboratory experiments. It is used in conjunction with the Laboratory Manual which contains experimental background material and basic lab procedures. Read it all, in fact you may have to read it more than once! This slide show will take you from: where is my apparatus, to designing the experiment you will be performing in the laboratory, to preparing to write the report. Information regarding report writing is available in the Course Outline on the class website. 3 Home PRE-LAB QUESTIONS Questions to answer before doing your experiment: First, carefully read about the experiment in the laboratory manual. Next, answer the following questions: 1. What are the objectives for this lab? Identify the principle or theory the lab is trying to demonstrate. Write what you know from the lab manual, class notes, and textbook into your log book. 2. What data do you need from the apparatus to answer your objectives? 4 Once you have determined the theory and know which equations you will need to do your calculations, you will know what data is needed. How much data and how often to sample is up to you. How much data is determined by the length of your lab period, how long the apparatus takes to reach steady state or equilibrium, and how long it takes to collect data from the apparatus. If you know what to expect, you can decide how often to sample. Home PRE-LAB QUESTIONS – CONT’D 3. How do you get the data you need from the apparatus? There is a PowerPoint slide show for each experiment that you will be performing. This slide show will introduce you to the apparatus and discuss some of the major parts of the apparatus. Next, you will have to go to the laboratory to view the apparatus and, if necessary, discuss it with your laboratory instructor. Safety is an important part of any work performed in the laboratory, so make sure you have adequately addressed any and all safety concerns. Then, design your experiment. How do you design your experiment to achieve your objectives? By answering this, you should now be able to write your laboratory experiment into your log book using the ‘Rules for Laboratory Notebooks’ and the ‘Guide for Laboratory Notebooks’ from your laboratory manual. Finally, combine the theory and data to qualitatively and quantitatively answer your objectives. 5 Home GUIDE TO LABORATORY NOTEBOOKS 6 1. Table of Contents: Enter this onto the first page of the logbook. 2. Title, Date and Partners Name: Should be entered at the beginning of each experiment. 3. Objective: What is the objective of the experiment? At this point do not try to make it too technical, keeping things simple at this point will help keep the experiment simple. 4. Apparatus: If someone wants to duplicate your experiment from your logbook, what apparatus would they require? If it would have to be purchased, only the model number and manufacturer are necessary. If they would have to build it, then diagrams with dimensions are required. Flow diagrams help the reader understand the order in which the apparatus are used. 5. Procedure: What was the procedure you used? Write the procedures you actually used not what the laboratory manual suggests you might need. This must be in your own words, do not copy from the laboratory manual. 6. Data: Put preliminary data tables into the log book. At this point you will know what data you will require but not how much, so leave sufficient space. All data including original, calculated, and sample computer data needs to be recorded. If large quantities of computer data are generated by the apparatus, this needs to be submitted electronically to your supervisor and noted in the log book (date submitted, to whom, and filename). 7. Sample Calculations: If you are submitting a formal report then we have your sample calculations. If you are submitting a technical memo, the complete sample calculations must be recorded into the logbook. Home LINKS TO EXPERIMENTS • • • • • • • Fermentation: Kinetics of Yeast Growth Distillation: Batch Separation of Methanol from Water Boiling and Condensing Heat Transfer Fluidization: Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer Packed Column: Pressure Drop and Flooding Liquid-Liquid Extraction: Partially Miscible Fluids Distillation: Continuous Separation of Methanol & Water • Filtration: Plate and Frame Separation of Calcium Carbonate and Water 7 Home FERMENTATION: KINETICS OF YEAST GROWTH Spectrophotomete r Gas Chromatograph Centrifuge Microscope Select Biochemistry Analyzer 8 Introduction Return to Experiment Links INTRODUCTION Fermentation is being studied to evaluate the kinetics of the process. This will allow you to determine the following parameters: Maximum specific growth rate Cell mass yield Ethanol yield Make sure to coordinate a time with your TA to inoculate the fermenter with yeast, prior to starting the experiment. The inoculation should be done a couple of hours before you start ( consult with your instructor). There are five phases that are involved in the growth of microorganisms. Data will be collected for each phase to help determine various parameters. 9 OMNI-CULTURE PLUS FERMENTER The bench-top fermentation process is performed under batch conditions. What are the advantages of using a batch process in this case? The broth in the vessel is constantly mixed using mechanical agitation. The broth temperature is controlled by a water recirculator; the temperature is pre-set. Samples are drawn from the vessel using a pipet bulb (green), which creates a vacuum in the sampling bottle. 10 SPECTROPHOTOMETER The spectrophotometer is used to determine the cell mass of each sample. The cell mass readings are measured in absorbance. Be sure to convert the absorbance into cell mass using the calibration curves provided in the lab. Before inoculating your sample with yeast, use a pre-inoculation sample to zero the spectrophotometer. Dilute the samples either in a 50 mL or 100 mL volumetric flask, mix well, pour a small amount to fill a cuvette, and place in the chamber. The machine will output an absorbance reading on the display. After the optical density test, use the centrifuge to remove the cell mass from the sample. Note: “Samples” mentioned above are obtained from the sampling bottle, containing the prepared mixture from the fermenter. Note: Ensure samples are constantly mixed well to avoid settling. 11 CENTRIFUGE Separates yeast from the mixture and stops the fermentation process. Pour the sample into a centrifuge tube and place in the centrifuge. Ensure the centrifuge is balanced before starting the machine. Decant the supernatant. After the mixture has been centrifuged, the select biochemistry analyzer and gas chromatograph are used to analyze the glucose and ethanol concentrations, respectively. Note: “Samples” mentioned above are obtained from the sampling bottle, containing the prepared mixture from the fermenter. Note: Ensure samples are constantly mixed well to avoid settling. 12 SELECT BIOCHEMISTRY ANALYZER Determines the glucose concentrations. After centrifugation, a portion of the supernatant is transferred to a small vial which is placed in the tray on the analyzer. The display will output the results. 13 GAS CHROMATOGRAPH Determines the ethanol concentrations in volume percent. After centrifugation, a portion of the supernatant is transferred to a small vial (with lid) which is placed into the sample holder. The results will be printed. 14 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION The microscope is used to examine the microbial mass. It is attached to a digital imaging system to capture images of the yeast cells. Make sure to take a picture of the cells and record the magnification number. The following link outlines how to use the computer software connected to the microscope: Computer Software Procedure 15 COMPUTER SOFTWARE PROCEDURE FOR THE MICROSCOPE Login to the computer using your NSID. The software program being used is called Micrometrics LE, which can be found on the desktop. Click “acquire” at the top, then “capture”. 16 DISTILLATION: BATCH SEPARATION OF METHANOL FROM WATER Introduction 17 Return to Experiment Links INTRODUCTION In this lab, you are separating methanol from water using a batch distillation system. Is this a single-stage or multi-stage distillation system? You will need to: Monitor reboiler temperature changes Determine the number of theoretical stages for the column Determine various operating parameters and compare (theoretical vs experimental) The system is conducted under a constant reflux ratio. Batch distillation under constant reflux ratio – the ratio is kept constant and the distillate composition (xD) varies over time. Before starting the experiment, trace your flow lines. 18 REBOILER Steam is used to heat the feed in the still pot until the solution is brought to a boil. When the feed is boiled, vapour forms which then travels through the packed column. Is methanol or water more volatile? This will be the desired product. 19 STILL POT WITH PACKED COLUMN PACKED COLUMN: Provides high void fraction while maintaining pressure drop. STILL POT: The still pot is charged with a fixed amount of feed (methanol and water) and is heated. Initial volume of the feed should be recorded first. How? Samples are withdrawn from the still pot at certain time intervals using a syringe. 20 For safety reasons, ensure the syringe lid is always on, except during withdrawals. CONDENSER The vapour, or condensate, formed from heating the feed travels up the packed column to the condenser. The condenser contains two parts: the main condenser and guard condenser. If any residual vapour gets trapped in the main condenser, it travels to the guard condenser which acts as a safety device. There is also a computer timed splitter at the top of the column which divides the condensate into reflux and product. 21 ACCUMULATOR After passing through the condenser, the product is collected in the accumulator. There are two vessels, however only one will be used for this experiment. Samples of the product are withdrawn from a sample tube, highlighted in yellow below, which comes from the product line. At the end of the experiment, the product is drained into a bucket to determine the final volume. Follow the direction of the arrows on the three-way valve to determine the direction of flow to drain the product from the accumulator. 22 REFRACTIVE INDEX MODULE Samples are analyzed using the refractive index module to determine the concentrations of methanol. Use the graphs available in the lab to convert to volume percent of methanol in the sample. Make sure to read the instructions manual, available in the lab, to operate the device. 23 DATA ACQUISITION A computer is available in the pilot plant control room to record all operating parameters. The reflux point and steam boiler temperatures on the screen refer to the temperatures of the vapour at the top of the column and liquid in the still pot, respectively. Monitor all temperature changes and the reflux ratio throughout the lab. 24 BOILING AND CONDENSING HEAT TRANSFER Introduction 25 Return to Experiment Links INTRODUCTION The boiling and condensing chamber demonstrates the characteristics of three boiling regimes: convective, nucleate, and film boiling. This will help you to analyze the effects of heat transfer by determining heat fluxes, critical heat fluxes, and heat transfer coefficients at varying temperature and pressure conditions. 26 HEATING ELEMENT & CONDENSER HEATING ELEMENT: The heating element consists of a copper rod submerged in liquid Forane R121b. The temperature of the heating element is measured by a thermocouple and displayed through the computer software. Liquid Forane is vaporized by the heating element through electrical power. CONDENSER: The condenser consists of nine cooling coils. When Forane is vaporized, it rises up to the condenser. Cooling water flows through the condenser to exchange heat. 27 ROTAMETER The pre-calibrated rotameter is used to manually control and measure the flow of water through the condenser. The rate of cooling can be determined by measuring the mass rate of cooling water through the condenser coils. What are the units? 28 CONTROL PANEL POWER SUPPLY: Use the main switch button to turn on the apparatus. PRESSURE GAUGE: To monitor the pressure in the chamber. Pressure can also be recorded through the computer software. 29 DATA ACQUISITION A computer is connected to the apparatus, which consists of software provided by P.A. Hilton, to collect data for various parameters. The software provides real-time graphical representations of changing variables in the system that can be used to confirm steady state operation; it also performs standard thermodynamic calculations. Data for the following parameters must be obtained: 1) Heat flux and heat supply percentage 2) Wattage 3) Temperature of the heater 4) Liquid and vapor temperatures 5) Inlet and outlet water temperatures 6) Pressure inside the boiling heat transfer chamber 7) Mass rate of the cooling water through the condenser Trace your flow lines to determine where on the apparatus these parameters will be measured. What are the units? 30 FLUIDIZATION: PRESSURE DROP AND HEAT TRANSFER Introduction 31 Air Supply Valve Return to Experiment Links INTRODUCTION The fluidized bed: Achieves high heat transfer rates and mixing capabilities. Examines the relationship between pressure drop across the bed and superficial velocity of air, to determine the minimum fluidization velocity. Enables you to analyze the effects of air superficial velocity, different particle sizes of granular materials, and depth of the heater, to determine the maximum heat transfer coefficients for a hot surface in a fluidized bed. Before starting the experiment, trace your air flow lines, starting at the air supply valve through the air flow meter to the air distribution chamber. 32 GRANULAR MATERIAL The granular material is aluminium oxide, with varying particle sizes. 33 DISTRIBUTION CHAMBER The chamber, filter, and distributor assembly are suspended from a clamp. Contains two probes in parallel: One adjustable probe to measure pressure and the second probe to measure temperature. Contains a horizontal cylindrical heating element. All these components may be moved vertically to any level in the glass cylinder. Know how to remove the clamp to raise the pressure probe out of the bed. Know how to pour aluminium oxide into the glass cylinder. 34 AIR DISTRIBUTOR & AIR FILTER AIR DISTRIBUTOR: Ensures uniform air flow into the bed without causing excessive pressure drop. AIR FILTER: Air passes through the chamber and escapes to the atmosphere through the filter. The air filter serves as a safety device and captures the granular material if the flowrate is too high. 35 AIR FLOW METER WITH CONTROL VALVE & ORIFICE AIR FLOW METER: Controls and measures the air flowrates. What are the units? ORIFICE CALIBRATION: It is important to calibrate the orifice for the high flowrates, as the rotameter will go off scale. This will allow you to determine the orifice coefficient. There are two ways this can be done. 36 Hint: You should know how to calibrate the orifice by now. Think about it! THERMOCOUPLES & DIGITAL TEMPERATURE INDICATOR THERMOCOUPLES: Two thermocouples are embedded in the surface of the heating element. One measures the heater surface temperature (T1). The other prevents the heater surface temperature exceeding a set value. Use the voltage regulator to maintain a constant value for the heater surface temperature. DIGITAL TEMPERATURE INDICATOR: Displays the temperature of the air supplied to the distributor (T3) and the temperature of the particle bed (T2). 37 Note: All temperatures can be obtained using the digital temperature indicator by manually switching the knob to the desired temperature display. HIGH TEMPERATURE CONTROL This will be pre-set and should not be touched. DO NOT ADJUST! 38 LIQUID-FILLED MANOMETERS One measures the pressure of the air at any level in the bed (Bed ΔP). The other measures the orifice differential pressure (Orifice ΔP). What are the units? 39 VOLTAGE REGULATOR, VOLTMETER AND AMMETER VOLTAGE REGULATOR: Controls the voltage to the heater. VOLTMETER AND AMMETER: Heater voltage and current are measured to determine the heat transfer coefficient. 40 PACKED COLUMN: PRESSURE DROP AND FLOODING Introduction Compute r 41 Return to Experiment Links INTRODUCTION In this experiment, the factors that affect the capacity of a packed column to handle liquid and gas flows are studied and compared with empirical correlations. In this experiment, the flow is counter-current; water travels down the column and air is pumped up the column. The effects of flowrate, pressure drop, and superficial mass velocities of both air and water throughout the column are investigated. The occurrence of flooding is observed; as the flowrate of the liquid increases, the resistance to flow causes flooding to occur in the column. Before starting the experiment, trace your gas and liquid flow lines. Ensure to understand the valve configurations for both dry packing (air flow, no water) and wet packing (air and water flow). Note: There is a humidifier connected to the column which will not be used for this experiment; these lines can be ignored. 42 PACKINGS COMMON TYPES OF PACKING ARRANGEMENTS: 1) Structured 2) Random STRUCTURED PACKING: Uniform positioning within the column. What do you think are some advantages of this type of packing arrangement? Disadvantages? RANDOM PACKING: Randomly poured into the column. What do you think are some advantages of this type of packing arrangement? Disadvantages? Why was random packing used in this experiment? Note: Don’t forget to measure the height of the column and packing. 43 ROOTS BLOWER, SPEED DRIVE, AND BYPASS VALVE ROOTS BLOWER: Air flow is directed to the packed column by a pump. VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE: Air flowrate can be adjusted using the variable speed drive on the Roots blower. BYPASS VALVE: When opened, reduces the amount of gas below the minimum using the variable speed drive. 44 LIQUID-FILLED MANOMETERS MEASURES THE FOLLOWING: 1) Blower exhaust pressure Digital 2) Pressure drop across the orifice Monometer containing methanol 3) Pressure drop across the column Monometer containing methanol The manometer tubes have a tendency to fill with water during flooding so make sure to connect the thin, white tubes to the manometer when taking a pressure reading. Note: The manometers read the pressure difference! 45 WATER FLOW CONTROL & FLOW MONITOR WATER FLOW CONTROL: Used to measure the flowrate of water through the column. The flowrate is controlled using a needle valve. Use the valve on the left; the one on the right is for the humidifier which is not used in this experiment. FLOW MONITOR: Displays the volumetric flowrate of water down the column. What are the units? 46 U-TRAP When the pressure in the column increases, the back pressure supplied by the trap needs to increase. Therefore, during the third part of the procedure, it is very important to raise the adjustable leg to increase the back pressure supplied by the trap. 47 LOADING AND FLOODING POINTS LOADING POINT: • For a constant water flowrate and an increase in the velocity of air, the pressure increases because liquid entrainment in the packings occurs. At this point, water is starting to accumulate (or load) in the packings. This is known as the loading point. FLOODING POINT: • As the velocity of air increases, the pressure continues to increase since there is more water filling the voids in the packing. This eventually leads to the entire column being filled with water and air now has to bubble through the water in the voids in the packing. This is known as the flooding point. The following link demonstrates flooding as seen in the lab: https://youtu.be/6AN378usjt4 48 DATA ACQUISITION FOR TEMPERATURES All temperature readings are obtained from computer software attached to the apparatus, under steady state conditions. The following temperatures should be recorded for dry and/or wet packing trials: 49 1) Inlet air temperature 2) Outlet air temperature 3) Inlet water temperature 4) Outlet water temperature LIQUID-LIQUID EXTRACTION: PARTIALLY MISCIBLE FLUIDS Introduction 50 Return to Experiment Links INTRODUCTION The Karr Reciprocating column is used to reduce the ethanol concentration in methyl-isobutyl-ketone (MIBK) by extracting ethanol into water. The column is used to study the process of liquid-liquid extraction to investigate the following parameters: Flowrates of the feed and solvent Speed of agitation Number of equilibrium stages in the column by creating a right triangle diagram It is very important to understand the following terms: feed, solvent, extract, and raffinate. Before starting the experiment, trace your flow lines by following the piping network to know which valves will be opened or closed. 51 EQUILIBRIUM STAGES IN THE COLUMN BEFORE THE EXPERIMENT: Transfer the equilibrium data of the ternary system of water-ethanol-MIBK taken from Fluid Phase Equilibria to create a right triangle graph with a conjugate line. The following link will help you draw the right triangle graph: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGYHXhcK M5s AFTER THE EXPERIMENT: Assuming your lab experiment was performed under equilibrium conditions, use one set of your experimental data to determine the number of equilibrium stages using the graphical method. The following link will help you: 52 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDid7fJFmr Q TANKS WITH FLOW CONTROL VALVES 53 There are four tanks, with flow control valves, for the feed, raffinate, solvent, and extract liquids. All tanks consist of valves on each line which allow for specification of fluid direction in the column’s piping network. It is very important to trace these lines! Be sure to clarify with your TA before starting the experiment. There are extra (duplicate) valves which are there for efficiency purposes. These can be ignored for now. Just follow the lines with the white labels. Ensure the feed and raffinate bypass valves are closed. Know where to take samples from the respective tank’s drain valves. There are three locations on the apparatus where you will be sampling. The solvent can be assumed to be pure water thus sampling is not necessary. Make sure the sample lines are first flushed to ensure samples from previous use are not still present. PUMPS & ROTAMETERS ROTAMETERS: The rotameters measure flow and are equipped with a needle valve to control the scale readings, in millimeters, of the flowrates in the lines leading to and from the column. The scale readings will be given to you in the lab. These are the flowrate settings. Calibration curves are provided in the lab to convert the scale readings to volumetric flowrates. To start, the feed rate is set. When MIBK fills the top of the column and the column begins to overflow, the solvent rate is set. The extract flowrate is then adjusted to achieve the desired raffinate flow. PUMPS: 54 On/off switches for the pumps can be found on the front control panel. AGITATOR The top of the column is equipped with an adjustable drive assembly that is attached to the column’s shaft. The zero-max adjustable drive is controlled with a control knob and a scale for the screw turns. The number of screw turns will be given to you by the TA. DO NOT ADJUST! Due to minimal guards, this will only be pre-set by the lab technician. Calibration curves are provided in the lab to determine the agitation speed in revolutions per minute, given the number of screw turns. 55 THERMO WITH AUTOINJECTOR GAS CHROMATOGRAPHER Analysis of the extract, containing ethanol and water, and the raffinate, containing ethanol and MIBK, is done using the Thermo GC to determine the amount of ethanol transfer. Data obtained from the Thermo GC is in volume percent; be sure to convert units to mole percent. 56 DISTILLATION: CONTINUOUS SEPARATION OF METHANOL AND WATER Introduction 57 Return to Experiment Links INTRODUCTION The separation of methanol from water will be investigated, using a continuous distillation system with a total condenser and partial reboiler. This experiment will help to: Determine the liquid and vapour tray efficiencies, as well as the overall efficiency of the column. Perform material balances around the column to ensure equilibrium conditions. This will help you to draw your McCabe Thiele diagram. Determine various operating parameters and compare (theoretical vs experimental). Investigate on how to improve the separation method. Before starting the experiment, trace your flow lines. 58 PARTIAL REBOILER Steam is used to heat the methanol and water mixture. The partial reboiler only vapourizes part of the liquid at the bottom of the column. These vapours travel from the bottom to the top of the distillation column. The methanol-rich vapour travels up and the water-rich liquid travels down the column. 59 DISTILLATION COLUMN WITH TRAYS DISTILLATION COLUMN WITH TRAYS: There are a total of six trays in the column. The feed enters in tray four. Is this an appropriate tray for the feed to enter? Why? There are two sample ports on each tray; samples can be collected as follows: Liquid samples are collected directly from the sample port into a vial. Vapour samples are collected with a handheld condenser. BUBBLE-CAP TRAY: The bubble cap on each tray serves as a separation device. The tray has a riser and a cap that covers the riser which allows the passage of vapour. The cap contains “cuts”, allowing the vapour to bubble through the liquid. DOWNCOMER: 60 Each tray has one downcomer where liquid falls to the tray below it; the downcomer also serves as a weir. TOTAL CONDENSER All of the vapour leaving the top of the column is condensed back to liquid and is separated into reflux and top product. Ensure the cooling water supply to the condenser is on at all times during operation. This will make certain no vapour escapes to the atmosphere. 61 ROTAMETERS The rotameters are used to control and record the rotameter readings for the top product, bottom product, feed, and reflux streams. Calibration curves are provided in the lab to determine flowrates. At the start of the experiment, the column will be at initial steady state conditions. Record the initial rotameter readings. Reduce the flowrate of the feed stream by 10%, keeping the flowrate of the top product constant, and adjusting the flowrate of the bottom product accordingly. Make sure to do a flow balance (in=out) for both total flows and flows of methanol. Wait for the system to reach steady state again. 62 How do you know when the column is at steady state? AGILENT WITH AUTOINJECTOR GAS CHROMATOGRAPHER Samples are analyzed using the Agilent GC to determine the concentrations of liquid and vapour methanol. Data obtained from the Agilent GC is in volume percent; be sure to convert units to mole percent. 63 DATA ACQUISITION COMPUTER SOFTWARE: LabVIEW records the liquid and vapour temperatures using thermocouples and thermistors located throughout the apparatus. The liquid temperatures are measured at each tray, the reflux, the feed, the top of the column, and the bottom of the column. The vapour temperatures are measured at each tray. Ensure the software is turned on before beginning the experiment. 64 FILTRATION: PLATE AND FRAME SEPARATION OF CALCIUM CARBONATE AND WATER Introduction 65 Return to Experiment Links INTRODUCTION In this experiment, the separation of calcium carbonate from a calcium carbonate-water slurry is completed using a plate and frame filter and filter aid. To avoid risk of small crystals entering the lungs, wear a mask when handling the solution. Filtration is first conducted with 0.5% CaCO3 and water. Then, the required amount of perlite is added to the vessel to filter the slurry. The operations will be performed at constant flowrates. Check Table 1 in the lab manual for the required slurry flowrates and perlite concentrations. Monitor the pressure at the outlet of the pump (back pressure) to ensure it does not exceed 1.5 bar; the pump will stop if the pressure exceeds. Before starting the experiment, trace your flow lines. 66 CAVITY PUMP CAVITY PUMP: Pumps the fluid through the unit. PRIMING THE PUMP: Before beginning the experiment, the pump must be primed. Remove the discharge tube (steel pipe) connected to the pump and add water. 67 THREE-WAY VALVE Follow the arrows on the three-way valve to determine the direction of filtrate flow. The filtrate will either be returned to a drain or back to the feed vessel. 68 PLATES The filter press consists of five plates; two end filter plates to which the filter membrane is attached, two frame plates, and a wash plate. The filter press can be removed and dismantled in order to remove filter material into sample containers (should be pre-weighed) to measure the moisture content. This should be done very carefully to avoid damaging the membrane! The sample containers are then placed in the drying oven. Ensure the plates are put back together in the correct order. 69 The plates are labelled 1 to 5. DATA ACQUISITION ARMSOFT COMPUTER SOFTWARE: Records pressure, temperature, optical absorbance, turbidity, time, and flowrates in the system. Zero the spectrophotometer before checking the concentration of particles in the feed prior to running the slurries. Ensure the data acquisition system is turned on and ready to record before beginning the experiment. Come in and spend some time before the experiment to go over the tutorials provided by Armsoft. DIGITAL METER: 70 Using a selector switch, the digital meter displays outlet pressure, permeate pressure, temperature, or optical absorbance. The controller allows control of the pump speed. Additional information for pump operation can be found in the instructions manual located in the lab. This should be read and understood beforehand. HEAT EXCHANGERS Introduction Return to Experiment Links Introduction In this experiment, the mechanism of convective heat transfer is investigated The overall heat transfer resistance will be measured at varying operating conditions, and the heat transfer coefficients in different heat exchangers will be determined for comparison Before beginning the experiment, trace the hot and cold water flow lines Data Acquisition System Temperatures are recorded by the Data Acquisition System automatically but flowrates must by entered manually Once done with the experiment, use a USB flash drive to retrieve the data Hot Water Flowmeters The two rotameters have different ranges: 60 – 600 L/hr ( for lower flowrates) 300 – 3000 L/hr (for higher flowrates) Cold Water Flowmeters The two rotameters have different ranges: 100 – 1000 L/hr ( for lower flowrates) 300 – 3000 L/hr (for higher flowrates) Plate Heat Exchanger Plate heat exchangers are made of a stack of plates kept a set distance apart from each other. To increase the heat transfer, the distance between these plates must be as small as possible Double-pipe Heat Exchanger Fluids can circulate in the same or opposite direction Coil Heat Exchanger Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Water Heater Turn on the system using Set the temperature using Start the system using