ELSEVIER Materials Science and Engineering A234-236 (1997) 695-698 On the role of incomplete Kear-Wilsdorf locks in the yield stress anomaly of N&Al D. Caillard a,*, G. Moknat a CEMESICNRS, b Institute of Physics, a, V. Paidar b 29 rue Jeanne Marvig, BP 4347, 31055 Toulouse Cedex 4, France Academy of Sciences, Na Slovance 2, 180 40 Praha 8, Czech Republic Received 5 February 1997 Abstract In situ straining experiments in an Ni-25.9at.X Al alloy at room temperature indicate that the density of incomplete Kear-Wilsdorf locks is high during deformation. The model of mechanical properties which is based on their unlocking by an intrinsic cross-slip process is described, and compared with the alternative kink model. The results indicate that the alloy investigated has a higher complex stacking fault energy than stoichiometric N&Al. 0 1997 Elsevier Science S.A. KeyMaords: In situ experiments; N&Al; Yield-stress anomaly 1. Introduction The models of yield stress anomaly in N&Al are all based on the thermally activated locking of screw superdislocations by cross-slip onto the cube plane, namely by formation of Kear-Wilsdorf (KW) locks [1,2]. The most recent models differ only in the unlocking processeswhich can release dislocations and allow for further plastic strain. In the so-called kink model [3], unlocking is assumedto take place at the non-screw parts (the kinks) because intrinsic unlocking by crossslip onto the primary octahedral plane is considered to be a too difficult process. In the double cross-slip model, on the contrary [4,5], intrinsic unlocking is considered to be possible. This second model is supported by experimental observations of so-called APB jumps and double long-range cross-slip, by means of in situ experiments and post-mortem observations [6&9]. In reality, unlocking may be either possible or impossible, depending on the stress level and the amplitude of cross-slip onto the cube plane: cross-slip leading to dislocation locking may indeed take place over various distances, leading to either complete or incomplete KW locks. Incomplete KW locks have been sometimes re- * Corresponding 562251999. author. Tel.: 0921-5093/97/$17.00 8 1997 Elsevier PII SO921-5093(97)00278-S + 33 Science 562257873; S.A. All fax: rights + 33 reserved. ported in post-mortem observations [lo]. APB jumps also provide abundant indirect evidence of incomplete KW locks formed by short range cross slip onto the cube plane. This article reports additional evidence of the high density of incomplete KW locks which are formed during deformation in an Al rich Ni,Al alloy. The model based on the locking and unlocking of these incomplete locks is then briefly described and discussed. 2. Results and interpretation In situ straining experiments have been conducted at room temperature, in a Ni 25.9 at.% Al alloy provided, and also studied, by D. Dimiduk (Wright Lab.) [II]. Microsamples have been cut in the (i33) plane, along the [Oli] direction. The whole procedure of in situ experiments has been described elsewhere [12]. Deformation started by the planar glide of a group of [TO11superdislocations in the (111) primary octahedral plane. As seen in Fig. l(a), after they stopped, the superdislocations involved were straight in their screw orientation. Some of these superdislocations subsequently glided further in the same plane. A few other dislocations, however, immediately started gliding in the intersecting (010) cube cross-slip plane. One of these dislocations can be seen in Fig. l(b) and l(c): it is still 696 D. Caillard et al. /Materials Science and Engineering A234&236 straight and screw, and it glides steadily at a constant speed of 0.1 urn s-‘. We emphasize here on the very different behaviours of two types of straight screw dislocations: those which remain immobile or glide further in the octahedral plane, and those which are highly mobile in the cube cross-slip plane. Similar behaviour has been observed in the 11’ phase of a superalloy at the same temperature (Fig. 1 of [13]) and in Ni,(Al, 0.25 at.% Hf) at 573 K (Figs. 6 and 7 of [7]). These results can be interpreted as follows. Complete KW locks have the right configuration to glide in the cube plane, which they do quite easily. The cube slip is then probably controlled by a Peierls mechanism resulting from the non planar superpartial cores involved [14]. Straight screw dislocations which under the same conditions are sessile in both octahedral and cube cross- (1997) 695-698 + movement gk---+~ Fig. 2. Behaviour of an incomplete KearrWilsdorf lock under stress: (a) definition of the total forces for cube slip on the leading (L) and the trailing (r) superpartials. 11’is the width of the APB in the (loo] plane. (b) Calculated values of 5r (the applied shear stress in the primary { 111) plane). as a function of w.Q, and r; [4]. see text. slip plane are considered to have a different core structure, namely to be incomplete KW locks. This indicates that during straining, a large density of screw superdislocations may form incomplete KW locks, at least at the temperatures investigated in the different alloys. This must be taken into account in the models. 3. Incomplete Fig. 1. In situ straining experiment in Ni-25.9at.% Al at room temperature: (a) screw superdislocations after glide in the (111) primary plane. The Burgers vector direction, b, is seen in projection. (b. c) Dynamic sequence showing one of the superdislocations seen in (a), gliding in the (010) plane after cross-slip. The star is a fixed point. Kear-Wilsdorf locks under stress We consider a superdislocation dissociated partly in the cube plane, partly in the octahedral plane (Fig. 2(a)). The width of the APB in the cube plane is called IV. The trailing superpartial, T, is considered to be fixed in the cube plane, whereas the leading one, L, can reach easily its equilibrium position because it is considered to be glissile in the octahedral plane. When a stress is applied, both superpartials are subjected to a shear stressrr, in the primary octahedral plane, and Nz, in the cube cross-slip plane. All the stressesacting on superpartials (including their elastic interaction in the anisotropic media and the surface tension of the APB) have been calculated in [4]. The total stressacting on the trailing partial in the cube plane, namely the driving stressfor unlocking, is called D. Caillard et al. /Materials Science and Engineering ~22. Fig. Z(b) shows the values of zp which permit to reach iuen ua1ue.sof $2, ‘hs a function of w, fox N= J 312. Before unlocking takes place, the leading superpartial can also move in the cube plane under the stress ~$2, which tends to lock again the superdislocation and inhibit further movement. Unlocking by cube slip of the trza&g SU~ERX~D~&~~ mu& &en be a fa&er ,~rtic &i~ locking by cube slip of fhe leading one, in order IO ot taia srtbstaatial dislocation maVemeuts. T&is implies that ~2: 2 ~22.This condition has been shown in [4] to be satisfied when zp is higher than a critical stress 2; (Fig. 2b) and thus z”, is considered to be the effective unlocking stress. t; increaseswith increasing M?,from f I--- yc 1 + 2/A y() 31j2 1 [ (the stress which corresponds to repeated APB jump, according to [4]) to $1 -;&I (the critical stress for cube-octahedral cross-slip, acccrding ta (40, where yc arid y0 are the APB energies in the cube and octahedral planes, respectively, and A is the elastic anistropy factor. Since repeated APB jumps and cube-octahedral cross-slip have been identified in near-stoichiometric Ni,Al and Ni,Ga [6&9], the correspan&g applied shear stressesare respectively equal ta the minimum and maximum values of z& from which we could deduce that the ratio yc/yO must be close to 0.9. Similar order-of-magnitude estimates indicate that z’p is also close to experimental values of zp in many other alloys, which shows that unlocking of incomplete KW locks must be considered as a possible controlling mechanism. 4. Models of yield stress anomaly In the most simple model [4], the distribution of incomplete KW locks which are formed during the glide process is assumed to be centered around an average value $ which increaseswith increasing temperature. Then, the yield stress versus temperature curve can be identified with the z; versus w curve in Fig. 2(b), with fairly good order of magnitude of the stress. A more realistic distribution of M?as a function of temperature can be deduced from the crass-slip mechanisms which lead to the formation of incomplete KW leeks (51. Zt can be taken as: P(ct; TT)= Poexp W’ G - exp - 2, where G,, is an activation energy of cross@ kT slip. With this hypothesis, weak locks (small w) are the most frequently formed at all temperatures; they are A234-236 (1997) 695-698 697 releasedunder a moderate applied stress. A few strong \ocks (large w) ase also formed, howevex, which cannot unlock under the same conditions. The mobile dislocation density is thus progressively exhausted, which must be compensated by an increase of zp (activation of new sources). The corresponding strain-hardening coefficient is coasdered to be proportional to tie exhaustion I&C Yi I%%KYEA% t&l3 lLYCS?C&tig ?X@iiJZZW~ X33XPj%$ T), and jr decreaseswith increasing stressbecausemore lacks are able ta uda3k. As a resdt, tfke strain &arching coefficient goes through a maximum when the rate of exhaustion is the highest, in the middle of the temperature range of yield stressanomaly. The quantitative estimations are shown to be consistent with experimental values in [5], and the yield-stress versus temperature curve still follows the z’p versus w curve with fairly good orders of magnitude of the stress. 5. Discussion Microscopic observations indicate that a high density of incomplete Kear-Wilsdorf locks are formed during straining, and anisotropic elasticity calculations show that tkeir inQinsic untocking exp<ains satisfactori<y tke anomalous mechanical properties (yield-stress anomaly and strain-hardening) of nickel-base alloys. The kink model is an alternative way of unlocking complete or incomplete KW lock. As these two competing mechanisms axe acting in paxaiel, however, the stressis expected to increase till the easiestis activated, and thus only the easiest should be observed in experiments. Now, as double cross-slip has been identified unambiguously at different temperatures and stresslevels (see Section I), and as there is no evidence of the same kind that the kink model should operate, double cross slip should be the rate controlling mechanism. This conclusion is corroborated by the recent results of simulations which indicate that the intrinsic unlocking process may be the dominant process in the temperature range of yield-stress anomaly [15]. As intensive cube slip has been observed at room temperature in Ni 25.9 at.% Al and in the y phase of superalloys, whereas it could be observed only above 573 K in Ni,Al, the CSF energy in thought to be higher in the two former alloys. These experimental results also explain why the temperature of the outset of the yield stressanomaly is lower in Ni 25.9 at.% Al than in stoichiometric N&Al, in agreement with the earlier conclusions of Dimiduk et al. [l 13. References [l] D. Caillard, A. Couret, in: F.R.N. Nabarro, M.S. 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