UNIDAD EDUCATIVA SAINT DOMINIC SCHOOL ÁREA: SOCIALES ASIGNATURA: BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT STUDENT'S NAME: KAREN ALBÁN AÑO LECTIVO 2021-2022 This investigation aims to analyse the following question: Should I invest in a bank or become an influencer? Karen currently has $1000 of which she has two options: invest in a bank policy or invest in her dream of becoming an influencer. Karen wants to know which of the two options will bring her more profit at the end of the month. Banco Pichincha Term of more than 361 days (starting from $1000) – 6,90% (BANCO PICHINCHA, 2022) Term of more than 750 days (starting from $1000) – 5.70% (PRODUBANCO, 2022) Term of 365 days (starting from $1000) – 6.25% (Banco Pacifico, 2022) Starting from $5000 – 6.50% (Banco ProCredit, 2022) Produbanco Banco Pacífico Banco Procredit Table 1. Investment values and interest rates of the different banks in Ecuador. Year Opening balance Cash inflows allowance part time job grandma's money debtors savings Total cash inflows Cash outflows leisure activities university payment Total cash outflows Net cashflow Closing balance 2023 0 2024 $350 2025 $500 2026 $650 2027 $700 $200 $2.550 $100 $1.069 $100 $4.019 $0 $2.550 $100 $1.143 $100 $3.893 $0 $2.550 $100 $1.222 $100 $3.972 $0 $2.550 $0 $1.306 $100 $3.956 $0 $2.550 $0 $1.396 $100 $4.046 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $2.500 $2.500 $2.500 $2.500 $2.500 $2.600 $1.419 $1.419 $2.600 $1.293 $1.643 $2.600 $1.372 $1.872 $2.600 $1.356 $2.006 $2.600 $1.446 $2.146 Table 2. Cash flow if I decide to invest in Banco Pichincha. Year Opening balance 2023 1000 2024 $6.475 2025 14.440 2026 24.405 2027 34.880 Cash inflows allowance part time job Facebook income Youtube income Instagram income Total cash inflows Cash outflows Leisure activities new laptop camera microphone Filmora 10 Decorate studio Total cash outflows Net cashflow Closing balance $50 $2.550 $1.000 $2.500 $1.500 $7.600 $100 $2.550 $1.000 $2.500 $2.000 $8.150 $100 $2.550 $2.500 $3.000 $2.000 $10.150 $100 $2.550 $2.500 $3.000 $2.500 $10.650 $100 $2.550 $2.500 $3.000 $2.500 $10.650 $175 $1.000 $400 $350 $100 $100 $2.125 $5.475 $6.475 $175 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10 $185 $7.965 14.440 $175 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10 $185 $9.965 $24.405 $175 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $175 $10.475 $34.880 $175 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $175 $10.475 $45.355 Table 3. Cash flow if I decide to become an influencer. Ob Cf PV NPV 0 -1000 return 7% 1 2 3 $1.419 $1.643 $1.872 $1.327,41 $1.438 $1.532,40 4 5 $2.006 $1.536,10 $2.146 $1.537 $6.370,90 Table 4. Net present value (NPV) if I invest in a bank. 0 Ob Cf 7% 1 2 3 4 5 $6.475 14.440 $12.636 $34.880 $26.709,4 9 $45.355 $6.057,06 $24.405 $19.977,7 1 -1000 PV NPV return $96.869,3 5 $32.489 Table 5. Net present value (NPV) if I become an influencer. Figure 1. Decision tree when investing in a bank. Figure 2. Decision tree when it comes to being an influencer. Analysis and Discussion Banco del Pichincha was chosen for the $1,000 investment because it offers the highest interest rate among its competitors. Banco del Pichincha offers an interest rate of 6.9% per annum, with an initial amount of $1,000 (what Karen currently owns). (Table 1) In addition, the bank gives her the following benefits: (BANCO PICHINCHA, 2022) Put together your investment plan your way. You do not need to be a Banco Pichincha client. Receive interest at a preferential rate and in the period of your preference. Access to a secured credit of equal or lesser value to your investment. The cash flow if Karen invests in the bank shows what would happen if she invested what she receives from the bank the following year. For example, in the first year (2023) her debtors will be $1,069, which she will invest the following year (2024). In this way, her income will increase every year. (Table 2) In addition, she realized that if she goes at this rate with the same interest rate, she will no longer need financial help from his parents or relatives in the coming years. As shown in Table 2, by the year 2024 Karen will not need money from her parents and by the year 2026 she will not need money from her relatives to continue producing income. On the other hand, the cash flow if Karen becomes an influencer shows that the amounts related to application payments will have to increase in order to make a profit. In addition, this cash flow chart is made assuming that in the first year Karen manages to have enough followers to earn income from social media. (Table 3) The NPV is to obtain the present value of all future flows, in order to see the profitability of a project. (Jason, 2022) The net present value (NPV) shows that by investing in the bank for 5 years the net value will be $6.370,90. (Table 4) This applying an interest rate of 6.9% (7%) every year (5 years). On the other hand, the net present value if Karen becomes an influencer gives us a total of $96,869.35. (For the 5 years) This is assuming our discount rate is 7%. (Table 5) The decision tree if Karen invests in a bank, shows that it is more likely that the bank will pay on time and that Karen will continue to invest each year. Whereas it is less likely that the bank will not pay on time and Karen will not continue to invest in the bank. Therefore, it seems safer to invest in the bank since it will give us the money on time with interest at the end of each year and it will increase each year if Karen continues to invest. (Figure 1) On the other hand, the decision tree if Karen decides to become an influencer shows that there is little probability that Karen will obtain more than 10,000 followers in the first year (she will not obtain the expected income). Whereas it is more likely that Karen will get less than 10,000 followers and the platform will pay her on time, but not as expected in the cash flow. (Figure 2) In conclusion, according to the data obtained in the present research, it is concluded that Karen should invest the $1,000 in the bank. Since, it is more certain that she will obtain the expected money according to the forecast. In addition, Banco Pichincha gives her benefits such as the flexibility to organize her own investment or to invest even if she is not a client of the bank. Also, if Karen applies the investment, she will be more independent since she will not need money from her parents or relatives to generate income in the coming years. However, the NPV table shows that Karen will receive less NPV, on the contrary, if she becomes an influencer. On the other hand, if Karen decides to become an influencer, her chances of success depend on the number of followers she gains in the first year, and as Table 5 shows, there is little chance that she will exceed 10,000 followers in the first year. Therefore, it is most likely that Karen will not get the desired number of followers to generate profits. However, if she manages to get the expected followers, Karen would get more NPV than if she invested in the bank. References BANCO PICHINCHA. (2022). TARIFARIO APERTURA DE CUENTAS, INVERSIONES Y PLANES DE AHORRO FUTURO. BANCO PICHINCHA. https://www.pichincha.com/portal/Portals/0/Transparencia/tarifariounificado-informativo-agencia-01-12-2022.pdf PRODUBANCO. (2022). TASAS. PRODUBANCO. https://www.produbanco.com.ec/media/711829/tasasdic-2022.pdf Banco Pacifico. (2022). Depósitos a plazo. Banco Pacifico. https://www.bancodelpacifico.com/calculadora-de-depositos Banco ProCredit. (2022). Tasa de interés y tarifas de servicio. Banco ProCredit. https://www.bancoprocredit.com.ec/wpcontent/uploads/2022/03/tasa_de_interés_y_tarifas_por_servicios_marzo.pdf BANCO PICHINCHA. (2022). Armadolar. BANCO PICHINCHA https://www.pichincha.com/portal/principal/personas/inversiones/armadolar Jason, F. (2022). Net Present Value (NPV): What It Means and Steps to Calculate It. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/npv.asp