Qualities of a good teacher as Anagha Vallikat (sep 11,2020) suggested in her research Paper; 1. Good communication skills Having good communication skills is one of the top qualities of a good teacher. To be a good teacher, you must have good communication skills. As a teacher who is bound to use verbal and nonverbal communication skills to identify with students, you should know when to listen and when to talk. Also as a teacher who communicates orally to students in the classroom, it is important to improve your communication skills because poor communication skills on your part could not only be embarrassing but may cause misunderstanding which could lead to the failure of your students. 2. Promoting a love for learning Promoting your students’ love for learning is one of the top qualities of a good teacher and it has been proven that students love of learning tends to increase when they are given opportunities to voice out their own ideas, ask questions about what they don’t understand ( and get deserving answers ), and seek more information to improve their understanding. As a teacher who wants to promote the love for learning in your students, you should know how to be encouraging to your students and applaud them when they get a question right or do an assignment right. 3. Self-reflection Another quality that makes a good teacher is the continual process of self-reflection and selfimprovement. Self-reflection is very important in maintaining the relevance of your teachings to your students, it encourages innovation and helps keep you up to date with new teaching practices and strategies that would help in your own improvement. Aiding professional development, creating a student-centered learning environment, encouraging honesty, increasing confidence, and keeping lessons current are all benefits of self-reflection as a teacher. If you are actively engaging in self-reflection, it is possible to pass this process on to your students, thereby encouraging them to become more reflective learners too. Self-reflection is an invaluable, transferrable life skill to take with them when they leave the confines of the classroom. 4. Self-preparation As a teacher, it is important that your prepare mentally. This is because your daily success in the classroom depends on your organization and planning, as well as understanding the professional expectations that will foster your readiness and successful teaching results. On self-preparation, you can obtain instructional materials and books ahead of time for early previews of content expectations. 5. Creates a student-centered learning environment In this current era, many classrooms are moving from a teacher-centered learning environment to a student-centered learning environment. As a teacher, it is important to be reflective and you must learn to adapt your teaching to suit your students, and that shows that you are putting your student’s best interests first. 6. Keeps lessons current Reflecting is an important part of keeping your teaching relevant to your students. This helps improve their focus and learning. Keeping your lessons current encourages you to be innovative and keep up to date with new practices, as well as strategies that can help you tackle the areas that you feel you need to improve on. As a teacher, getting stuck in your way is easy if you are teaching similar content year on year. However, there is always a new spin to be considered though, and this may help you as a teacher to resonate better with your students. Self-reflection will help you find and implement your new ideas in the most effective ways. 7. Adaptability and flexibility A core tenet of teaching is adaptability, classrooms demand strong planning and strong flexibility in order to meet the varying short- and long-term needs of all students. Adaptation and flexibility have always been the cornerstone of teaching. As each change is implemented, they build on previous alterations such that teachers are required to respond iteratively to compounding contexts. 8. Acting as a role model Teachers are role models. What do you think of the type of teacher you would like to be, and who comes to your mind? The maths teacher that helped you conquer fractions? The English teacher who wrote great comments on your stories? The teacher who helped you discover new sports? So you see, teachers are one of the most influential and life-changing role models. They follow students through each pivotal stage of development, making them one of the most influential people in students’ lives. Four Areas for Evaluating the Best Education Institutes When it comes to assessing the qualifications of a school, there are four arenas which give a general idea of the things that a school should be doing well and continually improving: (1) The Academic Profile, (2) Student Development, (3) School Culture, and (4) the Organizational Environment. 1. Academic Profile The academic profile of a school covers everything the school does when it comes to the “educational program” that a school provides. This includes the school’s philosophy of education, the scope and sequence of the curricular program, the instructional and assessment strategies employed by the faculty, the readiness of students to be successful in college, and the integration of technology with student learning. 2. Student Development This arena covers what the school provides for students outside the “academic” aspect of its program. This includes the extra-curricular activities available for student participation, the athletic opportunities, and programs the school provides, the philosophies that govern those programs, the ratio of the school’s focus between academics and extracurricular programs, and the diversity of the student body. 3. School Culture This refers to the environment in which learning takes place. It is essential to note that the “environment” or culture of a school also functions as a curriculum which directs, allows, or prevents a school from accomplishing its objectives when it comes to student learning and development. School culture covers the overarching values of a school, the safety and security provided for students (physically, emotionally, and socially), the relations and opportunities that the school provides for involvement within its local community, and the commitment and purpose of its faculty and staff. 4. Organizational Environment This arena attends to the environment around the school and includes opportunities for parent involvement, the overarching philosophy of the school, its mission, its vision, its purpose and reason for being, the security and organization of the campus, the support facilities that the school provides, the plan for continual improvement and the philosophy which governs that plan. It should come as no surprise that the best schools are not only guided by the characteristics which define these four arenas but have given considerable attention and focus to providing the absolute best in each of them. ACADEMIC PROFILE 1. High-Quality Instruction The best schools require teacher certifications and continual training to develop high-quality instructors. Staff members also benefit from regularly scheduled opportunities to collaborate and share best practices. When schools prioritize professional development, students are likely to experience engaging instruction, relevant coursework, and authentic assessments. 2. Viable Standards-Based Curriculum Effective educational programs strategically design curriculum with purpose and strategic intent. With the end goal in mind, classes, units, and individual lessons plot a course for student learning without gaps or unnecessary redundancies. teachers will document the curriculum represented in their classes and align with these standards to ensure their students are competitively prepared for college and career. 3. College Readiness The best schools have specific plans in place to prepare students for college and/or the career of their choice. Available programs can support students as they prepare for the ACT/SAT and provide interest surveys that expose students to possible career pathways. With the assistance of a trusted guidance counselor, students can explore and choose the class offerings that will best prepare them for future college and career goals. 4. Strategic and Innovative Technology Great schools implement technology into their learning process but also understand the limitations that come with their introduction. Technology should not simply be used as a substitute for lower-tech tools (like pencils and chalkboards), or for the teacher-student interaction that should take place within the learning environment. It should, however, be used intentionally and strategically to help students learn, deepening critical thinking and opening new educational opportunities. 5. Measurable Achievement and Progress Student assessments should not just be used to communicate final grades or rank students. The best instructors use assessments to guide individual learners along the journey to academic achievement. Many layers and styles of assessments can be used to create an accurate understanding of student learning. Some of these assessments should include well-respected standardized or growth tests, relevant classroom assessments that give students authentic opportunities to use their new knowledge and skills, and many informal assessments along the way to help students, teachers, and parents identify learning strengths and opportunities for growth. STUDENT DEVELOPMENT 6. Extensive Athletic Programs Athletic programs create opportunities for student-athletes to compete at the highest level of interscholastic sports and foster within each individual a desire and commitment to excellence of practice and performance. Schools should be committed to providing an experience that trains leaders, develops character, emphasizes teamwork, teaches athletes to compete, and encourages healthy lifelong habits. Athletes should learn what it means to work hard, improve both on and off the field and court, and have fun in the process. 7. Fine Arts Fine arts is a vital part of providing students with a well-rounded education. Whether a student is enrolled in music, theatre, or art, this discipline teaches creativity, leadership and presentation skills. They were better than their peers at staying motivated to achieve, had improved social skills and noticeably better test scores. Schools that stress the importance of a great arts education play a vital role in preparing students for success in career and personal life. 8. Extracurricular Activities High-quality schools develop not only the academic abilities of their students but also offer extensive extracurricular opportunities. These activities allow students to pursue their unique passions, explore new talents, and grow their perspective while unveiling new possibilities. The best programs will open doors for students to cabinet their skills in authentic ways both inside and outside the school community. 9. Leadership Cultivation Effective schools produce effective leaders. The best schools recognize the essential role they play in shaping the future of our society. Diverse opportunities should be available to students to develop their unique strengths through various levels and avenues. While exercising these gifts, quality leadership programs also challenge students to grow in confidence, independence, and responsibility. 10. Holistic Development The best schools believe that education is not centered on producing intellectual achievement alone, but recognize their responsibility to develop the whole child. Successful educational programs should produce life-long learners who appreciate intellectual stimulation and challenge. However, the future of our society needs more than academics. Great schools develop a legacy of fostering compassion, integrity, and a willingness to discover, develop and use individual talents to serve a better. SCHOOL CULTURE 11. Student-Centered To be considered a great school, it must be student-centered. Every decision that is made is driven by one essential question, is this in the student’s best interest? A student-centered school should have happy, productive and engaged students. They should also develop and maintain strong friendship and peer relationships. Additionally, a student-centered school will have a high retention rate. 12. Safe and Secure Environment Parents recognize that a secure environment is not only about locked doors and safety drills. Of course, high-quality schools have the equipment and procedures necessary to ward off accidents and potential threats. However, a safe environment also means that our children feel accepted by the community, valued as an individual, and supported by teachers and peers. The best schools promote a healthy student culture free of bullying, discrimination, and harassment. 13. Community Relations To promote a favorable climate within their community, great schools execute strategies that foster a vibrant and unified culture among students and faculty. Regularly scheduled events and activities provide opportunities for community building both during the school day and after-hours. When schools see value in investing in a student’s character, in addition to their academic success, they can confidently claim their both academically and socially in the outside world. The best schools also promote strong community relations by implementing policies to address social and behavior-related problems. 14. Invested Administration and Leadership Team An invested leadership team produces invested students. In prosperous schools, the administration and leadership team set the tone for a healthy climate and have When school leadership is passionate about the school and the vision and mission, they will invest heavily in students and cultivate a culture of growth and learning. Great educators view their school as more of a team or family rather than simply a place to work. With this mindset, school spirit becomes contagious and the whole student body feels united as a community of learners who accept and look out for one another. 15. Diverse Environment A diverse school environment contributes back to the educational process by celebrating a multi-voiced school culture which teaches students to welcome a multitude of perspectives. The best school’s effort to help students learn cultural intelligence and the ability to operate successfully in a multicultural world by establishing non-negotiable values such as the inherent dignity of each person regardless of race, gender, or creed, and the understanding that human problems are complex. Great schools seek greater unity through diversity and understand that difference is the uniqueness that defines each individual. ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENT 16. Parental Involvement The best schools build strong and effective educators understand that the task of developing successful learners is shared with the child’s most powerful influences at home. Open and regular communication should exist between the school and parent. This communication often comes in a variety of forms such as websites, emails, newsletters, and phone calls. In each case, the shared information should give parents valuable insights into their student’s progress, but should also invite a two-way conversation. The best schools recognize the value that parents can bring to a school and they actively seek the voice, perspective, and involvement of their stakeholders. 17. Purpose-Driven Philosophy Underlying the “how” of what schools do is a “why” which gives guidance and direction to action and decision. The best school’s academic disciplines bring into line with their mission statement. Their vision is clear, guided by reachable and measurable goals, and performed well. When a school’s vision, purpose, and values are clearly defined, decisions are consistent and lead to effective and measurable progress. A school’s philosophy of education, mission, and vision should be understood and easily articulated by all stakeholders. When the organization states these guiding principles clearly and keeps them at the forefront of decision making, students benefit from clear expectations and continuous school improvement. 18. Secure and Organized Campus The well-being and safety of students should be the main priority in all schools. A great school seeks to identify and reduce potential risks within the school environment, and continually works toward providing a safe facility. The best schools have security personnel in place to assure parents that their students are safe and work to provide the necessary training for security staff, faculty and support staff to prepare for any type of crisis situation. Crisis plans for each potential situation should be written down and students and faculty should participate in regular drills for each possible crisis. Additionally, the organization and flow of the campus should foster easy and efficient access for students and a secure check-in/check-out procedure for parents, guests, and school visitors to provide a safe facility. 19. Support Facilities Effective schools strategically design workspaces and select resources to promote student success. Students need spaces for quiet, independent study as well as locations to gather with peers for group assignments, collaboration, and socialization. A well-designed school makes it easy for students to find and utilize this space. Necessary resources and relevant technology should also be readily available to support students in 21st-century learning. 20. Data-Driven Decision Making The best schools research best practices and continuously evaluate the effectiveness of decisions made regarding instruction, assessment, standards, procedures, and curriculum. Standardized testing, instructional software, advances in technology, and student information systems provide information about learning trends, student progress, and school effectiveness. Collecting school data is a good start, but great schools know how to effectively interpret and use data to show inconsistencies and gaps in their program which then can guide decisions and policies toward greater student achievement and school improvement.